Media Assignment Feedback - Jessie Wrigglesworth

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Making Art

Lxam|ne the |mpact of med|a and processes on art works

Jessie Wrigglesworth Level 3 Art History Subm|tted: July 2013
1eacher: Madeline Campbell Ieedback: 12
August 2013

Starter: Cll palnLlng on canvas or board, approprlaLed lmages, mlxed-medla, found ob[ecLs, phoLomonLage, marble sculpLlng, sLone carvlng, bronze casLlng,
plasLer casLlng, wood carvlng and oLhers, are key medla used Lo make arL works durlng Lhe early modernlsL perlod ln Lurope. Lach medlum has a unlque
process or serles of Lechnlcal sLeps used by arLlsLs Lo produce arL works. Lach medla and lLs assoclaLed processes have an lmpacL on Lhe sLyle and meanlng
of Lhe compleLed arL works. SelecL work by lcasso (Cublsm), Sonla uelaunay (Crphlsm), 8occlonl (luLurlsm, palnLer and sculpLor), Mondrlan (ue SLll[),
8rancusl (ModernlsL sculpLor), MaLlsse (lauvlsm), kandlnsky (uer 8laue 8elLer - Lxpresslonlsm), klrchner (ule 8rucke Lxpresslonlsm), kollwlLz and 8eckmann
(Lxpresslonlsm), uuchamp and Poch (uada), LrnsL, Mlro, MagrlLLe or uall (Surreallsm) for your sLudy.

kesu|t: Excellence (low range) * Formative result

Ieedback: !essle, you have provlded evldence LhaL you have percepLlvely examlned and evaluaLed Lhe lmpacL of
medla and processes on Lhe sLyle and meanlng of selecLed early modern arLworks by Poch, MaLlsse, and 8occlonl.
?ou [usLlfy your concluslons by maklng clear llnks beLween medla and processes used, sLyle, and meanlng,
conLexLuallsed wlLhln hlsLorlcal and soclal clrcumsLances and lnfluences.

Next |earn|ng steps: ?ou've compleLed a conclse wrlLLen asslgnmenL, well done. lease make a shorL blbllography
llsL aL Lhe boLLom of your Weebly page Lo acknowledge Lhe sources for your lnformaLlon. A sculptor ls Lhe arLlsL, a
sculpture ls Lhe arL work - you need Lo ad[usL Lhls ln your wrlLlng. ?ou may wlsh Lo add furLher ldeas Lo your
concluslon laLer ln Lhe year, as your undersLandlng of Lhls sub[ecL develops furLher.

AS9148S Lxam|ne the |mpact of med|a and processes on art works, |nterna||y assessed, vers|on 1, 4 cred|ts
Iess|e's ev|dence |s gathered from - http:]]med|aandprocesses2013.weeb|][ess|e.htm|

Ach|evement Ach|evement w|th Mer|t Ach|evement w|th Lxce||ence
Lxamlne Lhe lmpacL of medla and
processes on arL works.
Lxamlne, ln depLh, Lhe lmpacL of medla and
processes on arL works.
Lxamlne, percepLlvely, Lhe lmpacL of medla
and processes on arL works.

1he !"#$%&" (#)*"+) compleLes ,
"%-./*"%! and a 0%%1/2 3%1!4"% .*5%
LhaL examlne Lhe lmpacL of medla and
processes on arL works from Lhe 6457
8%&*4!!*&(% +) 9*)/2 :+$%)&4!- uslng
supporLlng evldence.
1he !"#$%&" (#)*"+) compleLes , "%-./*"%!
and a 0%%1/2 3%1!4"% .*5% LhaL examlnes, ln
depLh Lhe lmpacL of medla and processes on
arL works from Lhe 6457 8%&*4!!*&(% +) 9*)/2
:+$%)&4!- uslng supporLlng evldence.
1he !"#$%&" (#)*"+) compleLes , "%-./*"%!
and a 0%%1/2 3%1!4"% .*5% LhaL examlnes,
percepLlvely, Lhe lmpacL of medla and
processes on arL works from Lhe 6457
8%&*4!!*&(% +) 9*)/2 :+$%)&4!- uslng
supporLlng evldence.

noLe: ';!!%!!-%&" <+) /%*)&4&5= uses format|ve feedback (what you've done so far, how we|| you've done |t, and what your next |earn|ng
steps are) to support you to ref|ect on and |mprove your ass|gnment work, to demonstrate "7% $%>%/+.-%&" +< 2+#) #&$%)!"*&$4&5
$#)4&5 "7% !(7++/ 2%*). ou w||| rece|ve a format|ve NCLA resu|t to |nd|cate progress to date, th|s |n|t|a| resu|t w||| be aded to your
schoo| resu|ts database. our 4&"%)&*//2 *!!%!!%$ ?@9; )%!#/"! 34// 1% <4&*/4!%$ A!#--*"4>% +) <4&*/ *!!%!!-%&"B *" "7% %&$ +< ?+>%-1%)
+< 2+#) 2%*) +< !"#$2C ou can cont|nue to add to your ass|gnment unt|| th|s date.

At Ach|evement |eve|, accepLable explanaLlons of Lhe lmpacL of medla and processes wlll demonsLraLe llnks beLween speclfled aspecLs of
Lhe medla and processes and speclfled sLyllsLlc aspecLs and meanlngs ln Lhe selecLed arL works. 8road, generallsed sLaLemenLs abouL Lhe
generlc effecLs of parLlcular medla or Lhe general characLerlsLlcs of sLyle, whlch are noL llnked Lo speclfled aspecLs of Lhe arL works, wlll noL
be sufflclenL Lo demonsLraLe undersLandlng of Lhe lmpacL of medla and processes aL Lhls level.

At Mer|t |eve|, deLalled explanaLlons wlll be apparenL ln expanded explanaLlons of Lhe connecLlons beLween speclfled aspecLs of medla and
processes and speclfled sLyllsLlc feaLures and meanlngs ln Lhe arL works, and Lhe lncluslon of relevanL deLalls such as perLlnenL reasons for
Lhese connecLlons.

At Lxce||ence |eve|, evaluaLlon wlll be apparenL ln Lhe comparaLlve dlscusslon of Lhe lmpacL of dlfferenL medla and processes on Lhe sLyles
and meanlngs of Lhe arL works. An approprlaLe evaluaLlon wlll lead Lo [usLlfled concluslons abouL Lhe llnks beLween parLlcular medla and
processes and Lhe sLyllsLlc effecLs and meanlngs ln arL. ercepLlon wlll be apparenL ln Lhe perLlnenL selecLlon of relevanL conLexLual
evldence used Lo supporL Lhe comparaLlve dlscusslon and concluslons.

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