The Outsiders

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The Outsiders

Digital Journal
Katie Rose
Rose, Kaitlyn Thursday, May 29, 2014 7:34:26 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:b0:03:51
Greasers vs. Socs
The Socs were given advantages in each relay challenge. For the Chair Race, the Socs could use both feet to
push while the Greasers could only use one. For the Egg Carry, the Socs used a bigger spoon, so it was easier to
carry the ball. In the Sleeping Bag Pull, instead of having to go inside of the sleeping bag like the Greasers, all the
Socs had to do was sit on top of it to be carried, which saved them a lot of time. For the Poetry challenge, the
Socs got a nice big paper and a ne-tip line Sharpie to write with. However, the Greasers got a tiny Post-It note
and a huge tip Sharpie. In the Jumping Jacks challenge, we, the Socs, needed to only do 8 of them, while the
Greasers needed to do 10. I, as one of the Socs in the relays, was very happy and excited at each advantage.
In the real world, some people do have more advantages and disadvantages than others. Some people are
richer, and that usually gives them more advantages in health, living conditions, and things that they own,
whether its clothes or cars. Here in Tiburon, we are very close to everything, including school, sports, and the
city. We dont have to go far to nd things we want or want to do. However, we live in a small town and everyone
has different rules and expectations. This can lead to someone not having something that others do, like a
cellphone. Everywhere, you can nd advantages and disadvantages, between rich and poor, and rules and
Rose, Kaitlyn Thursday, May 29, 2014 7:34:26 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:b0:03:51
Stereotyping is everywhere, and people do it all the time, even if they do not realize it or mean to do it.
It is wrong when you unfairly judge someone who is part of a group. Stereotyping is present throughout The
Outsiders. The Greasers believed that the Socs had no problems at all. That they were rich, they would party,
and they beat up greasers for fun. The Socs believed that all of the Greasers were hoods and that all they did
was jump people and cause trouble. This causes conicts between groups that usually ends in ghting. Turns
out, the Greasers are very wrong. Sherri, or Cherry, really got to Ponyboy and told him the truth. That the
Socs have problems too. Sherri tell Ponyboy, Things are rough all over. (Hinton p.35) The Socs have their
problems and the Greasers have their own challenges. However, the Greasers are just more emotional than
the Socs; the Socs dont feel.
I think stereotyping leads to conicts between people and groups of people because they really dont
know each other, and they only guess what the other person or people are like. People usually dont take the
time to really get to know someone. They only look at what is on the outside. They take what they know, or
dont know, look, assume, and disparage. Who knows, the mean looking hood could be the nicest person you
ever met. I think stereotyping is a licentious thing to do, and people should never do it.
Rose, Kaitlyn Thursday, May 29, 2014 7:34:26 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:b0:03:51
Advice For A Pony
If Johnny and Ponyboy came to me instead of Dally to ask for help, I would tell
them to run. I would give them food and water for the road, and I would tell them to go
far out to the country. They should nd a source of water immediately. Id give them
money to buy food, and since I wouldnt know about the abandoned church, Id tell
them to nd an empty, derelict old farm for shelter from rain and to stay in. I know they
will run out of the little food I would give them, so they would need to nd a store or
gather plants from the farmland. Most of all, I would tell them to act inconspicuous and
normal, like they are just two teenagers going to the country. They should act as if
Johnny did not commit a crime and Pony did not witness anything until I give them the
clear to come back.
Rose, Kaitlyn Thursday, May 29, 2014 7:34:26 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:b0:03:51
Nothing Gold Can Stay
I think Robert Frost is trying to say in Nothing
Gold can Stay that nothing great and amazing will
last forever. That it will always go away soon. This
poem applies to the characters in The Outsiders because
Ponyboy had a very happy childhood when his parents were alive. Darry never
pushed Pony too hard and the whole family was close. However, when Ponys parents
