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Add blueberries to your hot or cold cereal.

2. Nuts & Seeds
Sprinkle nuts or seeds onto salads.

3. Avocados
Use as spread in place of mayo on sandwiches.

4. Salmon
Plan a Salmon Night instead of Steak Night dinner

5. Whole Grains
Try oatmeal in the morning for a good start to your day. Nuts
and dried fruit are a great addition to oatmeal!

6. Dark Leafy Green Vegetables
Add some kale to your salad!

7. Beans
Put a handful of kidney beans or chickpeas into salad for a
fiber boost.

8. Freshly Brewed Tea
Once in a while, replace your morning coffee with a morning
cup of tea.

9. Dark Chocolate
A lovely treat! Remember- you only need one ounce to get
the benefits

10. Red Wine
It doesnt need to be in a glass! Try cooking with wine and
you will still get its benefits
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