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by Mel Frank and Ed Rosenthal

Typed by Ben Dawson
Revised 1992
NOTE:- Footnotes have been placed in double brackets (()). Numbers throughout refer to bibliograph
and are sometimes in brackets! sometimes the aren"t. #ll dates are for northern hemisphere onl.
$omments on pictures are in curl brackets %&. 'lease distribute this (idel so (e can all smoke better
mari)uana. *egalise mari)uana.
+ October ,--.
$oping this book (as a megamission that took about / (eeks in the 0eptember of ,--/. Everthing in
the book has been copied - even the bibliograph. The online version of this guide is available at:
http:11((( 4en 5a(son
7anuar ,--8
9perlinks (ere added throughout the document for eas navigation. #lso the te:t (as formated to be
more readable. #lonso #cu;a.
#ugust ,---
This File is currentl available at http:11(((.mello(gold.com1gro(
#s far as (e are a(are! it"s the onl place online to find it! please distribute this file freel.
- <ello( 3old 0taff
History and Taxonomy of Cannabis [1]
Cannabis and Ancient History [1.2]
Cannabis and American History [1.3]
Cannabis and: Species or Varieties [1.4]
Cannabinoids : The Active Ingredients of Marijuana [2]
Cannabinoids and the High [2.2]
Resin and Resin !ands [2.3]
"rod#ction o$ Cannabinoids by Cannabis [2.4]
Cannabis Chemotypes [2.%]
efore Cu!tivation egins [3]
Choosing Seeds [3.2]
Cannabis &i$e Cyc!e [3.3]
"hotoperiod and '!o(ering [3.4]
)nherent Variations in "otency [3.%]
C#!ti*ation: )ndoors or +#tdoors, [3.-]
Indoor Gardening
Introduction [4]
Artificia! "ight [%]
'eat#res [%.2]
So#rces [%.3]
Setting #p the arden [%.4]
.!ectricity [%.%]
#oi! and Containers for it [-]
"ots and +ther Containers [-.2]
"roperties o$ Soi! [-.3]
"reparing Commercia! Soi!s and /i0ers [-.4]
1#ying Soi! Components [-.%]
2igging Soi! [-.-]
ro(ing /ethods [-.3]
Maintaining the Correct $nvironment [3]
Re4#irements $or ermination [3.2]
&ight Cyc!e and 2istance o$ &ights $rom "!ants [3.3]
5ater [3.4]
Air [3.%]
H#midity [3.-]
%ardening Techni&ues [6]
7hinning [6.2]
7ransp!anting [6.3]
S#pports $or "!ants [6.4]
8ni$orm ro(th [6.%]
"r#ning [6.-]
7raining [6.3]
'utrients and Ferti!ising [9]
:#trients [9.2]
App!ication: 'erti!ising [9.3]
:#trient 2e$iciencies [9.4]
Soi!!ess /i0t#res [9.%]
(iseases and P!ant Pests [1;]
/icrobia! 2iseases [1;.2]
:#trient 2iseases [1;.3]
"!ant "ests [1;.4]
Maintenance and )estarting [11]
Outdoor Cultivation
Choosing a #ite [12]
5here to ro( [12.2]
&ight [12.3]
#oi! [13]
7ypes o$ Soi! [13.2]
H#m#s and Composts [13.3]
7e0t#re [13.4]
pH [13.%]
'erti!isers [13.-]
7echni4#es $or "reparing Soi!s [13.3]
#erri!!a 'arming [13.6]
P!anting and Trans*!anting [14]
5hen to "!ant [14.2]
"reparing to So( [14.3]
ermination [14.4]
7ransp!anting [14.%]
Caring for the %rowing P!ants [1%]
5eeding [1%.2]
5atering [1%.3]
7hinning [1%.4]
Sta<ing [1%.%]
"r#ning [1%.-]
ardening 7ips [1%.3]
)nsects and +ther "ests [1-]
1io!ogica! Contro! [1-.2]
Chemica! )nsecticides [1-.3]
Common "ests [1-.4]
Vertebrate "ests [1-.%]
Flowering, Breeding and Propagation
%enetics and #ex in Cannabis [13]
'!o(ering [13.2]
Se0#a! Variants in Cannabis [13.3]
Se0ing the "!ants [13.4]
Sinsemi!!a [13.%]
Pro*agation and reeding [16]
"rod#cing Seeds [16.2]
"rod#cing 'ema!e Seeds [16.3]
1reeding [16.4]
C#ttings [16.%]
ra$ting [16.-]
"o!yp!oids [16.3]
$ffects of the $nvironment on Potency [19]
Stress [19.2]
:#trients [19.3]
Harvesting, Curing and Drying
Harvesting [2;]
Har*esting 2#ring ro(th: &ea*es and ro(ing Shoots [2;.2]
/a!e "!ants [2;.3]
Har*esting 'ema!e 1#ds [2;.4]
5eather [2;.%]
"otency and 2ecomposition [2;.-]
7iming the Har*est [2;.3]
'ina! Har*est [2;.6]
After the Harvest [21]
Stripping [21.2]
rading and /anic#ring [21.3]
C#ring [21.4]
2rying [21.%]
'ermentation [21.-]
Storage [21.3]
ib!iogra*hy [22]
<ari)uana! or cannabis as it is kno(n internationall! is a plant (hose presence is almost universal in our
(orld toda. $onservative international reports estimate that there are no( /== million cannabis users.
>ecent reports indicate that ,= percent of the adult population in the ?nited 0tates are regular users! a
figure (hich is probabl similar for man countries in Europe. @ts use is also (idespread in #frica! #sia!
man #rab nations! parts of 0outh #merica and the $aribbean! as (ell as #ustralia and Ne( Aealand. @n
,-B8! more than C.D million kilograms (,D million pounds) of cannabis (ere seiEed b police (orld(ide.
#uthorities estimated that this did not e:ceed ,= percent of the total traffic.
Fhat has been the response of officials around the (orld to the use of this plant b its citiEensG
>egrettabl! the climate has been one of almost universal repression! hostilit and open violence. 5espite
gains made in the ?nited 0tates and Europe throughout the ,-B="s! a ne( (ave of ignorance regarding
the use of this plant seems to be s(eeping the (orld. 'redictabl! the ?nited 0tates has sought to e:port
this Hneo->eefer <adnessH to other countries. # united Nations sub-commission of drug enforcement
officials in the Far East released a report some time ago e:tremel critical of the efforts of some countries
to decriminaliEe (i.e. remove criminal penalties for possession of a small amount) cannabis. The sub-
commission stated that an such reduction of penalties (ould vastl increase use! and strongl urged that
all countries continue to keep strict la(s on the books even for possession of cannabis,. Others
reIuested that publicit campaign be conducted in the media against cannabis! and that more funding be
given to HscientificH (ork to prove that cannabis (as harmfulD.
?0 officials! alarmed b reports of cannabis use among adolescents ((hich! although undesirabl high! is
in fact leveling off)! and b political pressure from reactionar elements! have attempted to depict
cannabis as the greatest threat since the atomic bomb. The results of this ne( hsteria have been great
confusion among the public and a slo(do(n in the progress of cannabis la( reform. The results have
been predictable: in ,-B-! over ++8!=== people (ere arrested in the ?0# for cannabis possession! 8=
percent for simple possession. The estimated direct arrests cost to our increasingl debt-ridden
government (as over J.== million. 4ut no one has ever attempted to account for the total cost of the
immense la( enforcement efforts against cannabis: for the salaries of 5rug Enforcement #dministration
agents and federal and state narcotics agents and support personnel! the cost of incarcerating the
thousands of people sentences to )ail (estimated at ,= percent of the total arrests! or +8.=== people)! the
costs of the anti-cannabis media campaign! the secret grants from N0#1$@# for cannabis eradications!
and the economic cost to societ created b turning la(-abiding citiEens into criminals. Fhen these
factors are taken into consideration! the cost goes into the billions. 4 contrast! in the eleven states (hich
have enacted decriminaliEation since ,-BD! millions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of court! police
and administrative (ork-hours have been saved.
Fhat can the concerned cannabis consumer do to end this climate of hsteria and ignoranceG First! (e
must stress that cannabis legalisation (ould entail adult use onl! and that social and legal restrictions on
the use of cannabis (ould curtail! not increase! use b adolescents. 0econd! (e must educate the public
about the genuine effects of cannabis and stress moderate responsible use. This is (hat (e stress about
the user of societ"s legal drugs - alcohol! nicotine and caffeine! and (e should take the same approach
to(ard cannabis. Third! the public should be educated about the limits of the la( and the rights of
citiEensK (e should not seek to regulate private behaviour through the use of the criminal sanction. *a(s
protecting public safet! such as driving (hile under the influence of an substance! (ould still be kept on
the books.
9o(ever! as consumers (e have an additional responsibilit: (e must begin to address the problems of
suppl and demand. @t is essential that (e take upon ourselves the task of proposing viable solutions to
the current un(orkable prohibition.
Fith this is mind! numerous cannabis reform organiEations around the (orld have begun e:ploring
models for the legaliEation of cannabis. ?nder the auspices of the @nternational $annabis #lliance for
>eform (@$#>)! an international organiEation of cannabis la(-reform groups! man of these organiEations
met in #msterdam! 9olland in Februar! ,-8=! at the first @nternational $annabis *egaliEation $onference
to discuss legaliEation plans and proposals. The man plans presented reflected the various backgrounds
and interests of the countries the represented some called for a totall open-market sstem run b
cooperatives! others emploed elaborate organiEational sstems (ith varing degrees of governmental
control! and still others called for total control b the private sector. Emphasis (as placed on the need for
all groups to develop legaliEation models suited to their o(n particular climate and countr and that a
single! monolithic legaliEation plan (as neither feasible nor desirable.
9o(ever! virtuall all the plans had one important element in common: ever person (ould have the right
to gro( cannabis for his or her o(n personal use. This is the ver minimum reIuirement upon (hich all
legalisation models are based! for this (ould allo( the consumer the chance to remove himself or herself
from the black market! (hether it be licit or illicit.
This is an essential aspect of cannabis reform: to convince consumers to diversif their sources of suppl
b gro(ing their o(n cannabis. 3ro(ing cannabis enables one to reduce drasticall the costs and at the
same time establish a closer relationship (ith the plant itself. @ts amaEing adaptabilit! acIuired through
centuries of travel to all four corners of the earth! users that it can gro( and thrive an(here there is
sunlight and (ater. 4 learning the relativel simple techniIues involved in cannabis horticulture! the
consumer can avoid the illicit market (ith all its attendant problems! and concentrate on gro(ing the plant
itself! on producing and consuming the product of one"s o(n labor! a product (hich is pure and can be
produced at a cost of pennies per ounce.
Fe must take this step! for )ust as the nations of the (orld are seeking energ! self-sufficienc! so no(
must (e seek cannabis self-sufficienc.
The (illingness of consumers greatl to diversif their sources has caused tremendous changes in the
manner in (hich cannabis is gro(n and marketed. 'lagued b ridiculousl high prices! dangers in
purchasing! (ild fluctuations in Iuantit and Iualit! impurities! and continual police harassment!
consumers all over the (orld are discovering that anone can gro( good cannabis )ust about an(here.
@n $entral and 0outh #merica! production has increased so rapidl in the last fe( ears that large
Iuantities are no( being e:ported to Europe. #rab countries! traditionall dependent on *ebanon and
0ria! are no( reporting increasing domestic cultivation attempts. <an countries of Europe! especiall
the southern countries of 0pain! @tal! 'ortugal and 3reece! are reporting cultivation. @ndia noted that both
its legal (in the states of Fest 4engal! Orissa and <adha 'redesh) and illegal (all other states) under a
similar scheme. @n the Near and <iddle East! notabl Nepal! 'akistan and #fghanistan! the people are
continuing their traditional production of cannabis for local and e:port use.
#ustralia! a countr (hose huge siEe (roughl that of the ?0) and relativel sparse population make it
virtuall ideal for cultivation! reported (idespread cultivation and seiEures of over B=!=== kilos of
cannabis! D!C== kilos of hashish! and 8C=!=== plants uprooted in a t(o-ear period bet(een ,-BB and
,-B8. <an people living on 'acific islands such as Ne( Aealand! Ne( $aledonia! Fi)i! the $ook @slands
and else(here have discovered that cannabis (ill gro( ver (ell in their environmentK 7amaica and other
islands in the $aribbean are also e:periencing an increase in cultivation. >ecent ne(spaper reports from
that countr indicate that as man as ,1D million 7amaican farmers out of a total population of D million
ma be producing cannabis to satisf domestic and e:port demand. The total gross income from the
7amaican cannabis business is estimated to e:ceed JD== million a ear/.
Lirtuall ever countr in 0outh #merica reported at least some cannabis cultivations. @n addition to
increased production in $olombia! (hose ,-B8 crop (as estimated to be (orth bet(een J,.C and JD
billion! other countries are e:periencing an increase in cultivation. Over C=!=== acres of cannabis (ere
discovered under cultivation in (estern LeneEuela in ,-B8. @n ,-B. in 4raEil! DB, kilos of cannabis (ere
reported seiEed! but the ne:t ear increased to -,!D=B kilos! and b ,-B8! authorities seiEed over DB.!===
kilos. $ultivation (as also reported in #rgentina! Ecuador! 3uana! 0urinam and ?rugua. 0oviet officials
go to inordinate lengths to den that cannabis-use e:ists in their countr though >ussia is kno(n to be a
large cannabis producer! and not )ust for commercial purposes. (0oviet officials reported to the ?nited
Nations that the seiEed onl DDB grams of cannabis in the entire countr+ in ,-B8K the fe( offender (ere
immediatel sent to pschiatric hospitals.) @n several Eastern European countries the best hashish is
kno(s as HTashkenti!H named for the ma)or cit in south-central >ussia. Tashkent is ethnicall dominated
b Turkic tribesmen and shares the 9indu Mush mountain range (ith #fghanistan.
The ke to stabilit in the cannabis market is clearl domestic production! (hich offers man economic
and social advantages over continued importation.
5omestic varieties offer ease of access and suppl! and help to diversif the overall market b offering
ne( products (hich compete in Iualit and price (ith the imported varieties. @n addition! the serve to
stimulate the local concentrating bulk of the profits in the region in (hich the (ere produced. This is a
noticeable reversal of the previous consumer-producer relationship! (here most of the profits (ere
realiEed b e:porters and middlepersons (ho operated outside the source countr. E:panded domestic
production (ould decrease the influence of these middlepersons and greatl strengthen the overall
This book (as (ritten to make the consumer a(are of ho( eas (and important) it is to cultivate
cannabis. @n a clear and simpl stle! <el Frank and Ed >osenthal describe everthing ou need to kno(
about gro(ing cannabis. 4 emploing some of these simple methods ou can greatl reduce our
dependence on foreign products and at the same time gain a greater understanding of a plant (hose
relationship (ith humanit dates to prehistoric times.
4e fruitful! and multipl...
4ob 'isani $oordinator! @nternational $annabis #lliance for >eform (@$#>) 'hiladelphia! '#
The purpose of this book is to sho( ou ho( to gro( enough mari)uana to suppl all our famil"s needs.
@t doesn"t matter (here ou live! or even if ou are gro(ing our first plant! because all the information
needed to become a master mari)uana farmer in our o(n home! or in the field! is provided in these
The (orld has seen an enormous increase in mari)uana use in the past ten ears. $onseIuentl! man
governments have sponsored research in order to understand the nature of the plant as (ell as its
pschoactive compounds - substances that are being smoked or ingested b more then +== million
people all over the (orld. 4efore the recent interest! mari)uanaphiles had onl research papers (mostl on
hemp varieties) to glean for information about the plants and their cultivation. No( there are thousands of
papers dealing directl (ith the plants and their use as mari)uana. This doesn"t mean all is kno(n about
mari)uana. @n fact! much of (hat is discussed deals (ith unkno(n aspects of these ancient and
msterious plants. The msteries! ho(ever! are beginning to unravel.
Our information resources include our personal e:perience (ith gro(ing and the e:perience and
kno(ledge shared (ith us b mari)uana gro(ers all across the countr. Fe also rel on the professional
research of man scientists (see the 4ibliographic Notes). For the e:perienced gro(ers! (e"ve included
the latest research on increasing potenc! some ideas for improving ield and controlling flo(ering (time
of harvest)! and also procedures for breeding Iualit strains suited to a particular gro(ing situation.
0ome of the best grass in the (orld is gro(n right here in the ?nited 0tates (that is our ver o(n stoned
opinion of homegro(n gratefull sampled from 9a(aii to <aine). Nou can do it too - it"s not magic! and it"s
not difficult to do. 9ighl potent plants can be gro(n indoors! as (ell as in gardens! fields! and the (ilds.
@ndoor gro(ers must create an environment! (hereas outdoor gardeners (ork (ithin the environment.
Follo(ing these t(o approaches to cultivation! this book is divided into separate! parallel parts on indoor
and outdoor sections! preceded b some background information on mari)uana plants! and follo(ed b
general procedures for breeding! harvesting! etc.! that are independent of the tpe of gro(ing site.
$ultivation is not a complicated process! and (e hope (e don"t make it appear difficult. 4ut even if ou"re
a novice (hen ou first so( our seeds! our Iuestions on the plants and their cultivation (ill become
more comple: as ou gain e:perience and insight. Fe hope (e have anticipated our Iuestions (ith solid
and clearl stated ans(ersK (e intend this book to serve as a guide long after our first reading and
There are probabl as man (as to gro( mari)uana as there are mari)uana farmers. Fe hope to impart
an understanding of the plants and their cultivation! so that ou can adapt the kno(ledge to fit our
particular situation - (here ou live! the land or space available! and the time! energ! and funds at our
<odest indoor gardens are Iuite simple to set up and care for. #ll the materials ou"ll need are available
at nurseries! garden shops! and hard(are and lighting stores! or the ma be found around the house or
streets. The cost (ill depend on ho( large and elaborate ou make the garden and on (hether ou bu
or scavenge our materials. Fith a little ingenuit! the cost can be negligible.
@t takes about an hour ever three or four das to (ater and tend to a medium-siEed indoor garden.
Outdoors! a small patch in our summer garden can suppl all our smoking needs (ith little or no
e:pense. 3enerall! mari)uana reIuires less care than most other crops! because of its natural tenacit
and abilit to compete (ith indigenous (eeds. 9ard $annabis resists mild frost! e:treme heat! deluge!
and drought. @n this countr! fe( diseases attack mari)uanaK once the plants are gro(ing! the develop
their o(n natural protection against most insects.
@n some areas of the countr! such as parts of the <id(est and East! the plants ma reIuire no more
attention than so(ing the seeds in spring and harvesting the plants in autumn. 4ut if ou"re like most
gro(ers! ou"ll find ourself spending more and more time in our garden! (atching the tin sprouts
emerge! then follo(ing their development into large! lush! and finall resinous! flo(ering plants.
Nurturing and (atching these beautiful plants as the respond can be a humanising e:perience.
<ari)uana farmers kno( their plants as vital living organisms. @f ou alread are a plant gro(er! ou ma
understand. @f not! read through this book! imagining the various decisions ou! as gro(er! (ould be
making to help our plants reach a full and potent maturit. Then make our plans and get started.
There"s )ust no reason to pa JC= an ounce for superior smoke (hen it gro(s for free. Free! grass! free
This book is the result of the efforts of man people! each of (hom contributed uniIuel to its final form
and content. First there are the man gro(ers (ho opened their hearts and gardens to us. Our love and
thanks to our friends in $alifornia ($alistoga! $alavaras! 9umbolt! Orange counties! and the 4a #rea)!
the ?mpIua Lalle! Oregon! Eastern $olorado! $entral Florida! Eastern <assachusetts! ?pstate Ne(
Nork! Ne( Nork $it! #tlanta! 9a(aii! and 'ort #ntonio! 7amaica. Fe (ould also like to thank everone
(ho (rote and shared their gro(ing e:periences (ith us.
0pecificall! (e (ould like to ackno(ledge the contributions of the follo(ing: EditorsK #iden Mell! 'eter
4eren! >on *icht! and 0are $an Noung. 'reparation of the manuscriptK $arlene 0chnabel! >on *icht!
#iden Mell! <arina *a 'alma. @nde: b 0are Lan Noung. *aout and 5esignK 4onnie 0metts. 3raphicsK
maps and charts b E.N. *aincaK illustration b Oliver FilliamsK and molecules b <arln #mann. 0pecial
0ervicesK 3orden 4ro(nell! #l Marger! <ichael 0tarks! 'eter Febster! and special thanks to 0and
Feinstein for help (ith the photograph. #lso thank ou <.T.! #.'.! and $.T. 0pecial thanksK 0ebastian
Orfila and 7ohn Orfali.
Fe (ere fortunate to have had the use of the follo(ing libraries: 4ron: 4otanical 3ardens! $it $ollege of
Ne( Nork! FitE 9ugh *udlo( <emorial *ibrar! 9arvard 4otanical <useum! Ne( Nork $it 'ublic
*ibraries! ?niversit of $alifornia! 4erkele and 0an Francisco! ?niversit of <ississippi! O:ford.
C$apter One
History and Ta%ono&y o" Canna'is
The ancestors of $annabis originated in #sia! possibl on the more gentle slopes of the 9imalaas or the
#ltai <ountains to the north. The e:act origin! obscured b 0tone #ge trails the cross the continent! is not
Fe don"t kno( (hen $annabis and humanit first met. 3iven the gro(th habit of the plant and the
curiosit of humanit! such a meeting (as inevitable. @n the plant (orld! $annabis is a coloniser. @t
establishes ne( territor (hen running (ater or seed-eating animals carr seed to cleared and fertile soil
open to the sun. Fertile soil! clear of competing plants! is rare and short-lived in nature! and is commonl
caused b catastrophe such as flood or earthslide. Natural dissemination is slo( and the plats tend to
gro( in thick stands b dropping seed about the spread of their branches.
5uring the Neolithic era! some ,=!=== ears ago nomadic groups scavenged! hunted! fished! and
gathered plants in an unending search for food. The search ended (hen the learned to plant the native
grains (grasses) and developed agriculture. #griculture reIuires a commitment to the land and grants a
stead food suppl (hich enables people to form permanent settlements. $annabis and Neolithic bands
probabl came in contact often as the plants invaded the fertile clearings - the campsites! roadsides!
fields and garbage heaps - that occur (herever people live.
@n ,-D. the >ussian botanist Lavilov summarised the observations of his comrade! 0inkaia! on the
domestication of hemp b peasants of the #ltai <ountains: H,. (ild hempK D. spreading of hemp from (ild
centers of distribution into populated areas (formation of (eed hemp)K /. utilisation of (eed hemp b
the populationK +. cultivation of hemp.HD+
The plants (hich people learn to use help define aspects of their (a of life! including perceptions of the
(orld! health! and the directions their technologies and economies flo(. The plants ou are about to gro(
are descended from one of the ancient plants that made the transition to civilisation possible.
The earliest cultural evidence of $annabis comes from the oldest kno(n Neolithic culture in $hina! the
Nang-shao! (hich appeared along the Nello( >iver valle about .!C== ears ago (O$annabis is kno(n to
have been used in the 4lon culture of $entral Europe (about B!=== ears ago).,8+). The clothes the
people (ore! the nets the fished and hunted (ith! and the ropes the used in the earliest machines (ere
all made of the long! strong! and durable fibre! hemp. This valuable fibre separates from the stem of
$annabis (hen the stem decas (rets).
@n the earl classics of the $hou dnast! (ritten over /!=== ears ago! mention is often made of Ha
prehistoric culture based on fishing and hunting! a culture (ithout (ritten language but (hich kept records
b ting knots in ropes. Nets (ere used for fishing and hunting and the (eaving of nets eventuall
developed into clothmaking.H8 These references ma (ell be to the Nang-shao people.
#s their culture advanced! these prehistoric people replaced their animal skins (ith hemp cloth. #t first!
hemp cloth (as (orn onl b the more prosperous! but (hen silk became available! hemp clothed the
'eople in $hina relied on $annabis for man more products than fibre. $annabis seeds (ere one of the
grains of earl $hina along (ith river barle! millet! and sobeans. The seeds (ere ground into a meal! or
roasted (hole! or cooked in porridge. The ancient tombs of $hina had sacrificial vessels filled (ith hemp
seed and other grains for the afterlife. From prehistoric times there is a continuos record of the
importance of hemp seed for food until the first to second centur 4$ (hen the seed had been replaced
b more palatable cereal grains.B (an interesting note from the Tung-kuan archives (D8 #5) records that
after a (ar-caused famine the people subsisted on H(ildH $annabis and sobean.8)
The effects of $annabis" resinous leaves and flo(ers did not go unnoticed. The Oen-ts-ao $hing! the
oldest pharmacopoeia kno(n! states that the fruits (flo(ering tops) of hemp! Hif taken in e:cess (ill
produce hallucinationsH (literall Hseeing devilsH). The ancient medical (ork also sas! H@f taken over a
long term! it makes one communicate (ith spirits and lightens one"s bod.H- <ari)uana! (ith a po(erful
effect on the psche! must have been considered a magical herb at a time (hen medical concepts (ere
)ust being formed. The 'Pe hatQn-ts"ao $hing! speaking for the legendar Emperor 0hPe hatQn-nung of
about D=== 4$! prescribes mari)uana preparations for Hmalaria! beriberi! constipation! rheumatic pains!
absent-mindedness! and female disorders.H,C Even the $annabis root found its place in earl medicine.
3round to form a paste! it (as applied to relive the pain of broken bones and surger.
Ne( uses (ere discovered for $annabis as $hinese civilisation progressed and developed ne(
technologies. The ancient $hinese leaned to mill! heat! and then (edge-press $annabis seeds to e:tract
the valuable oil! a techniIue still used in the (estern (orld in the t(entieth centur. 'ressed seeds
ielded almost D= percent oil b (eight. $annabis oil! much like linseed oil! could be used for cooking! to
fuel lamps! for lubrication! and as the base in paint! varnish! and soap making. #fter oil e:traction! the
residue or Hhemp cakeH still contained about ,= percent oil and /= percent protein! a nutritious feed for
domesticated animals.
#nother advancement came (ith the $hinese invention of paper. 9emp fibres reccled from old rags and
fish nets made a paper so durable that some (as recentl found in graves in the 0hense province that
predates ,== 4$ (-) 9emp paper is kno(n for its longevit and resistance to tearing! and is presentl
used for paper mone ($anada) and for fine 4ibles.
The ancient $hinese learned to use virtuall ever part of the $annabis plant: the root for medicine!K the
stem for te:tiles! rope and paper makingK the leaves and flo(ers for into:ication and medicineK and the
seeds for food and oil. 0ome of the products fell into disuse onl to be rediscovered b other people at
other times.
Fhile the $hinese (ere building their hemp culture! the cotton cultures of @ndia and the linen (fla:)
cultures of the <editerranean began to learn of $annabis through e:panding trade and from (andering
tribes of #rans! <ongols! and 0cthians (ho had bordered $hina since Neolithic times.
The #rans (@ndo-'ersians) brought $annabis culture to @ndia nearl +!=== ears ago. The (orshipped
the spirits of plants and animals! and mari)uana plaed an active role in their rituals. @n $hina! (ith the
strong influence of philosophic and moralistic religions! use of mari)uana all but disappeared. 4ut in @ndia!
the #ran religion gre( through oral tradition! until it (as recorded in the four Ledas! compiled bet(een
,+== and ,=== 4$. @n that tradition! unlike the $hinese! mari)uana (as sacred! and the bhangas spirit
(as appealed to Hfor freedom of distressH and as a Hreliever of an:ietH (from the #tharva Leda)., # gift
from the gods! according to @ndian mtholog! the magical $annabis Hlo(ered fevers! fostered sleep!
relieved dsenter! and cured sundr other illsK it also stimulated the appetite! prolonged life! Iuickened
the mind! and improved the )udgement.H,C
The 0cthians brought $annabis to Europe via a northern route (here remnants of their campsites! from
the #ltai <ountains to 3erman! date back D!8== ears. 0eafaring Europe never smoked mari)uana
e:tensivel! but hemp fibre became a ma)or crop in the histor of almost ever European countr. 'ollen
analsis dates the cultivation of $annabis to +== 4$ in Nor(a! although it is believed the plant (as
cultivated in the 4ritish @sles several centuries earlier.D The 3reeks and >omans used hemp for rope and
sail but imported the fibre from 0icil and 3aul. #nd it has been said the H$aesar invaded 3aul in order to
tie up the >oman Empire!H an allusion to the >omans" need for hemp.
<ari)uana! from its stronghold in @ndia! moved (est(ard through 'ersia! #ssria and #rabs b C== #5.
Fith the rising po(er if @slam! mari)uana flourished in a popular form as hashish. @n ,/B8! the Emir
0oudon 0heikhouni tried to end the use of @ndian hashish b destroing all such plants! and imprisoning
all users (first removing their teeth for good measure). Net in a fe( ears mari)uana consumption had
@slam had a strong influence on the use of mari)uana in #frica. 9o(ever! its use is so ingrained in some
ancient cultures of the AambeEi Lalle that is appearance clearl predated @slam. Tribes from the $ongo!
East #frica! *ake Lictoria! and 0outh #frica smoke mari)uana in ritual and leisure. The ancient >iamba
cult is still practiced in the $ongo. #ccording to the >iamba beliefs! mari)uana is a god! protector from
phsical and spiritual harm. Throughout #frica treaties and business transactions are sealed (ith a puff of
smoke from a ard-long pipe.(,C)
Fith increased travel and trade! $annabis seed (as brought to all parts of the kno(n (orld b ships and
caravans rigged (ith the fibre of its kind. #nd (hen the first settlers came to the #mericas! the brought
the seed (ith them.
*ike their European forbears! #mericans cultivated $annabis primaril for hemp fibre. 9emp seed (as
planted in $hile in ,C+C!(.+) $anada in ,.=.! Lirginia in ,.,,! and in the 'uritan settlements in
<assachusetts in the ,./=s(,C). 9emp-fibre production (as especiall important to the embronic
colonies for homespun cloth and for ship rigging. @n ,./B! the 3eneral $ourt at 9artford ordered that
Hever famil (ithin this plantation shall procure and plant this present ear one spoonful of English hemp
seed in some sole.H(,D)
9emp gro(ing (as encouraged b the 4ritish parliament to meet the need for fibre to rig the 4ritish fleets.
'artl to dissuade the colonists from gro(ing onl tobacco! bounties (ere paid for hemp and manuals on
hemp cultivation (ere distributed. @n ,B.D! that state of Lirginia re(arded hemp gro(ers and Himposed
penalties upon those that did not produce it.H(D)
The hemp industr started in Mentuck in ,BBC and in <issouri some C= ears later. 4 ,8.=! hemp
production in Mentuck alone e:ceeded +=!=== tons and the industr (as second onl to cotton in the
0outh. The $ivil Far disrupted production and the industr never recovered! despite several attempts b
the ?nited 0tates 5epartment of #griculture to stimulate cultivation b importing $hinese and @talian hemp
seed to @llinois! Nebraska! and $alifornia. $ompetition from imported )ute and HhempH (<usa te:tiles) kept
domestic production under ,=!=== tons per ear. @n the earl ,-==s! a last effort b the ?05# failed to
offset the economic difficulties of a labour shortage and the lack of development of modern machiner for
the hemp industr (.+). 9o(ever! it (as legal force that (ould bring an end to ?0 hemp production.
For thousands of ears mari)uana had been valued and respected for its medicinal and euphoric
properties. The Encclopaedia 4rittanica of ,8-+ estimated that /== million people! mostl from Eastern
countries! (ere regular mari)uana users. <illions more in both the East and the Fest received
prescription mari)uana for such (ide-ranging ills as hdrophobia and tetanus.
4 the turn of the centur! man doctors had dropped mari)uana from the pharmacopoeias: drugs such as
aspirin! though less safe (mari)uana has never kill anone)! (ere more convenient! more predictable! and
more specific to the condition being treated. 'ill-popping (ould become an #merican institution.
<ari)uana (as not a legal issue in the ?nited 0tates until the turn of the t(entieth centur. Fe( #mericans
smoked mari)uana! and those that did (ere mostl minorit groups. #ccording to author <ichael #ldrich!
(,) HThe illegalisation of $annabis came about because of (ho (as using itH - <e:ican labourers!
southern blacks! and the ne(l sub)ugated Filipinos.
@n states (here there (ere large non-(hite populations! racist politicians created the mths that mari)uana
caused insanit! lust! violence and crime. One )oint and ou (ere addicted! and mari)uana led the (a to
the use of HeIuivalent drugsH - cocaine! opium and heroin. These mths (ere promoted b ignorant
politicians and )ournalists! (ho had neither e:perience nor kno(ledge of $annabis! and gre( into an anti-
mari)uana hsteria b the ne:t generation.
For e:ample! the first states to pass restriction on mari)uana use (ere in the 0outh(est! (here there (ere
large populations of migrant (orkers from <e:ico. One of the first states to act (as $alifornia! (hich!
H(ith its huge $hicano population and opium smoking $hinato(ns! labelled mari)uana "poison" in ,-=B!
prohibited its possession unless prescribed b a phsician in ,-,C! and included it among hard narcotics!
morphine and cocaine in ,-D-.H (,)
@n mari)uana! the mainstream societ found a defenceless scapegoat to cover the ills of povert! racism!
and cultural pre)udice. 0an Franciscans H(ere frightened b the "large influ: of 9indoos ... demanding
$annabis indica" (ho (ere initiating "the (hites into their habit."H (,,) Editorialists heightened public fears
(ith nightmarish headlines of the Hmari)uana menaceH and Hkiller (eed!H and fear of $annabis graduall
spread through the Fest. 4 ,-D-! ,. (estern states had passed punitive restrictions governing
mari)uana use.
{Figure ! "#a$ple %% &arning 'ard to be pla'ed in R! R! Trains( Buses(
#treet )ars( et'!*
Beware+ ,oung and -ld % .eople in /ll &alks o0 1i0e+
This {2oint3 $ay be handed you by the 0riendly stranger!
4t 'ontains the 5iller Drug 6Marihuana6 %% a power0ul nar'oti'
in whi'h lurks Murder+ 4nsanity+ Death+
Dope peddlers are shrewd+ They $ay put so$e o0 this drug in the {teapot3
or in the {'o'ktail3 or in the toba''o 'igarette!
&R4TE F-R DET/41ED 47F-RM/T4-7( E7)1-#478 12 )E7T# 47
.-#T/8E %% M/41478 )-#T
/ddress9 T:E 47TER%#T/TE 7/R)-T4) /##-)4/T4-7
"4n'orporated not 0or pro0it*
2& ;a'kson Blvd! )hi'ago( 4llinois( <!#!/!
{=This $ay be handed you by the !!!= is a $istake on the poster33
<ari)uana (as not singled out be anti-drug campaigners. 5uring this time! $ongress not onl banned
HhardH narcotics! but also had prohibited alcohol and considered the prohibition of medical pain killers and
even caffeine.
The Federal 4ureau of Narcotics (as established in ,-/= (ith 9arr #nslinger as its first commissioner.
5uring the first fe( ears of operation! the bureau minimised the mari)uana problem! limited mostl to the
0outh(est and certain ghettos in the big cities of the East. 9o(ever! the bureau (as besieged (ith pleas
from local police and sheriffs to help (ith mari)uana problems. The F4N continued to resist this pressure!
because $ommissioner #nslinger had serious doubts as to (hether federal la( restricting mari)uana use
could be sustained as constitutional. Further! F4N reports indicate that the bureau did not believe that the
mari)uana problem (as as great as its public reputation. $ontrol of the drug (ould also prove e:tremel
difficult! for as #nslinger pointed out! the plant gre( Hlike dandelions.H (,,)
The )oblessness and miser of the depression added impetus to the anti-mari)uana campaign. This came
about indirectl! b (a of focusing public sentiment against migrant and minorit (orkers (ho (ere
blamed for taking H#mericanH )obs. <uch of this sentiment gre( out of cultural and racial pre)udice and
(as supported b groups such as Me <en of #merica and the #merican $oalition. The goal of these
groups (as to HMeep #merica #merican.H
9o(ever! b ,-/C almost ever state had restricted mari)uana use! and local police and influential
politicians had managed to pressure the F4N to seek a federal mari)uana la(. The constitutional Iuestion
could be circumvented b cleverl ting restrictions to a transfer ta:! effectivel giving the federal
government legal control of mari)uana.
Fith this ne( tack! the F4N prepared for congressional hearings on the <ari)uana Ta: #ct so that
passage of the bill (ould be assured. #nslinger and politicians seeking to gain from this highl emotional
issue railroaded the <ari)uana Ta: #ct through the ,-/B $ongress. #nslinger made sure that Hthe onl
information that the (the congressmen) has (as (hat (e (ould give them at the hearings.H (,,) No
users (ere allo(ed to testif in pot"s defence! and doctors and scientists (ere ridiculed for raising
contrar vie(s (,.). The ne( federal la( made both raising and use of the plant illegal (ithout the
purchase of a hard-to-acIuire federal stamp. The F4N immediatel intensified the propaganda campaign
against mari)uana and for the ne:t generation! the propaganda continued unchallenged.
The mari)uana hsteria also ended an hopes for a recover of the hemp industr. Fhat had been
needed (as a machine that (ould solve the age-old problem of separating the fibre from the plant stem!
an effort (hich reIuired considerable skilled labour. The machine that could have revolutionised hemp
production (as introduced to the #merican public in the Februar ,-/8 edition of 'opular <echanics. 4ut
the <ari)uana Ta: #ct has been passed four months earlier! and the official attitude to(ard all $annabis
is best illustrated b this Iuote from 9arr 7. #nslinger! commissioner of the Federal 4ureau of Narcotics:
HNo( this (hemp) is the finest fibre kno(n to man-kind! m 3od! if ou ever have a shirt made of it! our
grandchildren (ould never (ear it out. Nou take 'olish families. Fe"d go in and start to tear it up and the
man came out (ith his shotgun elling! "These are m clothes for ne:t (interR"H (D)
5uring the (ar ears! after the 7apanese had cut off #merica"s suppl of manila hemp! (orried officials
supplied hemp seed and gro(ing information to <id(estern farmers. @n <innesota! @o(a! @llinois! and
Fisconsin! hemp farmers sho(ed their (artime spirit b producing over ./!=== tons of hemp fibre in
?nlike man of our ancient domesticated plants! $annabis never lost its colonising tendencies or abilit to
survive (ithout human help. $annabis readil HescapesH cultivated fields and ma flourish long after its
cultivation is abandoned. 9o(ever! $annabis al(as keeps in contact b flourishing in our (aste areas -
our vacant fields and lots! along roads and drainage ditches! and in our rubbish and garbage heaps.
'erhaps it a(aits discover b future generations. The ccle has been repeated man times.
0tates that once supported hemp industr are no( dotted (ith stands of escaped (eed hemp. Feed
hemp gro(s across the countr! e:cept in the 0outh(est and parts of the 0outheast. 5istribution is
centered heavil in the <id(est. <ost of these plants are descended from $hinese and European hemp
strains that (ere bred in Mentuck and the gro(n in <id(estern stated during Forld Far @@. 4ut some
(eed patches! such as in Mentuck and <issouri! go back perhaps to revolutionar times.
The #nslinger crusades that continued through the si:ties are a fine e:ample of government propaganda
and control of individual lives and beliefs. Fe still feel the ramifications in our present la(s and in the fear-
response to mari)uana harboured b man people (ho gre( up (ith #nslingian concepts. 'oor $annabis!
portraed as a dangerous narcotic that (ould bring purgator upon anone (ho took a toke - violence!
addiction! lust! insanit - ou name it! and mari)uana caused it. #ll it ever did to us (as get us stoned ...
things slo(ed do(n a bit ... enough to stop and look around.
{Figure >! / weedy he$p stand in 7ebraska!3
9opefull! (e are living in the last ears of the era of illegal mari)uana and the persecution of this plant.
$annabis is trul (ondrous! having served human needs for! perhaps! ,=!=== ears. @t deserves rene(ed
attention not onl for its chemical properties! but also as an ecologicall sensible alternative for snthetic
fibres in general and especiall (ood-pulp paper. <a $annabis be vindicated.
1.4 Cannabis: Species or arie!ies
The ,=!===-ear co-evolution of $annabis and humanit has had a profound impact on both plant and
humans. $annabis has affected our cultural evolutionK (e have affected the plant"s biological evolution.
From small populations of ancient progenitors! hundreds of varieties or strains of $annabis have evolved.
These variations can be traced to human acts! both planned and accidental.
#ncient farmers! kno(ing that like begets like! selected $annabis for certain characteristics to better suit
their needs. Fith the need for fibre! seeds from plants (ith longer stems and better fibres (ere cultivated.