died, the family was torn, and it seemed that Darry was always harsh on Ponyboy. It
felt like they would never have a happy family ever again. This poem relates to the
child to adulthood theme in this story because as kids grow up, they need to realize
that everything great about having things given to them will go away. I dont think
this is supposed to be a sad poem. It just states the truth about life; how nothing lasts
forever. Summer turns to winter and sunsets turn to darkness.
Rose, Kaitlyn Thursday, May 29, 2014 7:34:26 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:b0:03:51
Heroes and Irony
!" #$ &'()*+, -./) )0( 1*/+(2+ 3(*+ 4/556 789* )( )16 )( :(2982:* ;(.226 2() )( )'12 .8<+*5= 82>
"You suie you want to go back. 0s gieaseis get it woise then anyone else." (p.87) "I just uon't want you to get huit. You uon't know what a few
months in jail can uo to get haiueneu in jail. I uon't want that to happen to you. Like it happeneu to me..." (p. 89-9u)
$" ?@A5/82 0.6 ;(.226B+ C*./98(1 #2() +:/1*3D ./9827 ='2D 9*16 3*:8+89*, 82+83* ).* C'12827 :.'1:. 8+ 81(28:"
}ohnny is in the chuich because he is iunning fiom the cops. Last time he was in the chuich he was scaieu anu now he is having fun like nothing else
matteis in the woilu.
E" ?@A5/82 0.6 ;(.226B+ C*./98(1 82+83* ).* C'12827 :.'1:. 8+ 2() 81(28:"
It isn't iionic because aftei what }ohnny uiu anu how they aie hiuing now, being a heio anu uoing something goou can feel gieat anu it might help
him with his case.
F" -.6 8+ 8) 81(28: )./) G(26 0/2)*3 )( )/H* (== 4/556B+ I/:H*) C*:/'+* 8) 0/+ )(( .()>
It is iionic because it is Bally's jacket that saveu Pony fiom being bauly buineu.
J" -.6 8+ 8) 81(28: 0.*2 ;*116 +/6+D K"""L1 /1* 6(' I'+) A1(=*++8(2/5 .*1(*+ (1 +(<*).827>K
It's iionic because }ohnny just committeu a ciime anu he anu Pony aie iunning fiom the cops. They aien't supposeu to be heioes.
M" #&'()*, N(0O0.*2 3(*+ G(26 P82/556 1*/58Q* )./) 4/116 1*/556 3(*+ :/1* /C(') .8<>
"...his eyes weie pleauing...Baiiy was ciying...because he caieu he was tiying too haiu to make something of me. When he yelleu, "Pony, wheie have
you been all this time." he meant, "Pony, you've scaieu me to ueath. Please be caieful, because I coulun't stanu if anything happeneu to you."...Be was
stioking my haii anu I coulu heai the sobs iacking him as he fought to keep back the teais." (p. 97-98)
R" S2 :./A)*1 MD T" ?" N82)(2 '+*+ .'<(1 +*9*1/5 )8<*+ )( K)/H* ).* *37* (==K ).* +*18('+2*++ (= ).* P81* 82 ).* :.'1:." U89* (2* *@/<A5*"
V.*1* /1* /) 5*/+) ).1**"
When Ponyboy anu }ohnny weie tiying to get the kius out of the chuich, anu Ponyboy tiieu to pick up a kiu, he bit Pony.
0sually, people think a heio is someone who saves them oi a gioup of people, but that is not always the case. A heio
can be someone you look up to anu aumiie. When we say "Beshe is my heio," the 'heio' is someone who usually has uone a
goou ueeu, oi who you look up to. When Bally talks to }ohnny about jail anu goes to save him in the chuich, we leain that,
although he comes off as haiu anu tough, he ieally uoes have a soft siue. I think he woulu have uone the same thing foi Pony
anu Baiiy. They aie goou fiienus, anu it is a mattei of life oi ueath. If a Soc was stuck in the chuich, I think Bally woulu be a
little hesitant about saving him. I believe Baiiy woulu want to leave him to uie, but he woulu come out in the enu anu save
Rose, Kaitlyn Thursday, May 29, 2014 7:34:26 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:b0:03:51
Stay Gold, POnyboy
On his death bead, Johnny said, Stay gold, Ponyboy. Stay gold (Hinton 148)
Those were his very last words. I believe that it means that Pony needs to stay young
and keep his innocence. He needs to nish school, watch sunsets, not worry about
being a greaser and how much grease he puts in his hair. I think Ponyboy will have a
little trouble with it because close friends have recently died, and he is surrounded by
people who dropped out of school, are tough, and act way older than they should.
But Pony realized this and I think he will be able to accomplish Johnnys task. His
family will denitely help him along. Soda has always been a good buddy with
Ponyboy, and I really do believe that he, with the help of Darry, will be able to keep
him in school, and keep him the innocent, kind boy he should always be.
Rose, Kaitlyn Thursday, May 29, 2014 7:34:26 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:b0:03:51

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