How To Lose Weight

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Use your dinner plate as a pie chart.

Start filling half of your dinner plate with veggies or a salad.

Divide the remaining half of a plate in to two sections. That means each section is 1/4 of your plate.
1/4 should be some kind of protein organic chicken! turkey! beef! etc.
The other 1/4 can be your grains pasta! rice! or potato. "f it doesn#t fit in that section! don#t eat it.
Five Steps to Losing Weight the Easy Way
1.Make your favorite foods a priority: Wait: Doesn't this go against everything diets say? Yes, and that's why it works.
But this isn't to say you should eat only unk food. !nstead, you want to identify your a"solute favorites and in#lude the$
in your diet. %or e&a$ple, if you love i#e #rea$, have a s$all s#oop every day. But if you don't like #ookies, don't eat
the$' they're not worth the #alories. You'll "e surprised how few #alorie(ri#h foods you a#tually like. )n#e you find a way
to sensi"ly in#lude su#h foods in your diet, the need to overeat will naturally dissipate, and you #an lose weight with ease.
*.+et your sto$a#h take the lead. ,his step is $u#h easier than #ounting #alories. !nstead, eat when you're hungry and
stop when you start to feel full. +et's start with hunger first: Make sure you are a#tually hungry when you eat, and don't
wait until you are ravenous. -lways ask yourself if you are $istaking hunger for "oredo$ or stress. )n#e you start eating,
take the ti$e to enoy your $eal, and look out for that $o$ent when you start to feel full (( that's the ti$e to stop. !f you
wait until you are stuffed, you have pro"a"ly already eaten too $u#h.
/.0at "reakfast. !f you don't usually eat so$ething in the $orning then start now. 1tudies show that people who eat
"reakfast weigh less than people who don't. ,he reason is that people who skip "reakfast get ravenously hungry later on in
the day and #o$pensate "y overeating. !f you're not hungry for "reakfast, then start s$all with so$e fruit or #ereal. )ften,
people aren't hungry for "reakfast "e#ause they eat too $u#h at dinnerti$e and late at night. %i& that "y keeping your
nightti$e $eal petite.
2.Make healthy swaps. -t ea#h $eal, think a"out where you #an either add healthy foods or swap less nutritious ite$s for
$ore nutritious alternatives. %or e&a$ple, add so$e fruit to your $orning #ereal and veggies to your pasta dinner. )n
your sandwi#h, swap white "read for whole grain "read. ,his way, you're not $aking huge #hanges to your diet, you're
ust learning how to $ake the $eals you love "etter.
3.-#tivate your life. While eating less is the key to losing weight, e&er#ise is vital to keeping it off. !f you've failed at
trying to get an hour at the gy$, try $aking your life $ore a#tive "y looking for opportunities to $ove all day long. Do
you have a 14($inute "reak at work in the $orning? 5o for a 6ui#k walk. +ive #lose to work? ,ry walking or riding your
"ike there. ,here are always po#kets of ti$e in your day you #an fill with physi#al a#tivity' you ust need to "e on the
lookout for the$.

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