3raduall! their descendants became taller! straight-stemmed! and had a minimum of branches. 0ome
farmers (ere interested in seed and oil. The developed large-seeded! bush plants that could bear an
abundance of seeds. <ari)uana farmers interested in potenc selected plants that flo(ered profusel (ith
heav resin and strong pschoactive properties.
The subseIuent variations in $annabis are striking. @n @tal! (here hemp fibre supports a ma)or te:tile and
paper industr! some fibre varieties gro( /C feet in a single season. Other @talian varieties ma reach onl
five or si: feet in height! but have slender! straight stems that ield a fibre of ver fine Iualit. @n 0outheast
#sia! some mari)uana plants gro( onl four feet or less! et these are densel foliated and heav (ith
resin. Other varieties of mari)uana gro( ,C to D= feet in a season and ield over a pound of grass per
4reeding plants is a conscious act. The plant"s evolution! ho(ever! has also been affected b its
introduction to lands and climates different from its original home. Fhether plants are cultivated or (eeds!
the must adapt to their environment. Each ne( countr and gro(ing situation presented $annabis (ith
ne( circumstances and problems for survival. The plants have been so successful at adapting and
harmonising (ith ne( environments that the are no( considered the most (idel distributed of cultivated
plants. (+C)
@n French! $annabis is sometimes called H*e $hanvre troumperH or Htrick hemp!H a name coined to
described its highl adaptable nature. The (ord adaptable actuall has t(o meanings. The first refers to
ho( a population of plants (the generic pool) ad)usts to the local environment over a period of
generations. (The population is! in practice! each batch of seeds ou heave! or each e:isting stand or
field.) For instance! a garden (ith some plants that flo(er late in the season (ill not have time to seed in
the north. The ne:t ear"s crop (ill come onl from an earl seeding plants. <ost of them (ill be like their
parents and (ill set seed earl. (0ee section ,8.)
#daptable is a term that also applies to the individual living plant (phenotpe) and! in practical terms!
means that $annabis is tenacious and hard -- a survivor among plants. @t thrives under a variet of
environmental conditions! (hether at ,=!=== feet in the 9imalaas! the tropical valles of $olombia! or the
cool and rain Ne( England coast.
Through breading and natural selection! $annabis has evolved in man direction. 4otanicall and
historicall! the genus is so diverse that man gro(ers are confused b the mtholog! e:otic names! and
seeming contradictions that surround the plants. <an inconsistencies are e:plained b understanding
ho( variable $annabis is. There are hundreds of (ild! (eed! and cultivated varieties. $ultivated varieties
ma be useful for onl hemp! oil! or mari)uana. H0trains!H Hvarieties!H Hcultivars!H Hchemovars!H or
HecotpesH differ (idel in almost ever apparent characteristic. Larieties range from t(o to /C feet tallK
branching patterns run from dense to Iuite loose! long (five or si: feet) or short (a fe( inches). Larious
branching patterns form the plant into shapes ranging from clindrical! to conical! to ovoid! to ver sparse
and gangl. The shape and colour of leaves and stems! seeds! and flo(ering clusters are all variable
characteristics that differ among varieties. *ife ccles ma be as short as three months! or the plants ma
hang on to life for several ears. <ost importantl! different varieties provide great variations in the Iualit
and Iuantit of resin the produce! and hance in their pschoactive properties and value as mari)uana.
The ta:onom (ordering and naming) of $annabis has never been adeIuatel carried out. Earl research
placed the genus $annabis (ithin the Families of either the <oraceae (mulberr) or the ?rticaceae
(nettle). No( there is general agreement that the plant belongs in a separate famil! the $annabaceae!
along (ith one other genus! 9umulus! the hops plant. (0ee section on 3rafting in section ,8.)
# modern 0cheme for the phlogen of $annabis (ould be:
#ubdivision /ngiosper$ae "0lowering plants*
)lass Di'otyledoneae "di'ots*
-rder <riti'ales "nettle order*
Fa$ily )annaba'eae "he$p 0a$ily*
8enus )annabis "he$p plant*
4elo( the genus level! there is no general agreement on ho( man species should be recognised (ithin
$annabis. The $annabis lineage has not been possible to trace after thousands of ears of human
<ost research refers to $annabis as a single species - $annabis sativa *. (The (ord $annabis comes
from ancient vernacular names for hemp! such as the 3reek MannabisK sativa means HcultivatedH in *atinK
*. stands for *innaeus! the botanical author of the name.) 4ut some botanists (ho are studing $annabis
believe there are more than one species (ithin the genus.
>ichard 0chultes! for e:ample! describes three separate species (see 4o: #) based on variations in
characteristics believed not to be selected for b humans (natural variations) such as seed colour and
abscission laer (scar tissue on the seed (hich indicates ho( it (as attached to the stalk).
4OS #
0chultes" Me as it appears in 9arvard 4otanical
<useum *eaflets (+C)
$annabis 0ativa
,. 'lants usuall tall (five to ,8 feet)! la:l branchedK akenes ((#kene (or #chene) is the botanical
name for the fruit of $annabis. @n $annabis! the fruit is essentiall the seed.)) smooth! usuall
lacking marbled pattern on outer coat! firml attached to stalk and (ithout definite articulation.
$annabis @ndica
,#. 'lant usuall small (four feet or less)! not la:l branchedK akenes usuall strongl marbled on
outer coat! (ith a definite abscission laer! dropping off at maturit.
D. 'lants ver densel branched! more or less conical! usuall four feet tall or lessK abscission
laer a simple articulation at base of akene.
$annabis ruderalis ((*imited to parts of #sia.))
D#. 'lants not branched or ver sparsel so! usuall one to t(o feet at maturit. #bscission laer
forms a fleshl carbuncle-like gro(th at base of akene.
@deall! the classification of living things follo(s a natural order! reflecting relationships as the occur in
nature. 0pecies are groups of organisms that are evolving as distinct units. 4iologicall! the evolutionar
unit is the population! a population being a group of freel inbreeding organisms. *iving things don"t
al(as fit neatl into scientific categories. #nd the meaning of species changes (ith our understanding of
life and the evolutionar processes. Often! the definition of species (ill depend on the particular being
# traditional (a of defining separate species is that off-spring that result cannot reproduce successfull.
#s far as is kno(n! all $annabis plants can cross freel! resulting in full fertile hbrids (,=B). 4ut gro(th
habit and actual gene e:change are important considerations in plant ta:onom. @f different populations
never come in contact! then there is no pressure for them to develop biological processes to prevent them
mi:ing. $annabis is pollinated b the (ind. #lthough (ind ma carr pollen grains hundreds of miles!
almost all pollen falls (ithin a fe( feet of the parent plant. The chance of a pollen grain fertilising a tin
female flo(er more than ,== ards a(a is e:tremel small (D=,). 9ence! separate stands or fields of
$annabis (populations) are Iuite naturall isolated. For $annabis! the fact that populations are isolated b
distance is not sufficient grounds for labelling them separate species! nor is successful hbridisation
reason enough to group all populations as one species.
The species Iuestion and $annabis mtholog are complicated b the plant"s abilit to rapidl change
form and gro(th habits. These changes can be measured in ears and decades! rather than centuries or
The fact that a pollen grain does occasionall fertilise a distant flo(ers leads to a process called
introgression. @ntrogression means that ne( genes (ne( variations and possible variations) are
incorporated into the population via the foreign pollen. This crossing bet(een populations leads to an
increase in variation (ithin the population! but a decrease in the differences bet(een the populations.
#lthough introgression confuses the species Iuestion! it also adds to the plant"s adaptable nature b
providing a resource for adaptive variations. @n other (ords! $annabis has been around. The plants have
a rich and varied histor of e:perience! (hich is reflected in their variet and adaptive nature.
@f breeding barriers do not e:ist! species are often delimited b natural differences in morpholog
(structure or appearance). The natural variations on (hich 0chultes" ke is based are actuall affected b
contact (ith farmers. For instance! seeds (hich drop freel from the plant are less likel to be collected
and so(n b the farmer! so that cultivated $annabis ma eventuall develop a different tpe of abscission
laer than (hen (ild or (eed.
0eed colour and pattern are affected naturall b the need for camouflage. ?nder cultivation this natural
selection pressure (ould not be the same. <an farmers select seeds b colour! believing the darkest are
the best developed. @n other (ords! there are serious problems (ith this limited approach to categorising
species in $annabis. This does not go unrecognised b 5r. 0chultes! and the ke represents a starting
point. 9o(ever! species should represent distinct groups (ithin a genus! and populations (ith
intermediate characteristics should be the e:ception. Fhen ou gro( mari)uana! ou"ll find that most
varieties do not fit into an of these categories! but lie some(here bet(een. The ma)orit of the mari)uana
from the Festern 9emisphere (ould follo( this description: plants tall (eight to ,8 feet)K (ell-branchedK
akenes usuall strongl marbledK base of the seed sometimes slightl articulated.
Other characteristics! such as variations on (ood anatom (,B) and leaf form (D8)! have been suggested
for delimiting $annabis species. 9o(ever! (ood anatom! like stem anatom! can be seriousl affected
b selection for hemp in particular! but also b selection for mari)uana and seed. Food anatom also
depends on the portion of the stem e:amined and on the arrangement of leaves (phllota:)! (hich! in
turn! is influenced b light levels! photoperiod! and the phsiological development of the plant.
<ost $annabis plants have compound leaves (ith seven to nine blades or leaflets per leaf. Occasionall!
varieties are seen (here all the leaves have onl one to three blades (monophllous). 0uch plants
sometimes arise from varieties (ith compound leaves. The factor is genetic! but carries little (eight for
the separation of species.
9uman selection for particular traits can po(erfull alter plants. 0e: vegetables - cabbage! cauliflo(er!
brussel sprouts! broccoli! kale! and kohlrabi - are all descended from a single (ild species of mustard
herb! 4rassica oleracea (D,.). 9uman preference for particular parts of the plant led to their development.
#ll si: are still considered one species.
#n classification of species in $annabis! based solel on morphological grounds! (ill prove difficult to
)ustif (ith our present kno(ledge of the plant. #t this time it seems that all $annabis should be
considered one species! $annabis sativa *.
{Figure ?! )o$$on $ari2uana lea0 with seven blades ")olo$bian*3
{Figure @! Four lea0 types 0ro$ )olo$bian $ari2uana varieties3
{Figure 9! 1ea0 blades 0ro$ Figure @!3
The debate on (hether there is more than one species has been intense! for the issue has legal
implications. <an la(s specificall prohibit onl $annabis sativa. 'resumabl other species (ould not be
prohibited. 9o(ever! in the ?nited 0tates! this argument (as recentl dismissed (hen tested in a
$alifornia court. The court upheld the argument that the la("s intent is clear! although it ma be
Iuestionable botanicall: under la( all $annabis are regarded alike.
*uckil! the controvers over the number of species is of no more than academic interest to the mari)uana
gro(er. The most important characteristic to enthusiasts is the Iualit or potenc of the grass the"ll gro(.
'otenc is mostl a factor of heredit. The Iualit of the grass ou gro( depends on ho( good its parents
(ere! so choose seeds from the grass ou like best.
The environment has an impact! too! but it can onl (ork on (hat is contained in the seed. # potent
harvest depends on an environment (hich encourages the seed to develop to a full and potent maturit.
The (a to begin is to find the most potent grass ou canK then ou (ill have taken the first step.
$annabis is uniIue in man (as. Of all plants! it is the onl genus kno(n to produce chemical
substances kno(n as cannabinoids. The cannabinoids are the pschoactive ingredients of mari)uanaK
the are (hat get ou high. 4 ,-B+! /B naturall occurring cannabinoids had been discovered ,,C!,,8.
<ost of the cannabinoids appear in ver small amounts (less than .=, percent of total cannabinoids) and
are not considered pschoactive! or else not important to the high. <an are simpl homologues or
analogues (similar structure or function) to the fe( ma)or cannabinoids (hich are listed.
,. (-)-%triangle&--trans-tetrahdrocannabinol ((There are several numbering sstems used for
cannabinoids. The sstem in this book is most common in #merican publications and is based on
formal chemical rules for numbering pran compounds. #nother common sstem is used more b
Europeans and is based on a monoterpenoid sstem (hich is more useful considering the
biogenesis of the compound.)) This (delta-- T9$) is the main pschotomimetic (mindbending)
ingredient of mari)uana. Estimates state that B= to ,== percent (,D,) of the mari)uana high results
from the delta-- T9$ present. @t occurs in almost all $annabis in concentration that var from
traces to about -C percent of all the cannabinoids in the sample. @n ver potent varieties! carefull
prepared mari)uana can have up to ,D percent delta-- T9$ b dr (eight of the sample (seeds
and stems removed from flo(ering buds). ((H4udsH of commercial mari)uana is the popular name
given to masses of female flo(ers that form distinct clusters.))
5elta-8 T9$ - This substance is reported in lo( concentration! less than one percent of the delta-
- T9$ present. @ts activit is slightl less than that of delta-- T9$. @t ma be an artefact of the
e:traction1analsis process. 9ere (e refer to delta-- T9$ and delta-8 T9$ as T9$.
D. $annabidiol - $45 also occurs in almost all varieties. $oncentration range from nil (,,-!,/8)!
to about -C percent of the total cannabinoids present. T9$ and $45 are the t(o most abundant
naturall occurring cannabinoids. $45 is not pschotomimetic in the pure form (,-D)! although it
does have sedative! analgesic! and antibiotic properties. @n order for $45 to affect the high! T9$
must be present in Iuantities ordinaril pschoactive. $45 can contribute to the high b
interacting (ith T9$ to potentiate (enhance) or antagonise (interfere or lessen) certain Iualities of
the high. $45 appears to potentiate the depressant effects of T9$ and antagonise is e:citator
effects (,8.). $45 also delas the onset of the high (,8/) but can make it last considerabl
longer (as much as t(ice as long). (The grass takes a (hile to come on but keeps coming on.)
Opinions are conflicting as to (hether it increases or decreases the intensit of the high!
HintensitH and highH being difficult to define. Terms such as knock-out or sleep! dreamlike! or
melancholic are often used to describe the high from grass (ith siEeable proportions of $45 and
T9$. Fhen onl small amounts of T9$ are present (ith high proportions of $45! the high is
more of a buEE! and the mind feels dull and the bod de-energised. %0ee Figure ,, to ,. for
chemical structure in monochrome bitmap format.&
/. $annabinol - $4N is not produced b the plant per se. @t is the degradation (o:idative) product
of T9$. Fresh samples of mari)uana contain ver little $4N but curing! poor storage! or
processing such as (hen making hashish! can cause much of the T9$ to be o:idised to $4N.
'ure forms of $4N have at most ,= percent of the pschoactivit of T9$ (,-D). *ike $45! it is
suspected of potentiating certain aspects of the high! although so far these affects appear to be
slight (,8/!,8C). $4N seems to potentiate T9$"s disorienting Iualities. One ma feel more diEE
or drugged or generall untogether but not necessaril higher. @n fact! (ith a high proportion of
$4N! the high ma start (ell but feels as if it never Iuite reaches its peak! and (hen coming
do(n one feels tired or sleep. 9igh $4N in homegro(n grass is not desirable since it represents
a loss of -= percent of the pschoactivit of its precursor T9$.
+. Tetrahdrocannabivarin - T9$L is the propl homologue of T9$. @n the aromatic ring the usual
five-carbon pentl is replaced b a short three-carbon propl chain. The propl cannabinoids have
so far been found in some varieties originating from 0outheast and $entral #sia and parts of
#frica. Fhat are considered some ver potent mari)uana varieties contain propl cannabinoids. @n
one stud! T9$L made up to +8.D/ percent (#fghanistan strain) and C/..- percent (0outh #frica)
of the cannabinoids found (,/.). Fe"ve seen no reports on its activit in humans. From animal
studies it appears to be much faster in onset and Iuicker to dissipate than T9$ (,8,). @t ma be
the constituent of one- or t(o-toke grass! but its activit appears to be some(hat less than that of
The propl cannabinoids are a series corresponding to the usual pentl cannabinoids. The
counterpart of $45 is $45LK and of $4N! $4L. There are no reports on their activit and for no(
(e can onl speculate that the are similar to $45 and $4N. ?nless noted other(ise! in this
book T9$ refers collectivel to delta-- T9$! delta-8 T9$! and T9$L.
C. $annabichromene - $4$ is another ma)or cannabinoid! although it is found in smaller
concentrations than $45 and T9$. @t (as previousl believed that is (as a minor constituent! but
more e:acting analsis sho(ed that the compound often reported as $45 ma actuall be $4$
(,,-!,/B). 9o(ever! relative to T9$ and $45! its concentration in the plants is lo(! probabl not
e:ceeding D= percent of total cannabinoids. $4$ is believed not to be pschotomimetic in
humans (,D,)K ho(ever! its presence in plants is purportedl ver potent has led to the suspicion
that it ma be interacting (ith T9$ to enhance the high (,/B). $annabicclol ($4*) is a
degradative product like $4N and $4L (,D/). 5uring e:traction! light converts $4$ to $4*.
There are no reports on its activit in humans! and it is found in small amounts! if at all! in fresh
plant material.

2.2 Cannabinoi"s an" !#e Hi$#
The mari)uana high is a comple: e:perience. @t involves a (ide range of pschical! phsical! and
emotional responses. The high is a sub)ective e:perience based in the individual - one"s personalit!
mood! disposition! and e:perience (ith the drug. 3iven the person! the intensit of the high depends
primaril on the amount of T9$ present in the mari)uana. 5elta-- T9$ is the main ingredient of mari)uana
and must be present in sufficient Iuantities for a good mari)uana high. 'eople (ho smoke grass that has
ver little cannabinoids other then delta-- T9$ usuall report that the high is ver intense. <ost people
(ill get high from a )oint having delta-- T9$ of .C percent concentration to material. 3rass having a T9$
concentration of three percent (ould be considered e:cellent Iualit b anone"s standards. @n this book!
for brevit! (e use potenc to mean the sum effects of the cannabinoids and the overall high induced.
<ari)uana (plant material) is sometimes rated more potent that the content of delta-- T9$ alone (ould
suggest. @t also elicits Iualitativel different highs. The reasons for this have not been sorted out. Fe(
clinical studies (ith kno(n combinations of several cannabinoids have been undertaken (ith human
sub)ects. This field is still in its infanc. 0o far! different highs and possibl higher potenc seem to be due
to the interaction of delta-- T9$ and other cannabinoids (T9$L!$45!$4N! and possibl $4$). E:cept
for T9$L! in the pure form! these other cannabinoids do not have much pschoactivit.
#nother possibilit for higher potenc is that homologues of delta-- T9$ (ith longer side chains at $-/
(and higher activit) might be found in certain mari)uana varieties. $ompounds (ith longer side chains
have been mode in laboratories and their activit is sometimes much higher! (ith estimates over C==
times that of natural delta-- T9$ (CC!,,/!,-,). $ompounds besides T9$L (ith shorter chains (methl
(,/-) and butl (,,8)) in this position have been found in small amounts in some mari)uana samples!
indicating that variations do e:ist. 9o(ever! this is not a ver likel e:planation. <ore likel! T9$L is more
prevalent in mari)uana than supposed and probabl had additive or snergistic effects (ith delta-- T9$.
The possibilit that there are non-cannabinoids that are pschoactive or interacting (ith the cannabinoids
has not been investigated in detail. Non-cannabinoids (ith biological activit have been isolated from the
plants! but onl in ver small Iuantities (,8,). None are kno(n to be pschotomimetic. 9o(ever! the
ma contribute to the overall e:perience in non-mental (as! such as the stimulation of the appetite.
5ifferent blends of cannabinoids account for high of different Iualities. The intensit of the high depends
primaril on the amount of delta-- T9$ present and on the method of ingestion. # comple: drug such as
mari)uana affects the mind and bod in man (as. 0orting out (hat accounts for (hat response can
become Iuite comple:. The methodolog to isolate and test the different cannabinoids no( e:ists. The
National @nstitute of <ental 9ealth (N@<9) is funding research on the pharmacolog of mari)uana.
9o(ever! such research is paltr! considering that over /= million people in the ?nited 0tates use the
crude drug. <uch more research is needed before definite understanding of the cannabinoids and the
high is attained.
Fhen the legal restriction are removed! mari)uana (ill probabl be sold b particular blends of
cannabinoids and standard amounts of delta-- T9$. 0nthetic mari)uana (ill probabl be made (ith
homologues of delta-- T9$ that have much higher activit than the natural form. For no(! (ithout access
to a lab! ou must be satisfied (ith our o(n smoking evaluation (for research purposes onl)! ultimatel
the most important criterion an (a.
2.3 Resin an" Resin %&an"s
<an people consider potenc and resin concentration snonmous. 'eople hear of plants ooEing or
gushing (ith copious resin! and the image is of resin flo(ing in the plant like the late: of a rubber tree or
the sap of a maple tree. 4ut these visions are )ust pipe dreams.
@t is Iuite possible to have a resinous plant (ith little potenc or a plant (ith little apparent resin (hich is
ver potent. 'otenc depends primaril on the concentration of T9$ in the plant material. <an more
substances besides the cannabinoids make up the crude resin of $annabis. 'reparations such as ghan)a
or hashish are roughl about one-third b (eight non-pschoactive (ater-soluble substances and cellular
debris. #nother third is non-pschoactive resins such as phenoloic and terpenoid polmers! glcerides!
and triterpenes. Onl one-fourth to one-third is the cannabinoids. @n man $annabis plants! T9$ ma be
onl a ver small percentage of the total cannabinoids. ((These figures are ver appro:imate. #ctual
percentages depend on sample material! processing! and e:traction procedures. 0ee Table 8 and - for
percentages of T9$ in hashish.)) The remainder (C to ,= percent) of the resin (ill be essential oils!
sterols! fatt acids! and various hdrocarbons common to plants.
Table @ % #eiAed :ashish "a*
Range o0 .er'entage o0
)-<7TR, 47 &:4): #E4BED T:) )BD
8ree'e 1 % 1!@ 1!C % 11!1
7epal 1! % 1D!9 @!@ % 1!1
/0ghanistan 1!? % 1 1!@ % 1D!E
.akistan 2!E % @!? >!@"b*
a Figures 'o$piled 0ro$ $any sour'es!
b -nly one 0igure reported
Table 9 % Relative .er'entages o0 Ma2or )annabinoids 0ro$ :ashish and Resin
/verage .er'entages o0
)-<7TR, T:) )BD )B7
/0ghanistan 2 E> 12
Bur$a 1!? 1>!E >@
;a$ai'a ??! 9!1 1E!C
1ebanon E2!2 >2! !E
Moro''o EC!2 1D!@
7igeria E!? 9!E E?
.akistan E!? C@!E 1>!1
#outh /0ri'a ?!> @!C 1>
a Ea'h row su$s to 1DDF
GT/B1E 9
The cannabinoids basicall do not flo( in the plant! nor are the the plant"s sap. #bout 8= to -= percent of
the cannabinoids are snthesised ad stored in microscopic resin glands that appear on the outer surfaces
of all plant parts e:cept the root and seed. the arrangement and number (concentration) of resin glands
var some(hat (ith the particular strain e:amined. <ari)uana varieties generall have more resin glands!
and the are larger then resin glands on non-drug varieties.
#lthough resin glands are structurall diverse! the are of three basic tpes. The bulbous tpe is the
smallest (,C-/= um ((um is the smbol for a micrometer (or micron)! eIual to ,1,!===!=== of a meter! or
appro:imatel ,1DC!=== of an inch.)) or about .===. to .==,D inches). From one to four cells make up the
HfootH and Hstalk!H and one to four cells make up the HheadH of the gland (DC). 9ead cells secrete a resin -
presumabl cannabinoids - oils! and related compounds (hich accumulate bet(een the head cells and
the outer membrane (cuticle). Fhen the gland matures! a nipple-like outpocket ma form on the
membrane from the pressure of the accumulating resin. The bulbous glands are found scattered about
the surfaces of the above-ground plant parts.
The second tpe of gland is much larger and more numerous than the bulbous glands. The are called
Hcapitate!H (hich means having a globular-shaped head. On immature plants! the heads lie flush or
appear not to have a stalk and are called Hcapitate sessile.H The actuall have a stalk that is one cell
high! although it ma not be visible beneath the globular head. The head is composed of usuall eight! but
up to ,. cells! that form a conve: rosette. These cells secrete a cannabinoid-rich resin (hich accumulates
bet(een the rosette and its outer membrane. This gives it a spherical shape! and the gland measures
from DC to ,== um across. @n fresh plant material about 8= to -= percent of their contents (ill be
cannabinoids! the rest primaril essential oils (,+.).
5uring flo(ering the capitate glands that appear on the ne(l formed plant parts take on a third form.
0ome of the glands are raised to a height of ,C= to C== um (hen their talks elongate! possibl due to
their greater activit. The stalk is composed mostl of ad)acent epidermal tissue. These capitate-stalked
glands appear during flo(ering and form their densest cover on the female flo(er bracts. The are also
highl concentrated on the small leaves that accompan the flo(ers of fine mari)uana varieties. 9ighest
concentration is along the veins of the lo(er leaf surface! although the glands ma also be found on the
upper leaf surface on some varieties. The male flo(ers have stalked glands on the sepals! but the are
smaller and less concentrated than on the female bracts. <ale flo(ers form a ro( of ver large capitate
glands along the opposite sides of anthers.
$apitate-stalked resin glands are the onl ones visible (ithout a microscope. To the naked ee! this
covering of glands on the female flo(er bracts looks like talcum or de( sprinkled on a fuEE surface. Fith
a strong hand lens! the heads and stalks are distinct. >esin glands also can be seen on the anthers of the
male flo(ers and on the undersides of the small leaves the intersperse the flo(er clusters.
{Figure 1?! <pper sur0a'e o0 a s$all lea0( showing stalked glands!3
{Figure 1@! Resin glands on a ste$ lie 'lose to the sur0a'e beneath the
'ystolith hairs! :airs always point in dire'tion o0 growing shoots!3
>esin glands are not visible until flo(ers form. The more obvious covering of (hite hairs seen on stems!
petioles! and leaves are not resin glands. The are cstolith hairs of carbonate and silicate (hich are
common to man plants. These sharp-pointed hairs afford the plant some protection from insects and
make it less palatable to larger! plant-eating animals.
@n @ndia! to make the finest Iualit hashish (nup)! dried plants are thrashed over screens. 3land heads!
stalks and trichomes collect in a (hite to golden po(der (hich is then compressed into hashish (for
hashmaking search section D, for HhashH).
>esin rarel accumulates in the copious Iuantities people (ould lead ou to believe. #ctuall! the plants
form a cover of resin glands rather than a coating of resin. ?suall this is no more apparent than for the
female flo(ers to glisten (ith pin-points of light and for the leaves and stems to feel a bit stick (hen ou
run our fingers over them.
On some fine mari)uana strains! resin ma become obvious b the end of flo(ering and seed set. >esins
occasionall secrete through pores in the membrane of gland heads. ?suall secretion occurs man
(eeks after the stalked glands appear. The glands seem to empt their contents! leaving hollo( spaces
(vacuoles) in the stalk and head cells. #fter secretion! the glands cease to function and begin to
degenerate. 3land heads! stalks! and trichomes become clumped together! and the (hole flo(ering
surface becomes a stick mass. For reasons (e"ll go into later! this is not necessaril desirable. (see
sections D=!D,.)
0mall Iuantities of cannabinoids are present in the internal tissues of the plant. The bulk is found in small
single cells (non-articulated laticifers) that elongate to form small! individual resin canals. The resin canals
ramif the developing shoots! and penetrate the plant"s conducting tissue (phloem). <inute clumps of
resin found in the phloem are probabl deposited b these resin canals. Other plant cells contain
insignificant amounts of cannabinoids and probabl a good -= percent of the cannabinoids are localised
in the resin glands.
$annabinoid snthesis seems to occur primaril in the head and ape: of the stalk cells of the resin glands
(D.). *acticifers and possibl other plant cells probabl contribute b snthesising the simpler molecules
that (ill eventuall make up the cannabinoids. 4iosnthesis (the (a the plant makes the molecules) of
the cannabinoids is believed to follo( a scheme originall outlined b #.>. Todd in his paper H9ashish!H
published in ,-+. (see Figure ,-). @n the ,-.=s the path(a (as (orked out b >aphal <echoulam! and
confirmed in ,-BC b 5r. 0himomura and his associates.
{Figure 19! .ossible biosynthesis o0 'annabinoids!3
Notice that all the cannabinoids are their acid forms (ith a ($OO9) carbo:l group at $-D in the aromatic
ring. This group ma also appear at $-+ and the compounds are called! for e:ample! T9$ acid H#H and
T9$ acid H4H! respectivel. The position of the carbo:l group does not affect the potenc! but! in fact! in
their acid forms the cannabinoids are not pschoactive. @n fresh plant material! cannabinoids are almost
entirel inn their acid forms. The normal procedure of curing and smoking the grass (heat) removes the
carbo:l group! forming the gas $OD and the pschoactive neutral cannabinoids. >emoving the $OD in
important onl if ou plan to eat the mari)uana. @t is then necessar to appl heat (baking in bro(nies! for
e:ample) for the cannabinoids to become pschoactive. Ten minutes of baking mari)uana at D==F is
enough to convert the T9$ acids to neutral T9$.
The formation of $43 acid! from (hich all the other cannabinoids are formed! is initiall made from much
simpler compounds containing terpene units. The e:ample here is olivetolic acid condensing (ith a
terpene moiet called geranl prophosphate. @t is not kno(n (hether these are the actual or onl
precursors to $43 in the living plant.
Terpenes and related substances are Iuite light and some of them can be e:tracted b steam distillation
to ield the Hessential oilH of the plant (from essence - giving the flavour! aroma! character). Over /= of
these related oil substances have been identified from $annabis (,+/). On e:posure to light and air!
some of the polmerise! forming resins and tars.
The cannabinoids are odourlessK most of the s(eet! distinctive! pleasant HmintH fragrance and taste of
fresh mari)uana comes from onl five substances (hich make up onl C to ,= percent of the essential oils:
the mono- and sesIui-terpenes alpha- and beta-pinene! limonene! mrcene! and beta-phalandrene (,++).
These oil substances are volatile and enter the air Iuickl! dissipating (ith time. 0ubseIuentl! the
mari)uana loses much of its s(eetness and mint bouIuet.
The essential oils constitute about ., to ./ percent of the dr (eight of a fresh mari)uana sample! or on the
order of ,= percent of the (eight of the cannabinoids. Essential oils are found (ithin the heads of the
resin glands and make up about ,= to D= percent of their contents in fresh material (,+.). The have also
been detected in the resin canals (laticifers) (/,).
5ifferent samples of $annabis have essential oils of different composition. This is not surprising given the
variabilit of the plant. 0ince substances found in the essential oils are! or are related to! substances that
are the precursors of the cannabinoids! there is some chance that a relationship e:ists bet(een a
particular bouIuet and cannabinoids content. No such relationship is et kno(n! but it has onl been
studied superficiall. Fhen connoisseurs sample the bouIuet of a grass sample! the are basicall
determining (hether it is fresh. Fresh grass mean fresh cannabinoids and less of these are likel to have
been degraded to non-pschoactive products.
2.4 'ro"(c!ion o) Cannabinoi"s b* Cannabis
Fh $annabis produces cannabinoids and resins is a Iuestion probabl ever gro(er has (ondered
about. 0upposedl! if ou kno(! ou could stimulate an environmental factor to increase cannabinoids
production. ?nfortunatel! it does not follo( that increasing a particular selective pressure (ill affect a
plant"s (phenotpe) cannabinoids production. 9o(ever! over a period of generations! it is possible that
environmental manipulations can increase the overall cannabinoids concentrations in a population of
plants. 4ut even this procedure (ould (ork slo(l compared to direct breeding b the farmer.
From the microstructure of the resin glands and the comple:it of the resin! it is apparent that $annabis
invests considerable energ in making and storing the cannabinoids. Obviousl! the cannabinoids are not
a simple b-product or e:cretor product. No doubt the cannabinoids and resins serve the plant in man
(as! but probabl the have more to do (ith biotic factors (other living things) rather than abiotic factors
(non-living environment such as sunlight! moisture! etc.).
The cannabinoids! resins! and related substances make up a comple: and biologicall highl active group
of chemicals! a virtual chemical arsenal from (hich the plant dra(s its means for dealing (ith other
organisms. This (ould appl especiall to herbivores! pathogens! and competing plants. @n the case of
humans! the cannabinoids are an attractant. 0ome possible advantages to the plant are listed belo(! but
no direct studies have been done on this Iuestion. @ndeed! it is surprising that botanists have sho(n so
little interest in this IuestionK the have even gone out of their (a to state their lack of interest.
'ossible #dvantages of $annabinoid 'roduction
,. Obviousl the cannabinoids are pschoactive and phsiologicall active in man animals. This
ma dissuade plant-eating animals from eating the plant! especiall the reproductive parts. <an
birds en)o $annabis seeds. 4ut in nature! birds (ill not bother oung seeds! probabl because
the are encased in the cannabinoids-rich bracts. @n (ild or (eed plants! (hen the seed is
mature it Hshells outH and falls to the ground. 4irds (ill eat the naked seeds. 9o(ever! matured
seeds are Iuite hard. <an (ill not be cracked and eventuall (ill be dropped else(here! helping
the plant to propagate. 4ees and other insects are attracted to the pollen. The cannabinoids and
resins ma deter insects from feeding on pollen and developing seeds. >esin glands reach their
largest siEe on the anthers ((hich hold pollen) and bracts ((hich contain the seed). %0ee plates .!
B! ,= and ,,.& D. Terpenoid and phenolic resins are kno(n to inhibit germination of some seeds.
$annabis resins ma help $annabis seedlings compete (ith other seedlings b inhibiting their
germination. /. <an of the cannabinoids ($45! $43! $4$ and their acids) are highl active
antibiotics against a (ide range of bacteria (almost all are gram T) (/.!,/=!,8+). $rude resin
e:tracts have been sho(n to be nematocidal (/.). (9o(ever! fungicidal activit is lo(.)
<ost of the e:planations ou"ve probabl heard for resin production from both lore and scientists have to
do (ith phsical factors such as sunlight! heat! and drness. 'resumabl the resin coats the plant!
protecting it from dring out under phsical e:tremes. These e:planations make little sense in light of the
resins" chemistr.
The phsical Iualities of the glands and resins probabl aid the plant in some (as. The stick nature of
resin ma help pollen grains to adhere to the flo(ering mass and stigmas! or simpl make the plant parts
less palatable. #nd gland heads do absorb and reflect considerable sunlight! and so possibl protect the
developing seed. For instance! gland heads are at first colourless (i.e.! the absorb ultraviolet light). This
screening of ultraviolet light! a kno(n mutagen! ma lo(er possible deleterious mutations. 4ut phsical
properties seem to be secondar to the resins" chemical properties as functional compounds to the plant.
2.+ Cannabis C#e,o!*pes
#ll $annabis plants produce some cannabinoids. Each strain produces characteristic amounts of
particular cannabinoids. 0trains differ in the total amounts the contain. ?suall the average about three
percent cannabinoids to dr (eight! but concentrations range from about one to ,D percent cannabinoids
in a cleaned (seeds and stems removed)! dried bud. 0trains also differ in (hich cannabinoids the
produce. 4ased on (hich cannabinoids! $annabis strains can be divided into five broad chemical groups.
(($hemical classification based on (ork b 0mall et al (C,))) The general trend is for plants to have either
T9$ or $45 as the main cannabinoid.
Type I
0trains are high in T9$ and lo( in $45. This tpe represents some of the finest mari)uana
strains. The usuall originate from tropical Eones belo( /= degrees latitude! (hich in the north
runs through 9ouston and Ne( Orleans to <orocco! North @ndia! and 0hanghai! and in the south
through >io de 7aneiro! 0outh #frica! and #ustralia. <ost of the high-Iualit mari)uana from
<e:ico! 7amaica! and $olombia sols in this countr is this tpeK most of ou (ill gro( this tpe.
#s (ith all five chemical tpes! tpe @ comes in different siEes and shapes. <ost common are
plant about ,= to ,D feet tall (outdoors)! Iuite bush! (ith branches that gro( out(ard to form the
plant into a cone ($hristmas tree shape). Other tall varieties (to ,8 feet) have branches that gro(
up(ard (poplar-tree shaped - some <e:ican! 0outheast and $entral #sian varieties). # less
common short variet (up to eight feet) develops several main stems and the plants appear to
spra(l (<e:ico! @ndia).
Type II
This is an intermediate group! (ith high $45 and moderate to high T9$. The usuall originate
from countries bordering /= degrees latitude! such as <orocco! #fghanistan and 'akistan. @n this
countr! this tpe of grass usuall comes from #fghani and $olombian varieties. Tpe @@ plants
are Iuite variable in the intensit and Iualit of the high the produce! depending on the relative
amounts of T9$ and $45 in the variet. 'robabl because of their high $45 and overall resin
content! these plants are often sued to prepare hashish and other concentrated forms of
mari)uana. The most common varieties gro( to about eight to ,D feet and assume a poplar-tree
shape (ith long branches that gro( up(ard from the stem base and much shorter branches
to(ard the top. The usuall come from Turke! 3reece! and $entral or 0outheast #sia and
occasionall from $olombia and <e:ico. 0ome varieties are shorter! about four to eight feet at
maturit! and ver bush (ith a lu:uriant covering of leaves. These usuall originate from Nepal!
northern @ndia! and other parts of $entral #sia as (ell as North #frica. Other varieties appear
remarkabl like short (five to seven feet) hemp plants! (ith straight! slender stems and small!
(eakl developed branches (Lietnam). # common short variet! less than four feet tall (*ebanon!
N. #frica)! forms a continuous dense cluster of buds along its short stem. The appear
remarkabl like the upper half of more common mari)uana plants.
{Figure 2D! 1e0t9 This .akistani variety "6indi'a6* rea'hes a height o0
0ive 0eet "large leaves re$oved*! Right9 Flowering top two $onths later!3
Type III
'lants are high in $45 and lo( in T9$. These are often cultivated for hemp fibre or oil seed.
?suall the originate from countries north of /= degrees latitude. #s mari)uana the ield a lo(-
potenc grass and are considered non-drug varieties. @f ou choose our seeds from potent
grass! it (ill not be this tpe. #n e:ample of these plants are <id(estern (eed hemps (hich are
often collected and sold for lo(-grade domestic grass. The high $45 content can make ou feel
dro(s (ith a mild headache long before ou feel high. These plants are ver diverse
morphologicall even (hen categorised b cultivated tpes. 9emp plants are usuall tell (eight to
D= feet) (ith an emphasis on stem development and minimal branching. 0tarting from the base!
long! even internodes (stem portion from one set of leaves to the ne:t pair) and opposite
phllota: (see /.D) cover a good portion of the stem. 0ome varieties form long! sparse branches
onl on the upper portion of the stem (man <id(est (eeds). Other varieties (Mentuck hemp)
are the familiar $hristmas-tree shape.
0eed varieties are usuall short (t(o to eight feet) and ver bush. 4ranches on some are short!
gro( out(ard and are all of appro:imatel the same length! giving the plant a clindrical shape.
0ome of the shorter (t(o to three feet) seed varieties have undeveloped branches! and almost all
of the seeds collect in a massive cluster along the top portion of the stalk. 0eed plants are often
the most unusual-appearing of $annabis plants! and ou (on"t find them in the ?nited 0tates.
#s e:pected! the figures for average T9$ in <id(estern (eeds are Iuite lo(. this is consistent
(ith their reputation for lo( potenc. 4ut the range of T9$ goes up to D./B percent in the @llinois
stud. This is comparable (ith some of the higher-Iualit imported mari)uana and is consistent
(ith some people"s claims that <id(estern (eeds provided them (ith great highs.
Type I+
Larieties that produce propl cannabinoids in significant amounts (over five percent of total
cannabinoids) form a fourth group from both tpe @ and @@ plants. Testing for the propl
cannabinoids has been limited and most reports do not include them. The have been found in
plants from 0outh #frica! Nigeria! #fghanistan! @ndia! 'akistan! and Nepal (ith T9$L as high as
C/..- percent of total cannabinoids (,/.). The usuall have moderate to high levels of both T9$
and $45 and hence have a comple: cannabinoid chemistr. Tpe @L plants represent some of
the (orld"s more e:otic mari)uana varieties.
# fifth tpe! based on the production of $43<! (hich is not pschoactive! is found in northeastern #sia!
including 7apan! Morea and $hina. This tpe is not relevant to us and (ill not be mentioned again.
There are man different techniIues for sampling! e:traction! and estimation of cannabinoids in plant
material. To minimise differences among research groups! the above data (e:cept for <id(estern (eed
hemps) are taken from studies at the ?niversit of <ississippi at O:ford (..!,,-!,/.).
?nfortunatel! some of the best $olombian! <e:ican and Thai varieties are not included in the data. <an
of these have not been tested until recentl! and the figures are not et published. ?nder the sstem for
testing at the ?niversit of <ississippi! the highest T9$ variet reached si: to eight percent T9$ in a bud.
