Reference Letter - S.janes

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To Whom It May Concern:

Re: Mitch Moldofsky

It is with pleasure that I am able to provide a Letter of Reference for Mitch Moldofsky.
I have known Mitch for the past seven years as a parent and volunteer at !almerston
"ve. !ublic #chool.
Mitch has been a very active parent as a volunteer by takin$ on many roles of
responsibilities at the school and with our #chool Council. %or the past four years Mitch
has ran a Thinkin$ #kills Club in our school Library. This after school club has been
very active with students ran$in$ from $rades & to ' and sometimes youn$er. (ach time I
had visited the club the students were very en$a$ed with the selected pro$rams. Mitch is
well versed in workin$ with the children and protectin$ them from inappropriate use of
the computers.
Many of the parents in his club believed that as a result of their child)s participation their
child was more focused at school. "s well a few of our teachers remarked that they
could see a difference in some children when they participated in the Thinkin$ #kills
Mitch works well with parents staff and administration. We could call upon him any
time for assistance. I am very happy to support Mitch in his desire to e*tend his pro$ram.
+e is a very competent person who can handle responsibility well in a mature and
pleasant way.
If you re,uire further information please do not hesitate to contact me.
#haron -anes
!almerston "ve !#
Ecole Publique Avenue Palmerston Avenue Public School
.&/ !almerston "venue Toronto 0ntario M'1 2R/ Tel: /3'4&5&45&67 %a*: /3'4&5&45&6&
Safe Arrival / Absences : 416-393-9305 ext. 1
Sharon Janes, Principal/Directrice, Linda Steggles, Vice-Principal/Directrice Adointe

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