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Kathleen Khuu

EDS 369B
Chapter 4, 5, 6
2 June 2014

3 Big Ideas
1.) In order to teach children how to work together, first carefully observe the children
at work and in casual interactions. Observe which skills students have and which
skills theyre missing. Teach and support needed skills through various strategies
such as modeling desired behavior, role-play ways to respond to potentially tricky
situations, or provide structures for taking turns within a small group.
2.) Early in the year, talk with children about how classroom rules apply to lunchroom
behavior. Help children remember the purpose of rules and keep the language
3.) Use modeling and role-playing to help students practice safe and inclusive behaviors
inside and outside the classroom.

2 questions
1.) Conversations about behavior expectations outside the classroom are beneficial.
However, I feel like students change behaviors depending on who is in charge. As
teachers, what can we do for students to reflect on their behaviors no matter who
are in the classroom, and when they are outside of the classroom?
2.) Is it the teachers responsibility to monitor or supervise behavior of students
outside of the classroom? For example, during lunch, recess, or after school?

1 implementation
1.) In the beginning of the school year, the students came up with five important
behaviors in the classroom, including be respectful, treat materials nicely, and listen
with others are speaking. However, they do need to be reminded of the rules. I will
implement naming and reinforcing ideal behaviors. For example, before working on
protractors during math, I can remind them about treating materials nicely by
reflecting with them.

1 reflection
1.) I led community circle this past week and it was more difficult than I initially
thought. I have observed my CT lead it and the students sat in a circle quietly, and
knew when to raise their hands to talk. However, when I led it, there were a few
times when I had to pause the community circle to remind them that when they are
at the rug, there should be no talking, and if they want to share to raise their hand.
Something that I will do next time is if they continue to be chatty, than to stop
community circle, or have them go back to their desks and come back to the
community circle how they should. Overall, the students shared how their weekend
went: their highs or their lows.

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