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FSE301 Team Project 1 Deliverable

Due Date: 02/03/2014

Project Layout:
- Font: Times New Roman
- Spacing: single, with line between paragraphs
- Cover/1
Page: New Venture Concept, by Group Number, Name of
Product/Service, Names of Group Members (you can be fancy, not too fancy, no
- Maximum pages: 7, including cover page, Table of Contents page, but excluding
drawings (if any)
attached to the document.
o Last page should have the words Part1, part2 and part 3 each on a
different line.
- Table of Contents: Yes
- Table of Contents content.
o Part1 (as set forth below, each heading on a separate line)
o Part 2 (Will be assigned later)

Cover page/1st
Team number:
Team members:
Name of Product/Service:
Part 1
Description of Product/Service:
Assumptions regarding (imaginary) Technology (if any):
Market Size / Conditions: (For Now - assume market conditions are favorable)
Existing Adverse Patents: (Ignore For Now)
Differences from Competitive Products/Service:
Unique Sales Proposition/Competitive Advantage:
Barriers to Entry/Competition:
Potential Intellectual Property Assets/Protection (Ignore For Now)
Capital/Resource Requirements/ ROI (Ignore For Now)
Potential Co-venturers / Strategic Partners (Ignore For Now)
Business Model

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