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Language Arts Lesson Plan

Day/Date: Monday, June 2, 2014

Lesson: Grammar and Spelling Review
Objectives: Students find and correct grammar and punctuation errors in a
provided series of sentences.
Materials Needed: Computer with Microsoft Word, Paper, Writing Utensils
(pens & pencils), Projector with Screen & Speakers, Portable Cart,
Pass out worksheet with grammar and spelling errors to students
Allow 20 minutes of individual working time to correct sentences
Turn projector on after students working time is over and correct a
blank worksheet together (20 minutes)
Activity Assignment: Each student received a sheet of paper with 10 incorrect
sentences. The goal of this activity is for students to be able to find and
correct these grammar and spelling errors. After the students have had 20
minutes to work on their paper we will go over the a blank uncorrected paper
together using the projector and correct the sentences. During this time I
will call on students to provide answers to the grammar and spelling errors.
Allow students to use speaker to explain to their peers why they corrected
an error and how they knew it was incorrect.
Notes: Use computer with Microsoft Word to create worksheet for students.
When using the projector make sure to explain grammar and spelling errors
to students in detail. Be sure to use speakers for children who are hard of
hearing in the classroom. Make sure to allow students to explain their
reasoning of a correction to ensure critical and innovative thinking processes.

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