These seeds originated from <e:ico.
{#ee Table D1 to 1D!3
These five chemical tpes are not distinct entitiesK that is! each tpe contains several Iuite different-
appearing varieties. #ctuall! varieties of different tpes ma look more similar than varieties from the
same tpe. 4ut the abilit to produce characteristic amounts of particular cannabinoids is geneticall
based. This means the each tpe contains certain genes and gene combinations in common! and in
biological terms! the plants are called chemical genotpes.
These tpes ma be from virtuall an countr simpl because of the plant"s past and ongoing histor of
movement. the first three can be found in most countries (here $annabis is heavil cultivated! although
mari)uana plants (tpes @! @@! @L) usuall originate from lo(er latitudes nearer the eIuator. This ma be
simpl e:plained in terms of cultural practices. <ari)uana traditionall has been cultivated in southerl
cultures such as @ndia! 0outheast and $entral #sia! #fricaK and in the Fest in <e:ico! $olombia!
7amaica! and $entral #merican countries. On the other hand! useful characteristics must e:ist before
cultures can put them to use after selection. #nd the characteristic (drug or fibre) must maintain itself
(ithin the local environment (see ,8.+).
Non-drug tpes (tpe @@@) usuall originate at higher latitudes (ith shorter gro(ing seasons. # definite
gradation e:ists for non-drug to drug tpes! starting in temperate Eones and moving to(ard the eIuator.
The same gradation ma be found for the appearance of propl cannabinoids to(ard the eIuator. This
doesn"t mean that the Iualit of the grass ou gro( depends on (hether ou live in the north or south! but
that over a period of ears and decades! a group of plants ma drift to(ard either the drug or the non-
drug tpe (either rich in T9$ or rich in $45).
The ma)orit of the mari)uana sold in the ?nited 0tates has less than one percent T9$K and the bulk of
this comes from <e:ican and domestic sources. The highest percentages of T9$ in mari)uana that (e"ve
seen are: $olombian (-.B)! <e:ican (,/.D)! 9a(aiian (B.8)! and Thai sticks (D=.DK ho(ever! this is
believed to be adulterated (ith hash oil). The percentages of T9$ reported var greatl! because the
depend on the particular method of sampling and estimation used.
Five samples of $olombian 3olds! bought in Ne( Nork $it and 0an Francisco for from J/= to JC= (,-B.)
an ounce! averaged D.C- percent T9$ and ,.DB percent $4N. The $4N represents an average of about
one-third of the T9$ originall present in the fresh plant b the time it reaches #merican streets. This is
one advantage that homegro(ers have! since their mari)uana is fresh. @n fresh plant material! less than ,=
percent of the T9$ (ill have been converted to $4N! as long as the material is properl harvested! cured!
and stored.
4 the time hashish reaches the #merican market! T9$ content is usuall at the lo( end of the ranges
given here! usuall bet(een ,.C and + percent T9$. The darker outer laer of hashish is caused b
deterioration. The inner part (ill contain the highest concentration of T9$.
The average range for hash oil and red oil is ,D to DC percent (hen it is fresh. @t is not uncommon for illicit
hash oil to have more than .= percent T9$. 9o(ever! light! as (ell as air! ver rapidl decomposes T9$
in the oil form (see the section on H0torageH in section D,). Nou can"t tell (hether the oil (ill be (ondrous
or (orthless unless ou smoke it.
The preparations listed in Tables - and ,= are relativel fresh compared to hashish on the #merican
market. Total cannabinoids make up roughl DC to /C percent b (eight of hashish and resin
preparations. Note that the data in these tables are relative concentrations.
Table ,= ->elative 'ercentages of <a)or $annabinoids in 9ashish from Nepal 'ercentage(a) of T9$
9#09@09 T9$ $45 $4N T9$L $45L $4L *O0T(b) 0ample , ,,.C /C.- DD., C.B ,D.C ,D./ .. 0ample
D /.+ +,., D+.8 / ,,.- ,C.8 88 0ample / C.C +,.D /=./ D./ -., ,,.. 8C a Each ro( in these columns sums
to ,==U b 'ercentage of original T9$ lost as $4N
The ver high figures for $4N in hashish indicate that much of the T9$ is converted to $4N because of
processing and aging. 5uring hashmaking man of the gland heads are broken and the T9$ is e:posed
to light and air. The figures in these tables are tpical of (hat to e:pect for relative concentrations of T9$
in hashish on the #merican market. #ctual concentrations are roughl one-fourth to one-third of these
Obviousl! T9$ percentages for hashish and tinctures are not that high compared to fine mari)uana.
9ashish in the ?nited 0tates seldom lives up to its reputation. The best bu in terms of the amount of
T9$ for the mone is hash oil (hen it is high Iualit and fresh. <ore often a fine homegro(n sinsemilla or
sometimes a lightl seeded $olombian is the best investment. (Of course! the best value is al(as (hat
ou gro( ourself.)
C$apter T$ree
3.2 C#oosin$ See"s
'opular <arket names of different grades of grass! such as $olombian commercial and <e:ican regular!
are familiar to gro(ers! but each grade actuall ma encompass man different varieties. For e:ample!
there are $olombian 3olds that are similar in most respects! but some varieties gro( no taller than si:
feet. The more common tpes gro( ,D to ,C feet under the same conditions. 0ome Oa:acan $annabis
forms several strong upright branches b maturit! and at a glance ma seem to have several stems! et
more often! Oa:acan is conical-shaped and gro(s about ,D feet.
<ost of the fine mari)uana sold in this countr comes from tpe @ plants (ith T9$ as the predominant
cannabinoid. Tpe @@ plants are less common. Nou might recognise tpe @@ plants b the high. The grass
takes longer before its effects are felt! but the high lasts much longer than (ith other mari)uana. Tpe @L
plants are the least commonK this mari)uana seldom reaches the general #merican market. This tpe (ill
get ou high after onl a fe( tokes. Tpe @@@ plants are considered non-drug varieties because the are
predominantl $45 (ith little T9$. The effects of $45 are not felt unless it is accompanied b a siEeable
concentration of T9$! such as in tpe @@ plants. 9o(ever! a lot of mari)uana from these plants is sold in
the ?nited 0tates. 0ome <e:ican and 7amaican regular and much of the lo(-grade domestic is harvested
from tpe @@@ plants.
Nou ma not be able to tell (hat tpe plant ou"re smoking! but ou can tell (hat ou like. 0eeds from
high-Iualit mari)uana (ill gro( into high-Iualit mari)uana plants. @f ou like the grass ou"re smoking!
ou"ll like the grass ou gro(.
The name of our grass has little to do (ith potenc and ma have originated in the mind of some
enterprising dealer. #l(as choose our seeds from (hat ou consider to be the best grass. 5on"t be
s(aed b e:otic names. @f ou are not familiar (ith grass of connoisseur Iualit! ask someone (hose
e:perience ou respect for seeds. 0mokers tend to save seeds from e:ceptional grass even if the never
plan to plant them.
The origin of our grass even if ou kne( it for certain! has little to do (ith (ether it (ill be dnamite or
(orthless smoke. @n both @ndia(+C) and 4raEil! hemp is gro(n (hich is (orthless for mari)uana. *ike(ise!
e:tremel potent mari)uana plants gro( (hich are useless for hemp fibre. These plants are sometimes
found gro(ing in ad)acent fields. <ost of the fine-Iualit mari)uana varieties develop in those countries
nearer to the eIuator. 9o( much this had to do (ith environmental conditions or cultural practices is
unkno(n. @n either case! mari)uana traffic has been so heav that fine varieties no( gro( all over the
(orld. For e:ample! in the ?nited 0tates thousands of people no( gro( varieties from <e:ico. These fine
varieties originated in #sia and #frica! and man (ere brought to <e:ican farmers b #merican dealers
during the ,-.=s. #s more farmers gre( these ne( varieties! the Iualit of <e:ican grass imported to the
?nited 0tates improved. #lread people are speaking of varieties such as <aui Fo(ie and Mona 3old.
The colour of the grass does not determine its potenc. <ari)uana plants are almost al(as green! the
upper surface of the leaves a dark! lu:uriant green! and the undersurface a lighter! paler green. 0ome
varieties develop reds and purples along stems and leaf petioles. Occasionall! even the leaves turn
red1purple during the last stages of gro(th (plate .). 3rasses termed H>edH more often get their colour
from the stigmas of the female flo(ers! (hich can turn from (hite to a rust or red colour! giving the
mari)uana buds a distinct reddish tinge. The golds and bro(ns of commercial grasses are determined b
the condition of the plant (hen it (as harvested - (hether it (as health (green) or ding (autumn
colours). 9o( the plants are harvested! cured! and stored also has a serious effect on colour. $ommercial
grasses from $olombia! <e:ico! and 7amaica are often poorl cured and packed. Too much moisture is
left in the grass! encouraging microbial decompositionK (ith (arm temperatures! (hatever green (as left
disappears! leaving the more familiar bro(ns and golds. 4the time the reach the ?nited 0tates!
commercial grasses lose about five to D= percent of their (eight in (ater loss and often smell mould or
$olour also depends on origin - varieties adapted to tropical or high-altitude areas have less chlorophll
and more accessor pigments! giving the plant their autumn colours (accessor pigments protect the
plant from e:cessive sunlight). Larieties adapted to northern climates! (here sunlight is less intense!
have more chlorophll and less accessor pigments. The ding leaves often turn light ello(! gre! or
rust. Lariations in pigment concentrations are also influenced b local light particularl the soil conditions
under (hich the plants are gro(n.
The taste of the smoke - its flavour! aroma! and harshness - also depends more on (hen the mari)uana
(as harvested and ho( it (as handled after it (as gro(n than on the variet or environmental influences.
Nou can detect subtle differences in the overall bouIuet bet(een freshl picked varieties. The
environment probabl influences bouIuet too! but (ith most commercial grass the harvesting1storing
procedures for out(eigh these other! more subtle factors. # must! harsh-smoking $olombian mari)uana
can give the mildest! s(eetest! homegro(n smoke (hen properl prepared. 5on"t be influenced b the
mari)uana"s superficial characteristics. $hoose seeds from the most potent grass.
3rasses of comparable potenc can ield plants of different potencies. This is because fine sinsemilla
(homegro(n! 9a(aiians! Thai (eeds! and some <e:icans) are carefull tended and harvested at about
peak potenc. The are also cured and packed (ellK so the are fresh (hen the are distributed in the
#merican market. Fhen ou smoke them ou are e:periencing the at about its peak potenc. The seeds
ou plant from this grass (ill produce plants! at best! of about eIual potenc. 0ometimes the are slightl
less simpl because of differences in gro(ing conditions. $olombian grasses are not usuall harvested at
their peak potenc. # significant amount (D= percent and up) of the active cannabinoids (T9$!$45) are
converted to much less active cannabinoids ($4N!$40) or inactive ingredients (polmers-tars! resins!
oils! etc.). This is also true of man <e:ican and 7amaican grasses that are heavil seeded and poorl
handled. 9omegro(n from this grass can produce plants of higher potenc than the original! simpl
because the homegro(n is fresh! and is harvested and cured (ell so that the T9$ content is at its peak.
Fhen choosing seeds ou might consider the follo(ing 4road 3eneralisations. <e:ican! 7amaican (if ou
can find goof 7amaican anmore)! and homegro(ns! including 9a(aiians! often develop Iuickl and have
a better chance of full maturing in the shorter gro(ing seasons over most of the north and central states.
$olombian! #frican! and 0outheast #sian varieties! such as Lietnam and Thai sticks (from Thailand and
7apan)! more often need a longer season to full develop1 ?nder natural conditions the seldom flo(er in
the short gro(ing season that covers the northern ?nited 0tates.
For indoor gro(ers! the gro(ing season is all earK so it doesn"t matter if plants need longer to develop.
<e:ican and 7amaican plants usuall reach full potenc in about si: months. $olombian and 0outheast
#sian varieties ma need eight or nine months until the reach their ma:imum T9$ or general resin
content under indoor conditions.
The grass ou choose should have a good stock of mature seeds. Thai (eed and fine homegro(ns
(sinsemillas! (hich are b definition female flo(ers buds (ithout seeds) ma have no seeds at all but
more often have a fe( viable seeds. <ost $olombian and <e:ican grasses contain bet(een one and t(o
thousand seeds per ounce bag or lid of grass. This ma sound like an e:aggerated figure! but it"s not.
*ook at the photos in Figure D, sho(ing the ield from some <ichoacan buds. The ield is += percent
grass (,.DD grams! about three )oints)! C= percent seeds (,.C. grams or ,D= seeds)! and ,= percent
stems (=./ grams).
>elative to smoking material! seeds are heav. $olombian grasses average about C= percent seeds b
(eight. # film canister holds about ,!D== $olombian seeds. %Figure D,! 0eeded buds often contain more
(eight in seeds than grass&
5epending on the variet! health mature seeds ((hich are botanicall achene nots) var in siEe bet(een
,1,D and ,1+ inches in length. From an variet! choose seeds that are plump and (ell-formed (ith (ell-
developed colour. 0eed colours range from a buff through a dark bro(n! and from light gre to almost
black colours. Often seeds are mottled (ith bro(n or black spots! bars! or lines on a lighter field %plate
,,&. 3reen or (hitish seeds are usuall immature and (ill germinate feebl if at all. Fresh seeds have a
(a: glimmer and a hard! intact shell. 0hin! ver dark bro(n or black seeds often mean the contents are
fermented and the embro is dead. Fermented seeds crush easil (ith finger pressure and are hollo( or
dust inside. 0eeds that are bruised or crushed are also not viable. This happens to some seeds (hen
grass is compressed or bricked.
Fresh! full matured $annabis seeds have a high rate of germinationK -= percent or better is tpical. @t is
sometimes helpful to have an idea of ho( man seeds to e:pect to germinate. Nou can tell simpl b
placing a sample number bet(een (et paper to(els (hich are kept moist. <ost of the seeds that
germinate do so (ithin a fe( das of each other. #fter a (eek or t(o! count ho( man of the original
seeds germinated. This gives ou a rough idea of (hat to e:pect from the seeds (hen planted.
The viabilit of seeds graduall declines (ith timeK left in the ground! onl += percent ma germinate ne:t
season. 0eeds are n ideal pra for man fungi! (hich are responsible for most of their deterioration. @n a
(arm (B=F or over) and humid atmosphere! fungi rapidl destro seeds. @f kept cool and dr in an airtight
container! seeds stored in this (a and left in the buds also maintain high viabilit for over t(o ears.
<ari)uana plants ma belong to an one of a number of varieties (hich follo( some(hat different gro(th
patterns. The follo(ing outline describes the more common form of gro(th. 5ifferences bet(een varieties
can be thought of as variations on this standard theme.
$annabis is an annual plant. # single season completes a generation! leaving all hope for the future to
the seeds. The normal life ccle follo(s the general pattern described belo(.
Fith (inter past! the moisture and (armth of spring stir activit in the embro. Fater is absorbed and the
embro"s tissues s(ell and gro(! splitting the seed along its suture. The radical or embronic root
appears first. Once clear of the seed! the root directs gro(th do(n(ard in response to gravit. <ean(hile!
the seed is being lifted up(ard b gro(ing cells (hich form the seedling"s stem. No( anchored b the
roots! and receiving (ater and nutrients! the embronic leaves (cotledons) unfold. The are a pair of
small! some(hat oval! simple leaves! no( green (ith chlorophll to absorb the life-giving light.
3ermination is complete. The embro has been reborn and is no( a seedling living on the food it
produces through photosnthesis. The process of germination is usuall completed in three to ,= das.
The second pair of leaves begins the seedling stage. The are set opposite each other and usuall have
a single blade. The differ from the embronic leaves b their larger siEe! spearhead shape! and serrated
margins. Fith the ne:t pair of leaves that appears! usuall each leaf has three blades and is larger still. #
basic pattern has been set. Each ne( set of leaves (ill be larger! (ith a higher number of blades per leaf
until! depending on variet! the reach their ma:imum number! often nine or ,,. The seedling stage is
completed (ithin four to si: (eeks.
+egetative Growt$
This is the period of ma:imum gro(th. The plant can gro( no faster than the rate that its leaves can
produce energ for ne( gro(th. Each da more leaf tissue is created! increasing the overall capacit for
gro(th. Fith e:cellent gro(ing conditions! $annabis has been kno(n to gro( si: inches a da! although
the rate is more commonl one to t(o inches. The number of blades on each leaf begins to decline during
the middle of the vegetative stage. Then the arrangement of the leaves on the stem (phllota:) changes
from the usual opposite to alternate. The internodes (stem space from one pair of leaves to the ne:t!
(hich had been increasing in length) begin to decrease! and the gro(th appears to be thicker. 4ranches
(hich appeared in the a:ils of each set of leaves gro( and shape the plant to its characteristic form. The
vegetative stage is usuall completed in the third to fifth months of gro(th.
This is a Iuiescent period of one to t(o (eeks during (hich gro(th slo(s considerabl. The plant is
beginning a ne( program of gro(th as encoded in its genes. The old sstem is turned off and the ne(
program beings (ith the appearance of the first flo(ers.
$annabis is dioecious: each plant produces either male or female flo(ers! and is considered either a
male or female plant. <ale plants usuall start to flo(ers about one month before the femaleK ho(ever!
there is sufficient overlap to ensure pollination. First the upper internodes elongateK in a fe( das the
male flo(ers appear. The male flo(ers are Iuite small! about ,1+ inch! and are pale green! ello(! or
red1purple. The develop in dense! drooping clusters (cmes) capable of releasing clouds of pollen dust.
Once pollen falls! males lose vigour and soon die.
The female flo(ers consists of t(o small (,1+ to ,1D inch long)! fuEE (hite stigmas raised in a L sign and
attached at the base to an ovule (hich is contained in a tin green pod. The pod is formed from modified
leaves (bracts and bracteoles) (hich envelop the developing seed. The female flo(ers develop tightl
together to form dense clusters (racemes) or buds! cones! or colas (in this book! buds). The bloom
continues until pollen reaches the flo(ers! fertilising them and beginning the formation of seeds.
Flo(ering usuall lasts about one or t(o months! but ma continue longer (hen the plants are not
pollinated and there is no killing frost.
Seed Set
# fertilised female flo(er develops a single seed (rapped in the bracts. @n thick clusters! the form the
seed-filled buds that make up most fine imported mari)uana. #fter pollination! mature! viable seeds take
from ,= das to five (eeks to develop. Fhen seeds are desired! the plant is harvested (hen enough
seeds have reached full colour. For a full-seeded plant this often takes place (hen the plant has stopped
gro(th and is! in fact! ding. 5uring flo(ering and seed set! various colours ma appear. #ll the plant"s
energ goes to reproduction and the continuance of its kind. <inerals and nutrients flo( from the leaves
to the seeds! and the chlorophlls that give the plant its green colour disintegrate. The golds! bro(ns! and
reds (hich appear are from accessor pigments that formerl had been masked b chlorophll.
Figure ED T:) poten'y through various growth stages in the $ale and 0e$ale
('out Plants Generally
'lants use a fundamentall different Hlife strategH from animals. #nimals are more or less self-contained
units that gro( and develop to predetermined forms. The use movement and choice of behaviour to deal
(ith the changing environments. 'lants are organised more as open sstems - the simple phsical
characteristics of the environment! such as sunlight! (ater! and temperature! directl control their gro(th!
form! and life ccles. Once the seed sprouts! the plant is rooted in place and time. 0ince gro(th is
regulated b the environment! development is on accordance (ith the plant"s immediate surroundings.
Fhen a balance is struck! the strateg is a success and life flourishes.
4ehaviour of a plant is not a matter of choiceK it is a fi:ed response. On a visible level the response more
often than not is gro(th! either a ne( form of gro(th! or specialised gro(th. 4 directl responding! plant
in effect Hkno(!H for e:ample! (hen to sprout! flo(er! or drop leaves to prepare for (inter.
Everone has seen ho( a plant turns to(ard light or can bend up(ard if it its stem is bent do(n. The
plant turns b gro(ing cells of different length on opposite sides of the stem. This effect turns or right the
plant. The stimulus in the first case is light! in the second gravit! but essentiall the plant responds b
specialised gro(th. @t is the same (ith almost all facets of a plant"s live - gro(th is modified and controlled
b the immediate environment. The influence of light! (ind! rainfall! etc.! interacts (ith the plant (its
genetic make-up or genotpe) to produce the individual plant (phenotpe).
The life ccle of $annabis is usuall complete in four to nine months. The actual time depends on variet!
but it is regulated b local gro(ing conditions! specificall the photoperiod (length of da vs night).
$annabis is a long-night (or short-da) plant. Fhen e:posed to a period of t(o (eeks of long nights - that
is! ,/ or more hours of continuous darkness each night - the plants respond b flo(ering. This has
important implications! for it allo(s the gro(er to control the life ccle of the plant and adapt it to local
gro(ing conditions or uniIue situations. 0ince ou can control flo(ering! ou control maturation and!
hence! the age of the plants at harvest.
For the mari)uana gro(er the most important plant1environment interaction to understand is the influence
of the photoperiod. The photoperiod is the dail number of hours of da (light) vs. night (dark). @n nature!
long nights signal the plant that (inter is coming and that it is time to flo(ers and produce seeds. #s long
as the da-length is long! the plants continue vegetative gro(th. @f female flo(ers do appear! there (ill
onl be a fe(. These flo(ers (ill not form the characteristic large clusters or buds. @f the das are too
short! the plants flo(ers too soon! and remain small and underdeveloped.
The plant HsensesH the longer nights b a direct interaction (ith light. # flo(ering hormone is present
during all stages of gro(th. This hormone is sensitive to light and is rendered inactive b even lo( levels
of light. Fhen the dark periods are long enough! the hormones increase to a critical level that triggers the
reproductive ccle. Legetative gro(th ends and flo(ering begins.
The natural photoperiod changes (ith the passing of seasons. @n the Northern 9emisphere! the length of
dalight is longest on 7une D,. 5a-length graduall decreases until it reaches its shortest duration on
5ecember DD. The duration of dalight then begins to increase until the ccle is completed the follo(ing
7une D,. 4ecause the Earth is tilted on its a:is to the sun! da-length also depends on position (or
latitude) on Earth. #s one moves closer to the eIuator! changes in the photoperiod are less drastic over
the course of a ear. #t the eIuator (= degrees altitude) da length lasts about ,D.C hours on 7une D, and
,,.C hours on 5ecember DD. @n <aine (about +C degrees north)! da-length varies bet(een about ,. and
nine hours. Near the #rctic $irce on 7une D, there is no night. On 5ecember DD the (hole da is dark.
The longer da-length to(ard the north prevents mari)uana from flo(ering until later in the season. Over
most of the northern half of the countr! flo(ering is often so late that development cannot be completed
before the onset of cold (eather and heav frosts.
The actual length of da largel depends on local conditions! such as cloud cover! altitude! and terrain.
On a flat <id(est plain! the effective length of da is about /= minutes longer than sunrise to sunset. @n
practical terms! it is little help to calculate the photoperiod! but it is important to realise ho( it affects the
plants and ho( ou can use it to ou advantage.
$annabis generall needs about t(o (eeks of successive long nights before the first flo(ers appear. The
photoperiod necessar for flo(ering (ill var slight (ith (,) the variet! (D) the age of the plant! (/) its se:!
and (+) gro(ing conditions.
,. $annabis varieties originating from more northerl climes (short gro(ing seasons) react to as
little as nine hours of night. <ost of these are hemp and seed varieties that are acclimated to
short gro(ing seasons! such as the (eed hemps of <innesota or southern $anada. Larieties
from more southerl latitudes need longer nights (ith ,, to ,/ hours of darkness. 0ince most
mari)uana plants are acclimated to southerl latitudes! the need the longer nights to flo(er. To
be on the safe side! if ou give $annabis plant dark periods of ,/ or more hours! each night for
t(o (eeks! this should be enough to trigger flo(ering. D. The older a plant (the more
phsiologicall developed)! the Iuicker it responds to long nights. 'lants five or si: months old
sometimes form visible flo(ers after onl four long nights. Noung mari)uana plants (a month or so
of age) can take up to four (eeks to respond to long nights of ,. hours. /. 4oth male and female
$annabis are long-night plants. 4oth (ill flo(er (hen given about t(o (eeks of long nights. The
male plant! ho(ever! (ill often flo(er full under ver long das (,8 hours) and short nights (si:
hours). <ales often flo(ers at about the same time the (ould if the (ere gro(ing in their
original environment. For most mari)uana plants this occurs during the third to fifth month. +.
3ro(ing conditions affect flo(ering in man (as (see $hapter ,D). $ool temperatures (about
C=F) slo( do(n the flo(ering response. $ool temperatures or generall poor gro(ing conditions
affect flo(ering indirectl. Flo(er development is slo(er! and more time is needed to reach full
bloom. ?nder adverse conditions! female buds (ill not develop to full siEe.
(ppli#ations o" P$otoperiod
The photoperiod is used to manipulate the plants in t(o basic (as:
,. 4 giving long dark periods! ou can force plants to flo(er. D. 4 preventing long nights! using
artificial light to interrupt the dark period! ou can force the plants to continue vegetative gro(th.
<ost mari)uana plants cultivated in the ?nited 0tates begin to flo(er b late #ugust to earl October and
the plants are harvested from October to November. For farmers in the 0outh! parts of the <id(est! and
Fest $oast! this presents no problem and no special techniIues are needed for normal flo(ering.
@n much of the North and high-altitude areas! man varieties (ill not have time to complete flo(ering
before fall frosts. To force the plants to flo(er earlier! give them longer night periods. @f the plants are in
containers! ou can simpl move them into a darkened area each evening. 'lants gro(ing in the ground
can be covered (ith an opaIue tarpaulin! black sheet plastic! or double or triple-laers black plastic trash
bags. Take advantage of an natural shading because direct sunlight is difficult to screen completel. For
instance! if the plants are naturall shaded in the morning hours! cover the plants each evening or night.
The ne:t morning ou uncover the plants at about eight to nine o"clock. $ontinue the treatment each da
until all the plants are sho(ing flo(ers. This usuall takes t(o (eeks at most! is the plants are (ell
developed (about four months old). For this reason! (here the season starts late! it is best to start the
plants indoors or in cold frames and transplant outdoors (hen the (eather is mild. This in effect lengthens
the local gro(ing season and gives the plants another month or t(o to develop. 4 the end of #ugust the
plants are phsiologicall read to flo(erK the sometimes do (ith no manipulation of the photoperiod.
<ore often female plants sho( a fe( flo(ers! but the da-length prevents rapid development to large
clusters. The plants seem in limbo - caught bet(een vegetative gro(th and flo(ering. The natural da-
length at this time of ear (ill not be long enough to reverse the process! so ou can discontinue the
treatment (hen ou see that the ne( gro(th is predominantl flo(ers.
@n areas (here frosts are likel to occur b earl October! long-night treatments ma be the onl (a ou
can harvest good-siEed flo(er clusters. These clusters! or buds! are the most potent plant parts and make
up the desired harvest. Forcing the plants to flo(ers earl also means development (hile the (eather is
(arm and the sun is shining strongl. The flo(er buds (ill form much faster! larger and reach their peak
potenc. # good time to start the treatments is earl to middle #ugust. This allo(s the plants at least four
(eeks of flo(ering (hile the (eather is mild.
#nother reason ou ma (ant to do this is to snchronise the life ccle of the plants (ith the indigenous
vegetation. @n the northeast and central states! the gro(ing season ends Iuite earl and much of the local
vegetation dies back and changes colour. #n mari)uana plants stick out like green thumbs! and the crop
ma get ripped off or busted. 'lants treated (ith long nights during late 7ul (ill be read to harvest in
Outdoors! gro(ers should al(as plant several varieties! because some ma naturall flo(er earl! even
in the northern-most parts of the countr. These earl-maturing varieties usuall come from <e:ican!
$entral #sian! and homegro(n sources. 4 planting several varieties! man of ou (ill be able to find or
develop an earl-maturing variet after a season or t(o. This! of course! is an important point! because it
eliminates the need for long-night treatments.
Preventing Flowers
<anipulation of the photoperiod can also prevent the plants from flo(ering until a desired time. For
e:ample! in 9a(aii the (eather is mild enough to gro( (inter crops. The normal summer crop is
harvested antime from 0eptember to mid-November. The (inter crop is generall planted from October
to 5ecember. 4ecause the (inter das are so short! the plants flo(er almost immediatel! usuall (ithin
t(o month. The plants are harvested in their third or fourth month and ield about ,1+ the ield of summer
plants. # large 9a(aiian female can ield a pound of buds. <ost of the plant"s overall siEe is reached
(hile it is vegetativel gro(ing. 4 interrupting the night period (ith light! ou can keep these plants
vegetativel gro(ing for another month! ielding plants of about t(ice the siEe.
The amount of light needed to prevent flo(ering is Iuite small (about .=/ foot candles-C - on a clear night
the full moon is about .=, foot candles). 9o(ever! each plant mist be illuminated full! (ith the light
shining over the (hole plant. This might be accomplished (ith either electric light or a strong flashlight.
The easiest (a is to string incandescent bulbs! keeping them on a timer. The lights need be turned on
for onl a flash at an time during the night period! from about -:== pm to about /:== am. The interrupts
the long night period to less then nine hours. 0tart these night treatments each night or t(o! until ou (ant
the plants to flo(er.
Natural Light
@ndoors! the gro(ing season lasts all ear. The night period is much easier to control. 0ometimes people
gro( plants in their (indo(s for more than a ear (ithout an female flo(ers ever forming. This is
because household lamps are turned on sometime at night! illuminating the plants. ?nder natural light
e:clusivel! indoor plants flo(er at about the same time the (ould outdoors (sometime a bit sooner
because it is (armer indoors or the plants ma be shaded). Fhen plants are (ell developed and ou
(ant them to flo(er! make sure that no household lamps or nearb street lamps are shining on them.
5uring late fall and (inter! the natural da-length is short enough for the plants to flo(er naturall! if ou
simpl keep off an lights at night that are in the same room as the plants. @f ou must use light! use the
lo(est (attage possible! such as a si:-(att bulb. (The hormone is also least sensitive to blue light.) 0hield
the light a(a from the plants. Or shield the plants from an household light (ith aluminium foil curtains.
Once the flo(ers are forming clusters! ou can discontinue the dark treatments! especiall if it is more
convenient. 9o(ever! if it is too soon ((hen ou see onl a fe( random flo(ers)! household lights can
reverse the process.
4 using natural light! ou can gro( indoor crops all ear. The (inter light is (eak and the das are short!
so it is best to use artificial lights to supplement dalight! as (ell as to e:tend the photoperiod. The e:tra
light (ill increase the gro(th rate of the plants and hence siEe and ield. Nou should allo( (inter crops to
flo(er during late 7anuar or Februar! using the natural photoperiod to trigger flo(ering. @f ou (ait until
spring! the natural light period (ill be too long and ma prevent flo(ering.
Artificial Lights
?nder artificial light the photoperiod is! of course! an length ou (ish. The most popular (a to gro( (ith
artificial lights is the harvest sstem. 0tart the plants under long light periods of from ,. to ,8 hours dail.
#fter the plants have reached a good siEe! usuall bet(een three and si: months! shorten the light ccle
to about ,D hours to force flo(ering.
To decide e:actl (hen to force the plants to flo(er! let their gro(th be the determinant. @f male plants are
sho(ing their flo(ers! then the females are phsiologicall read to flo(er. <ost of the plant"s overall
height is achieved during vegetative gro(th. 0ome varieties! of course! are smaller and gro( more slo(l
than others. Fait until the plants are nearing the limits of the height of the garden or are at least five feet
tall. This is large enough to support good flo(er development and return a good ield. @f ou turn do(n
the light ccle (hen the plants are oung and small! ou"ll harvest much less grass because the plants
simpl can"t sustain a large number of flo(ers.
0ome leaf gro(ers prefer a continuous gro(th sstem! emphasising leaf gro(th and a continuous suppl
of grass. The light ccle is set for ,8 to D+ hours a da. This prevents flo(ering and the plants continue
their rapid vegetative gro(th. 3ro(ing shoots and leaves are harvested as used! and plants are removed
(henever the lose their vigour and gro(th has noticeabl slo(ed. Ne( plants are started in their place.
@n this (a! there (ill be plants at different gro(th stages! some of (hich (ill be in their rapid vegetative
gro(th stage and (ill be Iuite potent. <ale plants and some females eventuall (ill form flo(ers! but the
females (ill not form large clusters. 'eople often use this sstem (hen the lights are permanentl fi:ed.
0mall plants are raised up to the lights on tables or bo:es. This garden never shuts do(n and ields a
continuous suppl of grass.
The potenc of a particular mari)uana sample (ill var because of man factors other then the variet.
<an of these have to do (ith the natural development of the plants and their resin glands. Environmental
factors do affect potenc but there are large differences in an variet. These inherent factors must be
e:plained before (e can talk of factors outside the plant that affect relative potenc. 0trictl environmental
effects are discussed in $hapter ,-.
+ariations in Poten#y !it$in +arieties
There are noticeable differences in T9$ concentrations bet(een plants of the same variet. 5ifferences
are large enough so that ou can tall (b smoking) that certain plants are better. This is no ne(s to
homegro(ers! (ho often find a particular plant to be outstanding. Five-fold differences in T9$
concentration have also sho(n up in research. 9o(ever! (hen ou consider a (hole group of plants of
the same variet! the"re relativel similar in cannabinoid concentrations. Tpe @@ plants are the most
variable! (ith individual plants much higher than other in certain canninbinoids.
+ariations 'y Plant Part
The concentration of cannabinoids depends on the plant part! or more specificall! the concentration and
development of resin glands to plant part. The female flo(er bracts have the highest concentration of
resin glands and are usuall the most potent plant parts. 0eeds and roots have no resin glands. These
shoe no more than traces of canninbinoids. 0moke seeds (ill give ou a headache before ou can get
high. @f ou got high on seeds! then there (ere probabl enough bracts adhering to the seeds to get ou
high. %Figure D- The highest concentration of stalked resin glands forms a cover on the female flo(er
bracts >esin glands beneath cstolith hairs on a leaf petiole&
9ere are the potencies! in descending order! of the various plant parts:
1! Fe$ale 0lowering 'lusters! 4n pra'ti'e you don=t separate hundreds
o0 tiny bra'ts to $ake a 2oint! The whole 0lowering $ass "seeds
along with s$all a''o$panying leaves( 0or$s the $aterial!
2! Male 0lower 'lusters! These vary $ore in relative poten'y
depending on
the strain "see 6.oten'y by #eH(6 below*!
E! 8rowing shoots! Be0ore the plants 0lower( the vegetative shoots
o0 the $ain ste$ and bran'hes are the $ost potent plant parts!
C! 1eaves "a* that a''o$pany 0lowers "s$all*I
"b* along bran'hes "$ediu$*I
"'* along $ain ste$ "large*!
8enerally( the s$aller the lea0 is( the $ore potent it 'an be!
! .etioles "lea0 stalks*! #a$e order as leaves!
>! #te$s! #a$e order as leaves! The s$aller the ste$ "twig*( the
higher the possible 'on'entration o0 'annabinoids! #te$s over 1J1>6
in dia$eter 'ontain only tra'es o0 'annabinoids and are not worth
s$oking! The s$all ste$s that bear the 0lowers 'an be Kuite potent!
?! #eeds and Roots! )ontain only tra'es "less then !D1 per'ent* and
are not worth s$oking or eHtra'ting!

This order is fairl consistent. The e:ceptions can be the small leaves that accompan male flo(ers!
(hich are sometimes more potent than the flo(ers themselves. The gro(ing shoots are sometimes more
potent than the mature female flo(ers.
0amples of pollen sho( varing amounts of cannabinoids. >esin glands are found inside the anthers!
alongside the developing pollen grains! and form t(o ro(s on opposite sides of each anther. 'ollen grains
are smaller than the heads of large resin glands (%see 'late B&)! and range from D, to .- micrometres in
diameterD,. # small amount of resin contaminates the pollen (hen glands rupture! but most of the T9$ in
pollen samples comes from gland heads that fall (ith pollen (hen the flo(ers are shaken to collect it.
One stud! using pollen for the sample! found concentrations of up to =.-. percent T9$! more then
enough to get ou highB-.
Poten#y 'y Position on Plant
The potenc of mari)uana on an plant increases to(ard the top of the plant! the topmost bud being the
most potent. The bottommost leaves on the main stem are the least potent of the useable material. #long
branches there is a less steep T9$ gradient increasing to the gro(ing tip.
The ratios in Table ,, are representative of high-Iualit mari)uana varieties. 'lant no. D is an e:ception!
(ith four percent T9$ in its lo(er leaves! a figure comparable to high-Iualit $olombian and <e:ican
buds in commercial grass.
Table 11 % Relationship o0 T:) )ontent to 1ea0 .osition ">@*
.er'entage o0 T:) by weight o0 1ea0 0ro$ .osition on plant
.lant 7o! 1 "#.%* 7-!2 "#.%* 7-!E "<7)%EE*
Top >!1 >!9 C!@
Middle E ! E!1
Botto$ D!@ C 1!
Ratio "gradient* @9C91 1!?91!C91 E9291
Notice the large difference in the gradients of 'lants no. , and D! (hich are from the same variet (0'-C).
*ike almost all characteristics of these plants! considerable variation occurs even among sibling. Our
e:perience is that generall the better the Iualit of the variet! the steeper the gradient: in other (ords!
the bigger the difference bet(een top and bottom leaves. For e:ample! the plants given here are high-
Iualit tpe @ varieties. 'lant no. , is more tpical! (ith its steep gradient! than no.D! (here the gradient is
much less pronounced. *o(er-Iualit varieties generall do not have as steep a gradient and the ratios
(ould look more like that of 'lant no. D.
Poten#y 'y Se%
#lthough mari)uana lore claimed the female to be the more potent! scientists disclaimed this. 4ut there is
some truth to both sides. @n fine mari)uana varieties! male and female leaves average about the same in
cannabinoid concentrations. Either a male or a female individual ma have the highest concentration in
an particular case. The largest variation is in comparing the flo(ers. <ale flo(ers ma be comparable to
the females! or the ma not even get ou high. @t seems that the higher the Iualit of the grass! the
better the male flo(ers (ill be. @n fine tpe @ plants! male flo(ering clusters usuall approach the potenc
of the female. @n lo(-Iualit tpe @@@ varieties females are usuall more potent (D= to /= percent) than the
Tpe @@ plants are the most variable! (ith large differences among individual plants. 4ut the trend is for the
females to average about D= percent high in potenc of leaves and flo(ers.
Table 12 % Relative .oten'ies o0 Male and Fe$ale .lants ">>*
.er'entage by &eight "b* o0
)-<7TR, -F -R4847 #EL "a* T:) )BD ")* T,.E .1/7T
MeHi'o M E!? D!@> 4
F E!? D!E
4ndia M C!E D!12 4
F 1!?@ D!19
Thailand M E!2 D!D@ 4
F E!2 D!C2
4ndia M D!@1 2!1 44
F 1!E D!@9
.akistan M 1!E? 1!2C 44
F D!?1 1!
Turkey M D!@C 2!11 44
F D!92 1!EE
4ndia M D!1 2!2 444
F D!12 1!2
.oland M D!DC D!9? 444
F D!D> 1!1
a) <! male (staminate)K F! female (pistillate). (b) Of flo(ering mass
(ith accompaning leaves. (c) @ncludes $4$. V
Poten#y 'y (ge
@n general! the longer the life ccle of the plant! the more the concentration of cannabinoids increases! as
long as the plant stas health and vigorous. #ctuall! it is the development of the plant! rather than
chronological age! that determines this difference in potenc. # plant that is more developed or more
mature is generall more potent.
4ecause ou decide (hen to plant and1or can control the photoperiod! ou also control (hen the plants
flo(ers and! hence! the overall age at maturit. # si:-month-old plant (ill generall be better than a four-
month-old plant! both of (hich are flo(ering. 'lants eight months old (ill usuall be more potent than si:-
month-old plants. <ost indoor gro(ers plan their gardens to be about five to eight months old at harvest.
9ealth plants can be e:tended to about ,= months. 'lants older than ,= months often develop
abnormall. There is usuall a decline in vigour and a loss in potenc. 4ut some gro(ers have decorative
plants several ears old.
Outdoor gro(ers more often simpl allo( the plants to develop according to the local gro(ing conditions
(hich (ill govern their development and flo(ering time. Fhere the gro(ing season is short! some
gro(ers start the plants indoors and transplant (hen the local gro(ing season begins. This gives the
plants a longer gro(ing season.
One reason female plants are considered more potent is because of age. <ales often flo(er in four to five
months and die! (hile the females ma continue to a ripe old age of eight or nine months! especiall
(hen the are not pollinated.
