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Lesson Plan Template

Title Debate Debrief- Take Aways

Date 05/30/14
Author Feyla McNamara
Subject Area US History ra!e "e#el 10
$%tro!uctio% o& the lesso%' (uil!i%) e%)a)eme%t a%!
setti%) *ur*ose
Go over the agenda for the class
Ask Moderators to review their
decisions on who won the debate in the
last class, with clear feedback
regarding their decision making process
(what was it that helped you to make
your decision- facts, arguments,
Reading the agenda out loud and having it written for the
Refreshing the classes memory using peer-led discussion
"ear%i%) Tar)ets a%! Assessme%ts
"o%) Term Tar)ets
nderstands of the causes of the Great
!epression and how the Great
!epression affected the "#
economically, politically and socially
nderstands $resident %oosevelt&s
response to the Great !epression and the
'ew !eal program
Assessme%ts +F "ear%i%)'
Assessme%ts F+, lear%i%)'
Sca&&ol!i%) *la%s &or the bo!y o& the i%structio%

Ask the class to take a moment to think
about the most compelling arguments
they heard during the debate- write
them down on a piece of notebook
paper- save this paper, as you&ll be
taking more notes on it
(ave students share out the most
compelling arguments they heard- ) will
write them on the board (they copy them
down in their notes)
Ask out the *uestions for reflection+
,as the self-driven research helpful
in preparing you for the debate?
,as this the best use of time to
,hat did you think of the process
(the debate itself)
(ow did the arguments you heard
affect your feelings about the 'ew
!eal? ,hat side do you see yourself
on now, outside of the debate?
-or the written reflection (use
these notes) ,hat parts of the
'ew !eal were successful? ,hat
were some of its shortcomings?
For students who think best when writing, or who feel
anxious about producing the right answer they have a
few minutes to prepare
Writing on the board and reading out loud helps students
who are more visual and those who are more aural
tudents can take notes on their phones, computers, hand
written, !"# take a picture of the notes when it is
Sy%thesis' Ho- -ill stu!e%ts sy%thesi.e their
-#tudents will be given the opportunity to begin
their one page written reflection on the
Time for students who have many things going
on outside of school
Students who need assistance with typing will
receive assistance from teachers or from
academic support
$ount %olyoke &ollege ' (xpeditionary "earning "esson !lan )emplate *+,*
0o%si!eratio%s i% terms o& the lesso% *la% as a -hole
Materials ,e1uire! &or this lesso% 2ust the stu!e%ts a%! their %otes3
Social 2ustice +rie%tatio% Students arguing for the New Deal have been encouraged to
study the modern day benefits we still feel from the New
Deal, students who are arguing against the New Deal were
encouraged to research the ways in which the program may
have been selective regionally and racially
Tech%olo)y $%te)ratio% Sto*-atch3
Assessme%t o& $%structio% 4Teacher5s De#elo*me%t6
To -hat !e)ree -ere you success&ul/ To be completed following lesson
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