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BiblioteQ Administrator Guide

This document details the process for installing, configuring, and uninstalling BiblioteQ.
1. Database Configuration
1.1 PostgreSQL Database Configuration
BiblioteQ supports versions 8.x and 9.x of PostgreSQL. Please follo the PostgreSQL!
provided documentation for installing PostgreSQL. "fter installing the re#uired PostgreSQL pac$ages,
please perform the folloing operations%
a& 'reate the xboo$(db database via createdb xboo$(db !) *T+8 or via the PostgreSQL!
recommended protocol. Please note that xboo$(db is onl, a suggestion.
b& )xecute createlang plpgs#l !d xboo$(db or the PostgreSQL!recommended protocol for
adding a ne programming language to the database.
c& -eplace all instances of the default administrator xboo$(admin in
postgres#l(create(schema.s#l file.
d& Log into ,our PostgreSQL database and load the postgres#l(create(schema.s#l file via .i
1.2 Database Udates
/t is sometimes necessar, to update a database schema after a softare update. To do so, please
execute the SQL statements that are located in the postgres#l(update(schema.s#l. 0ou ma, also be
re#uired to execute additional steps via BiblioteQ. Please read and follo the version!specific
instructions listed at http%11bibliote#.sourceforge.net1nes.html.
2. BiblioteQ Installation
2.1 !S " and #indo$s Installation
2S 3 and 4indos users are urged to donload the appropriate installers. "fter an installer has
been donloaded, double!clic$ on the appropriate icon and follo the on!screen instructions.
2.2 Uni% Installation
/nstalling BiblioteQ on platforms that lac$ installers involves several operations. +irst, please
resolve the folloing softare prere#uisites%
a& Qt 5.6.5, or higher, must be installed. Please donload the softare from$ia.com1donloads. 0ou have the option of building Qt ith the PostgreSQL
driver or creating the driver separatel, as a plugin. 0ou ma, compile Qt ith the
PostgreSQL driver via .1configure !v !#t!s#l!ps#l !/ 1usr1local1include1postgres#l !L
1usr1local1lib1postgres#l. The include and librar, directories ma, be different depending
upon ,our environment.
b& 0"7 5.8.x, or higher, must be installed. Please donload the softare from
http%11.indexdata.com1,a9 .
c& /f ,ou intend to use PostgreSQL, the PostgreSQL database pac$age must be installed. Please
donload the softare from http%11.postgres#l.org1donload.
d& /f ,ou intend to use SQLite, the SQLite :.;.< pac$age must be installed. Please donload
the softare from http%11.s#lite.org1donload.html.
e& "fter the re#uired dependencies have been fulfilled and ,our environment is properl,
configured for Qt, build BiblioteQ via #ma$e !o =a$efile >> ma$e.
f& +inall,, execute sudo ma$e install.
&. Configuring BiblioteQ
'onfiguring the runtime environment of BiblioteQ is relativel, eas,. Bundled ith the softare
is the bibliote#.conf file. "fter BiblioteQ has been installed, please revie the bibliote#.conf file. /f
necessar,, please modif, it to suit ,our preferences.
'. Uninstalling BiblioteQ
'.1 !S "
To uninstall BiblioteQ, simpl, remove the 1"pplications1BiblioteQ.d director,. 0ou ma, also
ish to remove users? configuration files
'.2 Uni%
To uninstall BiblioteQ, remove the 1usr1local1bibliote# director, and the script. 0ou ma, also ish to remove users? configuration directories
'.& #indo$s
Simpl, run the BiblioteQ!*ninstaller executable that is located in ,our installation director,.
0ou ma, also ish to remove the registr, entr, for BiblioteQ. Launch regedit and remove =,
(. PostgreSQL Database )emo*al
The script postgres#l(destro,(schema.s#l ma, be used to remove the original database
xboo$(db and other obDects created b, the postgres#l(create(schema.s#l script.
(.1 !S " and Uni%
The dropdb command ma, be used to remove a PostgreSQL database. The dropuser command
ma, be used to remove PostgreSQL users. /f available, pg"dmin ma, also be used.
(.2 #indo$s
Please use pg"dmin.
+. SQLite Database )emo*al
Eelete the SQLite database file.

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