Poten#y 'y Growt$ Stage
#lthough then general trend is for the cannabinoid concentration to increase (ith age! this is not a matter
of the simple addition or accumulation of cannabinoids. The concentration of cannabinoids changes (ith
the general metabolic rate of the plant! and can be related to the plant"s gro(th pattern or life ccle.
Figure /= sho(s a hpothetical curve follo(ing the concentration of T9$ from the upper leaves and
gro(ing tips of a male and female plant.
Notice that T9$ increases immediatel (ith germination and establishment of the seedling! and continues
to rise until the plant enters its vegetative stage. #t this point! the plant is (ell-formed! (ith a sturd stem!
and no longer looks fragile. #s the plantKs rate of gro(th increases! there is a corresponding rise in T9$
that continues throughout the vegetative stage until a plateau is reached. 4efore the plateau is reached
the arrangement of leaves on the stem (phllota:) changes from opposite to alternate. The plateau is
maintained until the plant"s rapid gro(th all but stops and the plant has entered preflo(ering. 4 this time!
the branches have formed the plant to its characteristic shape. 'reflo(ering lasts about one to t(o (eeks!
during (hich T9$ concentration falls until the appearance of the first flo(ers.
For the male plant! preflo(ering ends (ith rene(ed gro(th. This lengthens the uppermost internodes and
the first male flo(er buds appear. T9$ immediatel increases (ith the development of the male flo(er
clusters! and reaches its peak (hen most of the flo(ers are full formed and a fe( are beginning to
release pollen. #fter pollen release! the male normall loses vigour and T9$ content slo(l declining until
the plant is cured and stored.
Female plants reach their ma:imum T9$ (hen the plants are in full bloom. Full bloom is (hen the plant
has filled out (ith (ell-formed flo(er clusters! but flo(ers are still slo(l forming. <ost of the stigmas (ill
still be (hite and health.
Flo(ering lasts an(here from t(o to ,= (eeks! depending on (hether the plants are pollinated or not! as
(ell as on variet and the environment. (0ee $hapter D= for details.) T9$ content declines as the
formation of ne( flo(ers slo(s and the ma)orit of the stigmas begin to bro(n. The onl changes ou
ma see in the plants are the maturation of the seeds and the loss of green colour in the leaves and
flo(ers. @n some cases the plant"s apparent resin (its look and feel) increases during the last fe( (eeks of
life (hile the T9$ concentration is still declining.
Nou ma feel that ou should onl pick mari)uana (hen the plants are in full bloom! but this is not the
case. Think of the garden as a continuous suppl of grass. Nou can never be sure of the fate of our
plants. The biggest problem (ith outdoor gro(ing is that there is a good chance that the plants (ill be
ripped off before ou plan to harvest. @t is much better to harvest grass during the course of a season!
assuring ourself a return for our efforts. For e:ample! during the third month of gro(th! ou could cut
back the gro(ing tips! (hich should be Iuite potent! often more potent than Figure /= suggests. This
doesn"t mean there (ill be less to harvest at season"s end. @n fact! the plant (ill be forced to develop its
branches! possible ielding a larger plant.
$ommon sense tells ou that it is al(as best to test one sample before ou harvest. 4 taking one tip!
curing and smoking! ou"ll kno( (hether it"s (orth(hile to harvest more at that time or to (ait longer.
Fhen a tip is about eIual to its parents" potenc! then definitel harvest more gro(ing tips. This peak high
often occurs during the middle to late rapid! vegetative-gro(th stage.
The reader should keep in mind that Figure /= serves onl as an e:ample. $hronological age is not as
important as the phsiological age of the plant. @n this graph! the life of the plants is about si: months. 4ut
the life ccle depends on the particular variet and the gro(ing conditions! (hich strongl influence the
rate of development. (For details on ho( to use the graph! see $hapter D=.) The important facts that the
reader should get from the graph are that the potenc of the grass can decrease as (ell as increase
during the plant"s life ccle. #ctual studies of the cclic variations in potenc over the course of a season
have sho(n much more complicated rhthms! (ith man more peaks and valles then here
B,!B+!8=!8.!-D. <ost varieties (ill more or less follo( a gro(th pattern as described. $hanges in the
plant"s development! such as phllota: and gro(th rate! are cues to changes in T9$ concentration.
0econdl! the gro(ing tips of the main stem and branches can be ver potent. 3ro(ers do not have to
(ait until flo(ers form to harvest top-Iualit smoke.
3.0 C(&!i1a!ion: In"oors or O(!"oors2
The basic elements of the environment (light! (ater! air! and soil) provide plants (ith their fundamental
needs. These environmental factors affect the gro(th rates of plants! as (ell as their life ccles. @f one
factor is deficient! gro(th rate and vigour (ill (an regardless of the other three. For instance! (ith lo(
light! the gro(th (ill be limited no matter ho( fertile and moist the soil is. @n the same sense! if soil
minerals are scarce! the gro(th rate (ill be limited no matter ho( ou increase the light.
$annabis! like all green plants! manufacturers its food through the process photosnthesis. ?nlike
animals! (hich depend on pre-formed food for survival! plants can use energ from light to form food
(carbohdrates) from simple inorganic molecules absorbed from the air and soil.
'lants absorb light energ through pigments that are concentrated in the leaf cells. These pigments are
also found in most of the aboveground parts of the plant. The most abundant pigment is chlorophll!
(hich gives the plants their green colour. The energ absorbed is stored in chemical compounds such as
#T' and N#5'9D. ((#T'! adenosine-triphosphateK N#5'9D! nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide-
phosphate.)) These are storage1transfer compounds that function to transfer energ and matter in the
living sstem. #T' transfers energ that fuels the reactions for the making of carbohdrates as (ell as
most other metabolic functions. N#5'9D transfers electrons! usuall as hdrogen! for the snthesis of
carbohdrates as (ell as other compounds.
The ra( material for the snthesis of carbohdrates ($9DO)n comes from carbon dio:ide ($OD) and
(ater (9DO). $arbon dio:ide is absorbed primaril from the air! but can also be absorbed from the soil
and secondaril from the air.
.hotosynthesis is su$$arised as 0ollow9
light energy %%%%%%% /T. M 7/D.:2
)-2 M :2- %%%%%%% "):2-*n M -2
For more comple: bio-molecules such as amino acids and proteins! the plant absorbs minerals (including
nitrogen! phosphorus! and sulfur) from the soil. $arbohdrates provide food energ for the plant using
processes similar to those that occur in humans. The also form the basic building blocks for plant
tissues. For e:ample! the sugar glucose ($9DO). is strung and bonded to farm long chains of cellulose!
the most abundant organic compound on earth. #bout 8= percent of the structure of the plant"s cells is
made from cellulose.
The plant is a living thing e:isting in a holistic (orldK a mriad of factors affect its life. 9o(ever! good
cultivation techniIues reIuire attention to onl four basic gro(th factors. Fith this accomplished! the
plants (ill do the rest.
#s gro(er! our strateg is to bring out the plant"s natural Iualities. The cannabinoids are natural to the
plants. 0eeds from potent mari)uana gro( into potent mari)uana plants (hen the are nurtured to a full
and health maturit.
0ince most mari)uana plants are adapted to tropical or semitropical climates! it is up to the gro(er to
make the transition to local gro(ing conditions harmonious. The reIuires sensible gardening techniIues
and! in some cases! manipulation of the photoperiod. There is no magic button to push or secret fertiliser
to sue. The secret of potenc lies (ithin the embro. The environment can and does affect potenc! as it
does most aspects of the plant"s life. 9o(ever! environmental factors are secondar to the plant"s
heritage (genetic potential).
Indoors vs0 Outdoors
#t this point the book divides into separate indoor and outdoor cultivation sections! and ou ma (onder
(hether it is better to gro( the plant indoors or outdoors. Each alternative has advantages and
disadvantages. @t is usuall better to gro( the plants outdoors if possible! because the plants can gro(
much larger and faster than indoors. @ndoors presents space and light limitations. @t is possible to gro( a
,C-foot bush indoors! but this is unrealistic in most home. There simpl isn"t enough room or light for such
a large plant. Outdoor gardens return a much higher ield for the effort and e:pense. most indoor
gardeners bu soil and ma have to bu electric lights. 0o there is an initial investment of an(here from
J,= on up.
On the other hand! outdoor plants are more likel to be seen. <an gardens get ripped off! and busts are
a constant threat. @ndoor gardens are much less likel to be discovered. 3ardening indoors allo(s the
gro(er closer contact (ith the plants. The plants can be gro(n all ear longK it is an eas matter to control
their gro(th ccles and flo(ering. 'robabl the biggest attraction of indoor gardens is that the are
beautiful to (atch and eas to set up an(here.
One popular compromise is to construct a simple greenhouse. ?se plastic to either enclose part of a
porch or to cover a frame built against the house.
The potenc of the plants doesn"t depend on (hether the are gro(n indoors or outdoors. #s long as ou
gro( health plants that reach maturit and complete their life ccle! the grass can be as good as an
ou"ve ever smoked.
C$apter Four
<ari)uana adapts (ell to indoor conditions. Nou can gro( it in sunn rooms or (ith artificial light. The
factor limiting the rate of gro(th indoors is often the amount of light! since it is less a problem to suppl
the plants (ith plent of (ater! nutrients! and air.
Natural light is free. @f feasible to use! natural light eliminates the most e:pensive components for indoor
gardeners: artificial lights and the electricit the use. Findo( light is the easiest (a to gro( plants for
decorative purposes or for a small crop. On the other hand! a greenhouse! sunporch! or particularl sunn
room can support larger plants than most artificial light sstems. # sunn porch or roof area enclosed in
sheet plastic to form a greenhouse is a simple! ine:pensive (a to gro( pounds of grass.
$annabis gro(s into a full formed bush (hen it receives a minimum of five hours of sunlight a da. 4ut
ou can gro( good-siEed plants of e:cellent Iualit (ith as little as t(o hours of dail sunlight provided
(indo(s are unobstructed b buildings or trees and allo( full dalight. Findo(s facing south usuall get
the most light! follo(ed b (indo(s facing east and (est (north-facing (indo(s seldom get an sun). ?se
the location (ith the longest period of sunlight. The corner of a room or alcoves (ith (indo(s facing in
t(o or three directions are often ver bright. 0klights are another good source of bright! unobstructed
0ome gro(ers supplement natural light (ith artificial light from incandescent or fluorescent fi:tures. This
is essential during the (inter! (hen sunlight is (eaker than the summer! and in spaces (here the plants
get little direct sunlight. #rtificial lights can also be used to lengthen the natural photoperiod in order to
gro( plants all ear.
The best time to plant using natural light is in late <arch or #pril! (hen the sun"s intensit and the number
of hours of dalight are increasing. $leaning (indo(s dramaticall increases the amount of light!
especiall in cities (here grime collects Iuickl. 'aint (alls ad)acent to (indo(s a flat (hite or cover them
and the floor (ith aluminium foil to reflect light to the plants. 'lace oung plants on shelves! blocks! or
tables to bring them up to the light. 'osition the plants as close to the (indo(s as possible. @nsulate
germinating plants from freeEing (inter drafts b stapling clear sheets of polethlene film to the (indo(
The main problem (ith mari)uana in (indo(s is that it ma be seen b unfriendl people. This (on"t be a
problem at first! but (hen the plants gro( larger! the are easil recognised. Nou could cover the (indo(s
(ith mesh curtains! rice paper! polethlene plastic or other translucent materials to obscure the plants. #
strip covering the lo(er part of the (indo( ma be enough to conceal the plants from outsiders.
<ost of ou (ill (ant the garden completel hidden. 0ome gardeners opt for closets! basements! attics -
even under loft beds. The cover the (indo(s if the garden is visible and gro( the plants entirel (ith
artificial light.
The amount of light ou provide is (hat determine the garden"s siEe - the amount of soil! number and
eventual siEe of the plants! and the overall ield. 0ince light is the factor on (hich ou base the planning
of our garden! let"s begin (ith artificial light.
{/ pi'ture o0 a sel0%'ontained $ini%horiAontal "1D or 1? watt :4D* is
per0e't 0or a personal s$all garden!3

C$apter Five
+.2 .i3!(res
Florescent light is the most effective and efficient source of artificial light readil available to the home
gro(er. Florescent lamps are the long tubes tpical of institutional lighting. The reIuire a fi:ture (hich
contains the lamp sockets and a ballast (transformer) (hich (orks on ordinar house current.
Tubes and their fi:tures come in length from four inches to ,D feet. The most common and suitable are
four- and eight-foot lengths. 0maller tubes emit too little light for vigorous gro(thK longer tubes are
un(ield and hard to find. The gro(ing area must be large enough to accommodate one or more of these
fi:tures through a height of at least si: feet as the plants gro(. Fi:tures ma hold from one to si: tubes
and ma include a reflector! used for directing more light to the plants. 0ome fi:tures are built (ith holes
in the reflectors in order for heat to escape. The are helpful in areas (here heat builds up Iuickl. Nou
can make reflectors (ith household materials for fi:tures not eIuipped (ith reflectors. Tr to get fi:tures
that have tubes spaced apart rather than close together. 0ee C.C for further suggestions.
The tubes and their appropriate fi:tures are available at several different (attage or outputs. 0tandard or
regular output tubes use about ,= (atts for each foot of their length - a four-foot tube has about += (atts
and an eight-foot tube about 8= (atts.
9igh Output (9O) tubes use about C= percent more (atts per length than regular output tubes and emit
about += percent more light. #n eight-foot (9O) runs on ,,D to ,,8 (atts. Ler 9igh Output (L9O) or
0uper 9igh Output (09O) tubes emit about t(o-and-a-half times the light and use nearl three times the
electricit (D,D to D,8 (atts per eight-foot tube).
The amount of light ou suppl and the length of the tube determine the siEe of the garden. <ari)uana (ill
gro( (ith as little as ,= (atts per sIuare foot of gro(ing area! but the more light ou give the plants! the
faster and larger the (ill gro(. Fe recommend at least D= (atts per sIuare foot. The minimum-siEe
garden contains a four-foot fi:ture (ith t(o +=-(att tubes! (hich use a total of 8= (atts. 5ividing total
(atts b D= ((atts per sIuare foot) gives 8=( divided b D=(1sI. ftWfour sI.ft. (an area one b four feet).
# four-tube (8= (atts each) eight-foot fi:ture (ould give: /D=( divided b D=(1sI. ft. W ,. sI. ft. or an
area the length of the tube and about t(o feet (ide.
L9O and 9O tubes in practice don"t illuminate as (ide an area (hen the plants are oung! because the
light source is one or t(o tubes rather than a bank. Once the plants are gro(ing (ell and the light sstem
is raised higher! the (ill illuminate a (ider area. Figure about DC (1(ftOft) for 9O and /C (1(ftOft (or foot
sIuared)) for L9O to determine garden siEe. # t(o-tube! eight-foot L9O fi:ture (ill light an area the
length of the tube and one-and-a-half feet (ide.
The more light ou give the plants! the faster the (ill gro(. Near C=(1sI. ft. a point of diminishing returns
is reached! and the ield of the garden is then limited b the space the plants have to gro(. For ma:imum
use of electricit and space! about +=(1sI. ft. is the highest advisable. ?nder this much light the gro(th
rate is incredible. <ore than one gro(er has said the can hear the plants gro(ing - the leaves rustle as
gro(th changes their position. @n our e:perience! standard-output tubes can (ork as (ell as or better than
L9O"s if four or more eight-food tubes are used in the garden.
The ield of the garden is difficult to compute because of all the variable that determine gro(th rate. #
conservative estimate for a (ell-run garden is one ounce of grass (pure smoking material) per sIuare foot
of garden ever si: months.
@n commercial grass! the seeds and stems actuall make up more of the bulk (eight than the useable
The grass (ill be of several grades depending on (hen and (hat plant part ou harvest. The rough
breakdo(n might be ,1/ eIual to <e:ican regular! ,1/ considered real good smoke! and the rest prime
Iualit. Fith good techniIue! the overall ield and the ield of prime Iualit can be increased several fold.
+.3 So(rces
Fhen sunlight is refracted b raindrops! the light is separated according to (avelengths (ith the
characteristic colours forming a rainbo(. 0imilarl! the (hite light of electric lights consists of all the
colours of the visible spectrum. Electric lights differ in the amount of light the generate in each of the
colour bands. This gives them their characteristic colour tone or degree of (hiteness.
'lants appear green because the absorb more light near the ends of the visible spectrum (red and blue)
and reflect and transmit more light in the middle of the spectrum (green and ello(). The light energ
absorbed is used to fuel photosnthesis. #lmost an electric light (ill produce some gro(th! but for
normal development the plants reIuire a combination of red and blue light.
0unlight has such a high intensit that it can saturate the plants in the blue and red bands! though most of
the sun"s energ is in the middle of the spectrum. #rtificial lights operate at lo(er intensitiesK so the best
lights for plant gro(th emit much of their light in the blue and red bands.
Fluores#ent Tu'es
0everal lighting manufacturers make tubes (gro-tubes) the produce much of their light in the critical red
and blue bans. ('lant-gro (3E)! 3ro-*u: (0lvania)! #gro-*ite (Festinghouse)! and gro-lum (Norelco) are
e:amples! and the look purple or pink. Lita-lite and Optima (5uro-test) produce a (hite light (ith a
natural spectrum ver similar to dalight. 5uro-test blubs are more e:pensive than other tubes but the
last t(ice as long. %0ee spectrum for HThe action spectra of chlorosnthesis and photosnthesis
compared to that of human vision. #dapted from @E0 *ighting 9andbookD/BH&
Theoreticall! these tubes should (ork better for gro(ing plants than standard lighting tubes. 9o(ever!
some standard or regular fluorescent tubes used for lighting actuall (ork better for gro(ing plants than
more e:pensive natural-spectrum tubes and gro-tubes specificall manufactured for plant gro(th. The
reason is that regular fluorescent produce more light (lumens)! and overall lumen output is more important
for gro(th rate than a specific light spectrum. To compensate for their spectrums! use them in
combinations of one HblueH fluorescent to each one or t(o HredH fluorescent (4o: 4).
<anufacturers use standardised names such as 5alight and 0of(hite to designate a tube that has a
certain degree of (hiteness. Each name corresponds to a tube that emits light in a particular combination
of colour bands. For e:ample! $ool Fhite emits more blue light than other colours and appears blue-
(hite. 4 combining tubes that emit more blue light (ith tubes that emit more red light! the tubes
complement each other and produce a more natural spectrum for health plant gro(th. <ore Hred lightH
than Hblue lightH sources are needed to foster health gro(th! so use t(o red tubes to each blue tube.
The best combinations are either Farm Fhite or 0oft Fhite (red) tubes used (ith either $ool Fhite or
5alight (blue) tubes. These four tube tpes are common! much cheaper! and (hen used in combination!
(ill give ou a better return than an of the more e:pensive gro-tubes or natural-spectrum tubes. #n
hard(are store carries these common lighting tubes! and the cost ma be less than a dollar each.
5o not use tubes (ith Hdelu:eH in their designation. The have a more natural spectrum but emit
considerabl less light. 'referabl! bu H$ool FhiteH since it emits C= percent more light than H$ool Fhite
In#andes#ents and Flood /ig$ts
The common scre(-in incandescent bulb produces light mainl in the longer (avelengths: far-red! red!
orange! and ello(. 9igher-(attage bulbs produce a broader spectrum of light than lo(er-(attage bulbs.
@ncandescents can be used alone to gro( mari)uana! but the plants (ill gro( slo(l and look scraggl and
ello(. @ncandescents combined (ith fluorescent (ork (ell! but fluorescent are a better source of red
light. Fluorescent tubes generate slightl less heat per (att. Fith incandescents! heat is concentrated in
the small bulb area! rather than the length of the tube! and can burn the plants. @n addition! incandescents
have less than one-third the efficienc of fluorescent in terms of electricit used. @f ou decide to use
incandescents in combination (ith fluorescent! use t(o times the (attage of incandescents to blue source
fluorescent! that is! t(o +=-(att 5alight tubes to about three .=-(att incandescents! evenl spacing the
red and blu sources.
The common floodlight has a spectrum similar to but some(hat broader than incandescents. 4ecause
the cast their light in one direction and operate at higher intensities! these lights (ork better than
incandescents! both as a single source and to supplement natural or fluorescent light. %Figure //.
0upplement natural light (ith floodlights. ?se foil curtains for reflectors.&
The best application for floodlights and incandescents is to supplement natural and fluorescent light!
especiall (hen the plants get larger and during flo(ering. @ncandescents and floodlights reIuire no
special fi:tures! although reflectors increase the amount of light the plants receive. These lights are eas
to hang or place around the sides of an light sstem! and their strong red band promotes more gro(th
and good flo(er development. 0ome of their energ is in the far-red band. <ost purple gro-tubes and
(hite fluorescent are deficient in this band! and addition of a fe( incandescents make them more
effective. #gro-lite and F10 3ro-*u: emit adeIuate far-red light and need no addition of incandescents.
0everal companies make scre(-in spotlights specificall for plant gro(th. T(o brand names are 5uro-
Test and 3ro n"0ho. #lthough the are an improvement over incandescents as a single source! these
lights don"t perform nearl as (ell as fluorescent. # ,C=-(att bulb (ould gro( one plant perhaps four feet
tall. T(o eight-foot fluorescent tubes (,.= (atts) (ill easil gro( eight si:-foot plants. For supplemental
lighting! the incandescents and floodlight (ork as (ell and are cheaper.
HID /a&ps0 ,etal Halide 2,H3 and Sodiu&4+apour /a&ps 2HPS3
9@5"s (9igh-@ntensit-5ischarge) are the lamps of choice for serious indoor gardeners. 9@5 lamps
commonl illuminate streets! parking lots! and sports stadiums! and the emit ver intense light and
produce more light! more efficientl than fluorescent. #ll 9@5"s reIuire specific ballasts and fi:tures to
operate! so purchase complete sstems (fi:ture! ballast! reflector) along (ith the lamp. 9igh Times and
0insemilla Tips magaEines (p. //D) feature numerous ads b retailers of horticultural 9@5 sstems.
$ontact the advertisers! and the"ll send ou brochures (ith enough information to make an informed
Ordinar metal-halides (<9"s and 9'"s) ma emit dangerous ?L and particle radiation of the bulb
envelop breaks! cracks! or develops a small hole. 4roken <9 bulbs ma continue to operate apparentl
normall! and e:posure ma cause serious ee or skin in)ur. <ake sure to purchase <9 bulbs designed
(ith a safet feature (such as 3E 0at-T-3ard or 0lvania 0afeline) that causes the bulb to burn out
immediatel if the outer envelope ruptures. O> purchase fi:tures that shield the bulb in protective
tempered glass.
9@5"s come in man siEes! but generall! use onl +== and ,!=== (att siEed lamps. The largest siEe
(,!C== (atts) is not recommended because of its relativel short bulb life. 0iEes less than +== (atts do
not return as much mari)uana considering set-up costs and ease of operation. The onl e:ceptions are
certain Hself-containedH mini-units of ,C= and ,BC (atts (see +.,). These mini-self-contained units have a
horiEontal fi:ture and built-in ballast! (hich is eas to set up. The horiEontal fi:ture directs up to +C
percent more light to the plants than conventional! verticall positioned lamps (ith reflectors. The intense
light encourages e:cellent gro(th and bud formation (ith modest electrical consumption. The are the
best overall light sstem for small! personal gardens such as closet set-ups.
'osition +== (att 9@5 lamps ,8 to /= inches above plant tops! and ,!=== (att lamps /= to +D inches
above the tops. 5uring flo(ering! flo(ers ma HrunH rather than form in compact buds if lamps are
positioned too close to the plant tops! particularl (hen using 9'0"s.
9eat is the main problem (ith 9@5"s! and the room must be (ell-ventilated. ?se e:haust fans to dra(
heat out of the room. The fan doesn"t need to be large! )ust active enough to create a strong! ventilating
/ig$t Balan#ers
0ophisticated gardeners use light balancers (hich emplo a small motor to move reflectors and 9@5
lamps held on tracks or mechanical arms slo(l across a garden in either a linear or circular pattern %(see
p. 88 Figure /8b)&. *ight balances save considerable po(er and bulb costs because the dramaticall
increase the effectivel illuminated garden siEe! (hile using less the D+ (atts per balancer. Fith the lights
moving on a balancer! all of the garden becomes eIuall illuminated for modest running costs. @nstead of
adding another ,!=== (att 9@5! a light balancer increases the garden siEe (ithout measurabl increasing
po(er consumption! an important consideration (hen electricit consumption or costs are of concern.
Fith multi-bulb 9@5 gardens! use one <9 to each 9'0 lamp on a light balancer! and hang the lamps
about one foot closer to the plant tops than usual. <9"s favour blue light! and 9'0"s produce more
orange-red light. 4 combining the t(o! the spectrum is more balanced! and ou"ll get a better return of
(ell-formed buds.
/ow Cost HID Syste&s
4 far! the most efficient and effective set-up for a modest artificial light garden is to use fluorescent
lamps set on a long photoperiod for germination! gro(ing seedlings or to raise clonesK use another room!!
or part of the room separated b a light-tight curtain or barrier! for flo(ering (ith (9'0) lamps in horiEontal
reflectors kept on a short photoperiod to induce and promote flo(ering.
For e:ample! separate and average siEed room into t(o gro(ing areas b hanging an opaIue curtain to
block light bet(een the t(o sections. @n the smaller area! gro( seedling or clones (see ,8.C) for t(o to si:
(eeks under fluorescent set on a constant light. @n the larger section! keep 9'0 lamp(s) on a ,D-hour
light ccle for flo(ering. <ove larger seedlings under the 9'0 lamp(s) for about - to ,C (eeks to initiate
and complete flo(ering. <ean(hile! start more seedling under fluorescent. @t"s eas to maintain both
sections of the room be constantl replenishing either area (ith ne( plants. This setup is ver productive
for a modest investment in both costs and labour - no time or costl light and electricit is (asted on
empt space! and ou"ll find ourself continuousl harvesting mature buds.
{/ no 0rills setup with an :4D! 7oti'e that the ballast is insulated 0ro$
the 0loor with pie'es o0 woodI the 0iHture is supported by rope and not the
ele'tri' 'ordI plasti' prote'ts the 0loorI there is a ti$er( a re0le'tor( and
{Figure EC and E 0or light%output 0ro$ two and 0our CD watt white
0luores'ent and 'o$paring e00e'tiveness in 0oot'andles!3
?sing this setup! the initial long photoperiod and small area necessar for seedlings or clones is
illuminated cheapl b fluorescent. 0eedlings gro(! and cuttings root! better under fluorescent than
9'0"s. The larger! more costl flo(ering section is kept under a short photoperiod of ,D hours of dail
light and the strong red light is necessar for good flo(ering.
For e:ample! the (hole operation could dra( less then .C= (atts: ,.= (atts b four! four-foot fluorescent
set on constant light to start the seedlingsK one +== (att 9'0 set on ,D hours dail light for flo(eringK t(o
timers and a venting fan for automating the lights and controlling heat. @t"s possible to harvest four to si:!
full mature crops each ear! or continuousl harvest. (0ee <el Frank"s ne( <ari)uana 3ro(er"s @nsider
3uide b >E5 ENE '>E00 for much more information on efficient! lo( cost! indoor sstems and
greenhouse gardening.)
+.4 Se!!in$ (p !#e %ar"en
?nder artificial light! mari)uana gro(s from three to sic feet in three months! so the height of the light must
be eas to ad)ust. Fi:tures can be hung from the ceiling! shelves! (alls! or from a simple frame
constructed for the purpose. @f ou are hanging the lights from the (alls or ceiling! scre( hooks directl
into a stud. 0tuds are located in ever room corner and are spaced ,.! ,8 or D+ inches apart. *ight can
be supported from lathing using (ingbolts! but plaster is too (eak to hold a fi:ture unless a (ooden strip
held b several (ingbolts is attached to the (alls or ceiling first to distribute the pressure. Then hang the
fi:ture from a hook in the strip. $losets have hooks and shelves or clothes rungs that are usuall sturd
enough to support the fi:ture. 'eople have gardens under loft beds.
$hains are the easiest means of raising and lo(ering fi:tures. T(o chains can be suspended from a solid
support from above! and attached to an H0H hook at each end of the fi:ture. >aise the fi:ture b inching
the hooks to higher links on the chain. Or tie rope to the fi:ture! pass through an ee hook or pulle in the
ceiling or frame! and tie-off at a hook or boat cleat anchored in the (all or frame.
Nou can also hang the lights permanentl and lo(er plants on a shelf or pl(ood. The shelf could be
suspended or lo(ered b supporting the shelf (ith progressivel smaller block. This arrangement is often
used in Hgro(ing factoriesH (here plants are rotated to larger gardens and gro( for onl a fe( (eeks in
each space. One garden ma have fluorescent for starting plants and another garden for maturing plants
under 9@5"s. Fith 9@5"s and sklights! lo(ering the plants ma be our best option. ?se light(eight soil
components or hdroponics rather than heavier soil! and the operation is easier.
@f ou plan to use si: or more fluorescent! remove end sockets and ballasts from fi:tures. <ount end
sockets and tubes on a frame of one-b-t(os or pl(ood. 0pace sockets so tubes cover the garden
evenl (see Figure /B and /8). This arrangement illuminates the garden more evenl and drasticall
reduces the suspended (eight since ballasts make up most of a fi:ture"s (eight. Meep ballasts off floors
and a(a from (ater. <ount the ballasts on a nearb (all or on a (ooden bo:. Fet ballasts could
actuall e:plode! and at best! are electricall dangerous (hen (et.
#l(as bu fi:tures (ith reflectors. For 9@5"s! companies make their o(n reflectors! but the best reflectors
are for horiEontall positioned lights no matter (hich compan. 9oriEontal reflectors focus much more
useable light than either parabolic or cone reflectors. 9'0"s can (ork in an position! but <9 lamps are
made to (ork in either a horiEontal or vertical position! and ou must bu bulbs that correspond (ith the
For fluorescents! ou can make an overhead reflector from the cardboard cartons in (hich tubes and
fi:tures are packaged. $ut off the end flaps and form the cardboard into a H?H. Face inner side (ith
aluminium foil or paint them (hite. *eave enough space so the foil or cardboard does not contact end
sockets. 0taple or tape the reflector behind the tubes to the fi:ture or from to reflect light to(ard the
0urround all garden (ith reflective surfaces! but not so tightl that air can"t freel circulate. Even in
(indo( gardens! reflective sheets set ad)acent to the plants make a marked difference in gro(th. Fhen
artificial lights are high! reflectors from the floor on up keep lo(er branches activel gro(ing. <lar! (ith
its mirror-finish! is popular for facing (alls. # flat (hite paint (super or decorator (hite) reflects better than
gloss (hite or aluminium foil. Flat (hite has about three percent more reflecting capacit than aluminium
foil! and reflects light more uniforml. The difference is slight! so use (hatever means is most convenient.
'aint (alls that border the garden a flat (hite or cover them (ith aluminium! mlar! or (hite plasterboard.
%Figure /.. >eflectors can be made from sturd paper faced (ith aluminium foil. <ake them (ith staples!
tape! or tacks. Figure /B.&
Natural-light gardens also benefit from reflectors. <ake them out of cardboard painted (hite or faced (ith
aluminium foil. Once the plants are past the seedling stage! surround them (ith reflectorsK other(ise onl
one side of the plants (ill be full illuminated.
$overing the floor (ith a plastic dropcloth (about J, at an hard(are store) (ill protect our flor and our
neighbour"s ceiling from possible (ater damage.
<ari)uana gro(s (ell in a dr atmosphere! but heated or air-conditioned homes are sometimes too dr
during germination and earl gro(th. Enclosing the garden in reflectors (ill contain some of the moisture
and insure a health humidit. Fhite sheet plastic is available to enclose open gardens. 5o not
completel enclose the garden. *eave some open spaces at the bottom! top and ends of the garden to
allo( air to circulate. #ir circulation (ill become more important as the plants gro( larger.
5on"t rel on training our pets to sta out of the garden. The garden (ill attract them! and the can easil
destro oung plants b che(ing on leaves and stems. 0oil is more natural to their instincts than the
side(alk or kitt litter. 'rotect the garden from pets and toddlersK surround it (ith (hite plastic or chicken
(ire. *arge plants are more sturd and animals can do them little harm. The )ungle ambience and an
occasional leaf are irresistible to most cats! and the"ll spend hours in the garden.
+.+ E&ec!rici!*
For most gro(ers! the amount of electricit used is of little concern. # four-tube! regular-output! eight-foot
fi:ture dra(s about /D= (atts per hour or about the same as a colour TL. The cost increase to our
electric bill (ill be about t(o to si: dollars a month! depending on local rates.
Farmers (ho devote entire basements or attics to their gardens are sometime restricted b the amount of
current the can dra(. Older homes or apartments ma have onl one ,C-ampere circuit but more often
have t(o! for /= amperes total. Ne(er homes have either .= or ,== amperes available through four to si:
circuits. One ,C-ampere circuit can safel accommodate three! t(o-tube L9O fi:tures or si: tubes for
,!D-= (atts! or ,. regular-output! eight-foot tubes for about ,!D8= (atts total. This allo(s for a D= percent
safet margin of circuit capacit! (hich is necessar considering heat loss! starting voltages! etc.
@n kitchen and basements the circuits ma be rated higher! at either D= or /= amperes. Nou can find out
the amperage of the circuit b looking at the fuse rating on the face of the fuse. 5etermine (hat room or
rooms each circuit is feeding b removing the fuse and seeing (hich outlets are not (orking. The (attage
capacit of an circuit is found b multipling volts time amps. 0tandard ?nited 0tates voltage is ,,= to
,D= volts.
Fluorescent light fi:tures are sometimes sold un(ired or (ithout a line cord! and the )ob is left to ou.
Follo( the diagram on the ballast (hich sho(s the (ires marked b their colour. 0impl attach the (ires
to the sockets as diagrammed. Ne( sockets have small holes (hich automaticall make contact (hen the
bare end of the (ire is pushed into them. Older fi:tures have sockets (ith conventional scre( terminals.
@ndoor gardens ma have aluminium foil! chains! reflectors! and (et floors! all of (hich are good electrical
conductors. $oupled (ith hanging lights! these conditions could lead to dangerous electrical shocks.
Never touch a reflector! fi:ture! or ballast (hile (atering or standing on a damp floor. Eliminate the
chance of serious shocks altogether b turning off the lights (henever ou (ork in the garden. #n 9@5
ballast on a damp floor is ver dangerous. >aise 9@5 ballasts on (ood blocks off the floor.
>educe the risk of dangerous shocks b using fi:tures grounded to the po(er source. # fi:ture (ith a
three-pronged plug connected to a three-(ire outlet is grounded in a properl (ired house. Nou can also
ground a fi:ture b connecting a X,D or X,+ gauge (ire to an bare metal scre( (not an electric terminal)
on the fi:ture housing to the scre( that holds the cover plate on the electrical outlet our using.
{&ith two prong outlets( 'onne't an adaptor plug with a ter$inal "top le0t*
or third wire "top right* 0ro$ the plug to the s'rew that holds the 'over
plate! This 'onverts two%wire outlets to three wire grounded syste$s when a
three%wire ele'tri' 'ord is used( an i$portant ele'tri'al sa0eguard whi'h
grounds the light syste$!3
C$apter Si%
0.2 'o!s an" O!#er Con!ainers
@n its natural state! mari)uana ma gro( an e:tensive root sstem - a fibrous net(ork of fine! lateral roots
that branch off a main! carrot-shaped tap root. @n dr areas! the tap root can gro( more than si: feet deep
in its search for (ater. @n moist areas (ith fertile soil (such as in potting mi:tures)! the lateral roots are
able to suppl (ater and nutritive needs and the tap root remains small! often onl three or four inches
long on a seven-foot-tall mature plant.
The purpose of the gro(ing medium is to provide adeIuate (ater and nutrients in addition to anchoring
the roots! (hich hold the plant upright. 4 (atering and fertilising as needed! ou could gro( a si:-foot
plant in a four-inch (('ots are measured b diameter across the top.)) pot or in a three-foot laer of soil
over our (hole gardenK but neither of these e:treme procedures is ver practical.
<ost gro(ers use containers that (ill hold bet(een t(o and five gallons of soil. These are a good
compromise in terms of (eight! space! cost! and labour. The can be moved easil and hold an adeIuate
reservoir of (ater and nutrients to support a large mature plant.
0ome gro(ers use a single large bo: or several long troughs that hold a si:- to ,D-inch laer of soil.
These have the advantage of minimal restriction of roots and less freIuent (aterings! but the reIuire
more soil and make rotating or moving the plants impractical.
5etermine the right siEe pot to use in our garden b the amount of light per sIuare foot. For a
moderatel lighted garden (,C to DC (atts per sIuare foot and most (indo( gardens)! use one- to three-
gallon containers. For gardens (ith more light energ - over DC (atts per sIuare foot or one-half da or
more of sunlight - use three- to eight-gallon containers. The smallest pot (e recommend for a full-gro(n
plant is eight inches or one gallon. This is also a good siEe for starting plants to be transplanted after t(o
'racticall an container that can (ithstand repeated (aterings and has a top at least as (ide as its base
(ill do. Each pot must have several holes in the bottom to assure drainage. 3ro(ers use flo(er pots!
institutional-siEed cans and plastic buckets! baskets and small trash cans! milk crates and (ooden bo:es.
'lastic trash bags are sometimes used (hen other large containers can"t be found. The must be handled
carefull! since shifting the soil damages the fragile lateral roots. The are also more difficult to (ork (ith
(hen transplanting. 9o(ever! a roll of trash bags is an available and ine:pensive substitute for other
large containers. 'lastic bags should be double or triple bagged. 0mall holes should be punched in the
bottom to drain e:cess (ater. ?se masking tape to patch an un(anted tears. The capacit of the bag
should be no more than t(ice as man gallons as the amount of soil used. For e:ample! (ith four gallons
of soil! the bag should be of a five-gallon! but not more than eight-gallon siEe. Other(ise! it (ill not form a
clinder! and the bag (ill remain a shapeless mass.
?se as man pots as can fit in the lighted area to make the most efficient use of space. <an gro(ers
prefer to start the plants in smaller pots! transplanting into larger pots (hen the plants are larger. There
are definite advantages to this method in terms of the ield in the garden! given its space and light
energ. 0eedlings and small plants take up much les space than the (ill at maturit! so the can be
placed closer together. #s the plants gro( and begin to cro(d each other! remove the less vigorous (to
smoke! of course) and transplant the rest into larger pots. 0tart plants (hich (ill be transplanted later in
four- to eight-inch flo(er pots! or one-Iuart to one-gallon tin cans or milk containers. 'eat pots or planting
pots are made of compressed plant fibre for the purpose of starting oung plants. The are available at
garden shops and come in several siEes. ?se at least a four-inch pot so that the roots are not restricted in
earl gro(th. 'eat pots are supposed to break do(n in the soil! but mari)uana"s delicate lateral roots ma
not be able to penetrate unless ou score or break a(a the sides (hile transplanting. Fa: paper cup
(si: to eight ounces)! filled (ith a soil mi:ture! (ork as (ell as peat pots and are cheaper.
B-L )
Finding 1arge )ontainers
<se your ingenuity in 0inding large 'ontainers! 1arge 'lay
0lower pots do not work any better than the large $etal and
plasti' 'ontainers dis'arded by restaurants and 0ood stores!
Narious $ilk 'ontainers are good starting pots! Many garden
shops sell used pots 0or a 0ew 'ents ea'h! &holesalers sell
plasti' pots by the 'arton at a dis'ount! 1arge plasti' pots
and pails 'an so$eti$es be pi'ked up ineHpensively at 0lea
$arkets or variety stores! /ny vessel that holds an adeKuate
a$ount o0 soil and does not disintegrate 0ro$ repeated
waterings is a satis0a'tory 'ontainer!
0.3 'roper!ies o) Soi&
The soil or gro(ing medium serves as a source and reservoir for (ater! air! and nutrients! and to anchor
the roots. 0ince mari)uana gro(s e:tremel fast! it has higher (ater and nutritive needs than most plants
gro(n indoors. The success of our garden depends on suppling the plant (ith a medium that meets its
needs (ithout creating to:ic conditions in the process.
There is no such thing as the perfect soil for $annabis. Each variet can gro( (ithin a range of soil
conditions. For health! full! gro(th! mari)uana prefers a medium (ith good drainage! high in available
nutrients! and near a neutral p9 (B.=). These conditions result from a comple: set of phsical! chemical
and biological factors. Fe (ill refer to them simpl as: (,) te:tureK (D) nutrientsK (/) p9.
