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Professional Summary:
Organized, dynamic, and enthusiastic individual with excellent communication skills and passion for
education. Experience working with diverse communities with proven ability to produce lasting
learning. Maintains focus on multiple standards while keeping an over-arching theme for each unit of
study. dept at producing creative solutions to daily challenges of the classroom both from a standpoint
on sensitivity to student issues as well as the balance between framework integration and engaging
lesson plans.
Proficiencies include:
Mentoring and Motivation !ross-!ultural !ompetence "atience and #lexibility
!lassroom Management Evaluating $tudent "erformance %ecords Management
&echnology 'ntegration !lass('ndividual 'nstruction &eacher-$tudent %apport
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Preliminary License- Numer: !"#$%"%&
'istory (%-#&)
Summary of Employment:
*ffice +oordinator,Deployment Specialist Free Press
No-emer &.#.-March &.#&
/ransition Facilitator /ransition 0ge 1outh *utreach Program Ser-iceNet
2uly &..$-*ctoer &.#.
/ransition 0ge 1outh +ounselor (0meri+orps) Ser-iceNet,DialSelf
Septemer &..%-2uly &..$
M.0./. Education: +oncentration 'istory Mount )olyoke !ollege &.#"-Present
5.0. Social /hought and Political Economics *niversity of Massachusetts &..%
+um Laude
Minor: +ertificate in Nati-e 0merican 4ndian Studies
6olunteerism and +ommunity Leadership: +olunteer with Massachusetts 'nternational #estival for
the rts ,-./0 Member of "ioneer +alley "erforming rts 1iversity !ommittee ,--2-,-.30 $ecretary
and &reasurer of 4ative merican $tudent ssociation at *niversity of Massachusetts ,--,-,--3

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