Enuma Elish Tablet V

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Enuma Elish Tablet V

1. He created the stations for the great gods;

2. The stars their likeness(es), the signs of the zodiac, he set up.
3. He determined the year, defined the diisions;
!. "or each of the t#ele months he set up three constellations.
$. %fter he had def&ined' the days of the year &(y means' of constellations,
). He founded the station of *i(iru to make kno#n their duties(+).
,. That none might go #rong (and) (e remiss,
-. He esta(lished the stations of .nlil and .a together #ith it.
/. He opened the gates on (oth sides,
10. %nd made strong lock(s) to the left and to the right.
11. 1n the ery center thereof he fi2ed the zenith.
12. The moon he caused to shine forth; the night he intrusted (to her).
13. He appointed her, the ornament of the night, to make kno#n the days.
1!. 34onthly #ithout ceasing to go forth #ith a tiara.
1$. %t the (eginning of the month, namely, of the rising o&er' the land,
1). Thou shalt shine #ith horns to make kno#n si2 days;
1,. 5n the seent day #ith &hal'f a tiara.
1-. %t the full moon thou shalt stand in opposition (to the sun), in the middle of each
1/. 6hen the sun has &oertaken' thee on the foundation of heaen,
20. 7ecrease &the tiara of full' light and for (it) (ack#ard.
21. &%t the period of inisi'(ility dra# near to the #ay of the sun,
22. %nd on &the t#enty8ninth' thou shalt stand in opposition to the sun a second time.
23. &....' omen, enter upon her #ay.
2!. &.... ap'proach and render 9udgement.
2$. &....' to iolate.
2). &....: to me.3
Catch Line
%s &4arduk' hears &the #ord's of the gods.
"ifth ta(let (of) .numa .lish.
<alace of %shur(anipal, king of the #orld, king of %ssyria.
=ource> The ;a(ylonian ?enesis (y %le2ander Heidel

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