<ost indoor gro(ers prepare the gro(ing medium using commercial potting mi:es. These mi:es are
usuall sterilised or pasteurised and have good general soil properties. 0ince the seldom list the
contents! nutrients! or p9! do some simple test of our basic soil (hether ou bu or dig for it. Then ou
can ad)ust the soil to meet the basic reIuirements of the plant.
The te:ture of the medium determines its (ater-holding and draining properties. <ari)uana must have a
(ell-drained medium for health gro(th. 0oils that hold too much (ater or hold it unevenl can dro(n the
roots! leading to poor gro(th or death of the plant. @n a (ell-drained soil the roots are in contact (ith air as
(ell as (ater. 0oils that have too much cla! or are overl rich in compost or other organic matter! tend to
hold too much (ater and not enough air. This condition (orsens in time. This is especiall true of the soil
in pots.
Nou can determine the te:ture of our soil from its appearance and feel. 5r soil should never cake or
form crusts. 5r or slightl moist soil that feels light-(eight! air! or spong (hen sIueeEed! and has a lot
of fibrous material! (ill hold a lot of (ater. <i: it (ith materials (hich decrease its (ater-holding capacit!
such as sand! perlite! or even kitt litter.
Fet soil should remain spong or loose and never stick. # (etted ball of soil should crumble or separate
easil (hen poked.
0oil that feels heav and looks dense (ith fine particulate matter! or is sand or gritt! (ill benefit b being
loosened and lightened (ith fibrous materials such as vermiculite! 7iff <i:! or sometimes sphagnum
Soil Conditioners to I&prove Te%ture
'erlite (e:panded sand or volcanic glass) is a practicall (eightless horticultural substitute for sand. 0and
and perlite contribute no nutrients of their o(n and are near neutral in p9. The hold (ater! air! and
nutrients from the medium on their irregular surfaces and are particularl good at aerating the soil.
Lermiculture (a micaceous material) and sphagnum moss contribute small amounts of their o(n nutrients
and are near neutral in p9. The hold (ater! air! and nutrients in their fibre and improve the te:ture of
sand or fast-draining soils. 7iff <i:! Ortho <i:! or similar mi:es are made of ground vermiculite and
sphagnum moss! and are fortified (ith a small amount of all the necessar nutrients. The are available at
neutral p9! are good soil conditioners! and are also useful for germinating seeds.
0phagnum and 'eat <oss (certain fibrous plant matter) are sometimes used b gro(ers to improve (ater
holding and te:ture. 4oth (ork (ell in small amounts (,= to ,C percent of soil mi:ture). @n e:cess! the
tend to make the medium too acidic after a fe( months of (atering. ?se vermiculite or 7iff <i: in
preference to sphagnum or peat moss.
Nutrients are essential minerals necessar for plant gro(th. The ma)or nutrients are nitrogen (N)!
phosphorus (')! and potassium (M)! (hich correspond to the three numbers! in that order! the appear on
fertiliser and manure packages! and that give the percentage of each nutrient in the mi: (see section -).
<ari)uana prefers a medium that is high in nitrogen! and mid-range in phosphorus and potassium.
3enerall! the darker the soil! the more available nutrients it contains. $ommercial soils usuall contain a
good balance of all nutrients and (ill support health gro(th for a month or t(o! even in smaller (one
gallon) containers. <an gro(ers prefer to enrich their soil b adding sterilised manures! composts! or
humus. #ll of these provide a good balance of the three ma)or nutrients. The also retain (ater in their
fibre. @n e:cess the cause drainage problems! make the medium too acidic! and attract insects and other
pests. # good mi:ture is one part compost or manure to five to eight parts of soil medium. @n large pots
(four or five gallons)! these mi:tures might provide all the nutrients the plant (ill ever need. %Table ,/.&
The man prepared organic and chemical fertilisers that can be mi:ed (ith the soil var considerabl in
available nutrients and concentrations. ?sed in small amounts! the do not appreciabl effect the soil
te:ture. <an prepared fertilisers are deficient in one or more of the ma)or nutrients (see Table ,+). <i:
them together so there is some of each nutrient! or use them (ith manures! (hich are complete (contain
some of all three ma)or nutrients). Fhen adding fertilisers! remember that organic materials break do(n
at different rates. @t is better to use combinations (hich complement each other! such as poultr manure
and co( manure! than to use either fertiliser alone. (0ee Table DD in section ,/ for a complete list of
organic fertilisers.
Table 1C % .repared -rgani' Fertilisers
Type o0 .er'entage by weight o0 /vailability to
0ertiliser 7 .2- 52D .lant
Blood $eal 1E D D RapidJ$ediu$
Bone $eal D! 1 D Mediu$Jslow
BloodJbone $eal > ? D Mediu$Jslow
)ottonseed $eal > 2 1 #lowJ$ediu$
Fish $eal @ 2 D #lowJ$ediu$
:oo0 and bone $eal 1D 2 D #low
Ro'k phosphate > 2C D #low
&ood ash D 1! E%? Rapid
8reensand D D 2%@ Mediu$Jslow
$hemical fertilisers are made in about ever conceivable combination and concentration. 'ick one that is
complete and (here the first number (N) is at least eIual if not higher than both ' and M. For e:ample!
rose foods ma be ,D-,D-,D or D=-D=-D=! and (ork ver (ell for mari)uana. Others are: Ligoro ,8-+-C and
Ortho ,D-.-.. The higher the number! the more concentrated the mi: is! and conseIuentl! the more
nutrients are available.
5on"t use fertilisers (hich come in pellets or capsules! or that are labelled HtimedH or Hslo( release.H The
do not (ork as (ell indoors as do standard organic and chemical fertilisers. $hemical fertilisers seldom
list the amount to mi: per pot. Nou can get some idea b the instructions for application per sIuare foot.
?se that amount of each one-half cubic foot of soil mi:ture.
<an gro(ers add no nutrients at this time but rel on (atering (ith soluble fertilisers (hen the (ater.
These fertilisers and their application are discussed in section -.
The p9 is a convenient measure of the acidit or alkalinit of the soil medium. @t is another (a of
e:pressing (hether the soil is bitter (alkaline) or sour (acid). The p9 is measured on a scale of = to ,+!
(ith B.= assigned neutralK belo( B.= is acid and above is alkaline.
Nou can think of the p9 as a measure of the overall chemical charge of the medium. @t affects (hether
nutrients dissolve to forms available to the plant or to forms the plant can"t absorb! remaining locked in the
soil medium.
<ari)uana responds best to a neutral (B.= p9) medium! although in a fertile! (ell-drained soil! it (ill gro(
(ell in a range of ..= to 8.C. The simplest (a to check the p9 is (ith a soil-test kit from a garden shop or
nurser. Test kits are chemicals or treated papers - for e:ample! litmus papers or NitraEine tape - that
change colour (hen mi:ed (ith a (et soil sample. The colour is then matched to a colour chart listing the
corresponding p9. NitraEine tape is available! ine:pensivel! in drug stores. 0ome meters measure p9!
but these are e:pensive. #gricultural agents! agricultural schools! and local offices of $ooperative
E:tension (ill test a soil sample for p9 and nutrient content. Occasionall! a garden-shop person (ill
check p9 for ou or (ill kno( the p9 of the soils the sell.
9ighl alkaline soils are characteristicall poor soils that form cakes! crusts! and hardpan. 0oil
manufacturers don"t use them! nor should the be dug for indoor gardens. #lkaline soils are treated (ith
sulphur compounds (e.g.! iron sulphate) to lo(er the p9.
Fe have never seen commercial soils that (ere too alkaline for health gro(th! but the are sometimes
too acidic. The p9 of acid soil is raised b adding lime (calcium-containing) compounds. *iming
compounds come in man forms and grades. 0ome are hdrated lime! limestone! marl! or oster shells!
graded b their particle siEe or fineness. ?se the finest grade available! since it (ill have more of a
neutralising potential than a coarse grade. Nou need to use less and are more interested in immediate
results than long-term soil improvement. For indoor gardens! use hdrated lime (available in an
hard(are store) or (ood ashes to raise the p9. 9drated lime is rated over -= percent for its neutralising
potential. Food ashes (ill neutralise soil acids roughl one-half as (ell as hdrated lime. 9o(ever! the
also contain some nutrients (potassium! phosphorus! magnesium! and micronutrients) and are hand and
There is no e:act formula (e can give ou for raising the p9. The p9 does not have to be e:actK it"s and
appro:imation. #t lo( p9 it takes less lime to raise the p9 one point than it does (hen the p9 is near
neutral. 0and soils need less lime to raise the p9 one point than soils high in cla or organic matter. @n
general! add three cups of hdrated lime or si: cups of fine (ood ash to ever bag (C= pounds or a cubic
foot) of soil to raise the p9 one point. For soils that test slightl acid (about ..C)! add t(o cups of lime or
four cups of (ood ash.
0oil that tested belo( ..= should be retested in about t(o (eeks! after thoroughl mi:ing and (etting the
soil. >epeat the application until the p9 is in an acceptable range. $heck the p9 of plain (ater to see if it
is influencing the tests. 5istilled (ater is neutral! but tap (ater sometimes has minerals that can change
the p9. 9ard (ater is alkaline. 0ulphurous (ater and highl chlorinated (ater are acidic.
@f ou have alread added lime to a soil that no( tests from ..C to B.=! don"t add more lime tring to reach
e:actl B.=. Too much lime (ill interfere (ith nutrient uptake! notabl of potassium! phosphorus! and
General Soil C$ara#teristi#s
The te:ture! p9! and available nutrients of the soil are all related. The most important single factor is
te:ture (good drainage). Fhen soil drains poorl! it creates anaerobic ((ithout air) pockets in the soil.
4acteria or microbes that live (ithout air (ill begin to multipl and displace beneficial microbes that need
air to survive. The anaerobic microbes break do(n organic matter to a finer consistenc! and release
$OD and organic acids to the medium. 5rainage (orsens! the acids lo(er the p9! and nutrients! even
though present! become unavailable to the plant.
The result can be a four-month-old mari)uana plant that is onl three inches tall! especiall if ou use high
concentrations of manures and composts! peat and sphagnum moss. @f our soil lists manures or
composts as additives! add no more than ,= percent of these on our o(n.f
5rainage problems sometimes develop after several months of health gro(th. @t is a good idea to add
about D= percent sand or perlite to even a (ell-drained soil. Nou can never add too much of theseK the
con onl improve drainage. The dilute the nutritive value of the soil! but ou can al(as (ater (ith
soluble fertilisers.
<i:tures using man components in combination seem to (ork particularl (ell. This ma be because! at
a micro-level each component presents a slightl different set of phsical! chemical and biological factors.
Fhat the plant can"t take up at one point ma be readil available at another.
506 Preparing Co&&er#ial Soils and ,i%es
3arden soils (or loams) and potting mi:es are actuall t(o different groups of products! although the are
freIuentl mislabelled. 0ome companies sell soil in large bags and a potting mi:ture in smaller bags!
(hile labelling them the same. 0oils and potting mi:tures are usuall manufactured locall! since
transportation costs are prohibitiveK so the differ in each area.
Te%ture and Nutrients
0oils and loams are usuall topsoil blended (ith humus or compost for use as a top dressing in gardens!
for planting large outdoor containers! or for the soil part of a potting mi:ture. The ma have a tendenc to
compact under indoor conditions and (ill benefit from the addition of perlite or vermiculite. 0oils and
loams usuall contain a good suppl of nutrients and ma support a full-gro(n plant in a large container.
$ommercial soils that are heav generall (ork better than light(eight soils. 9eav soils usuall contain
topsoil! in (hich mari)uana gro(s ver (ell. *ightness indicates more fibrous content.
For e:ample of possible soil mi:tures! see 4o: 5. preG
4OS 5 E:amples of 0oil <i:turesO ,. C parts soil D. 8 parts soil D parts perlite / parts sand , part co(
manure ,1+ part ,=-,=-,= chemical fertiliser /. C parts soil +. + parts soil D parts perlite , part sand D parts
humus , part vermiculite ,1D part cottonseed meal D parts humus ,1D part poultr manure C. / parts soil ..
. parts soil , part perlite D parts perlite , part sand D parts vermiculite D parts 7iff <i: ,1D part poultr
manure ,1D part blood1bone meal ,1D part co( manure ,1D part (ood ash , part (ood ash O#lmost all
fertilisers are acidic! and need to be neutralised b lime. For the above mi:tures! or an similar ones! mi:
in one cup of lime for each five pounds of manure! cottonseed meal! or chemical fertiliser in order to
ad)ust the p9.
'otting mi:es are intended to support an average-siEe house plant in a relativel small pot. The are
sometimes manufactured entirel from (ood and bark fibre! composts! and soil conditioners. These mi:es
are made to hold a lot of (ater and slo(l release nutrients over a period of time! (hich is (hat most
house plants reIuire. For mari)uana! these mi:es seldom contain enough nutrients to support health
gro(th for more than a couple of months. (Their N is usuall lo(! ' adeIuate! and M usuall ver high.)
The (ork best (hen sand or perlite is added to improve drainage! and fertilisers are added to offset their
lo( nutrient content.
T$e pH
<ost commercial mi:es and soils are bet(een ..= and B.= in p9! a health range for mari)uana. @f ou bu
our soil! it (ill not be too alkaline for health gro(th! but it might be too acidic. Nou can minimise the
chances of getting and acid soil b avoiding soils (ith HpeatH or HsphagnumH in their names. #void soils
that are prescribed for acid-loving plants such as #frican violets or aEaleas! or for use in terrariums. Fith
common sense! ou can bu a soil! add t(o cups of lime to each large bag! and not have to (orr about
the p9. 9o(ever! the surest procedure is to test the p9 ourself.
'robabl the best (a to find the right soil for our garden is to ask long-term gro(ers. The can relate
their past e:periences (ith various mi:es and blends. <ost long-term gro(ers (ith (hom (e have talked
have tried man of the mi:es available in their areas. # reliable! enlightened nurserperson or plant-shop
operator ma also be able to give ou some advice.
0.+ B(*in$ Soi& Co,ponen!s
#ll the materials discussed here are available at farm and garden stores or nurseries. <an suburban
supermarkets sell large bags of soil and humus. #l(as bu our materials in the largest units possible to
reduce the cost.
*arge bags of soil and humus come in either C=-pound bags or one- to four-cubic-foot bags. # C=-pound
bag fills about si: gallons. There are eight gallons to a cubic foot. 'erlite is sold in four-cubic-foot bags
(thirt-t(o gallons). 7iff <i: and vermiculite are sold in four-cubic-foot bags and in ,. pound bags (about
,8 gallons). 0and! perlite and vermiculite come in coarse! medium! and fine grades. #ll grades (ork (ell!
but if ou have a choice! choose coarse. 0and (not beach sand) is an e:cellent soil conditioner. The onl
disadvantage is its heav (eight. 4u sand from lumber ards or hard(are stores (here it is sold for
cement (ork. @t (ill cost from ,1C= to one-half the cost of garden or horticultural sand. 0and from piles at
construction sites (orks ver (ell.
Cal#ulating t$e (&ount o" Soil
The ma:imum amount of soil mi:ture for an garden can be found b multipling the capacit of the
largest pot ou plan to use b the number of pots that ou can fit in the garden. @n man cases! the actual
amount of the mi:ture used (ill be some(hat less. T(o illustrations follo(.
,. # small garden (ith a t(o-tube! eight-foot fi:ture (,.=F). ?sing D= (atts per sIuare foot for fast gro(th
gives ,.=F divided b D=F1sI.ft. T eight sI.ft. The largest pot needed for this sstem is three gallons! but
t(o gallons (ould (ork. Nou can fit about ,= three gallon pots in eight sIuare feetK so / O ,= T /= gallons
of soil mi:ture are needed (see 4o: E).
EHa$ples #howing :ow Mu'h #oil Material to Buy to Fill
a 5nown 7u$ber o0 <nit%Nolu$e )ontainers
EHa$ple 1! For a garden eight sKuare 0eet in siAe(
Buy )o$ponent &hi'h a$ounts to
E D%lb "> gal! ea! * bags o0 soil 1@ gallons
1 'ubi' 0oot o0 perlite @ gallons
ED lbs o0 hu$us E gallons
1D lbs o0 'hi'ken $anure 2 gallons
T-T/1 E1 gallons
EHa$ple 2! For a garden 2C sKuare 0eet in siAe(
Buy )o$ponent &hi'h a$ounts to
C 1%'u! 0t! bags o0 soil E2 gallons
2 1%'u! 0t! bags o0 perlite 1> gallons
1 1%'u! 0t! bag o0 ver$i'ulite @ gallons
2D pounds o0 'ow $anure E gallons
'ottonseed $eal 2 gallons
wood ash 2 gallons
T-T/1 >E gallons
D. # large garden (ith t(o t(o-tube! eight-foot L9O fi:tures (four times D,C (atts or 8.= total (atts)
illuminating a garden three b eight feet! or D+ sIuare feet.
8.= (atts divided b D+ sI. ft. W about /.F1sI. ft.
The largest pot siEe for this sstem is about five gallons. #bout ,. five-gallon containers can fit in D+
sIuare feetK so ,. O C T 8= gal. of mi:ture are needed. 4ut ou could start man more plants in smaller
containers and transplant (hen the are root-bound. Nou do not use more soil b starting in smaller pots!
since all soil is reused. @n man cases! ou actuall use much less soil.
@n this sstem ou could start and fit about += plants in one-gallon pots in D+ sIuare feet. Fhen the plants
begin to cro(d each other! some are harvested! making room fir the others! (hich are transplanted to
larger pots. @n practice! a high-energ sstem such as this one (/.F1sI. ft.) (ill gro( large plants (hose
siEe is limited mainl b the space available. T(elve large female plants are about the most ou (ould
(ant in the sstem during flo(ering and for final harvest. 0i:t gallons of mi:ture is all that is needed for
the seedlings and the mature crop. This is one-fourth les than the original estimate of 8= gallons! and ou
actuall (ill harvest a lot more grass (see 4o: E).
,i%ing and Potting
<i: our soil in a large basin! barrel! or bathtub. @ndividual pots are filled (ith mi:tures b using a smaller
container to measure out b part or volume.
'erlite! sand! and dr soil can give off clouds of dust. Fhen mi:ing large amounts of these! (ear a
breathing mask or handkerchief over our nose and mouth.
To pot an of the mi:tures! first cover an large drainage holes (ith a sIuare of (indo( screen or
ne(spaper to prevent the mi:ture from running out. 'lace a laer of sand! perlite! or gravel about one
inch deep to insure drainage. Fill the pots (ith soil mi:ture to (ithin three-fourths of an inch from the top
of the pot. @f our mi:ture contains manures or composts! cover the last inch or t(o in each pot (ith the
mi:ture minus the manure and compost. This (ill prevent flies! gnats! moulds! and other pests from being
attracted to the garden. 'ress spong soils firml (not tightl) to allo( for more soil in each potK other(ise!
after a period of (atering! the soil (ill settle and the pot (ill no longer be full.
0ome gro(ers add a fe( brads or nails to each pot to suppl the plant (ith iron! one of the necessar
nutrients. Fater the pots and allo( them to stand for a da or t(o before planting. #s the soil becomes
evenl moist! beneficial bacteria begin to gro( and nutrients start to dissolve. %Figure +=.&
0.0 Di$$in$ Soi&
<ost gro(ers prefer to bu their soil! (hile some prefer to dig it. <ari)uana cannot tolerate heav clas!
mucks! or soils that dr to crusts. $hoose a soil from a health garden or field! or from an area that
supports a lush gro(th of annual (eeds.
Fields that support a good crop of alfalfa! corn or other grains (ill support a good crop of mari)uana.
Fields (ith beets! carrots! and sugar cane indicate a (ell-drained soil! (ith near neutral p9. >ed clover!
s(eet clover! and bluegrass have soil reIuirements similar to those of mari)uana. 3arden soils are usuall
fertile and (ell-drained! but often need lime to counteract soil acidit.
Take the topsoil laer that starts about t(o inches belo( the surface debris. 3ood soil (ill look dark! feel
moist! and small clean and earth. ?se all of the topsoil laer that maintains its dark colour and is
interlaced (ith roots. Nour hands should be able to easil penetrate the underling topsoil if the soil is in
good condition. Fhen the soil changes colour! or roots no longer apparent! then ou are past the fertile
topsoil laer. #bundant (orm! millipedes! and other small lifeforms are a good indication that the soil is
health. # rich laer of topsoil collects b (alls! fences! and hedges (here leaves and debris collect and
deca to a rich humus. 0ift the soil to remove stones and root clods. #lso! shake out the root clods! (hich
are rich in nutrients.
0oil that is dug should be tested the same (a as alread prescribed. @t should be ad)usted (ith at least
/= percent sand or perlite (vermiculite for ver sand soils)! since potting (ill affect the drainage of even
(ell-drained soils. Never use manures or composts that are not completel degraded to a clean-smelling
0oil that is dug must be sterilised to kill (eed seeds! insect eggs! and harmful moulds and fungi. 0ome
chemical treatments (e.g. formaldehde) are mi:ed (ith (ater and poured over the soil to sterilise it. 0oil
can be sterilised in a pressure cooker at ,C pounds pressure for ,C minutes! or b baking (et soil in a
large pot at D== degrees for /= to += minutes. 4e advised that baking soil (ill release some formidable
0.4 %ro5in$ Me!#o"s
#s (e said before! there are probabl as man gro(ing methods as there are mari)uana gro(ers. These
methods are personal preferences or adaptions to fit particular situationsK one method is not necessaril
better than an other. 9o(ever! the value of a garden is often based on the amount of high-Iualit grass
it ields. 0ince indoor gardens are limited in siEe! ou (ant the plants to Iuickl fill the garden (ith lush
gro(th in order to use the garden efficientl. Other(ise! for the first couple of months! the lights are
shining on empt space.
0econdl! the possession of small Iuantities of mari)uana (ill probabl be decriminalised nationall (ithin
the ne:t fe( ears. 5ecriminalisation for personal possession (ill open the (a for decriminalisation for
cultivation for personal possession. 4ut small Iuantities are more difficult to define for cultivation than for
simple possession! (hich is done b (eight. 0everal possible (as to limit the amount for cultivation have
been raised: b the number of plants! b the area cultivated! or b the number of plants at a particular
stage of development. The outcome ma determine (hether ou tr to gro( the largest plants possible or
the most plants possible in a given area.
There are several (as to increase our garden"s ield.
1! .in'h or 'ut ba'k the growing shoots when the plants are young!
This 0or'es ea'h plant to develop several strong growing shoots
and generally yield large robust plants!
2! .lant a nu$ber o0 plant in ea'h pot!
E! #tart $any plants in s$all pots and transplant the best plants to
larger pots when the plants 'rowd ea'h other!
C! <se di00erent light syste$s to grow plants at di00erent growth
9ere are some e:amples of ho( to carr out each of these four methods.
,. Fill the gro(ing area (ith large containers (about five gallons each). 0tart several plants in
each pot but thin the seedlings over a period of si: (eeks to t(o months! until one plant is left in
each pot. 5uring the fourth or fifth (eek of gro(th! pinch back the plants to about eIual heights.
$ut the gro(ing shoot at about the fourth internode. Each plant (ill develop a sturd stem (hich
(ill support four to eight gro(ing stems and (ill Iuickl fill an empt space in the garden. The
(hole garden is the treated like a hedge. #fter another month or t(o! ou cut back the gro(ing
shoots again to have plants of eIual heights. >emove the male plants as soon as the begin to
release pollen (or before an male flo(ers open for sinsemilla). This (ill leave more space and
light for the females to develop. 4 the time females flo(er! the"ve been cut back t(o or three
times or more! and form a dense gro(th of gro(ing shoots that fill the garden (ith a cubic laer of
flo(ers. 0ome gro(ers maintain the plants for up to a ear before the final harvest.
{Figure C1! .lant 'lipped at 0ourth internode!3
D. This method also reIuires large pots. @nstead of thinning the seedlings to leave one per pot!
leave at least three. #fter a fe( months of gro(th! remove an plants that lag far behind or an
plants that sho( male flo(ers. The value of this method is that the odds are at least seven to one
that an pot (ill have at least one female plant.
<ost of the plants ou"ll gro( (ill fill out (ith branches b four months at the latest. Often the
branches develop oung seedlings. The plants ma begin to look like small $hristmas trees b
the second to third months of gro(th.
3enerall! ou don"t (ant to have more than three or four plants in a five-gallon container!
because gro(th (ill be limited b competition for light and space.
{Figure C2! Base$ent growing 0a'tory in /tlanta!3
0ome varieties never do fill out. The branches remain small! onl t(o to three inches long! and
ield ver little grass. Fe"ve seen plants like this gro(n from grass from Lietnam! Thailand!
#fghanistan! and #frica. These plants are also Iuite short! being four to si: feet tall full gro(n.
Fith varieties like this! it is better not to pinch tops! and to start about si: plants per sIuare foot of
garden space. #t harvest! the garden (ill be cro(ded (ith top stems that are laden (ith flo(er
Of course! ou don"t kno( (hat varieties (ill look like until ou"ve seen them gro(. For most
varieties! each plant (ill need at least one sIuare foot or space at maturit. @t is much less
common to find varieties that naturall gro( small or especiall thin! and! therefore! are those of
(hich ou (ould (ant to plant more than a fe( per large pot.
/. #nother popular (a to gro( is to start plants in a large number of small pots. #s the plants
cro(d each other! some are removed and the rest transplanted to larger pots.
+. To get the most for our investment reIuires conservation of light and soil. Fhen the plants are
oung! a large number fit into a small place. 0ome gro(ers take advantage of this fact b having
several light sstems! each (ith plants at different gro(th stages. The plants are rotated into
larger gardens and pots. This method conserves space! materials! and electricit! and ields a
harvest ever t(o months. ?sing this method! Hgro(ing factoriesH turn out a stead suppl of
potent grass. %Table ,C.&
C$apter Seven
4.2 Re6(ire,en!s )or %er,ina!ion
4efore the seed fell! almost all of its (ater (as sapped to prepare the seed for (inter. Fith onl the tin
drop that it holds! the embro lives a life so slo( as to be outside of time as (e kno( it. $annabis seeds
need onl (ater to germinate or sprout. The seeds germinate (ithout light and at temperatures lo(
enough to form ice. 9igher temperatures hasten germination. Fresh! homegro(n Oa:acan seeds
germinated in three das at B=F and in eight das at //F. Temperatures B= to -=F are best for
Fresh! mature seeds have a high rate of germination (about -= to ,== percent) and sprout Iuickl.
?suall sprouts appear three to seven das after planting. Older seeds (over a ear! depending on
storage) have a lo(er rate of germination and respond slo(er. The ma take up to three (eeks to
sprout. To get an idea of (hat to e:pect from the seeds follo( the procedure in /.,.
0eeds that do sprout (ill gro( normall! no matter ho( old the are or ho( long the take to sprout. From
an batch of seeds! most of the ones that sprout (ill do so (ithin t(o or three das of each other. # fe(
(ill continue to come up as man as si: months later! but the garden should consist of plants that are
basicall the same age and siEe. This makes the garden easier to care for.
C$oosing Seeds
5ifferent varieties gro( at different rates and attain different siEes and shapes. ?nder artificial lights!
gardens plants from one batch of grass reIuire the least attention! because the plants sprout and gro(
uniforml and can all be tended at the same time. Fhen several varieties are gro(n together! some
plants are taller than othersK ou must ad)ust the height of the plants to keep the mari)uana eIuall
illuminated. Nou ma also have to (ater and fertilise the plants on an individual basis. 0ome gro(ers start
at different varieties under separate light sstems. On the other hand! planting several varieties offers ou
a comparison in potenc and ield! and a source for hbrids if ou (ant to develop seed. The ne:t time
ou plant ou"ll kno( (hich seeds gave the best results and (hat gro(ing methods (ill (ork best for ou.
%Figure +/. Fithin each seed lies and embro.&
There is no strict correlation bet(een the form and height of the plants and seed siEe! colour! or pattern.
9o(ever! some large-seeded varieties gro( too tall! (ith long spaces bet(een leaves. ?nder artificial
lights the ield more stems than leaves. @f ou have a choice bet(een t(o eIuall potent grasses! and
one has particularl large seeds (/1,. to ,1+ inch)! choose the smaller-seeded variet.
The easiest (a to start the plants is to so( the seeds directl into the soil. First! (et the soil (ith a
moderate amount of (ater! enough to (et the soil (ith a moderate amount of (ater! enough to get the
soil evenl moist (ithout (ater running out the bottom. This takes about one-half Iuart of (ater for one-
gallon containers! and about one Iuart for three-gallon containers. 'lant the seeds a Iuarter- to half-inch
deep. The germination rate is lo(er (hen the are planted deeperK and if seeds are planted less then
one-Iuarter inch deep! the sprouts ma have difficult anchoring their roots. 'lant about si: seeds per pot
to assure some sprouts in each pot. 3entl press each seed into the soil. $over the seeds (ith soil and
sprinkle lightl (ith (ater. Each da! sprinkle or spra the surface (ith enough (ater to thoroughl (et
the top half-inch of soil! since the seed must be kept moist for germination.
For most people! germinating the seed is eas. 'roblems (ith germination come from either too much or
too little (ater. @f ou saturate the pots (ith (ater! and especiall if ou continue to saturate the pots after
the seeds have sprouted! the seedlings ma develop stem rot or root problems. Fhen stem rot develops!
the base turns bro(n! and the seedlings fall over! ending the garden. This can also happen if ou keep
seedlings in germination bo:es or terrariums (here the humidit is ver high. Fhen the humidit is lo(!
the soil surface dries out Iuickl and the seeds (on"t germinate. 0prouts that ma come up shrivel and
dr at the base of the stem and die.
The ke to germination is to keep the soil surface moist after first having moistened the (hole potK then!
after the first sprouts have been up for a fe( das! let the surface of the soil dr bet(een (aterings. 5on"t
spra the surface an more. Fater (ith medium amounts of (ater (hen the soil in the top couple of
inches feels dr. For small pots! (ater seedlings about t(ice a (eek. For larger pots! once each (eek or
t(o ma be enough.
0ome gro(ers prefer to plant onl seeds the kno( (ill sprout! especiall (hen planting seeds (hich
have a lo( viabilit. 0tart the seeds in (et to(els or a glass of (ater. #dd one teaspoon of liIuid bleach
(a three-percent solution) to each cup of (ater. This (ill prevent fungus from attacking the seeds! (hich
happens (hen the are soaked for more than three das. $heck the seeds each da. 'lant (hen the
radical or roots begins to come out from the pointed end of the seed. $annabis seed is Iuite small and
has onl enough stored food for the embro to anchor its root and raise its cotledons. The more
developed the root is (hen planted! the less energ it has to anchor itself in the soil. The sprout ma die
or gro(th be delaed until the root is established (transplant shock). @n Figure ++! the seeds in a circle are
all read to plant. The centre seed (ill not survive transplanting. %Figure ++. 0eeds in a circle are read to
plant. $entre sprout (ill not survive planting
{OO)entre sprout too largeOO33
0ome gro(ers prefer to start the plants in a germination bo:. This e:tra hassle is not necessar.
Transplanting seedlings from one medium to another often causes transplant shock. @t is best to plant the
seeds directl into the soil.
@f ou use 0oilless mi:tures! our seedlings should be started in paper cups! peat pots! or other small pots
filled (ith a soil mi:ture (see HTransplantingH in $hapter 8 %8./&). This procedure is also helpful if ou have
the difficult starting the plants in large containers. E:pandable peat pellets also (ork ver (ell.
The position of the seed in the soil has a slight effect on germination. The root directs its gro(th in
response to gravit! as sho(n in Figure +C. 9o(ever! germination is a little faster (hen the seeds are
planted (ith the pointed end up. The difference is small! and it"s not reall necessar to position the seeds
in the soil.
@f a dr atmosphere presents problems! ou can create the moist atmosphere of a germination bo: and
still plant directl in the pot. $over the seeds (ith transparent plastic cups or glasses! or cover the pot
(ith plastic kitchen (rap. This creates a greenhouse effect and keeps the soil surface moist (ithout
(atering. >emove all the covers as soon as ou see the first sprouts begin to appearK the sprouts (ill die
if the cover is left on. %Figure +C. The root directs its gro(th to(ard gravit. 0eeds are germinated
bet(een glass and cotton! and held verticall. Four seeds to left have pointed and up. T(o middle seeds
are horiEontal. 0e: seeds on right have pointed end do(n.& %Figure +.. 5uring germination soil can be
kept moist b using plastic covers to create a greenhouse effect.&
4.3 -i$#! C*c&e an" Dis!ance o) -i$#!s )ro, '&an!s
The seed doesn"t need light to germinate. The sprout does need light as soon as it breaks through the
soil. <ost gro(ers turn the light on (hen the so( the seeds! though! to (arm the soil and encourage
germination. *ights ma also dra the surface of the soil! especiall in large pots or (ith L9O fi:tures. @f
this is a problem during germination! leave the lights off until ou see the first sprout breaking through the
soilK or hang the lights about ,8 inches above the soil! and lo(er them to si: inches as soon as the
sprouts appear.
@t is important for normal development that the plants receive a regulated da1night ccle. Fe
emphaticall recommend that ou use an automatic electric timer (about J8). # timer makes gardening
much easier! since ou don"t have to turn the lights on or off each da. The plants (on"t suffer from
irregular hours or our (eekend vacations. 0et the timer so that the plants get about ,. to ,8 hours of
light a da! and leave it on this setting until the plants are (ell gro(n (three to si: months) and ou decide
to trigger flo(ering.
5uring the seedling and vegetative stages of gro(th! the plants ma be sub)ected to light during their
night period. 5uring flo(ering! ho(ever! the night period must be completel dark.
The plants gro( more slo(l (ith less than ,. hours of artificial light a da! and the ma flo(ers
prematurel. 0ome gro(ers leave the lights on up to D+ hours. # ccle longer than ,8 hours! ma
increase the gro(th rate! especiall if the plants are not saturated (ith light. # longer ccle is helpful in
small gardens! such as under standard four-foot fi:tures.
No matter (hat the light source! place the lights as close to the tops as possible (ithout burning the
plants. 'a no attention to the manufacturer"s instructions for the distance of the plants from the lightsK
these instructions don"t appl to a high-energ plant such as $annabis. Fith standard-(attage tubes!
keep the lights from t(o to si: inches above the plant tops. Fith L9O tubes! allo( four to eight inches.
<aintain the lights at these distances throughout the life of the garden. @n most cases ou (ill have to
raise the lights once or t(ice a (eek as the plants gro(.
0tandard fluorescents don"t get hot enough to burn the plants unless the are in direct contact (ith leaves
for several hours. L9O tubes (ill burn leaves before the touch them. 4ut ou do (ant to keep the lights
as close to the plants as possible. This encourages stock! robust gro(th. @ncandescents and floodlights
get ver hotK place them at a greater distance from the plants. Test the distance b feeling for heat (ith
our hands. 'lace the bulb at the distance (here ou begin to feel its heat. For a BC-(att incandescent
lamp! this is about eight inches.
4.4 /a!er
Fater! the fluid of life! makes up more than 8= percent of the (eight of the living plant. Fithin the cells!
life processes take place in a (ater solution. Fater also dissolves nutrients in the soil! and this solution is
absorbed b the roots. #bout -- percent of the (ater absorbed passes from the roots into the conduits
(:lem) of the stem! (here it is distributed to the leaves via the :lem of the leaf veins. Transpiration is
the evaporation of (ater from the leaves. The flo( of (ater from the soil! through the plant to the air! is
called the transpiration stream. *es then one percent of the (ater absorbed is broken do(n to provide
electrons (usuall in the form of hdrogen) (hich! along (ith carbon dio:ide! are used to form
carbohdrates during photosnthesis. The rest of the (ater is transpired to the air.
Fater provides hdrogen for plant gro(th! and also carries nutrients throughout the plant in the
transpiration stream. 9o(ever! it is not true that the more (ater given a plant! the faster it (ill gro(.
$ertainl! if a plant is consistentl under-(atered! its gro(th rate slo(s. 9o(ever! lack of (ater does not
limit photosnthesis until the soil in the pot is dr and the plant is (ilting.
The amount of (ater! and ho( often to (ater! varies (ith the siEe of the plants and pots! soil composition!
and the temperature! humidit! and circulation of the air! to name a fe( variables. 4ut (atering is prett
much a matter of common sense.
5uring germination! keep the soil surface moist. 4ut once the seedling are established! let the top laer of
soil dr out before (atering again. This (ill eliminate an chance of stem rot. Fater around the stems
rather than on them. 0eedlings are likel to fall over if (atered roughlK use a hand sprinkler.
@n general! (hen the soil about t(o inches deep feels dr! (ater so that the soil is evenl moist but not so
much that (ater runs out the drainage holes and carries a(a the soil"s nutrients. #fter a fe( trials! ou
(ill kno( appro:imatel ho( much (ater the pots can hold. <ari)uana cannot tolerate a sogg or
saturated soil. 'lants gro(n in constantl (et soil are slo(er-gro(ing! usuall less potent! and prone to
attack from stem rot.
Over-(atering as a common problemK it develops from consistentl (atering too often. Fhen the plants
are small! the transpire much less (ater. 0eedlings in large pots need to be (atered much less often
than (hen the plants are large or are in small pots. # large pot that (as saturated during germination ma
hold enough (ater for the first three (eeks of gro(th. On the other hand! a si:-foot plant in a si:-inch pot
ma have to be (atered ever da. #l(as (ater enough to moisten all the soil. 5on"t )ust (et the surface
?nder-(atering is less of a problem! since it is easil recognised. Fhen the soil becomes too dr! the
plant (ilts. 'lant cells are kept rigid b the pressure of their cell contents! (hich are mostl (ater. Fith
the (ater gone! the collapse. First the bottom leaves droop! and the condition Iuickl (orks its (a up
the plant until the top lops over. @f this happens! (ater immediatel. >ecover is so fast! ou can follo(
the movement of (ater up the stem as it fills and brings turgor to the leaves. # plant ma survive a (ilted
condition of several das! but at the ver least some leaves (ill drop.
5on"t keep the pots constantl (et! and don"t (ait until the plant (ilts. *et the soil go through a (et and
dr ccle! (hich (ill aerate the soil and aid nutrient uptake. <ost gro(ers find that the need to (ater
about once or t(ice a (eek.
Fhen some soils get particularl dr! the (ater is not absorbed and runs do(n the sides and out the
bottom of the pot. This ma be a problem the first time ou (ater the soil! or if ou allo( the soil to get
ver dr. To remed! add a couple of drops of liIuid detergent to a gallon of (ater. 5etergent acts as a
(etting agent and the (ater is absorbed more readil. First (ater each pot (ith about one cup of the
solution. #llo( the pots to stand for ,C minutes! then finish (atering (ith the usual amount of pure (ater.
?se tepid (aterK it soaks into the soil more easil and (ill not shock the roots. Tr to (ater during the
plant"s morning hours. Fater from the top of the pot. @f ou do (ant to (ater from the bottom (ith tras
(not recommended)! place a laer of pebbles or gravel in the tras to insure drainage. 5on"t leaves the
pots sitting in (ater until the pot is heavil saturated. The (ater displaces the soil"s o:gen! and the plants
gro( poorl.
Tap (ater in some areas highl chlorinated! (hich does not seem to harm $annabisK and man fine crops
are raised (ith (ater straight from the tap. 4ut chlorine could possibl affect the plants indirectl! b killing
some beneficial micro-organisms in the soil. $hlorine also makes the (ater slightl acidic. 9o(ever!
neither effect is likel to be serious. 0ome gro(ers have asked (hether the should use pet-shop
preparations that are sold to remove chlorine from (ater in fish tanks. These preparations generall add
sodium! (hich removes the chlorine b forming sodium chloride (table salt). This solution does not harm
the plants! although repeated use ma make the soil too saline. 'robabl the best procedure is to simpl
allo( the (ater to sit in an open container for a fe( das. The chlorine is introduced to (ater as the gas
$lD! (hich dissipates to the air. The (ater temperature also reaches a comfortable level for the plants.
9ard (alkaline) (ater contains a number of minerals (e.g.! $aTT! <gTT! MT) (hich are essentiall
nutrients to the plants. Fater softeners remove these minerals b replacing them (ith sodium! (hich
forms slightl salt (ater. @t is much better to (ater (ith hard (ater! because artificiall softened (ater
ma prove harmful after some time. Occasionall! (ater ma be acidic (sulphurous). $ounteract this b
mi:ing one teaspoon of hdrated lime per Iuart (ater and (atering (ith the solution once a month.
!ater and Poten#y
Fe"ve seen no studies that have evaluated potenc in relation to (ater. # fe( studies have mentioned
the fact that plants that received less (ater (ere slightl more potent. Fater stress has been practiced b
several mari)uana-gro(ing cultures. @n parts of @ndia! (atering is kept to a minimum during flo(ering.
