Bevob1 Lessonplan

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Lesson Plan Template

Title Syria's Lost Generation

Date 05/01/14
Author Feyla McNamara
Subject Area Humanities Grae !e"el #
an $

%nit o& Stuy Mile 'ast( Syria)s chil re&u*ees
S+eci&ic ,urriculum
aresse in this
History: I can actively participate in collaboratively solving social problems by
analyzing injustices in our world.
/ntrouction o& the lesson( 0uilin* en*a*ement an
settin* +ur+ose
/nstructional Ste+s
Starter ( (10 minutes)
1) Print, staple and turn in your Middle East
essays along with entire writing process
!rain Storming sheet, outline, rough dra"t,
"inal dra"t
#) $iscuss or write independently your
Instructions written and read out loud
Time given in class for students to print, organize, etc
Students given the option to write independently or talk
with a partner about the quote
!earnin* Tar*ets an Assessments
!on* Term Tar*ets
History: I can actively participate in
collaboratively solving social problems by
analyzing injustices in our world.
Assessments 1F !earnin*(
%Students predictions&thoughts on what a child re"ugee
may 'e missing&needs
%Students messages to Syrian children&Letters to
representati(e )ichard *eal
Assessments F12 learnin*(
%Pair%share Mandela +uote
%Large group discussion (guiding ,uestions)
thoughts a'out this ,uote is no /eener re(elation a'out a society than
how it treats its children0 %*elson Mandela
Sca&&olin* +lans &or the boy o& the instruction

/nstructional Ste+s
What is happening?
(5) Infographic of refugee map
(5) how video: !": yria is most dangerous
place for children
(5) Independent wor#: $ist effects of yrian
conflict on the children.
(%&) 'ompare to !"H'( report:
http:))*uture+fyria) whole class
What are people doing to help?
(5) ,id wor#ers
Dont think you can volunteer to bring
medical supplies into Syria.? o! can
children stand in solidarity !ith Syrian
(5) letters of solidarity to yrian children
refugees http:))
-use of multiple methods of teaching including
socratic, small group discussion, independently
working, large group discussion, technology
integration allows for visuals/break up in lesson-
audio from other sources
Synthesis( Ho- -ill stuents synthesi3e their
(30) Letter Writing Choice: Message a
Syrian child OR send letter to Rep. Richard
Message a Syrian child!
Option for choice, examples provided on websites,
template for letter writing (shared separately)
MA 1st District Rep. Richard Neal:
ount !olyoke "ollege / #$peditionary %earning %esson &lan Template '()'
,onsierations in terms o& the lesson +lan as a -hole
Materials 2e5uire &or this lesson 6ieos 7inclue89 article 7hy+erlin.e89
tem+late 7emaile se+arately8
Social :ustice 1rientation 1ur students are deeply acti(ated 'y what they ha(e 'een
learning in the Middle East% this lesson, while including a
lot o" in"ormation that may add to their "eelings o" sadness
o" the o(erall happenings in the Middle Eastern region o"
the world, pro(ides them with authentic actions that they
can ta/e immediatley in class2 3e remind them that 4ust 'y
'eing educated and in"ormed, they are 'eing social 4ustice
Technolo*y /nte*ration
6ieos9 ;rojector9 interacti"e in&o*ra+hic9 -ebsites9
i*ital communications -ith Syrian
chilren/con*ressional re+resentati"es
Assessment o& /nstruction 7Teacher<s De"elo+ment8
To -hat e*ree -ere you success&ul4 .o 'e completed "ollowing lesson
a2 PL5*S 67))867L7M 5*$ 8*S.)76.81*
'2 $EL89E)S E::E6.89E 8*S.)76.81*
c2 M5*5GES 6L5SS)11M 6L8M5.E 5*$ 1PE)5.81*
d2 P)1M1.ES E+78.;
e2 MEE.S P)1:ESS81*5L )ESP1*S8!8L8.8ES

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