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Bringing chess to life | 647-852-2428 |

December 12, 2013
To whom it may concern,
My name is Ted Winick, president and Founder of Chess nstitute of Canada! ha"e been
teachin# chess and $ife ski$$s to thousands of chi$dren in e$ementary schoo$s throu#hout Toronto
since 1%&'! run chess c$ubs and tournaments and ha"e introduced chess into the curricu$um in
se"era$ schoo$s! n addition a$on# with my wife, am the owner of the Centra$ Toronto Campus of
(pirit of Math (choo$s throu#h which we teach ad"anced math to a$most 300 e$ementary a#e
chi$dren who need the cha$$en#e of a more ri#orous curricu$um!

)"e known Mitch Mo$dofsky since his two boys started comin# to my c$ub at *a$merston! +oth
boys ha"e won indi"idua$ meda$s and been on teams that ha"e competed in city,wide
Mitch is a responsib$e and thou#htfu$ #uy who cares about education and has worked hard to
create somethin# of "a$ue to the community! Durin# the summer of 2011 a$on# with a #ifted
co$$ea#ue ran a specia$ -T./01 day,camp and brou#ht Mitch in with his pro#ram! t was the
most popu$ar pro#ram we offered2 e"en more,so than my chess component3 The ski$$s $earned
by the chi$dren were impressi"e!
be$ie"e his Thinkin# (ki$$s C$ub, with its mash,up of computer #ames and neuroscience, is a
#reat addition to the mi4 of after schoo$ c$ubs we ha"e in the city5 it transforms computer #ames
from simp$y #ames to a true $earnin# and ski$$,de"e$opin# e4perience! wou$d recommend and
support his app$ication to run them in 6ork 7e#ion and anywhere peop$e are $ookin# for a
$eadin#,ed#e and fun educationa$ pro#rammin# for chi$dren!
6ours tru$y
Ted Winick
Chess nstitute of Canada
Board of Directors
Ted Winick, Chairman rista !hi""i#s, Member $arianne %ocker, Member

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