To limit (atering! (ater (ith the usual amounts but as infreIuentl as possible. To encourage good
gro(th! et keep (atering to a minimum! (ait until the plants are a fe( months old before ou curtail
(atering. 3ive the plants their normal (ater and note the number of das before the begin to (ilt. #s the
plants get larger! the (ater needs increase! but this generall stabilises b the time of flo(ering.
4.+ Air
The properties of the air seldom present an problems for indoor gardeners. The plants gro( (ell under
the ordinar conditions that are found in most homes and can (ithstand e:tremes that are rarel found
indoors. The plants can survive! in fact thrive! in an atmosphere man house plants can"t tolerate. For
plant gro(th! the most important properties of the air are temperature! humidit! and composition.
Te&perature and Growt$ ate
Temperature control should be no problem. The plants can (ithstand temperatures from freeEing to over
,==F. 'lant gro(th is closel related to temperature. <ari)uana varieties are! in general adapted to (arm
if not hot climates. 5ifferent varieties (ill reach their ma:imum rate of photosnthesis at different
temperatures. For almost all mari)uana varieties! the rate of photosnthesis (ill increase sharpl (ith
increases in temperatures up to about B=F. 0ome strains reach their peak rate of gro(th at about YUF.
Others! especiall from areas near the eIuator! such as $olombia! ma not reach their peak rate until the
temperature is about -=F. 9o(ever! for all varieties! increases in the gro(th rate (ill be slight (ith
increased temperatures over BCF. The average temperature for ma:imum is about BC to 8=F. @n other
(ords! normal household temperatures are fine for gro(ing mari)uana and no special temperature control
is necessar for most gardens.
5on"t set up the garden right ne:t to! or in contact (ith! a heat source such as a radiator or furnace. @f the
garden is nearb! the plants should do Iuite (ell. The plants are most susceptible to cool temperatures
during germination and the first fe( (eeks of gro(th. @n basement gardens! the floor temperature is often
lo(er than the air. @t is a good idea to raise the pots off the floor (ith pallets or bo:es. The seeds (ill
germinate Iuicker! and the plants (ill get off to a faster start.
@f heating is necessar! propane cataltic heaters (ork (ell! are safe and clean! and increase the carbon-
dio:ide content of the air. Electric and natural gas heaters also (ork (ell. 5o not use kerosene or
gasoline heaters. The do not burn cleanl! and the pollutants the produce ma harm the plants. #n
heater that burns a fuel must be clean and in good (orking order. Other(ise! it ma release carbon
mono:ide! (hich is more dangerous to ou than to the plants.
Te&perature and Poten#y
0ince mari)uana varieties are most often gro(n in semi-tropical and tropical areas! the idea that high
temperatures are necessar for potent mari)uana is firml entrenched in mari)uana lore. This mth! like
man others! is slo(l disappearing as mari)uana farmers and researchers accumulate more e:perience
and kno(ledge. There are onl a fe( published papers on the effects of temperature on potenc. The
best stud (e"ve seen ,- gre( four different varieties in a controlled environment under artificial lights on
a ,C-hour da-length. T(o temperature regimes (ere used: a H(armH regime! (ith temperatures of about
B/F during the da and .,F at night (about average for most homes)K and a HhotH regime! set at -=F
datime and B/F at night. @n all four varieties! the concentration of T9$ and of total cannabinoids (as
higher under the H(armH regime. For instance! a Nepalese strain (as /.+ times higher in concentration of
total cannabinoids! and +.+ times higher in T9$! (hen gro(n under the H(armH regime than the same
strain gro(n under the HhotH regime. #lthough (e agree (ith the findings in principle! these figures are
higher than our e:perience tells us.
@nterpretation of the data does sho( one point clearl. @n all four varieties! the amount of T9$ lost as $4N
(as higher under the HhotH regime (see Table ,. - currentl e:cluded from this guide)! even though the
concentration of T9$ (as higher under the H(armH regime.
#nother research group in France has looked at the relationship of potenc to temperature. The most
recent paper B- compared four temperature regimes! given in descending order of potencies found: BCF
da! BCF night (highest potenc)K BDF da! C+F nightK 8,F da! 8,F nightK and -=F da! C+F night (lo(est
concentration of T9$). @n each! the da period (as ,. hours and the night period eight hours.
@nterestingl! this same research group in an earlier paper D= reported that the concentration of T9$ (as
higher for male plants gro(n at -=-BDF then for those gro(n at BD-C+F. For the female plants! the
differences in T9$ concentration (ere small. The variet used (as a propl variet (tpe @L) containing
about half as much T9$L as T9$. For both the male and female plants! the concentration of T9$L (ere
high under the -=-BDF regime.
The simplest interpretation of all these results is that mild temperatures seem to be optimum for potenc.
Temperatures over -=F or belo( .=F seem to decrease the concentration of T9$ and total cannabinoids.
#lso! at higher temperatures! much more T9$ (ill be lost as $4N. #nd last! propl varieties ma produce
less T9$L under a cool regime. 4ear in mind that none of these papers accounted for all of the man
variables that could have affected the findings. For instance! the concentration of T9$ (as ,8 times
higher at BC-BCF than at -=-C+F. Fe"ve never seen differences of this magnitude! and sampling error
undoubtedl influenced the findings.
@n terms of gro(th rate and potenc! dail temperatures of about BCF! give or take a fe( degrees! are
roughl optimum. Normal household temperatures are in the lo( B="s during datime and the lo( .="s at
night. The heat from a light sstem (ill raise the garden"s temperature a fe( degrees. @n most gardens
temperatures (ill be near BCF during the da. Night-time temperatures drop about ,= to ,C degrees.
Fhen night-time temperatures drop into the C="s or belo(! set the light ccle to turn on during the earl
morning! (hen the temperature (ill be lo(est. @n a small room! the light sstem (ill generate enough heat
to (arm the garden (ithout an need for a heater. Fhenever ou (ish to raise the temperature b! sa!
five or ,= degrees! it is better to add more lights than a heater. The plants (ill benefit from the additional
light! as (ell as from the heat the generate. #nd an electric heater! (att for (att! doesn"t generate much
more heat than a lamp and its fi:ture.
Co&position o" t$e (ir
#ir provides t(o essential ingredients for the living plant: o:gen and carbon dio:ide. The plant uses
o:gen for respiration in the same (a (e do. The o:gen is used to burn carbohdrates ($9DO) and
other food! ielding energ (#T'K see section +) for the organism! and releasing carbon dio:ide and (ater
into the environment.
5uring photosnthesis! $OD is used to form carbohdrates. #s part of photosnthesis! light energ is
used to split (ater molecules! releasing o:gen into the environment. @n plants! the net result from
respiration and photosnthesis is that much more o:gen is released than consumed! and more carbon
dio:ide is consumed than released. The o:gen in the Earth"s atmosphere is formed b photosnthetic
The similarit bet(een plant and animal respiration ends at a cellular level. 'lants don"t have lungs to
move the air. The passage of gases! (hether o:gen or carbon dio:ide! is primaril a passive process.
The gases diffuse through microscopic pores called stomata! found in $annabis on the undersides of the
leaves. The plants can open and close their stomata! allo(ing moderate control of the flo( of air.
9o(ever! for good e:change of gases! the plants reIuire adeIuate ventilation for air circulation.
%$annabis is a $/ plant&
$annabis is not particularl susceptible to a stuff or stagnant atmosphere. # garden in the corner of a
room that is open to the house (ill be adeIuatel ventilated. Lentilation is not a problem unless the
garden is large and fills a Iuarter or more of the space in a room. 3ardens in small! confined spaces such
as closets! must be opened dail! preferabl for the duration of the light period. 'lants gro(ing in a closed
closet ma do Iuite (ell for the first month! but the"ll need the door opened as the plants begin to fill the
space. The larger the plants get! the greater the need for freel circulating air.
Fhen the (eather is mild! an open! but screened! (indo( is the best solution for ventilation. @n large
indoor gardens (here there isn"t much air circulation! a small fan is helpful. #fter germination! make
spaces in the surrounding reflectors to allo( air to circulate freel. *eave the spaces at the bottom! ends!
and the tops of the garden. The higher the temperature or the humidit! the more the plants need good
$OD is a natural! non-poisonous gas present in the atmosphere! (hich plants absorb and use during
photosnthesis to snthesise sugars and organic compounds for energ and gro(th. 'lants can
effectivel use $OD up to about .,C percent concentration! about five times the concentration (.=/)
naturall present in the atmosphere. @ncreasing the $OD dramaticall increases the gro(th rate! often up
to t(ice the rate of gro(th in plants in a natural atmosphere. 0upplemental $OD sstems are an
ine:pensive (a serious gardeners dramaticall increase a garden"s ield. %#nd decrease fire risk.&
%'icture $ommon emitter sstems are safe! ine:pensive! eas to setup! and ma double the rate of
gro(th in a garden.&
There are t(o good (as to increase the concentration of $OD. 3reenhouse gro(ers use $OD
generators (hich produce $OD b burning a clean-burning fuel such as propane or butane. The problems
(ith $OD generators are that the reIuire a fuel! operate (ith an open flame! and produce a lot of heat.
These are not necessaril problems if the gro( room needs to be heated! and if the room is constantl
For home-gro(ers! the emitter sstem is more efficient! relativel cheap! safe! and eas to use. <an
suppliers (ho advertise in 9igh Times and 0insemilla Tips offer complete emitter sstems that come (ith
a regulator! solenoid valve! flo(-meter! timer! (sometimes distribution tubing)! and detailed! et simple
instructions. Nou must rent compressed $OD gas tanks from a local compressed gas supplier or
beverage compan. The setup is not complicated or e:pensive! and a (alk through the Nello( 'ages
should sho( several suppliers.
0ince the $OD in the atmosphere is about .=/ percent! and the ma:imum $OD concentration that our
plants use is about .,C to .D percent! set our emitter sstem to regulate a concentration of .,D to .,B
percent $OD in the room. 5on"t (orr if ou don"t understand. #ll sstems are eas to install and come
(ith easil understood instructions.
4.0 H(,i"i!*
<ari)uana flourishes through a (ide range of relative humidit. @t can gro( in an atmosphere as dr as a
desert or as moist as a )ungle. ?nder ordinar household conditions! the humidit (ill rarel be too
e:treme for health gro(th. The effects of the humidit on plant gro(th are closel tied to temperature!
(in speed! and the moisture of the soil.
The relative humidit affects the rate of the plant"s transpiration. Fith high humidit! (ater evaporates
from the leaves more slo(lK transpiration slo(s! and gro(th slo(s also. Fith lo( humidit! (ater
evaporates rapidlK the plant ma not be able to absorb (ater fast enough to maintain an eIuilibrium and
(ill protect itself from dehdration b closing its stomata. This slo(s the transpiration rate and gro(th also
slo(s. There is a noticeable slo(ing of gro(th because of humidit onl (hen the humidit stas at an
e:treme (less then D= percent or over -= percent).
$annabis seems to respond best through a range of += to 8= percent relative humidit. Nou should
protect the plants from the direct outflo( of a heater or air conditioner! both of (hich give off ver dr air.
5uring the first fe( (eeks of gro(th! the plants are especiall susceptible to a dr atmosphere. @f this is a
problem! loosel enclose the garden (ith aluminum foil! (hite sheet plastic! or other materials. This (ill
trap some of the transpired moisture and raise the humidit in the garden. Once the seedlings are
gro(ing (ell! the drier household atmosphere is preferred.
Fhere the humidit is consistentl over 8= percent! the plants ma develop stem rot or gro( more slo(l.
3ood air circulation from open (indo(s or a small fan is the best solution.
#s long as the air is freel circulating! the plants (ill gro( (ell at higher humidities. 5ehumidifiers are
e:pensive (over J,==) and an e:travagance.
Hu&idity and Poten#y
#s far as (e kno(! there has been little (ork done correlating the relative humidit (ith potenc. @n the
t(o related cases (e"ve seen! 8C! ,,B neither stud (as intended to e:amine the effects of relative
humidit and potenc. 9o(ever! a lo(er humidit (C= to B= percent) produced slightl more potent plants
than a higher relative humidit (8= percent and over).
# dr atmosphere seems to produce more potent plants. Fhen the humidit is about C= percent or less!
plant development is more compact! and the leaves have thinner blades. Fhen the atmosphere is humid!
gro(th is taller and the leaves lu:uriant (ith (ider blades. The advantage to the plant is that (ider blades
have more surface and hence can transpire more (ater. The converse is that thinner blades help
conserve (ater. 9igher potenc ma simpl be due to less leaf tissue for a given amount of cannabinoids
and resin glands.
The temperature also influences the form and siEe of the leaves. #t higher temperatures! the leaves gro(
closer togetherK under a cool regime! the leaves are larger! have (ider blades! and are spaced farther
apart BB. 'ossibl! cool temperatures ield slightl lo(er potenc for much the same reason that a moist
atmosphere does.
9o(ever! differences in potenc caused b an of the gro(th factors (light nutrients! (ater! temperature!
humidit! etc.) are small compared to differences caused b the variet (heredit) and full maturation
(e:pression of heredit). For e:ample! the humidit in 7amaica! $olombia! Thailand! and man other
countries associated (ith fine mari)uana is relativel high and averages about 8= percent.
9o(ever! tr to keep the atmosphere dr. The atmosphere in heated or air-conditioned homes is alread
dr (usuall ,C to += percent). For this reason! man gro(ers so( so that the plants mature during the
(inter if the home is heated or in mid-summer if it is air-conditioned. #s (e mentioned! there should be no
need to use dehumidifiers. 3ood air circulation and raising the temperature to BC to 8=F are the simplest
means of dealing (ith high humidit.
C$apter Eig$t
7.2 T#innin$
5epending on the viabilit of the seeds! there should be several plants gro(ing in each pot. <ost gro(ers
thin to one plant per pot! but the plants don"t have to be thinned until the cro(d each other and have
filled the garden (ith foliage. The longer ou let them gro(! the more potent the"ll be.
@t is virtuall impossible to tell the gender of the plants (hen the are oung. The normal ratio of males to
females in $annabis is one to one. 0ome farmers end up (it more male plants because of their thinning
practices. Fhen the plants are less than a month old! the male plants often appear taller and better
developed than the females. The male seedling uses more of its energ to develop its aboveground parts
than the female. The female devotes more energ to establishing a strong root sstem. 5uring the first
fe( (eeks! don"t thin the plants b leaving onl the tallest! or ou"ll (ind up (ith a higher ratio of males.
Tr to leave seedling that are health and vigorous and that are roughl at the same point of
To thin our garden! remove an plants (ith ello(! (hite! or distorted leaves. >emove the less vigorous
and those that lag far behind in development. $ut the un(anted plants near the baseK the root sstem can
remain in the pot.
These harvested seedlings (ill be our first taste of homegro(n grass. ?suall the produce a mild buEE!
but if ou separate the gro(ing tips from the large leaves! the ma be more potent.
7.3 Transp&an!in$
9o(ever ou transplant! tr to disturb and e:pose the roots as little as possible. @f ou transplant carefull!
the plants (ill not e:hibit delaed or slo(ed gro(th due to transplant shock.
Transplanting Seedlings
Fhen the plants are a (eek to t(o (eeks old! transplant to an pot that has no plants. First! moisten the
soil in the pot from (hich ou (ill remove the transplant and let is sit for a fe( minutes. Take a spade or a
large spoon! and insert it bet(een the transplant and the plant that (ill be left to gro(. Tr to leave at
least one inch of space from spoon to stem. *ever the spoon to(ard the side of the pot! in order to take
up a good-siEe (edge of soil. 'lace the transplant in a prepared hole at the same depth that it (as
gro(ing before. >eplace the soil in both pots and moisten lightl again to bond the ne( soil (ith the
original. @f ou are careful! a (edge of soil can be removed intact. The root sstem (ill not be disturbed
and the plant (ill survive (ith little or no transplant shock. 5o not fertilise a transplant for t(o (eeks.
To prevent possible drop-off and (ilting from shock! ou ma (ant to use >ootone or Transplantone.
These safe po(ders! available at nurseries! contain root-gro(th hormones and fungicides. The (on"t be
necessar if ou transplant carefull.
Transplanting to /arge Pots
Transplanting from smaller to larger pots is a simple procedure. The mari)uana root sstem Iuickl fills
small pots. To transplant! moisten the soil and let it sit to become evenl moist. 'ick the potted plant up!
and! (hile holding the base of the stem! rap the pot sharpl against something solid. Nou might cover the
soil surface (ith a piece of ne(spaper or aluminium foil! (hich makes the )ob cleaner. Fhen it is done at
the right time! the root sstem! (ith all the soil adhering! (ill pop out of the pot intact.
#n appro:imate time guide for transplanting is sho(n in Table ,B(currentl e:cluded from this guide). #t
these times! give or take a (eek! the plants should be root-bound and all the soil (ill adhere to the roots!
making the transplanting clean and eas.
@f the root sstem has not filled the pots b this time! (ait a fe( (eeks and the process (ill be easier. @f
the root sstem comes out in a small ball and much of the soil is empt of roots! then soil conditions are
poor (usuall poor drainage and over-(atering) or ou are transplanting much too seen.
@f the root sstem doesn"t easil pop out! run a knife around the sides of the pot. 0ometimes the roots
stick to the sides! particularl is paper and cla containers. $heck to see if the drainage holes are
plugged. 'lugged holes stop air from displacing the soil! and the vacuum pressure prevents the soil from
sliding out of the pot.
Table 1?
8uide 0or Transplanting
Transplant During
#iH%oun'e 'ups #e'ond to third week
Four%in'h pots Third to 0ourth week
#iH%in'h pots "hal0 gallon* Fourth to 0i0th week
Eight%in'h pots "one gallon* #eventh to eighth week
Two%gallon 'ontainers /bout the tenth week
Transplant into a soil mi:ture that is the same as (or is ver like) the one in the original pots. Other(ise!
the soils ma have different osmotic properties! and the (ater ma not disperse evenl. (This doesn"t
appl to small pots that are used for germination and are filled (ith vermiculture! 7iff <i:! or other
mediums.) 5on"t bur the stem. Meep the stem base at the same depth that it (as gro(ing. %Figure +B.
Transplant (hen the plant is root-bound.&
Transplanting in Plasti# Bags
To transplant plants that are in plastic bags! place the old bag into the larger-siEe bag. 'ut some soil
mi:ture underneath! to bring the base of the stem to (here the ne( soil surface (ill be. $ut the old plastic
bag a(a and fill the side spaces (ith soil mi:ture. T(o people make the )ob easier.
7.4 S(ppor!s )or '&an!s
?nder natural conditions! stems undergo stress from (ind! rain! and animals. These stresses! (hich
indoor plants do not ordinaril face! strengthen the stem. @ndoor stems gro( sturd enough to support
their o(n (eight and not much more. 'lant energ is used to produce more light-gathering leaf tissue!
rather than (ind-resistant stem tissue. 0tems remain slender! usuall about one-half to three-Iuarter
inches at maturit. 0ince ou are gro(ing the plants for their leaves and flo(ers! this does not present a
9ealth plants do not ordinaril need support. @f man of our plants have (eak or spindl stems! there is
a deficienc in either light or nutrients (notabl potassium). 0impl not having enough light (ill cause the
plants to elongate! (ith sparse foliage and (eak gro(th. Too much red light (ill cause elongation! too! so
make sure ou include a strong blue light! if ou are using incandescents or floodlights.
9anging the lights higher than the recommended distances (ill cause the plants to elongate b rapidl
gro(ing up to the lights. ?nlike sunlight! the intensit of artificial light diminishes dramaticall (ith the
distance from the lights. The plants respond b gro(ing to(ard the light! seeking the higher intensit.
?nder artificial light! some plants ma need support during the seedling stage or because of accident.
5epending on plant siEe! use stra(s! pencils! do(els! or standard plant stakes such as cane sticks. 0et
them in the soil and affi: the stem (ith string! masking tape! or (ire t(ists such as those that come (ith
plastic trash bags. 5o not tie string or (ire tightl around the stemK make a loose loop. The stem (ill gro(
in girth and can be in)ured b a tight loop.
'robabl the simplest method of support is to take a rigid piece of (ire! form a H$H at one end and bend it
to a right angle to the stem. 0et the straight end in the soil and place the stem inside the H$.H 'ipe
cleaners are ideal for seedlings. Fith larger plants! straighten a coat hanger and use the same method.
# common practice in greenhouses (here tree seedlings are raised is to shake each plant once or t(ice
dail. This practice simulates natural vibrations from the (ind! and the plant reacts b increasing the
gro(th around the stem. The stem gro(s thicker and stronger! and the tree can better fend once it is
transplanted. @t (orks the same (a (ith mari)uana. # fan blo(ing on the plants (ill also (ork. These
practices are useful if ou plan to move our plants outdoors. Other(ise! health indoor plants that (ill
remain indoors need no special stem strengthening.
7.+ 8ni)or, %ro5!#
The light intensit from artificial lights drops dramaticall as the distance from the light source increases.
Fhen the plants are not of eIual height! the shorter ones receive less light and conseIuentl gro( slo(er
than the taller ones. This compounds the situation and! left to themselves! the shorter plants (ill stop
gro(ing and eventuall die from lack of light.
@t is important to keep all of the plants close to the lights. %Figure +8. 9ang the fi:ture at an angle
corresponding to that of the tops of the plants.& This encourages stock! full gro(th and can make the
difference bet(een harvesting stems and harvesting smoking material.
One (a to deal (ith uneven height is to line the plants up to the line of the plant tops. #s the plants
gro(! move them to different spots in the garden to accommodate their different siEes. Or raise the
shorter plants up to the lights b placing them on milk crates! tin cans! bricks! etc.
The Iualit and Iuantit of light emitted b a fluorescent is strongest in the middle and (eaker to(ard the
ends of the tube. Female plants reIuire more light than males. Once the genders of the plants become
clear! move the males to the ends of the sstem! thus leaving the stronger middle light for the females.
7.0 'r(nin$
'robabl the easiest (a to deal (ith uneven gro(th is to cut back the taller plants to the average height.
Nou ma find this emotionall difficult! but pruning (ill not harm the plant. $utting off the gro(ing shoot
forces the plant to develop its branches. 0ome gro(ers cut back all of their plants (hen the are three to
four (eeks old. #n horiEontal space is Iuickl filled (ith gro(ing branches and the plants gro( full and
The gro(ing shoots are the most potent plant parts until the flo(ers appear. 3enerall! the potenc
increases (ith gro(th. 4 three months" age! most shoots (ill be high-Iualit smoke. Nou can cut shoots
at an timeK )ust don"t overdo it. 3ive the plant a chance to gro( and fill out to a good siEe. 0evere
pruning (ill slo( gro(th. Ne( gro(th ma be distorted and abnormal! (ith a drop in potenc.
Each time ou cat a gro(ing shoot! (hether it is the stem tip or a branch tip! t(o shoots being to gro(
from the nearest leaf a:ils. 9o(ever! don"t think that cutting all the gro(ing shoots of a plant t(ent times
over the course of a season (ill ield a plant bearing over a million ne( shoots! or even that the plants
(ill double their siEe if pruned. 'runing simpl allo(s the plant to develop its branches earlier. The
branches present more area to gather light and! hance! can gro( to fill a larger space. 9o(ever! the
plant"s siEe is basicall determined b the seed"s potential (ithin the limitations of the environment.
$utting the gro(ing shoots or removing some leaves does not harm the plants. 'lants are (ell adapted to
the loss of parts to predators! (ind! etc.! in the natural (orld. Fhen leaves are damaged or lost! the plant
plugs the (ound. The leaf isn"t replaced or repaired! but ne( leaves are continuall being formed from the
gro(ing shoots. The stem! since it connects all parts of the plant! is more important to the plant as a
(hole. Fhen the stem breaks or creases! it is capable of repair. Nou can help the plant repair its stem b
splinting the (ound or someho( propping the stem up straight. 0tems take about four or five das to heal.
Fhen ou cut the stem or leaves! ou ma see the plant"s sap momentaril spurt before the (ound is
plugged. The sap contains primaril the products of photosnthesis! in the form of sucrose (table sugar).
0maller amounts of materials associated (ith the living organism such as minerals! amino acids! and
enEmes are also present. @n mari)uana! the sap is usuall colourless! although a bright red colour - it
looks like blood - is not uncommon in later life. The red colour is due to haematin compounds and
anthocanin pigments that naturall build up in some varieties. The red colour ma also indicate a nutrient
deficienc! notabl of nitrogen! phosphorus! potassium! or magnesium.
7.4 Trainin$
'lants gro( from the tips of their stems and branches. The gro(ing tip (apical meristem) of the plant
contains a hormone that acts as a gro(th inhibitor. This prevents the branches (lateral buds) from
gro(ing. The further a branch is from the gro(ing tip! the less effect of the inhibitor. This is (h some
species of plants form a cone or $hristmas-tree shape (ith the longest branches to(ard the bottom of the
stem. This is also (h the branches gro( from the top of the plant (hen the tip is removed. Once the
gro(ing tip is removed! the ne:t highest gro(ing shoot(s) becomes the source of the inhibitor. ?nder
artificial light! the bottom branches ma not receive enough light to gro( even though the are far a(a
from the inhibitor. ?suall the longest branches are to(ard the middle of the plant.
0ome gro(ers hate to cut the gro(ing shoots on the main stem! since it forms the largest and most
potent buds b harvest. 4ut ou can neutralise the effects of the inhibitor! (ithout cutting the gro(ing
shoot! b bending the tip. This allo(s ou to control the height of the plants! and forces them to branch.
The top t(o to si: inches of the stem are fle:ible. 4end it in an arc and secure it to the stem (ith a (ire
t(ist or string. >emove the (ire t(ist in a fe( das so that the gro(ing tip does not break itself as it t(ists
up to the light. 5on"t bend the stem too far do(n. Meep it in the strong light or else it (ill stop gro(ing. @f
ou accidentall break the tip! ou can splint it (ith matchsticks or ice-cream sticks secured (ith (ire
t(ists or tape until it heals. %Figure +-. The fle:ible tip is held in place (ith a (ire t(ist.&
To develop large! full plants (ith (ell-developed branches! secure the gro(ing tip once or t(ice for a fe(
das (hile the plants are oung (one to three months).
@t is possible to train the tip so that the stem (ill form a series of H0H shapes or even circles. 5uring
flo(ering! train the tips so that the gro( horiEontall. This method encourages thick! dense gro(th. The
branch tips can also be trained. Meep bending an tips that gro( above the others. This creates a garden
filled (ith a cubic laer of vigorous flo(er clusters rather than a lot of stems.
Fe (ant to emphasise that (hen ou get the knack of training the tips! ou can more than double the
ield of the most potent plant parts. %Figure C=. 0tem trained in an H0H shape.& %Figure C,. Tops trained
horiEontall during flo(ering.&
C$apter Nine
9.2 N(!rien!s
There are about ,C elements kno(n to be essential to plant life. $arbon! hdrogen! and o:gen are
absorbed from air and (ater. The remaining ,D elements are absorbed primaril from the soil! in mineral
(inorganic) forms such as NO/- and MT. The constitute a natural part of soil that becomes available to
the plant os organic matter decas and soil particles such as sand and cla dissolve.
0oil elements that are necessar for normal gro(th are called nutrients. The elements nitrogen (N)!
phosphorous (')! and potassium (M) are considered ma)or nutrients. The three numbers that appear on
all fertiliser packages give the available percentage of these three nutrients that the fertiliser containsK and
al(as in the order N-'-M. For e:ample! ,=-D-= means ,= percent N! D percent ' (actuall! D percent
'DOC)! and no M (actuall! no MDO). Fertilit is often measured b the amounts of ma)or nutrients a soil
contains. >elativel large amount of N-'WM are needed for lush gro(th.
Three other elements - calcium ($a)! sulphur (0)! and magnesium (<g) - are called secondar nutrients.
'lants reIuire less of these nutrients! and most cultivable soils contain adeIuate amounts for good
0i: remaining elements are called trace elements or micronutrients. #s their name implies! the are
needed in ver small amounts. $ommercial soils contain enough trace elements to sustain normal
gro(th. The trace elements are also present in manures! humus! ash! and limestone.
The amount of nitrogen a soil can suppl is the best indication of its fertilit. Nitrogen! more than an other
soil nutrient! is ine:tricabl linked (ith the living ecosstem. Nitrogen is continuall ccled through living
sstems: from soil to plants and back to the soil! primaril b the activit of soil microorganisms. Nitrogen
is essential to all life. Nitrogen is a ke element in the structure of amino acids! the molecules (hich make
up proteins. These! and all other biomolecules! are snthesised b the plant. $hlorophll! genetic material
(for e:ample! 5N#)! and numerous enEmes and plant hormones contain nitrogen. 9ence! N is
necessar for man of the plant"s life processes.
$annabis is a nitrophile! a lover of nitrogen. 3iven ample N! $annabis (ill outgro( practicall and plant.
#mple nitrogen is associated (ith fast! lush gro(th! and the plant reIuires a stead suppl of nitrogen
throughout its life. <ari)uana"s reIuirements for N are highest during the vegetative gro(th stages.
' is a constituent of energ-transfer compounds such as N#5' and #T'! and molecular comple:es such
as the genes. The energ compounds are necessar for photosnthesis! respiration! and snthesis of
biomolecules. $annabis takes up large amounts of ' during germination and seedling stages. 5uring
flo(ering and seed set! $annabis" need for phosphorous is also high.
M influences man plant processes! including photosnthesis and respiration! protein snthesis! and the
uptake of nutrients. 7ust as (ith '! M uptake is highest during the earliest gro(th stages. M is associated
(ith sturd stems and resistance to disease in plants.
$a functions as a coenEme in the snthesis of fatt compounds and cell membranes! and is necessar
for normal mitosis (replication of cells). 'lants take up much more $a than the small amount necessar
for normal gro(th. $a is not added to soil as a nutrientK is added to ad)ust the soil"s chemistr or p9.
0 is a constituent of certain amino acids and proteins. @t is an important part of plant vitamins! such as
biotin and thiamine! (hich are necessar for normal respiration and metabolism. ('lants snthesise all
vitamins the need.) <ost soils suitable for gro(ing mari)uana contain plent of 0.
<g is involved in protein snthesis and metabolism of carbohdrates. <g is the central element in the
structure of chlorophll molecules and hence has an important role in photosnthesis. <ost mineral soils
and commercial soils have a good suppl of <g.
Tra#e Ele&ents
The trace elements (Fe! <n! <b! 4! $u! An) are particularl important in the coenEmes and catalsts of
the plant"s biochemistr. <an life processes! particularl the snthesis and degradation of molecules!
energ transfer! and transport of compounds (ithin the plant! depend on trace elements. Trace elements
are not used in large Iuantities to spur gro(th! but are necessar in minute amounts for normal gro(th.
@ndoor soils rarel reIuire an addition of trace elements.
#ll the nutrients are needed for normal gro(th. 9o(ever! most of them are supplied b the potting soil.
$a! 0! and the trace elements rarel present an problems. For most gro(ers! fertilising (ill simpl
reIuire periodic (atering (ith a complete fertiliser! one that contains N! '! and M.
9.3 App&ica!ion: .er!i&isin$
To gro( to a large siEe! mari)uana reIuires a stead suppl of nutrients. These can be added to the soil
before planting or antime during gro(th. 4ulk fertilisers are added (hile the soil is mi:ed! as described in
section .. These include manures! composts! humus! and concentrated fertilisers! such as rose food.
Once the plants are gro(ing! never condition or mulch indoor soils (ith bulk fertilisers. the promote
moulds and fungi and attract other pests to the garden. $oncentrated fertilisers can damage the plants if
the come in direct contact (ith the stem or roots.
Fhile the plants are gro(ing! nutrients are given in solutionK the are dissolved in (ater! and the plants
are (atered as usual. 0oluble fertilisers can be either organic or inorganic (chemical)! and come in a (ide
range of concentrations and proportions of nutrients. T(o organic fertilisers are liIuid manure (about ,.C-
,.=-,.C) and fish emulsion ((0ome fish emulsion ma contain (hale b-products.)) (about C-,-,).
$hemical fertilisers commonl ma have D=-D=-D= or C-,=-C! or ma contain onl one nutrient! such as
# ,=-C-C fertiliser is D= percent soluble nutrients and 8= percent inert ingredients. a /=-,=-,= has C=
percent available nutrients and C= percent inert ingredients. There is appro:imatel the same amount of N
in one tsp. of /=-,=-,= as in three tsps. of ,=-C-C.
#ctuall! ou can almost use an fertiliser! but the nitrogen content should be proportionatel high! and
there should be some ' and * also present. For e:ample! a D=-D=-D= (ould (ork fine! as (ould a ,D-.-.
or a /-+-/! but not a D-,=-,= or a C-,=-=.
9o( much fertiliser to use and ho( often to fertilise depend primaril on the fertilit of the soil and the siEe
of the container relative to the siEe of the plant. 0mall plants in large pots usuall do not need to be
fertilised. Even in small pots! most plants do not need to be fertilised for at least the first month.
#s the plants gro(! the take nutrients from the soil! and these must be replaced to maintain vigorous
gro(th. 5uring the vegetative stage! even plants in large pots generall reIuire some fertilising!
particularl (ith N.
The rate of gro(th of indoor plants is usuall limited b the amount of light and space! once adeIuate
nutrients are supplied. #t this point! an increase in nutrients (ill not increase gro(th. Nour goal is to
suppl the plants (ith their nutritional needs (ithout overfertilising and thus to:ifing the soil.
<ost fertilisers are designed for home use and have instructions for fertilising houseplants. <ari)uana is
not a houseplant! and it reIuires more nutrients than houseplants. The e:tra nutrients that it needs ma
be supplied b the use of large pots and a fertile soil mi:ture. @n man cases! ou (ill need to fertilise onl
in the dosages recommended on fertiliser packages for houseplants. For instance! >apid-3ro (D/-,--,B)
is popular among mari)uana gro(ersK use one tablespoon per gallon of (ater ever t(o (eeks.
# tpical program for fertilising might be to fertilise during the fifth (eek of gro(th and ever t(o (eeks
thereafter until flo(ering. Then discontinue fertilising (or give at one-half concentration) unless the plants
sho( a definite need for nutrients. @t is better to fertilise (ith a more diluted solution more often than to
give concentrated doses at longer intervals. (For instance! if instructions call for one tablespoon of
fertiliser per gallon once a month! use one-Iuarter tablespoon per gallon once a (eek.)
<ake sure that a fertiliser is completel dissolved in the (ater before ou appl it. 'ut the recommended
amount of fertiliser in a clear glass bottle and mi: (ith about one cup of (ater. 0hake vigorousl and then
allo( it to settle. @f an particles of fertiliser are not dissolved! shake again before adding the rest of the
(ater. @f ou have difficult getting all the fertiliser to dissolve! first add hot top (ater. @f the fertiliser still
does not completel dissolve! ou should use another fertiliser.
Never fertilise a dr soil or dr 0oilless medium. @f the medium is dr! first (ater (ith about one-half Iuart
of plain (ater per pot. *et the pots sit for about ,C minutes so that the (ater is evenl dispersed in the
pot. Then fertilise as usual.
@t is difficult to give instruction for fertilising that (ill cover all garden situations. Nou (ant to suppl the
plant (ith its nutritive needs! but overfertilising con to:if the soil. Fertilising according to instructions for
houseplants (both in freIuenc and concentration) should not to:if the soil. 9o(ever! the plants ma
sometimes reIuire more freIuent or more concentrated fertilising. # good (a to )udge the plant"s needs
is not to fertilise one plant! double the fertiliser of another plant! and give the rest of the plants their normal
dose. @f the unfertilised plant gro(s more slo(l! or sho(s smptoms of deficiencies! then probabl all the
plant are depending on soluble fertilisers and must be fertilised regularl. @f the plants receiving the double
dose gro(s faster than the other plants! increase the other plants" suppl also. On the other hand! if there
is little difference among the plants! then the soil is providing the plants (ith enough nutrients! and the
either should not be fertilised or should be fertilised (ith a less-concentrated solution.
4ecause the are gro(n in a relativel small area! it is eas to overfertilise indoor plants. Fhen plants are
vigorous! look health! and are gro(ing steadil! don"t be an:ious to fertilise! particularl if ou have
alread fertilised several times (ith soluble fertilisers. 0lo( gro(th or smptoms of deficiencies clearl
indicate the need for fertilising.
@n an effort to do the best for their plants! some people actuall do the (orst. Overfertilising puts
e:cessive amounts of nutrients in the soil! causing to:ic soil conditions. E:cessive amounts of one
nutrient can interfere (ith the uptake of another nutrient! or change normal plant-soil relations. 0ince it
takes time for a build-up to occur high concentrations of nutrients generall encourage e:cellent gro(th
until the to:ic level is reached.
@t takes less N than other nutrients to to:if the soilK hence there is less margin for error (hen using N.
Too much N changes the osmotic balance bet(een plant and soil. @nstead of (ater being dra(n into the
plant! (ater is dra(n a(a and the plant dehdrates. The leaves feel limp even though the plant is (ell
(atered. The plant (ill soon die. This tips of the leaves die first and ver rapidl the leaves change colour!
usuall to gold! but sometimes to a bro(n or green-gre. This change in the plants is faster! more
dramatic! and more serious than for an kind of nutrient deficienc.
Nou can save the plants b immediatel leaching the pots as soon as the condition is recognised. 'lace
the pots outdoors or in a sink or bathtub. 5iscard the top inch or t(o of loose dirt. >un luke(arm (ater
through the soil until a gallon of (ater for each t(o gallons of soil has passed through each pot. The
leaves recover turgor in one or t(o das if the treatment (orks.
Foliar Feeding
Foliar feeding ((Nitrogen fertilisers are usuall NO/ (nitrate) or NOD (nitrite)! substances (hich are also
used to preserve food. The have been sho(n to undergo reactions to form carcinogenic substances
(nitrosamines). #s (ith eating food treated (ith nitrates and nitrites (hot dogs! sand(ich meats! etc.)!
there is a possibilit that such substances might be ingested b eating or smoking foliar-fed plants.))
(spraing the leaves (ith fertiliser) is a good (a to give the plants nutrients (ithout building up the
amount of soluble substances in the soil. #fter the first month! foliar feed the plants (ith! for e:ample! fish
emulsion or a chemical fertiliser. ?se an fertiliser that states it can be used for foliar feeding even if it
sas Hnot recommended for foliar feeding houseplants.H ?se a fine-mist spraer! such as a clean Finde:
or Fantastik bottle. 5ilute the fertiliser according to directions (fish emulsion at one tablespoon per gallon)
and spra both sides of the leaves. Fhen foliar feeding! ou should spra the plants (ith plain (ater the
ne:t da! to dissolve unabsorbed nutrients and clean the plants.
Foliar spraing is also a good (a to treat plants suffering from nutrient deficiencies. 0ome nutrient
deficiencies actuall are caused b the soil"s chemistr! rather than b the absence of the nutrient in the
soil. #ddition of the necessar nutrient to the soil ma not cure the plants" problem! because the nutrient
becomes locked in the soil! or its uptake ma be limited b high concentrations of other elements present
in the soil. Foliar feeding is direct! and if the plant"s deficienc smptoms do not begin to clear up! then
the diagnosis is probabl incorrect.
9.4 N(!rien! De)iciencies
Be"ore Diagnosing
4efore ou assume the plant has a nutrient deficienc! make sure the problem is not due to other causes.
E:amine the plant leaves! and along the stem and in the soil.
Even under the best conditions! not all leaves form perfectl or remain perfectl green. 0mall leaves that
gre( on the oung seedling normall die (ithin a month or t(o. ?nder artificial lights! bottom leaves ma
be shielded from the light! or be too far a(a from the light to carr on chlorosnthesis. These leaves (ill
graduall turn pale or ello(! and ma form bro(n areas as the die. 9o(ever! health large leaves
should remain green at least three to four feet belo( the plant tops! even on those plants under small light
sstems. ?nder lo( light! the lo(er-gro(ing shoots as (ell as the large leaves on the main stem are
affected. 0ome smptoms of nutrient deficiencies begin first at the bottom of the plant! but these
smptoms generall affect the lo(er leaves on the main stem first! and the progress to the leaves on the
#lthough some deficienc smptoms start on the lo(er! older leaves! others start at the gro(ing shoots or
at the top of the plants. This difference depends on (hether or not the nutrient is mobile and can move
from the older leaves to the active gro(ing shoot. 5eficienc smptoms of mobile nutrients start at the
bottom of the plant. $onversel! deficienc smptoms of immobile nutrients first appear on the ounger
leaves or gro(ing shoots at the top of the plant. N! '! M! <g! 4! and <b are mobile in the plant. <n and
An are less mobile! and $a! 0! Fe! and $u are generall immobile.
# dr atmosphere or (et soil ma cause the blade tips to turn bro(n. 4ro(n leaf tips also ma indicate a
nutrient deficienc! but in this case! more tissue (ill turn bro(n than )ust the end tips.
