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122 Ccean Avenue, 8ellmore, new ?ork - (316) 392-7988 - Laryssa.grgurlc[

-#./(!) LnergeLlc, self-moLlvaLed, excellenL lnLerpersonal skllls, sLrong communlcaLlon
skllls ln verbal and wrlLLen formaLs. Self sLarLer, Leam player, 1ralner capaclLy wlLh
knowledge of AdulL Learnlng ConcepLs.
1echnlcally proflclenL ln MlcrosofL C/S vlsLa as well as Mac C/S x, MlcrosofL Word and
owerolnL, worklng knowledge of Lxcel. roflclenL ln lnLerneL navlgaLlon and e-mall.
knowledge of Culckbooks, Adobe hoLoshop, lmage!, SSS and P1ML.

)0+,"1(.2 !345 (67849 +4:;<=6:>? @ -36> ,8ABC6D 8rookvllle, n?
E8FG<73= 3H %F:<4F< :4 2C>=:>:34 SepLember 2014, !"# %&'(

!345 (67849 +4:;<=6:>? @ -36> ,8ABC6D 8rookvllle, n?
'86><=6 3H ,7:4:F87 2C>=:>:34 LxpecLed May 2016, CurrenL CA 4.0

0()1)1(, !345 (67849 +4:;<=6:>? @ -36> ,8ABC6D 8rookvllle, n?
(21)#2%I(- ,<=>:H:F8>< 3H "9;84F<9 %>C9:<6 May 2014
uleLeLlc lnLernshlp 8oLaLlons:
Cllnlcal - )&**&" +,-.(/*-01 2('-3&4 !(,0(/
CompleLed Lhe nuLrlLlon care process ln medlclne and surgery ln 631 bed faclllLy
ConducLed an ln-servlce: uslng ulLrasound and CompuLed 1omography as a
Measure of 8ody ComposlLlon"
LxLenslve CrlLlcal Care nuLrlLlon 8oLaLlon ln Surglcal and Medlcal lnLenslve Care unlLs
CommunlLy - !5/,(44 +,-.(/*-01 !5657(/&0-.( 890(,*-5, 5: )(; <5/= !-01
ConducLed nuLrlLlon presenLaLlons aL farmer's markeLs lncludlng cooklng
School loodservlce - %&;/(,3( >3?554 @-*0/-30
resenLed an ln-servlce on A::(/ B(/*"* >(/.( Culdellnes
lnsLlLuLlonal loodservlce - )&**&" +,-.(/*-01 2('-3&4 !(,0(/
resenLed an ln-servlce more Lhan once Lo approxlmaLely 40 food servlce sLaff
members on C5/0-5, !5,0/54
8enal - >5"0? >?5/( @-&41*-*
Assessed and counseled paLlenLs ln 20 chalr dlalysls unlL
Counsellng & LducaLlon - >5,-& D&4;&/E 2@ C/-.&0( 8,'53/-,545F1 C/&30-3(
Counseled paLlenLs wlLh 1ype 1, 1ype 2 ulabeLes
arLlclpaLed ln runnlng weekly welghL loss supporL group, as medlaLor, wlLh
pracLlce dleLlLlan
Long-1erm Care - C&/=(/ G(;-*? H,*0-0"0(
Assessed nuLrlLlonal sLaLus of resldenLs ln 327 bed faclllLy, compleLed quarLerly
and Mlnlmum uaLa SeL (MuS) reporLs
8esearch - %H+ C5*0
CompleLed a research sLudy, 8&0-,F C/&30-3(* &,' I5'1 H#&F( J#5,F )"0/-0-5,
>0"'(,0* LhaL concluded nuLrlLlon sLudenLs may resLrlcL foods or food groups more
Lhan peers

J.!+21))# !<>K6 '3;<L (4:>:8>:;< M:>G 1G< !345 (67849 0:<><>:F "663F:8>:34
)N-)#()2,) +4:34987<D 2<M $3=O P I<AB6><89D 2<M $3=O
B54",0((/E >"##(/ KLMK
Lngaged and moLlvaLed chlldren on Lhe ualry lood Croup"
AcLlve volunLeer for Lhe PempsLead PealLh lalr, sLaffed Lhe LluA exhlblL focuslng on flLness
and healLhful eaLlng.

I(*I!(*I1)0 !345 (67849 +4:;<=6:>?D E:3A<9:F87 %F:<4F<6 0<B8=>A<4>
Q.#R E=33O;:77<D 2<M $3=O
)N-)#()2,) %&N J**-*0&,0 :5/ 2-3/5N-545F1 -, O(&40? >3-(,3(*E P&44 >(#(*0(/ KLMK
8esponslble for seL up of lab. 8esponded Lo varled mlcroblology quesLlons lncludlng
mlcroscopy and plaLe sLreak Lechnlque.

",1(J(1()%D 1G< '8=>:4<S !8T 8> !(+ -36>
"Q"#0% P +,'(/F/&'"&0( Q(*(&/3?E KLMK6KLMR
,)#1(/(,"1)% arLlclpaLed ln research Lechnlques such as llghL mlcroscopy, hlsLologlcal evaluaLlons, Llssue
and mlcroblal culLure, LLlSA analysls, eLc.

!(+ 'E#% #(%) -=35=8A ,<=>:H:F8>:34 3H ,3AB7<>:34
unlverslLy recognlLlon of recelvlng 8en[amln Cummlngs/MeLropollLan AssoclaLlon of College
and unlverslLy 8lologlsLs 8esearch CranL and compleLlon of research sLudy S)("0/57(,-&
-,3/(&*(* *(.(/-01 5: J3-,(05N&30(/ N&"#&,-- '-*(&*( -, & #"/-,( ;5",' #5'(4T
resenLed research aL Adelphl unlverslLy among peers on CcLober 27
, 2012.

-#./)%%(.2"! Academy of nuLrlLlon and uleLeLlcs
"//(!("1(.2% Long lsland uleLeLlc AssoclaLlon
Anu uleLeLlc racLlce Croup: uleLlLlans ln lnLegraLlve and luncLlonal Medlclne

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