$hlorosis and necrosis are t(o terms (hich describe smptoms of disease in plants. $hlorosis means
lacking green (chlorophll). $hlorotic leaves are pale green to ello( or (hite. $hlorotic leaves often sho(
some recover after the necessar nutrient is supplied. Necrosis means that the tissue is dead. 5ead
tissue can be gold! rust! bro(n! or gre. @t is dr and crumbles (hen sIueeEed. Necrotic tissue cannot
0mptoms of deficiencies of either N! '! or M have the follo(ing in common: all involve some ello(ing
and necrosis of the lo(er leaves! and all are accompanied b red1purple colour in stems and petioles. The
simplest (a to remed these deficiencies is to fertilise (ith a complete fertiliser containing nearl eIual
proportions of three nutrients.
N is the most common deficienc of $annabis indoors or out. Nitrogen deficiencies ma be Iuite subtle!
particularl outdoors! (here the soil ma continuousl provide a small amount of nitrogen. @n this case the
opt of the plant (ill appear health! and the plant (ill gro( steadil! but at a slo( pace. The deficienc
becomes more apparent (ith gro(th! as more and more of the lo(er leaves ello( and fall. The first sign
is a gradual! uniform ello(ing of the large! lo(er leaves. Once the leaf ello(! necrotic tips and areas
form as the leaves dr to a gold or rust colour. @n small pots! the (hole plant ma appear pale (or lime
colour) before man bottom leaves are affected to the point that the ello( or die. 0mptoms that
accompan N deficienc include red stems and petioles! smaller leaves! slo( gro(th! and a smaller!
sparse profile. ?suall there is a rapid ello(ing and loss of the lo(er leaves that progresses Iuickl to
the top of the plant unless nitrogen is soon added.
>emed b fertilising (ith an soluble N fertiliser or (ith a complete fertiliser that is high in N. @f our
diagnosis is correct! some recover should be visible in three or four das. 'ale leaves (ill regain some
colour but not increase in siEe. Ne( gro(th (ill be much more vigorous and ne( stems and petioles (ill
have normal green colour.
@ndoors! ou should e:pect plants to need N fertilisation a fe( times during gro(th. Once a plant sho(s N
deficienc! ou should fertilise regularl to maintain health and vigorous gro(th. Fertilise at about one-
half the concentration recommended for 0oilless mi:tures. @ncrease the treatment onl if the plants sho(
smptoms again. Once the plants are flo(ering! ou ma choose not to fertilise if the plants are vigorous.
The (ill have enough N to complete flo(ering and ou don"t (ant to chance to:ifing the soil at this late
' deficienc is not common indoors! but ma appear outdoors! particularl in dr! alkaline soils or in
depleted soils! or during cool (eather. 'hosphorus deficienc is characterised b slo( and sometimes
stunted gro(th. *eaves overall are smaller and dark greenK red colour appears in petioles and stems. The
leaves ma also develop red or purple colour starting on the veins of the underside of the leaf. 3enerall
the tips of most of the leaf blades on the lo(er portion of the plant die before the leaves lose colour.
*o(er leaves slo(l turn ello( before the die. >emed (ith an soluble '-containing fertiliser. #ffected
leaves do not sho( much recover! but the plant should perk up! and the smptoms do not progress.
M deficiencies sometimes sho( on indoor plants even (hen there is apparentl enough supplied for
normal gro(th. Often! potassium-deficient plants are the tallest (('otassium is associated (ith apical
dominance in some plant species.)) and appear to be the most vigorous. 0tarting on the large lo(er
leaves! the tips of the blades bro(n and die. Necrotic areas or spots form on the blades! particularl along
the margins. 0ometimes the leaves are spattered (ith chlorotic tissue before necrosis develops! and the
leaves look pale or ello(. 0mptoms ma appear on indoor plants gro(n in a soil rich in organic
material. This ma be due to high salinit (Na) of some manures or composts used in the soil. >ed stems
and petioles accompan potassium deficiencies. M deficiencies that could seriousl affect our crop rarel
occur (ith indoor soils. 9o(ever! mild smptoms are Iuite common. ?suall the plants gro( ver (ell
e:cept for some necrotic spotting or areas on the older leaves. (This condition is primaril and aesthetic
problem! and ou ma choose not to fertilise. 0ee ,-./.)
M deficiencies can be treated (ith an fertiliser that contains potassium. Food ashes dissolved in (ater
are a hand source of potassium. >ecover is slo(. Ne( gro(th (ill not have the red colour! and leaves
(ill stop spotting after a couple of (eeks. @n a M-deficient soil! much of the added potassium is absorbed
b the soil until a chemical balance is reached. Then additional potassium becomes readil available to
the plant.
$a deficiencies are rare and do not occur if ou have added an lime compound or (ood ash. 4ut
calcium is added primaril to regulate soil chemistr and p9. <ake sure that ou add lime to soil mi:tures
(hen adding manures! cottonseed meal! or other acidic bulk fertilisers. #n e:cess of acidic soil additives
ma create magnesium or iron deficiencies! or ver slo(! stunted gro(th. >emed b adding one
teaspoon of dolomitic lime per Iuart of (ater until the plants sho( marked improvement. 'eriodicall
fertilise (ith a complete fertiliser. Foliar feeding is most beneficial until the soil"s chemistr reaches a ne(
0 is plentiful in both organic and mineral soils. *iming and good aeration increases 0 availabilit. 9ence 0
deficiencies should not occur in soils that are suitable for gro(ing mari)uana. 9o(ever! sulfur deficiencies
sometimes can be confused (ith N deficiencies and ma also occur because of an e:cess of other
nutrients in the soil solution. 0ulfur-deficienc smptoms usuall start at the top of the plant. There is a
general ello(ing of the ne( leaves. @n pots! the (hole plant ma lose some green colour. 4oth sulfur and
<g deficiencies can be treated (ith the same compound! epsom salts (<g0O+). Epsom salts! or bathing
salts are ine:pensive and available at drug stores.
<g deficiencies are fairl common. The freIuentl occur in 0oilless mi:tures! since man other(ise all-
purpose fertilisers do not contain <g. <agnesium deficiencies also occur in mi:tures that contain ver
large amounts of $a or $l. 0mptoms of <g deficienc occur first on the lo(er leaves. There is chlorosis
of tissue bet(een the veins! (hich remain green! and starting from the tips the blades die and usuall curl
up(ard. 'urple colour builds up on stems and petioles.
# plant in a pot ma lose much of its colour in a matter of (eeks. Nou ma first notice <g smptoms at
the top of the plant. The leaves in the gro(ing shoot are lime-coloured. @n e:treme cases! all the leaves
turn practicall (hite! (ith green veins. @ron deficienc looks much the same! but a sure indication of <g
deficienc is that a good portion of the leaf blades die and curl. Treat <g smptoms (ith one-half
teaspoon of epsom salts to each Iuart of (ater! and (ater as usual. The top leaves recover their green
colour (ithin four das! and all but the most damaged should recover graduall. $ontinue to fertilise (ith
epsom salts as needed until the plants are flo(ering (ell. @f ou are using soilless mi:tures! include
epsom salts regularl (ith the complete mi:ture. 4ecause <g deficiencies ma indicate interference from
other nutrients! foliar-spra (ith <g to check our diagnosis if the plants are not obviousl recovering.
Fe deficienc rarel occurs (ith indoor mi:tures. @ron is naturall plentiful in most soils! and is most likel
to be deficient (hen the soil is ver acid or alkaline. ?nder these conditions! (hich sometimes occur in
moist eastern soil outdoors! the iron becomes insoluble. >emedies include ad)usting the 'h before
plantingK addition of rust (aterK or driving a nail into the stem. $ommercial Fe preparations are also
available. @f the soil is acidic! use chelated iron! (hich is available to the plants under acidic conditions.
0mptoms of iron deficienc are usuall distinct. 0mptoms appear first on the ne( gro(ing shoots. The
leaves are chlorotic bet(een the veins! (hich remain dark green and stand out as a green net(ork. To
distinguish bet(een <g and Fe deficiencies! check the lo(er leaves for smptoms. @ron smptoms are
usuall most prominent on the gro(ing shoots. <g deficiencies (ill also sho( in the lo(er leaves. @f man
of the lo(er leaves have been spotting or ding! the deficienc is probabl <g. <g deficiencies are much
more common than iron deficiencies in mari)uana.
Other Trace Elements
The follo(ing deficiencies are Iuite rare. Trace elements are needed in e:tremel small amounts! and
often enough of them are present as impurities in fertilisers and (ater to allo( normal gro(th. <an
houseplant fertilisers contain trace elements. Trace-element deficiencies are more often caused b an
e:treme p9 than b inadeIuate Iuantities in the soil. @f a deficienc is suspected! foliar-spra (ith the
trace element to remed deficiencies. Our e:perience has been that trace-element deficiencies rarel
occur indoors. Fe advise ou not to add trace elements to indoor soils! (hich usuall contain large
amounts of trace elements alread because of the addition of organic matter and liming compounds. @t is
eas to create to:ic conditions b adding trace elements. <anufacturers also recommend using amounts
of trace elements that ma be too high for indoor gardensK so use them at about one-fourth of the
manufacturer"s recommended dose if an addition is found to be necessar.
<n deficienc appears as chlorotic and the necrotic spots of leaf tissue bet(een the veins. The generall
appear on the ounger leaves! although spots ma appear over the (hole plant. <anganese deficiencies
are not common. <anganese is present in man all-purpose fertilisers. <n deficiencies ma occur if large
amounts of <g are present.
4 deficienc ma occasionall occur in outdoor soils. The smptoms appear first at the gro(ing shoots!
(hich die and turn bro(n or gre. The shoots ma appear Hburned!H and if the condition occurs indoors!
ou might think the lights have burned the plant. # sure sign of boron deficienc is that! once the gro(ing
tip dies! the lateral buds (ill start to gro( but (ill also die. 4 deficienc can be corrected b application of
boric acid! (hich is sold as an ee(ash in an drugstore. ?se one-fourth teaspoon per Iuart of (ater.
>ecover occurs in a fe( das (ith health gro(th of ne( shoots.
<b deficienc occurs in outdoor soils! but rarel indoors. <b is readil available at neutral or alkaline p9.
<b is essential for nitrogen metabolism in the plant! and smptoms can be masked for a (hile (hen N
fertilisers are being used. ?suall there is a ello(ing of the leaves at the middle of the plant. Fertilising
(ith nitrogen ma remed some of the ello(ing. 9o(ever! <b smptoms generall progress to the
gro(ing shoots and ne( leaves often are distorted or t(isted. <b is included in man all-purpose
An-deficienc smptoms include chlorosis of leaf tissue bet(een the veins. $hlorosis or (hite areas start
at the leaf margins and tips. <ore definite smptoms are ver small! ne( leaves (hich ma also be
t(isted or curled radiall. An deficiencies ma occur in alkaline (estern soils. 3alvanised nails can be
buried or pushed into the stem. $ommercial preparations of Einc are also available.
$u deficiencies are rareK be careful not to confuse their smptoms (ith the smptoms of overfertilisation.
The smptoms appear first on the ounger leaves! (hich become necrotic at the tips and margins.
*eaves (ill appear some(hat limp! and in e:treme cases the (hole plant (ill (ilt. Treat b foliar-spraing
(ith a commercial fungicide such as $u0O+.
9.+ Soi&&ess Mi3!(res
0oilless mi:tures are an alternative to using large Iuantities of soil. Their main advantage is complete
control over the nutrients that our plants receive. 0oilless mi:tures are also ine:pensive and eas to
prepare. The have a near-neutral p9 and reIuire no p9 ad)ustment.
0oilless mi:tures are made from soil components such as vermiculite! sand! or perlite. 0oilless mi:tures
should be blended in such a (a that the hold adeIuate (ater! but also drain (ell and do not become
sogg. # good general formula is t(o parts vermiculite to one part perlite. #bout ,= percent coarse sand
or gravel can be added to give (eight and stabilit to the pots. @nstead of vermiculite! ou can use 7iff-
<i:! <etro-<i:! Ortho-<i:! 'ro-<i: and other commercial soilless mi:tures! (hich are fortified (ith a
small amount of necessar nutrients! including trace elements. Nou can also substitute coarse sand for
@t is best to use solid containers (ith soilless mi:tures rather than plastic bags. 3ro( the plants in one- to
three-gallon containers. There (on"t be much difference in the siEe of the plants in one-gallon or in three-
gallon siEes! but ou (ill have to (ater a large plant ever da in a one-gallon container. (The plants can
al(as b transplanted to a larger container.) The pots must have drainage holes punched in the bottoms.
'ot as usual! and add one tablespoon of dolomitic lime or t(o tablespoons of (ood ash to each gallon of
'lants ma have problems germinating in soilless mi:tures. The top laer of mi:ture often dries rapidl!
and sprouts ma die or not germinate. Noung seedlings also seem to have difficult absorbing certain
nutrients (notabl potassium)! even though adeIuate amounts of nutrients are being added. 0ince this
difficult ma retard gro(th! it is best to start the plants in small pots (ith soil. ?se eight-ounce paper
cups! tin cans! or Iuart milk containers cut in half. <i: three parts topsoil or potting soil to one part soilless
mi:ture. Fill the starting pots and germinate as usual. Fhen the plants are t(o to three (eeks old!
transplant to the soilless mi:ture. First moisten the soil! and then remove the soil as intact as possible.
Nou might handle the transplant like making castles! b carefull sliding the moist soil out of the pot. Or
ou can cut a(a the sides of the container (hile ou place the transplant in the soilless mi:ture. Fhen
(atering! make sure ou (ater around the stem to encourage roots to gro( into the soilless mi:ture.
'eat pellets that e:pand are also good for starting seedling. 'lant several seeds in each pellet! and place
it in the soilless mi:ture after the sprouts appear.
0oilless mi:tures can be treated (ith a trace-element solution. Fe have gro(n crops (ith no special
addition of trace elements! and the plants completed their lives (ithout sho(ing smptoms of trace-
element deficienc. @n these cases there (ere apparentl enough trace elements in the lime and the
fertilisers that (ere used to provide the ma)or nutrients. <an all-purpose fertilisers also contain trace
elements. 9o(ever! it is a good idea to treat soilless mi:tures (ith a mild solution of trace elements
before planting. *arge plants can be treated a second time during the third or fourth month of gro(th. 5o
not use trace elements more often unless plants sho( definite trace-element deficiencies.
@ron is the onl trace element that is needed in more than minute Iuantities. @ron can be supplied b
mi:ing a fe( brads or nails into the soilless mi:ture.
?se an soluble fertiliser that is complete! that is! that contains some of each of the ma)or nutrients.
$hoose one (ith a formula that is highest in N but contains a good portion of both ' and M. For e:ample!
>apid-3ro is D/-,--,B and (orks (ell for soilless mi:tures.
Table ,8 gives a formula that has (orked (ell for us. The figures in it are a guide for estimating the
amounts of fertiliser to use. Fhen choosing a fertiliser b means of this chart! use N for a guide. For
e:ample! suppose the onl fertiliser ou can find that has good proportions of the ma)or nutrients as a D=-
,C-,C. 5ivide C (the figure for N in the table) b D= (the figure for N in the fertiliser)! and get the result ,1+.
That is! the fertiliser if four times as concentrated in N as ou needK so ou (ould use one-fourth the
amount of fertiliser sho(n in Table ,8. For instance! during the vegetative stage! ou (ould give the
plants one-half to three-fourths of a level teaspoon of fertiliser per gallon of (ater each time ou (ater.
Table 1@ % 8uidelines 0or FertiliAing #oilless MiHtures
8rowth #tage 7 .2- 52D /$ount
#eedling E C 1! to 2 tspJgal
Negetative 2 E 2 to E tspJgal
Flowering E D! tp 1! tspJgal
@t is also not necessar to fertilise in these ratios. Nou could use a ,=-,=-,= fertiliser throughout gro(thK
ou (ould use half the amounts listed in Table ,8. The most important point is that the plant receive
enough of each element! not that the receive specific proportions.
Fertilising according to volume of fertiliser is not ver accurate! and also does not take into account other
variables (such as variet! light! temperature! etc.) that determine the amounts of nutrients our plants
can use. 9o(ever! it is a simple and useful (a of estimating the plant"s needs. Nou can more accuratel
gauge the plants" needs b giving a sample plant t(ice the concentration of fertiliser! and another half the
concentration. Their performance (ill give ou an idea of (hether ou are using too much or too little
fertiliser. Too much fertiliser is the most damaging conditionK so (hen in doubt give the plants less rather
then more. 5o not continue to give the plants the recommended amounts of fertiliser if the sample plant
that is receiving less nutrients is gro(ing as (ell as the other plants.
#nother (a of monitoring the plant"s gro(th is to gro( a fe( plants in a standard soil mi:ture. This (ill
sho( ou (hether the plants in the soilless mi:ture are gro(ing as fast as the should! and (ill give ou a
reference for diagnosing deficiencies.
4esides providing N! '! M! and the trace elements! ou must also give our plants secondar nutrients.
$a is added b mi:ing a tablespoon of lime or t(o tablespoons of (ood ash (hen preparing the soilless
mi:ture. ($alcium is usuall present in (ater and in man fertilisers as part of the salts that contain
nutrients! for e:ample! $a(NO/)D.) <agnesium and sulfur are both found in common epsom salts!
<g0O+. ?se one-eighth teaspoon of epsom salts to each teaspoon of C percent N. For e:ample! if ou
are using a D= percent N fertiliser! ou (ould use half a teaspoon of <g0O+ to each teaspoon of fertiliser.
(#ctuall! enough sulfur is often present! either as part of the soilless mi:ture or as part of nutrient salts to
allo( gro(th.) <agnesium can also be supplied b using dolomitic limestone.
0oilless mi:tures are something bet(een soil mi:tures and (ater cultures (hdroponics). Fith
hdroponics! the plants are gro(n in a tank of (ater. The fertilisers are added in solution! and the (ater
solution is periodicall circulated b a pump.
#nother variation on soilless mi:tures is to add a small amount of soil or humus to the soilless mi:ture.
0ome e:amples are:
1! C parts soilless $iHture to 1 part soilI
2! @ parts soilless $iHture to 1 part hu$usI
E! 1 parts soilless $iHture to 1 part li$ed $anure!

Overfertilising is less a problem (ith soilless mi:tures then (ith soil! because of higher concentrations of
salts are tolerable in soilless mi:tures and because e:cess salts are easil flushed out of the mi:ture. #
good idea is to flush each pot once after t(o months of gro(th! again after four months. #n time the
plants sho( smptoms of overfertilisation! leach the pots immediatel. Flood each pot (ith plain (ater so
that it runs out the drainage holes. $ontinue flooding the pots until a couple of gallons of (ater have run
through the pot. 5on"t fertilise for at least a (eek. Then fertilise (ith a more dilute solution that (as used
before. %Figure C,a. Over fertilisation. *eaves turn bright gold and die! starting at the top of the plant.&
C$apter Ten
'lants are considered diseased (hen their health or development is impaired enough that the adverse
effects become visible to the ee. 5isease ma be caused b infectious microbes! such as bacteria or
viruses! b pests such as insects! or b nutritional deficiencies or imbalances. 9o(ever! for diseases that
might affect our plants! there should be no need for a plant doctor. Nou"ll be able to diagnose the
smptoms after careful observation.
*eaves naturall drop from plants during the course of their lives. Not ever leaf (ill develop perfectl or
so. The small leaves that are formed during the first fe( (eeks of gro(th normall die (ithin three
months. *eaves at the bottom of health plants often die because the are shielded b the upper
instance! in a garden receiving onl 8= (atts of fluorescent light! the plants ma sta green onl up to
three or four feet a(a from the lights. *o(er leaves ma turn pale and ello( and then dr to gold or rust
1:.2 Microbia& Diseases
4ecause $annabis is not native to the #mericas! most of the microbial diseases that attack the plant are
not found in this countr. 9omegro(n $annabis is remarkabl free of diseases caused b microbes! and
there is little chance of our plants suffering from these diseases. Fungal stem and root rots seem to be
the onl ones of conseIuence. These occur onl because of improper care. Fatering too often! coupled
(ith a stagnant! humid atmosphere! encourages stem rot to develop. 0tem rot appears as a bro(n or
black discolouration at the base of the stem and is soft or mush to the touch. #llo( the soil to dr
bet(een (aterings! and be sure to (ater around the stem! not on it. Fipe as much of the fungus and soft
tissue a(a as possibl. @f the rot doesn"t disappear in a fe( (eeks! treat it (ith a fungicide.
1:.3 N(!rien! Diseases
5iseases due to nutrient deficiencies (see section -)! are common indoors! and their smptoms usuall
(orsen (ith time! affecting more and more of the plant. Fhole leaves ma be pale! or turn ello( or
(hiteK the condition ma first afflict the bottom! or top! or the entire plant at once. 5eficienc smptoms
often appear as spots! splotches! or areas or chlorotic (lacking green) tissue. 0ometimes necrotic (dead)
tissue appears that is copper! bro(n! or gra. 9o(ever! before ou search to section -! carefull inspect
the plants for an signs of plant pests.
1:.4 '&an! 'es!s
The indoor garden is an artificial habitat (here the plants live in isolation from the natural (orld. For this
reason! fe( of ou (ill have an problems (ith plant pests. 9o(ever! indoor plants are particularl
susceptible to pests once contaminated. @n nature! the pest populations are kept in check b their natural
enemies! as (ell as b (ind! rain! and changing temperatures. Fithout these natural checks! pests can
run rampant through the indoor garden.
The most common and destructive pests are spider mites and (hiteflies. 0pider mites are barel visible to
the naked eeK the are ovoid-shaped. 7uvenile mites are transparent and change to green as the suck
the plant"s tissue. #dults are tan! black! or semitransparent. False spider mites are bright red. <ites are
usuall (ell-established before ou discover them! because the are so difficult to see.
Fhiteflies are (hite (obviousl) but look like tin moths rather than flies. The adults are about ,1,. inch
long! and ou ma not see one unless if flutters b the corner of our ee. Then shake the plants. @f the
result looks like a small sno(storm! the plants are infested (ith (hiteflies. %Figure CD. *eft: 0pider mite
(:,.). >ight: # match head d(arfs tin spider mites.&
The smptoms of infection b mites and (hiteflies are similar. 0mptoms usuall appear on the lo(er
leaves and graduall spread to the top of the plant. The first indications are that the plant loses vigourK
lo(er leaves droop and ma look pale. *ook closel at the upper surfaces of the leaves for a (hite
speckling against the green background. The speckles are due to the pests sucking the plant"s
chlorophll-rich tissue. Fith time! the leaf loses all colour and dies.
'ests are easiest to find on the leaves that are beginning to sho( some damage. Nou can usuall see
mites and (hitefl larvae as tin dots looking up at the lights through the undersides of the leaves.
To find out (hich pest ou have! remove some damaged leaves and inspect the undersides under bright
dalight. Fith spider mites! if ou discover them earl! a leaf ma sho( onl one or t(o tin dots (adults)
and a sprinkling of (hite po(der (eggs) along the veins. @n advanced cases! the undersides look dust
(ith the spider mites" (ebbing! or there ma be (ebbing at the leaf nodes or (here the leaflets meet the
petioles. Fith (hiteflies! ou usuall see the adults first. On the undersides of the leaves the (hitefl
larvae look like mites! but there is no (ebbing! and there are tin golden droplets of Hhonede(H e:creted
b the adult (hiteflies. %Figure C/. <ites appear as black specks (hen ou look up to the lights from the
undersides of the leaves. #lso see 'late ,+.&
Take Iuick action once ou discover plant pests. @f the plants are less than a month old! ou (ill probabl
be better off to clean out the garden! in order to eliminate the source of the pests! and start over. #s long
as the plants are health the can (ithstand most attacks. The more mature the plants are! the less the
are affected b pests. Fhiteflies and mites sometimes disappear from flo(ering plants! particularl the
female flo(ers. <ites are difficult to eliminate completel. Often a holding action (ill save a good crop.
@f onl a fe( plants in our garden are infected! remove them. Or else! remove an leaves that sho(
damage. @f the plants are three or more months old! ou might consider forcing them to flo(er (hile the
are still health. 'lants that are good-siEed and still vigorous (ill usuall stand up (ell to mites once the
are flo(ering.
@f ou don"t (ant to use insecticides! there are several alternative (as to keep the pests in check until
flo(ering. <i: ,18 to ,1+ pound of pure soap (such as @vor flakes) thoroughl in one gallon of luke(arm
(ater. Then cover each pot (ith foil or ne(spaper! invert it! and dip and s(ish the plant around several
times in the soap solution. *et is drip dr and rinse (ith clear (ater. ?se the dunking procedure ever
(eek or t(o until the plants are larger. This is often enough to get the plants gro(ing (ell and into
flo(ering before the pest population can become a serious problem.
T(o homemade spras that can be effective are dormant oil spras ((0ee H@nsects and 'estsH in the
Outdoor 0ection.)) and hot pepper spras.
To make hot pepper spra! mi: four hot peppers (ith one medium onion and on clove garlic (D,/). 3rind
or chop and mash them along (ith some (ater. $over the mash (ith (ater and allo( it so stand a da or
t(o. #dd enough (ater to make t(o Iuarts. 0train through a coffee filter or paper to(els in a funnel. #dd
one-half teaspoon of detergent and spra as ou (ould an insecticide.
No one (ants to use insecticidesK et the seem to be the onl (a to eliminate mites. There are a
number of insecticides on the market that are relativel safe. @nsecticides such as prethrum! rotenon!
and malathion are relativel non-to:ic to (arm-blooded animals (hen used as directed. These are
effective against man different plant pests besides mites and (hiteflies. #dditionall! the break do(n
into harmless compounds such as carbon dio:ide and (ater in a matter of dasK so the do not persist in
the environment.
0afe insecticides are used for vegetables. Follo( all the package precautions. 5o not use more! or more
often! than recommended. Overuse can kill the plant. The label (ill list the number of das to (ait before
ou can safel ingest the plant! usuall from t(o to /C das after spraing.
4oth mites and (hiteflies generall complete their brief life ccles in about one to t(o (eeks. 4ecause
spras are not effective against the eggs! repeat the spraing about once a (eek for three successive
(eeks to completel eliminate the pests. 0ince their generations are short-lived! some pests ma become
resistant to the spra. This can be a problem (ith (hiteflies. Tr a different insecticide if the first one does
not seem to be (orking.
#dd a couple of drops of liIuid detergent to each Iuart of insecticide solution. 5etergent acts as a (etting
agent and helps the insecticide to contact the pests and stick to the plant. 0mall plants can be dunked
directl in the solution! the surest (a to kill pests.
To spra the plants! start at the back of the garden so that ou are (orking a(a from the plants alread
spraed. 0pra the entire plant and soil surfaces! paing special attention to the undersides of the leaves
(here pests tent to congregate. 0ta out of the garden and keep the room closed that da.
0ulfur dusts can also be effective against mites and man other pests! and are safe to use. The easiest
(a to appl them is (ith a plastic HsIueeEeH bottle (hich has a tapered top. <ake sure ou dust the
underside of the leaves.
4efore using an insecticide! remove all damaged leaves. 5o not use an insecticide during flo(ering.
>inse the plant (ith a clear (ater spra about one (eek after appling an insecticide! and once more
before ou harvest. Other(ise there ma be residues left (hich (ill affect the taste of the grass.
There are several other pests that can be a problem! although the rarel seriousl affect mari)uana.
#phids are about ,1,. inch long and are black! green! red! or pink. The have roundish bodies (ith long
legs and antennae. 0ome species have (ings. The congregate on the undersides of leaves (hich ma
then lose colour and become curled or distorted. #phids e:crete hone-de( droplets on the undersides of
the leaves (hich can attract ants. @f ants are also present! set out ant traps! because the ants (ill spread
the aphids to other plants. # fe( successive (ashings in soap (ater or one or t(o spraings of the
insecticides mentioned above should eliminate aphids.
<eal bugs are (hite! about /1,. of an inch long! and look like small! flat so(bugs. The don"t seem to
like mari)uana and avoid it of other plants are present. <eal bugs can be removed individuall (ith
cotton s(abs and alcohol.
3nats are attracted to moist soil that is rich in partiall decaed organic matter such as manures. To
discourage gnats (hen using manures! cover the top fe( inches in the pot (ith the soil mi:ture and no
manure. 5rench the soil (ith malathion solution for gnats or an other soil pest. Flpaper (ill also help
against gnats as (ell as (hiteflies.
0ome people don"t mind having a fe( pests on their plants. Fhether ou (ant to eliminate the pests
completel or simpl keep them in check ma come do(n to (hether ou mind hearing the snap! crackle!
and poop as their little bug bodies heat and e:plode (hen the harvest is smoked. $ommercial mari)uana!
or an mari)uana gro(n outdoors! (ill contain innumerable bugs and other small lifeforms.
Fhiteflies and spider mites are e:tremel contagious. <ites can be carried to the plant on hands!
clothing! or an animal"s fur. <an houseplant pests can fl or float to the garden through open (indo(s.
<ites cra(l through cracks in (alls and foundations during autumn! seeking (armth.
<an houseplants are popular because the can (ithstand abuse and infections b common plant pests.
Nour houseplants ma harbor mites for ears (ithout our kno(ledge. Nou can find out if our
houseplants have mites b placing some mari)uana seedlings among the houseplants. <ites seem to
en)o oung mari)uana plants so much that the plants sho( smptoms of mites in a matter of (eeks of
an are nearb.
9opefull! ou"ll never have to deal (ith pests. 'revention is the best polic. ?se soil that has been
pasteurised or sterilised to avoid bringing pest eggs and larvae into the garden. Meep the garden isolated
from other plants. ?se separate tools for the mari)uana garden and for other plants. 0creen (indo(s in
the garden (ith (ire screen or mesh fabrics such as nlon.
C$apter 99
To start a ne( crop! it is best to begin (ith a fresh soil. This is especiall true if the plants (ere in small
pots or (ere root-bound.
@f ou have fertilised regularl! the soil ma contain near-to:ic amounts of salts. <ost of the salts build up
in the top t(o-inch laer of soil. To salvage large Iuantities of soil! discard the top three-inch laer of soil
from each pot. #dd fresh soil and bulk fertilisers. Thoroughl mi: and repot in clean containers.
@t is generall not advisable to use the same soil for more than t(o crops. #lthough the used soil ma not
support health gro(th for potted plants! it is an e:cellent addition to an garden soil. 0pread the soil as
ou (ould a mulch. The salt concentration is Iuickl diluted and benefits! rather than harms! garden soil.
'eriodicall clean the tubes and reflectors to remove dust and grime. #s (ith (indo(s! this dirt
substantiall decreases the amount of light the plants receive. Fluorescents lose appro:imatel D= to +=
percent of their original output (ithin a ear"s use. 3enerall the higher-(attage tubes decline more
rapidl than standard-output tubes. Lita-lite tubes last the longest! follo(ed b standard fluorescents. 3ro-
tubes are the shortest-lived! and most gro(ers replace them after t(o crops. Older tubes can be used to
start seedlings and during the first month of gro(th. 0ince the plants are small and the light sstem is lo(!
the old tubes generate enough light for health gro(th. >eplace incandescent bulbs after C== light hours.

C$apter 9)
There are several factors to consider (hen deciding (here to plant! including sunlight! microclimate!
availabilit of (ater! and condition of the soil. 4ut the garden"s securit should be our first consideration.
No matter (hat siEe our garden! rip-offs and confiscation are constant threats. 4ut these risks can be
minimised b careful planning and common senses.
@n some countries! la(-enforcement agencies take a tolerant attitude to(ard small gardens! and people
gro( $annabis in their backards. @n other areas! police are not as enlightened and place an emphasis on
cultivation busts. @n either case! the larger the garden! the greater the potential danger. %Figure CC. #
Nassau $ountr police officer stands in a field of mari)uana plants in *attingto(n! *ong @sland.&
@n 9a(aii and $alifornia! (here mari)uana gro(ing has become a booming business! helicopters have
been a problem for commercial gro(ers. #ircraft outfitted (ith visual or infrared eIuipment! dogs! and
finks have all been used to seek out illicit plots. #ircraft eIuipment is least effective on steep slopes and
(here the vegetation is lush and varied. Fhere aircraft are a problem! gro(ers prune mari)uana to
obscure its distinctive shape. The plants are difficult to detect from a distance (hen intercropped (ith
bamboo! sunflo(ers! sugar cane! sobeans! or tall (eeds (see Figure .=). $ommercial gro(ers often
plant several small dispersed stands or man single plants! (hich are more difficult to detect and serve as
insurance against total loss.
4ut rip-offs rather than the la( are more of a problem for mari)uana gro(ers. From ever section of the
?nited 0tates! reports confirm that mari)uana theft has reached epidemic proportions! and even (ell-
hidden plant fall pre to unscrupulous people. These lo(lifes often search near hippie communities and
popular planting areas. Their best all is a loose lipK so keep our garden on a Hneed to kno(H basis.
12.2 /#ere !o %ro5
3iven the value of mari)uana! man people think the"ll gro( an acre or t(o. 4ut it is much harder to find
spots suitable for large-scale farming than to find small garden plots. *arge gardens reIuire more
planning and commitment! and usuall a remote area. The ma need a lot more time! energ! and
investment in materials and labor-saving machiner than smaller gardens.
# small but (ell-cultivated garden! sa! ten b ten feet! can ield over four pounds of grass each crop. 4
planning realisticall! ou"ll harvest a good stash of potent grass rather than a lot of disappointment.
<oat people (ho gro( mari)uana plant it in their backards. The hide the plants from curious neighbours
and passers-b (ith (alls! fences! arbor! or similar enclosures. 0ome people plant $annabis as part of
their vegetables garden! pruning the plants to make them less conspicuous.
3ardeners often use ingenious ideas to keep their gardens secret. # (oman on *ong @sland gro(s over
thirt large plants in containers in her drained s(imming pool. #lthough some of the plants reach a height
of ,D feet! the can"t be seen over the enclosing fence.
# couple living near Nashville! Tennessee! took the roof off their three-car garage and painted the (alls
(hite to create a high-(alled garden. Other gro(ers use sheds (ith translucent roofs.
Guerilla Far&ing
<an gro(ers feel safer planting a(a from their propert. 0hould the garden be discovered! the are not
in )eopard. On the negative side! the usuall lose the close contact and control that a home gardener
?rban gardeners use makeshift greenhouses! rooftops! vacant lots! and cit dumps. Lacant lost that are
overgro(n (ith lush (eeds can support a good crop! if the mari)uana plants get a head start on the
indigenous (eeds.
Fields! forest clearings! railroad rights-of-(a! stream banks! runoff and irrigation ditches! clearings
beneath high-tension lines! deserted farms and Iuarries! overgro(n fields! and abandoned houses have
all been used as garden spots. @n areas (here hemp is a problem (eed! people plant seeds from high-
potenc mari)uana in the same fields (here the (eed hemp gro(s. 3ro(ers harvest the plants in late
7ul before the flo(er and before the fields are (atched or destroed b la( enforcers.
*arger gro(ers often look for rough! unpopulated terrain that is accessible onl b plane! helicopter! four-
(heel-drive vehicles! or long hikes. The avoid areas (hich hunters and hikers are likel to use before
0erious gro(ers often find unusual places to start gardens. # gro( in $hico! $alifornia! hacks through t(o
hundred ards of dense underbrush and bramble to reach his clearing. @n Oregon some gro(ers maintain
fields (hich are a gruelling eight-hour uphill hike from the nearest road. 0ome Florida farmers commute to
their island and peninsula gardens b boats. # master gardener in $olorado lo(ers himself b rope to a
fertile plain C= feet belo( a cliff.
# farmer in 9a(aii (rote! HThe main concern is to gro( in an undetectable place (here the plants can still
get enough sun. This is becoming ver difficult to find and some ver elaborate subterfuges have been
developed. 'eople on <aui are gro(ing plants suspended from trees and on tree platformsR #round here
some people carr small plants in buckets far out on the lava fields (here there is a light shading from
Ohia trees and ou don"t leave tracks. #lso people go into the sugarcane fields! tear out some cane! and
put in their plants. @ am sure man other things are being done.H
12.3 -i$#!
<ari)uana is a sun plant. The plants (ill gro( in partiall shaded areas! but about five hours of direct
sunlight are needed for development into a lush bush. <ari)uana does best (hen it has direct sunlight all
da. @f it gro(s at all in a heavil shaded area! it (ill be d(arfed and sparse - a shado( of its potential.
Tr to choose a place that ma:imises light. Flat areas get the most sunlight! but man gro(ers prefer to
use slops and hillsides (hich help to hide the plants. 0outhern slops usuall receive more sun and
stronger light than eastern and (estern slops! (hich are shaded in the afternoon and morning!
respectivel. Northern slopes are rarel used! since the get the least sunlight and are also the coldest.
0teeper slops are shaded sooner than gradual slopes! and lo(er areas are shaded earlier than high
0unlight at high altitudes is more intense! because of the thinner atmosphere and the usuall lo(er
pollution. The atmosphere and pollutants at lo(er elevations absorb and scatter some of the solar
4ackard gardeners usuall compromise bet(een the need for ma:imum light and the need for
subterfuge. #n area that gets several hours of direct sunlight and bright unobstructed dalight for the rest
of the da (ill do (ell. # garden e:posed to the south usuall gets the strongest light and is the (armest.
Overhanging vegetation should be pruned so that the plants are shaded as little as possible.
<ost mari)uana strains are acclimated to tropical and semitropical latitudes! (here the datime is
relativel short (,= to ,+ hours! depending on season)! but the sunlight is Iuite strong. #t latitudes in the
?nited 0tates! the sun is not as intense (although in the summer the difference is small)! but the das are
longer! and the plants can gro( e:tremel fast. @t is not true that intense sunlight is needed to gro( great
mari)uana. 9o(ever! a summer characterised b clear sunn (eather (ill usuall produce a larger and
slightl more potent crop than if the season is cloud and rain.
0unlight can be ma:imised b adeIuate spacing and orientation of the garden. This is covered in section
C$apter 9:
Of all the factors involved in gro(ing plants! soil is the most comple:. @t has its o(n ecolog! (hich can be
modified! enriched! or destroedK the treatment it receives can ensure crop success or failure.
There is no such thing as the perfect soil for $annabis. Each variet can gro( (ithin a (ide range of soil
conditions. Nour goal is garden soil (ithin the range for health gro(th: (ell-drained! high in available
nutrients! and (ith a near neutral (B.=) p9. $annabis gro(s poorl! if at all! in soils (hich are e:tremel
compacted! have poor drainage! and lo( in fertilit! or have an e:treme p9.
There are several soil factors that are important to a gro(erK these include soil tpe! te:ture! p9! and
nutrient content. Fe (ill begin this chapter b discussing each of these topics in succession! and (ill then
turn to discussion of fertilisers! soil-preparation techniIues! and guerilla farming methods.
13.2 T*pes o) Soi&
Each soil has its o(n uniIue properties. These properties determine ho( the soil and plants (ill interact.
For our purposes! all soils can be classified as sands! silts! clas! mucks! and loams. #ctuall! soils are
usuall a combination of these ingredients. @f ou look carefull at a handful of soil! ou ma notice sand
granules! pieces of organic matter! bits of cla! and fine silt material.
Sandy Soils
0ands are formed from ground or (eathered rocks such as limestone! IuartE! granite! and shale. 0and
soils ma drain too (ell. $onseIuentl! the ma have trouble holding moisture and nutrients! (hich
leach a(a (ith heav rain or (atering. 0ome sand soils are fertile because the contain significant
amounts (up to t(o percent of organic matter! (hich also aids their (ater-holding capacit. 0and soils
are rich in potassium (M)! magnesium (<g)! and trace elements! but are often too lo( in phosphorous (')
and especiall nitrogen (N). N! (hich is the most soluble of the elements! is Iuickl leached from sand
soil. Legetation on sands (hich is pale! ello(ed! stunted! or scra(n indicates lo( nutrients! usuall lo(
0and soils can be prepared for cultivation (ithout much trouble. The must be cleared of ground cover
and treated (ith humus! manure! or other N-containing fertilisers. @n dr areas! or areas (ith a lo( (ater
table! organic matter ma be (orked into the soil to increase (ater-holding capacit as (ell as fertilit.
0and soil does not usuall have to be turned or tilled. >oots can penetrate it easil! and onl the planting
ro( need be hoed immediatel before planting. 3ro(ers can fertilise (ith (ater-soluble mi:es and treat
sand soil almost like a hdroponic medium.
0and soils are also good candidates for a sstem of sheet composting (spreading laers of
uncomposted vegetative matter over the garden)! (hich allo(s nutrients to graduall leach into the soil
laers. 0heet composting also prevents evaporation of soil (ater! since it functions as a mulch.
0ilts are soils composed of minerals (usuall IuartE) and fine organic particles. To the casual ee! the
look like a muck cla (hen (et! and resemble dark sand or brittle clods (hen dr. The are the result of
alluvial flooding! that is! are deposits from flooding rivers and lakes. #lluvial soils are usuall found in the
<id(est! in valles! and along river plains. The <ississippi 5elta is a fertile alluvial plain.
0ilts hold moisture but drain (ell! are eas to (ork (hen moist! and are considered among the most
fertile soils. The are freIuentl irrigated to e:tend the length of the gro(ing season. ?nless the have
been depleted b fault farming techniIues! silts are rich in most nutrients. The often support health!
vigorous vegetation. This indicates a good suppl of N.
<ucks are formed in areas (ith ample rainfall (hich supports dense vegetation. The are often ver
fertile! but ma be Iuite acidic. The usuall contain little potassium.
<ucks range from ver dense to light sand soils. The denser ones ma need heav tilling to ensure
health root development! but the lighter ones ma be cleared and planted in mounds. <ucks can support
dense vegetation! and are often turned over so that the (eeds thus destroed form a green manure.
Clay Soils
$las are composed of fine crstalline particles (hich have been formed b chemical reactions bet(een
minerals. $las are stick (hen (et! and can be moulded or shaped. Fhen dr! the form hard clods or a
pattern of sIuare cracks along the surface of the ground. $las are usuall hard to (ork and drain poorl.
<ari)uana roots have a hard time penetrating cla soils unless these soils are (ell-tilled to loosen them
up. #dditions of perlite! sand! compost! gpsum! manure! and fresh clippings help to keep the soil loose.
$la soils in lo(-ling areas! such as stream banks! ma retain too much (ater! (hich (ill make the
plants susceptible to root and stem rots. To prevent this! some gro(ers construct mounds about si:
inches to one foot high! so that the stems and tap roots remain relativel dr.
$la soils are often ver fertile. 9o( (ell mari)uana does in cla soils usuall depends on ho( (ell these
soils drain. @n certain areas HclaH soils regularl support corn cotton. This tpe of soil (ill support a good
crop of mari)uana. >ed colour in cla soil (red dirt) indicates good aeration and a HlooseH soil that drains
(ell. 4lue or gra clas have poor aeration and must be loosened in order to support health gro(th.
# tpical schedule for preparing a heav cla soil @n the late fall! before frost! turn soil! adding fresh soil
conditioners! such as leaves! grass clippings! fresh manure! or tankage. 3psum ma also be added to
loosen the soil. 0pread a ground cover! such as clover! vetch! or re. @n earl spring! making sure to
break up the large clods! and add composts and sand if needed. #t planting time! till (ith a hoe (here the
seeds are to be planted.
#s the composts and green manure raise the organic level in the soil! it becomes less dense. Each ear!
the soil is easier to (ork and easier for the roots to penetrate. #fter a fe( ears! ou ma find that ou
onl need to turn under the cover crop. No other tilling (ill be needed.
*oams are a combination of about += percent each of sand and silt! and about D= percent cla. Organic
loams have at least D= percent organic matter. @n actualit! a soil is almost al(as a combination of these
components! and is described in terms of that combination! e.g.! sand silt! silt cla! sand cla! or
organic silt cla. *oams range from easil (orked fertile soils to densel packed sod. *oams (ith large
amounts of organic matter can support a good mari)uana crop (ith little modification.
13.3 H(,(s an" Co,pos!s
9umus and composts are composed of decaed organic matter! such as plants! animal droppings! and
microbes. Their nutrient contents var according to their original ingredients! but the most certainl
contain fungi and other microorganisms! insects! (orms! and other life forms essential for the full
conversion of nutrients. #s part of their life processes! these organisms take insoluble chemicals and
convert them to soluble forms! (hich plant roots can then absorb. 9umus and composts hold (ater (ell
and are often added to condition the soil. This conditioning results from the aerating properties and (ater-
holding capacit of humus and composts! as (ell as balanced fertilit.
9umus and composts have a rich! earth small! look dark bro(n to black! and ma contain partiall
decaed matter! such as t(igs or leaves. The are produced naturall as part of the soil"s life process or
can be HmanufacturedH at the site b gathering native vegetation into piles. $omposts cure in one to three
months! depending on both ingredients and conditions. 5ecomposition can be speeded up b turning and
adding substances high in N. $omposts are freIuentl acidic and are s(eetened (ith lime (hen the are
piled. This also shortens curing time! since the desirable microbes prefer a neutral medium.
13.4 Te3!(re
0oil te:ture refers to densit! particle siEe! and stickiness! all of (hich affect the soil"s drainage and (ater-
holding characteristics. The most important Iualit of the soil for mari)uana is that it drains (ell - that is!
(ater does not stand in pools after a rain! and the soil is not constantl (et. @n a (ell-drained soil! the
roots are in contact (ith air as (ell as (ater.
$annabis does best on medium-te:tured soils: soils that drain (ell! but can hold adeIuate (ater. *oams!
silts! and sands usuall drain (ell and are loose enough to permit good root development. 0ome clas
and most mucks are too compact to permit the lateral roots to penetrate and gro(. @n addition! the often
drain poorl! and (hen dr the ma form hard crusts or clods! a condition mari)uana cannot tolerate.
0everal simple tests (ill indicate the consistenc and drainage Iualities of our soil. Test (hen the soil is
moist but not (et. First! dig a hole three feet deep to check the soil profile. @n a tpical non-desert soil! ou
(ill find a laer of decaing matter on the surface! (hich evolves into a laer of topsoil. <ost of the
nutrients available to the plant are found at this level or are leached do(n from it. The topsoil laer is
usuall the darkest. @t ma onl be an inch thick or ma e:tend several feet. Fhen in good condition! the
topsoil is filled (ith life. 9ealth topsoil contains abundant (orms! bugs! and other little animals! and is
interlaced (ith roots. @f ou can easil penetrate the underling topsoil (ith our hands! its te:ture is light
enough for health root gro(th.
The ne:t laer! or subsoil! ma be composed of a combination os sand! cla! and small rocks! or ou ma
hit bedrock. 0and! rock! and loam subsoils present no problems as long as the topsoil is at least si:
inches thick. $la or bedrock often indicates drainage problems! especiall if the spot has a high (ater
table and stas (et.
Ne:t scrape up a handful of soil from each laer. 'ress each handful in our fist! release it! and poke the
clump (ith a finger. @f it breaks apart easil! it is sand or loam. $lods that stick together! dent! or feel
stick indicate cla or muck.
To test for drainage! fill the hole (ith (ater. Fait half an hour to let the moisture penetrate the
surrounding soilK then fill the hole (ith (ater again. @f the (ater drains right through! ou are (orking (ith
sand soil. @f it doesn"t drain completel (ithin D+ hours! the soil has poor drainage.
13.+ pH
The p9 is a measure of ho( alkaline (bitter) or acid (sour) the soil is. The p9 balance affects the solubilit
of nutrients! and helps the plant regulate metabolism and nutrient uptake. The scale for measuring p9
runs from = to ,+! (ith B assigned as neutral. # p9 belo( B is acidK a p9 above B is alkaline.
<ari)uana gro(s in soils (ith a p9 range from C to 8.C! but it thrives in nearl neutral soils. >elative to
other field crops! it has high lime reIuirements! similar to those for red or (hite clover or sunflo(er. 4ut it
does (ell in fields (here plants (ith medium lime reIuirements! such as corn! (heat! and peanuts! are
The solubilit of nutrients is affected b soil tpe as (ell as b the p9. @n soils (ith a high content of
organic matter! all nutrients are soluble bet(een C.= and ..C. 'hosphorous! manganese! and boron are
less soluble at p9 values above ..C. #cid soils are usuall found in the ?nited 0tates east of the ,==th
meridian and along parts of the Fest $oast! and a deep topsoil laer. <ari)uana does best in acid soils
(hen the p9 is ad)usted to a range of ../ to B.=. %Figure C8. <ap of p9 for ?0.&
<ineral soils in the dr (estern states ma be slightl acid to highl alkaline. <ost nutrients are ver
soluble in these soils! as long as the p9 ranges from ..= to B.C. 0ome of these soils are too alkaline (over
8.C)K so their p9 must be ad)usted to near neutral to ensure health gro(th.
(d<usting t$e pH
First test the soil p9 in the garden area. 'revious gardeners ma have ad)usted native soils! or our ard
soil ma have been trucked in to cover poor native soils! so that the p9 of our garden soil ma be
different from that of other soils in the area. 5ifferent soils var in the amount of material needed to ad)ust
the p9. 0and soils do not reIuire as much as loam! and loam reIuires less than clas! partl because of
the chemistr! and partl because of the densit and phsical Iualities of the soils" particles.
(d<usting (#id Soils
#cidic soils are treated (ith limestone! (hich is e:pressed as an eIuivalent of calcium carbonate
($a$O/). *imestone is usuall Iuarried and po(dered! contains large amounts of trace elements! and
comes in different chemical forms: ground limestone! Iuicklime! and hdrated lime ((hich is the fastest
acting form). 5olomitic limestone is high in magnesium and is often used to ad)ust magnesium-deficient
soils! such as those found in Ne( England. <arl (ground seashells) is also mostl lime and is used to
raise soil p9. Eggshells are another source of lime. The should be po(dered as finel as possible! but
even so! the take a long time to affect the soil. Food ashes are alkaline and ver solubleK so the have
an almost immediate effect.
Ever commercial lime has a calcium carbonate eIuivalent or neutralising po(er (hich is listed on the
package. To find out ho( much to use! divide the total amount of limestone reIuired b the p9 test (see
Figure C-) b the calcium carbonate eIuivalent. For instance! a field reIuires fift pounds of limestone!
but the calcic limestone ou are using has an eIuivalent of ,.B8. 5ivide the C= b ,.B8. The resulting
figure! about D- pounds! is the amount reIuired. $ommercial limes also list the grade or particle siEe of
the po(der. @n order of fineness the are: superfine! pulverised! agricultural grade! and fine meal. The
finer the grade! the faster the action. %Figure C-. #ppro:imate amount of lime reIuired to ad)ust p9 of a BH
laer of different tpes of soil.&
For best results! lime should be added at least four or five months before planting. @n this (a! the lime
has a chance to react (ith the soil. 4ut acid soils can be limed profitabl and time before planting! or after!
as long as the lime does not come into direct contact (ith the plants. <ost gro(ers add lime at the same
time that the fertilise and turn the soil. That (a! tilling and conditioning are handled in one operation.
The lime should be (orked into the soil to a depth of ten inches. *ime can also be added b spreading it
before a rain. <ake sure that the soil is moist enough to absorb the rain! so that the lime does not run off.
3ro(ers (ho have not ad)usted the p9 can dissolve lime in (ater before the irrigate. 9o(ever! this is
not advised if the (ater runs through a hose or pump! because mineral buildup ma occur in the
(d<usting (l;aline Soils
<ost alkaline soils have a p9 no higher than B.C! (hich is (ithin the range for optimum gro(th. 0oils that
are too alkaline can be ad)usted b adding gpsum! (hich frees insoluble salts! and include iron!
magnesium! and aluminium sulphate. <ari)uana has a lo( tolerance for aluminiumK so mari)uana gro(ers
should use iron or magnesium sulphate in preference to aluminium sulphate. 0ulphur and gpsum are
(orked into the soil in the same manner as lime.
{Table 19!3
0ome gro(ers correct alkaline soils b adding an organic mulch or b (orking acidic material into the soil.
$ottonseed meal! (hich is acidic and high in nitrogen! can also be used. #s it breaks do(n! cottonseed
meal neutralises the soil. 'ine needles! citrus rinds! and coffee grounds are all ver acidic! and can be
used to correct alkaline conditions. The addition of soluble nitrogen fertilisers aids the breakdo(n of these
lo(-nitrogen additives. (0ee Table DD in the section on HFertilisersH in this section.)
(d<usting (l;ali Soils
#lkali soils (p9 usuall above 8.C) are hardpacked and crust! and sometimes have an accumulation of
(hite po(der salts at the surface. The ma not absorb (ater easil and can be e:tremel difficult to
(ork. To prepare alkali soils (ith a permeable subsurface for cultivation! farmers leach them of their to:ic
accumulation of salts. The soils is thoroughl moistened so that it absorbs (ater. Then it is flooded so that
the salts travel do(n(ard out of contact (ith the roots. 3psum can be added to free some of the salts so
that the leach out more easil. 3psum can be added at the rate of BC lbs per ,== sI.ft.! or ,8 tons per
acre. *eaching reIuires enormous Iuantities of (ater! an efficient irrigation sstem! and several months.
{.late 1! #kylights are a good sour'e o0 bright( unobstru'ted light!
Thai plant "'losest* and )olo$bian plants rea'hed over 1C 0eet in siH $onths!
.late 2! Top9 / hidden garden using 0luores'ent light( 0oil re0le'tors( and
bag 'ontainers! .lants are ten weeks old! Botto$9 #i$ple to 'onstru't do$e
greenhouse in southern )ali0ornia! /t two $onths( so$e o0 these plants are
siH 0eet tall!
.late E! <pper le0t9 #te$ o0 a 0e$ale plant! <pper right9 4n 0ull sunlight(
a pruned plant 'an grow in'redibly dense! Botto$9 / garden in the wilds o0
-regon $ountains!
.late C! Mari2uana does well in $ost gardens! Top9 :ere a 0e$ale plant is
in early bloo$ at 0ive $onths! The $ain ste$ was 'lipped at three $onths
"Berkeley*! Middle9 1ower bran'hes are spread out to 'at'h the sun! Botto$9
/ 0e$ale bud about two weeks be0ore harvest! 1eaves show so$e da$age 0ro$
lea0hoppers "inse'ts shown*!
.late ! / giant sinse$illa 'ola grown 0ro$ MeHi'an seed in northern
.late >! Top9 .urple 'olours o0ten appear late in li0e( when vigour is
waning! 1ower le0t9 Resin glands glistening on a purple( 0e$ale 0lowering
shoot! 1ower right9 ,ellow $ale 0lowers and purple leaves against a nor$al
green lea0!
.late ?! Top9 Male 0lowers at di00erent stages in develop$ent! / line o0
resin glands 'an be seen on the anthers o0 the open 0lowers! 1ower le0t9
Resin glands lining the pollen slit o0 an anther "HCD*! Middle right9 Male
0lowers in 0ull bloo$! The leaves are 'overed with 0allen pollen! 1ower
right9 8land heads $ay 0all with the pollen grains! Mature grains are
spheri'al in 0ield o0 0o'us "HCD*!
.late @! Top9 Resin glands on the lower "adaHial* sur0a'e o0 a s$all( 0resh
lea0 blade! 4ntegrals are one $illi$etre "H1>*! Middle and lower le0t9
#talked glands are 'on'entrated along the veins o0 the lower lea0 sur0a'e
"HCD*! 1ower right "H1DD*!
.late 9! Top9 <pper "adaHial* 0resh lea0 sur0a'e! 1e0t o0 pi'ture( 0ro$
le0t to right9 #harp%pointed 'ystolith hair( stalked gland( and tiny bulbous
gland "HCD*! 1ower le0t9 <pper sur0a'e o0 a Thai lea0 "H1>*! 1ower right9
<pper sur0a'e o0 0resh ho$egrown )olo$bian lea0 "HCD*!
.late 1D! / young 0e$ale 0lower "ho$egrown )olo$bian*! Resin glands are not
yet 0ully developed "H1>*!
.late 11! Top le0t9 / $ature 0e$ale 0lower 0ro$ the sa$e plant is in .late
1D! The 0lower bra't is swollen 0ro$ the ripe seed it 'ontains! 7oti'e the
well%developed resin glands "H2*! Top right9 / $iHture o0 seeds 0ro$ 'o$$on
$ari2uana varieties shows 'o$parative siAe! Botto$9 The tip o0 a sinse$illa
0lower at harvest! 7oti'e 'rea$%'oloured stig$as to the le0t and the 0resh(
'lear resin glands "HCD*!
.late 12! <pper and lower le0t9 /n overly ripe sinse$illa 0lower bra't!
Many gland heads are brown or $issing "top( H1>I botto$( HCD*! <pper and
lower right9 )are0ully handled Thai weed with inta't glands! 7oti'e the high
'on'entration o0 glands and very long stalks on this bra't "top( H1>I botto$(
.late 1E! <pper and lower le0t9 / )olo$bian 8old! 8land 'ontents are brown
and stalks have deteriorated on this bra't "top( H1>I botto$( HCD*! Top
right9 :awaiianI well%handled and showing little deterioration "bra't HCD*!
Middle right9 8land heads easily deta'h 0ro$ stalks when overripe "lea0 vein
HCD*! 1ower right9 #talked glands on both upper and lower lea0 sur0a'es
beginning to brown "lea0 $argin HCD*!
.late 1C! Top9 &hite0ly larvae and their honeydew eH'retions on the lower
sur0a'e o0 a lea0! Middle le0t9 1ea0 showing white0ly da$age and a tiny
adult! 1ower le0t9 &hite spe'kles on leaves indi'ating $ite da$age! 1ower
right9 /n overdose( or overuse o0 pesti'ide( 'an kill the plant!
.late 1! <pper le0t9 :ealthy green plant neHt to a 7%de0i'ient plant!
Middle le0t9 <ltraviolet burn! .lant was $oved outdoors without
'onditioning! 1ower le0t9 6Bonsai6 $ari2uana grown 0ro$ a 'utting! <pper
right9 Mg%de0i'ient plant has 'hloroti' leaves dying 0ro$ their tips! 1ower
right9 /0ghani variety( with 'hara'teristi'ally wide lea0 blades( show $inor
sy$pto$s o0 7 de0i'ien'y "pale leaves and red petioles*!
.late 1>! <pper le0t9 Male 0lowers lose so$e green and turn 6blond6 during
slow drying! <pper right9 )igar 2oints $ade with undried $ari2uana( whi'h is
wrapped with lone blades o0 0an leaves be0ore drying! Botto$9 #eKuen'e shows
'hange in 'olour in one day 0ro$ sun 'uring!{<n0ortunately( all the plates
are in bla'k and white!33
#nother method of reclaiming alkali soils is b adding a thick mulch and letting it interact (ith the soil
during the (inter. The mulch should be about nine inches thick! or ,/= lbs or more per ,== sI.ft. This
thick laer neutralises the salts and also helps to retain moisture.
<ari)uana is a high-energ plant (hich gro(s Iuickl to its full potential in a fertile soil that is rich in
available nutrients. Nutrients are found in the soil"s parent materials: sand! cla! humus! minerals! rocks!
and (ater. Nutrients dissolve in soil (ater (soil solution)! (hich is then absorbed b the plant. @n comple:
chemical processes! roots release ions in e:change for nutrients that are dissolved in the soil solution.
The soil acts as a reservoir for the nutrients. <ost of them are in non-e:changeable forms: that is! the do
not dissolve! or dissolve onl slightl in (ater. Onl a small percentage of the total reserve is free at an
time as the result of chemical processes or microbial action. 9ealth soils maintain a balance bet(een
free and unavailable nutrients! so that the plants the support continuall receive the right amounts of
reIuired nutrients. #lkali soils have large supplies of compounds (hich are e:tremel soluble. The
solution is so concentrated that alkali soils are often to:ic to plants.
There are three primar nutrients! N (nitrogen)! ' (phosphorus)! and M (potassium). These are the
nutrients that gardeners are most likel to be concerned (ith and (hich most fertilisers suppl. 0oils are
most likel to be deficient in one of these nutrients! especiall N.
@n addition to the primar nutrients! soil supplies plants (ith three secondar nutrients! $a (calcium)! <g
(magnesium)! and 0 (sulfur)! and seven micronutrients: iron! boron! chlorine! manganese! copper! Einc!
and molbdenum. #lthough deficiencies of all the secondar and micronutrients are reported from various
parts of the ?nited 0tates! serious deficiencies do not occur often. ((For a discussion of the smptoms of
nutrient deficiencies is mari)uana! see section -.))
<ari)uana absorbs nutrients primaril through a fine net(ork of lateral roots (hich gro( from the taproot.
*ateral roots ma spread over an area (ith a diameter of five feet! and ma go as deep as the roots can
penetrate. 'lants in deep sand soils or in soils that have porous mineral subsoils ma gro( roots as
deep as even seven feet. >oots (hich can absorb nutrients from a larger area are more likel to fulfil the
plants" needs than are shallo( roots (hich result in shallo( topsoil laers over compacted subsoils. Fhen
the roots have a large area from (hich to absorb nutrients! the soil does not need to be as fertile as (hen
the roots are restricted to a small area b poor soil or b being gro(n in pots.
Nou can get a good indication of soil fertilit b observing the vegetation that the soil supports. @f the
vegetation is varied! has a lush look to it! is deep green! and looks vigorous! it is probabl (ell-supplied
(ith nutrients. @f the plants look pale! ello(ed! spindl! (eak! or generall unhealth! the soil is probabl
deficient in one or more nutrients.
#gricultural colleges! $ount E:tension #gents! and private companies perform soil analses for a small
fee from a sample ou mail to them. The tests include nutrient! p9! and te:ture analses! and are ver
accurate. There are also simple-to-use test kits available at nurseries and garden shops (hich give a fair
indication of soil fertilit and p9. Test results include a suggested fertiliser and lime program catered to
the soil"s individual reIuirements for the crop to be planted. <ari)uana has nutrient reIuirements similar to
those for corn! (heat! and sugarcane! and prefers )ust a little more lime (a more alkaline soil) than those
cropsK so soil can be fertilised as it (ould be for those crops.
0oil tests are one indication of soil fertilit. The test for available nutrients! but not for reserves that are
held in the soil. Test results ma also var because of recent rainfall! changes of moisture content! and
seasonal changes. <ost soil tests do not measure the abilit of the soil to make nutrients available. This
is a ver important factor (hen considering a fertiliser program and should not be overlooked. #s an
e:ample! an uncultivated field sho(ed onl moderate amounts of N available! and indicated a need for N
fertiliser. The vegetation - tall grass! (eeds! and bush - had a health look and (as dark green! and the
lo(er leaves remained health. Obviousl! the soil (as able to suppl an adeIuate amount of N to the
plants! (hich (ithdre( it from the soil solution as it became available. The soil and plants had reached a
balance! and the soil solution slo(l became more dilute over the course of the season.
To a great e:tent! the soil"s abilit to maintain a constant and adeIuate suppl of nutrients depends on
the soil"s humus content. 9umus can support dense populations of microorganisms. #s part of their life
processes! microorganisms decompose organic matter in the humus. Nutrients contained in the organic
matter are released b microbes as simpl inorganic molecules (e.g.! NO/) (hich can dissolve in soil
(ater. 3enerall! soils (ith a high humus content can keep plants supplied (ith more nutrients than soil
tests indicate.
T$e Pri&ary Nutrients
@f ou look at an fertiliser package! ou (ill note three numbers on the package. The stand for N-'-M!
al(as in that order. <ari)uana does best in a soil (hich supplies high amounts of N and medium
amounts of ' and M.
The availabilit of N is the factor most likel to limit the gro(th of mari)uana. For fast health gro(th!
mari)uana reIuires a soil rich in available N. Nitrogen is constantl being replaced in the soil solution b
microbial breakdo(n of organic matter. 0ome microorganisms can use N directl from the atmosphere.
The release N as (aste in the form NO/! (hich is the primar form in (hich plants absorb N. # small
amount of N is also dissolved in falling rain(ater. Fhen the soil is moist! it loses N through leaching and
to plants. @n its available form (NO/! NOD! N9+)! N is ver soluble and ma be carried a(a (ith runoff or
ma drain into the subsoil.
'robabl the most accurate method of measuring a soil"s abilit to produce N is b the percentage of
organic matter in the soil (see Table D=). Organic matter releases N at a rate that is determined b the
tpe of soil! the temperature! and the moisture. 3enerall! the more aerated and (armer the soil! the
faster organic matter decomposes and releases N. <ost professional testing services report the
percentage of organic matter! and some sophisticated kits can also test for it.
@n its available state! N is tested in t(o compounds! ammonium (N9+) and nitrate (NO/). Test results are
converted into ''< (parts per million) of N and then added to arrive at the total amount of N available in
the soil. The formulas to convert nitrate and ammonium to N are (NO/) O =.DD. W N! (N9+) O =.B8 W N.
Each ''< indicates ,=.B pounds of N per acre available in the top B.8B inches. @f the soil level is deeper!
there is probabl more N available. @f it is shallo(er! less is available. 4ut a test for available N gives onl
a fair appro:imation of the soil"s abilit to feed the plant. #n individual test ma be untpical because of
recent leaching or depletion during the gro(ing season.
#n intensivel cultivated crop of hemp takes about DC= pounds of N per acre or si: pounds per ,!===
sIuare feet from the soil during the gro(ing season. Fhen the plants are spaced (ell apart! the crop
does not reIuire as much N.
Fields (hich have more than D== lbs of available N per acre (or +.C lbs per ,!=== sI.ft.) at the start of the
gro(ing season reIuire no additional fertilisation. 0oils (ith less available N (ill probabl ield a larger
crop if the are given additional N. #ctuall! the amount of N that can profitabl be used depends on the
soil and its potential to produce N as (ell as on other factors: ho( fast N is lost! the soil depth! and
moisture content.
One (a to calculate the amount of N to add to the soil is to build our soil to an HidealH level. For
e:ample! an @o(a silt loam ma test about ,.. pounds of N per ,!=== sI.ft. and an organic content of /
percent. Together! the available and potential N total about /.D lbs per ,!=== sI.ft. To increase the
available N to +.C per ,!=== sp.ft.! ou (ould need to add ,./ lbs of N.
' is an important nutrient (hich is used directl b the soil bacteria as (ell as b the plant! so that an
increase in the amount of ' in the soil often results in an increase of N. 4ecause of '"s lo( solubilit! it is
rarel leached from the soil. @t is usuall found in the greatest concentration in the soil"s top laers! (here
it accumulates as a result of decomposition of organic matter.
@n slightl acid organic soil! up to one percent of the total ' is available at an time. The total amounts of
' in soils range from ,!=== to ,=!=== lbs per acre. For e:ample! a tpical Mansas prairie soil has /!===
lbs per acre. @n soils (ith a lo(er p9! more of the ' is tied up in insoluble compounds of iron or
aluminium. @n highl alkaline soils! the ' forms insoluble compounds (ith calcium.
@nsoluble ' reacts (ith the dilute acids that are released during decomposition of organic matter. These
compounds are available to the plants. 4oth the chemical processes in (hich ' is released and the
organic processes of decomposition occur faster in (arm soils.
@f ' is available! oung plants absorb it rapidl! and ma take in C= percent of their lifetime intake b the
time the are onl DC percent of their adult siEe. Noung plants gro(n outdoors in cold (eather ma gro(
slo(l until the soil (arms up and more ' is available. Older plants gro(n out of season in cold (eather
sometimes e:hibit purple leaves. This condition ma result from a ' deficienc! because of the
unavailabilit of ' at lo( temperatures.
<ost soil-test kits test available '! but the nutrient value of ' is usuall e:pressed as phosphoric acid
('DOC)! (hich is converted using the formulas ' O D./ W ('DOC)!('DOC) divided b D./ W '. #n soil that
has available ' of DC lbs per acre (=.C8 lbs per ,!=== sI.ft.) or more is (ell-supplied (ith '. 0tated in
terms of phosphoric acid! this is DC O D./ W CB.C lbs per acre (,.// lbs per ,!=== sI.ft.).
<ost ine:pensive soil kits test available '. 0oil that test less than , ''< or ,=.B lbs per acre (=.DC lbs per
,!=== sI.ft.) of available ' should be tested to make sure there are adeIuate reserves! or can be fertilised
to assure ma:imum ield. 0oil-test kits give onl a fair indication of the ' available. # lo( reading ma
indicate the plants are absorbing ' as fast as it breaks do(n from its unavailable form! especiall during
earl gro(thR The main factors affecting the rate at (hich ' becomes available are the total amount of
reserve ' in the soil and the p9.
<ost professional soil analses include a report of reserve '. 3enerall soils (ith reserve ' of /!=== lbs
per acre (B= lbs per ,!=== sI.ft.) do not need additional '. @ntensivel cultivated and cropped fields ma
have had their reserve suppl depleted! and (ill lock up available ' that is supplied as fertiliser until a
balance is reached.
M is found in adeIuate Iuantities in most soils (hich have a p9 (ithin the range needed for gro(ing
mari)uana. M is held in soils in three forms: unavailable! fi:ed! and readil available. <ost M is held in the
unavailable form as part of the minerals feldspar and mica. 4ut a small percentage of the total M in an
soil is held in fi:ed! slightl soluble forms. 0ome of these can be absorbed and used directl b the plant.
The e:changeable M is eIual to a fraction of the fi:ed M. Each soil maintains a balance or ratio of
unavailable to fi:ed and to e:changeable forms. Organic soils have a higher percentage of M in the fi:ed
or available form than mineral soils. #s M is used b the plants! some of the unavailable M goes into the
more available forms. 'lants can use M in both the soluble and the fi:ed forms.
<ost clas and soils that are (ell-limed have adeIuate reserves of M. #cidic soils generall have lo( M
reserves. <ucks! silts! and peats have lo( reserves of M! and have little capacit to hold it chemicall
(hen it is applied. 0ands have M reserves! but little capacit to convert it to a fi:ed or available form. <ost
(estern soils have adeIuate reserves or M. The e:changeable M in soils becomes fi:ed if the soil dries
outK so the available M of a recentl dried soil is usuall lo(.
M is tested in its elementar state! but (hen described as a nutrient! it is given as potash (MDO). The
formulas for converting are M O ,.D T (MDO)!(MDO) divided b ,.D T M. 0oils (ith ,8= lbs or more of
available potash per acre (+ lbs per ,!=== sp.ft.) have an adeIuate suppl. The total reserve M should test
no lo(er than -== lbs per acre (D, lbs per ,!=== sI. ft.).
T$e Se#ondary Nutrients
<agnesium (<g)! calcium ($a)! and sulfur (0) are usuall found in adeIuate Iuantities in soils suitable for
gro(ing mari)uana. 9o(ever! some Ne( England soils do have <g deficiencies. 0oils (hich have a
neutral or near-neutral p9 almost al(as have adeIuate $a and sulfur levels.
<agnesium deficiencies are corrected b adding C= to ,== lbs of <g per acre (D.DC lbs per ,!=== sI.ft.).
The most ine:pensive (a to add <g is to use a dolomitic limestone for ad)usting soil p9. 5olomitic
limestone is about ,D percent <g (see Table D,)K so 8== lbs of it are needed to suppl ,== lbs of <g.
5olomitic limestone releases <g to the soil graduall. For faster action! epsom salts (magnesium sulfate!
<g0O+) can be used. Five hundred lbs of epsom salts are reIuired to suppl soil (ith ,== lbs of <g. <g
deficiencies can also be corrected b using foliar spras. 5issolve one ounce of epsom salts in a gallon of
(ater and spra all foliage.
{.i'ture The relationship between soil p: and relative plant nutrient
availability! The wider the bar( the $ore the availability! This 'hart is
0or soil types re'o$$ended in this book!!
{7itrogen % p: o0 >!E to @
.hosphorus % >! to ?!
.otassiu$ % >! to 9
#ul0ur % > to 9
)al'iu$ % >!? to @!
Magnesiu$ % >! to @!
4ron % PC to >
Manganese % C!? to >!
Boron % to ? or 9
)opper and Bin' % to ?
Molybdenu$ % ?33
<icronutrients are used b plants in minute Iuantities! and most soils contain enough of them to meet
plant reIuirements. 9ome gardeners and guerilla farmers seldom encounter an micronutrient
deficiencies. 4ut heavil cropped lands sometimes develop a deficienc of one or more micronutrients
because of crop depletion. <icronutrients are made available to the plants onl if there is a delicate
balance in the soil chemistr! and it is eas to create to:ic conditions b adding them to soil (hen the are
not needed. For that reason! soils should be treated (ith micronutrients onl (hen smptoms occur or
(hen the deficienc is kno(n b analsis or past e:perience. Onl small Iuantities of additives are
reIuired for treatment. <anures! composts! other organic fertilisers! lime! rock po(ders! and ash contain
large Iuantities of trace elements. #ctive organic additives Iuickl release micronutrients in a form that is
available to the plants.
4oron deficiencies in mari)uana occur in acid soils as a result of depletion b heaving cropping. The areas
most affected b it are vegetable fields in the mid-#tlantic states! alfalfa and clover fields east of the
<ississippi! and truck farms and orchards in the North(est. 4oron is found in phosphate fertilisers!
gpsum! and lime! and is the main ingredient of boric acid and bora:. Fhen bora: or boric acid are used!
the are applied at the rate ,= to D= lbs per acre. The are used as a foliar spra at the rate of , ounce
per gallon of (ater.
$hlorine deficienc does not normall occur. 0ome chemical fertilisers contain chlorine! and to:ic
conditions occur infreIuentl. To:ic chlorine conditions are eliminated b leaching.
$opper deficiencies occur infreIuentl in truck farms in Florida! $alifornia! and the 3reat *akes region.
Food shavings and tobacco contain large amounts of copper. # foliar spra composed of , ounce each
of calcium hdro:ide and copper sulfate (a fungicide) per gallon of (ater is used b commercial vegetable
@ron deficiencies occur in orchards (est of the <ississippi and in Florida! and in alkaline soils in (hich iron
is largel insoluble. *o(ering soil p9 often solves the problem. $helated iron! (hich is (ater-soluble! is
available at most nurseries and Iuickl supplies iron even (hen p9 is e:treme. 9umus and sea(eed are
e:cellent sources of iron.
<anganese deficiencies occur in the #tlantic states! the 3reat *akes area! ?tah! and #riEona.
<anganese is found in manure! sea(eed! and some forest leaf mould (especiall hickor and (hite oak).
<anganese deficiencies can be corrected b using a foliar spra of manganese sulfate at the rate of =.C
to ,.= oE. per gal. 0oil is sometimes treated (ith manganese sulfate at the rate of D= to ,== lbs per acre.
@n neutral or alkaline soils! most of the manganese sulfate becomes fi:ed and unavailable to the plants b
the end of the gro(ing season.
<olbdenum deficiencies occur primaril along the #tlantic and 3ulf coasts and in the 3reat *akes
region. 'lants need e:tremel small amounts of molbdenum! less than , ''< in leaf and stem tissue.
<olbdenum deficiencies occur (hen the soil is too acidic. 4 raising the p9 level! one can make
molbdenum available.
Ainc deficiencies occur in soils throughout the ?.0.! primaril because of heav cropping. @t is most likel
to occur in acid-leached sand soils! and in neutral and alkaline soils (here it is insoluble. @n soils (ith
high amounts of available '! Einc is also unavailable. <an deciduous tree leaves and t(igs! composts!
slag! and rock phosphate contain large amounts of Einc. Ainc sulfate is used as foliar spra at the rate of /
oE. of Einc sulfate per gallon of (ater! or as a soil treatment at the rate of ,== lbs per acre. 0ome orchard
gro(ers drive galvanised nails into the trees to provide Einc.
13.0 .er!i&isers
<ost soils can benefit from a realistic soil-conditioning program. <ost organic programs build soil! and
minimise leaching and runoff. 'rograms using chemical fertilisers emphasise immediate increase in ield
and a minimum of labor. The approach that ou use should be tailored to the soil"s needs and to our
situation and goals. For e:ample! a home gardener interested in building soil Iualit can easil add
manure or compost to his garden. 4ut a guerilla farmer ma use concentrated chemical fertilisers! (hich
are eas to transport to a remote area. # farmer cannot use the labor-intensive techniIues (hich a small
planter might use as a hobb. <an gardeners use both organic and inorganic fertilisers.
Organi# Fertilisers
Organic fertilisers are usuall less concentrated than chemical mi:es. Their bulk consists of fibrous
materials (hich condition the soil b aiding drainage and increasing the organic content and (ater-
holding capacit. #s the are decomposed b microbial action! the nutrients the contain are released in
soluble form. 0ince this is a gradual process! there is little chance of creating to:ic conditions.
<anures and composts are basic! all-purpose conditioners. The contain adeIuate amounts of most of
the nutrients that mari)uana absorbs from the soil and can be used generousl. ?ncomposted manures
are HactiveH and should be used onl in the fall. Over the (inter the compost in the ground. $omposts
and composted manures can be added in the spring. Table DD lists some common organic fertilisers
(hich are usuall available. 0ome of them! such as bone meal and granite dust! break do(n slo(l and
are available onl after a period of time. Others are lo( or lacking in one or more of the ma)or nutrients.
Organic fertilisers can be combined to provide a complete balance.
C$e&i#al Fertilisers
<ost chemical fertilisers act Iuickl because all the nutrients are in soluble form. The are usuall more
concentrated than organic fertilisers! and can to:if the soil and kill the plants (hen the are overused.
Fertilisers come in various concentrations and ratios of nutrients. #ll packaged fertilisers list the
percentages of N-'-M (actuall n-('DOC)-(MDO)). #lso listed is the potential acidit or alkalinit! that is! the
number of pounds of lime or sulfur reIuired to counteract p9 changes caused b the fertilisers. $hemical
fertilisers are often incompatible (ith each otherK so home gardeners (ho use them should bu them pre-
mi:ed or as a complete component fertiliser set.
0olubilit is a ma)or problem (ith commercial fertilisers. @n irrigated areas as (ell as areas (ith rainfall
during the gro(ing season! the are likel to be leached a(aK so the must often be applied several
times during the gro(ing season. # tpical program might be to fertilise at planting and ever si: (eeks
thereafter until the beginning of flo(ering. Fhen spreading fertilisers during the gro(ing season! do not
let them come into direct contact (ith the roots. #n eas (a to fertilise during the gro(ing season is to
make a small trough bet(een ro(s (ith the corner of a hoe. Fertiliser is placed in the depression. 0ome
ne( chemical formulas release nutrients during the length of the gro(ing season! and therefore need onl
one application.
(&ounts to .se
The amounts of nutrient needed per acre and per ,!=== sI.ft. are sho(n in Table D/. 0oils rich in one
nutrient ma be average or deficient in another. To calculate the reIuired amount of a specific fertiliser!
divide the amount of nutrient reIuired as listed in the chart b the percentage of nutrient in the fertiliser.
For instance! to add C lbs of N to an area b using bloodmeal! divide C.== b =.,C. The total comes to a
little more than // lbs. 5ried co( manure contains about ,.C percent N. #bout /// pounds of it are
needed to suppl C lbs of N. ?rea! a chemical fertiliser! contains +. percent N. Onl ,, pounds are
reIuired to suppl C lbs of N.
Planning a Garden Fertiliser Progra&
No( let"s plan some garden fertilisation programs! to help some cultivators in three areas (hich have
different soils and climates: Ne( England! Mansas! and Florida. Fe"ll see ho( gro(ers (ith different
goals ad)ust their garden soil.
New England
<ost Ne( England soils! and man soils in humid temperate areas! have a thick laer of humus (hich
supplies N. Ne( England soils also contain moderate amounts of '! but the are lo( in M.
Our first gardener has a tpical Ne( England soil in his backard. From tests and observation he thinks
his soil contains moderate amounts of N and '! but is lo( in M. # test indicated a p9 of C.8. 9e plans to
start preparing his ten-foot-sIuare plot (,== sI.ft.) in the fall! before frost. 4 planting time! he e:pects his
backard garden to have a p9 of ..B and a balanced! fertile soil.
From Figure C- he finds that the soil reIuires about 8., lbs of lime. 9e has decided to ad)ust the p9 b
using dolomitic limestone ((ith a calcium carbonate eIuivalent of =.+C) because farmers in the area
sometimes complain of <g deficiencies. 5ividing 8., b =.+C! he finds that the soil reIuires ,8 lbs of
limestone. (*ime reIuirements divided b calcium carbonate eIuivalent eIuals the amount of limestone
9e guesstimates that the N content of his soil rates bet(een fair and medium! and figures the soil can use
almost =.D lbs of N. 9e has decided to spread fresh manure from a nearb stable mi:ed (ith lime. @n the
spring he (ill turn this into the soilK at the same time! he (ill add manure composted (ith ha and table
scraps. The fresh horse manure contains about =.++ percent N. To find out ho( much manure he needs!
he divides =.D (the amount of N reIuired) b =.==++. The total comes to about +C.C lbs. (Nutrient reIuired
divided b percentage in fertiliser eIuals amount of fertiliser needed.) The manure also contains =.,B
percent phosphoric acid ('DOC) and =./C percent potash (MDO)! referred to hereafter in this chapter as '
and M! respectivel. <ultipling =.,B percent (=.==,B) and =./C percent (=.==/C) b .. lbs! he finds that
he has added =.,, lbs of ' and =.D/ lbs of M. (*bs of fertiliser times percentage of nutrient in fertiliser
eIuals amount of nutrient in fertiliser.)
$hemical fertilisers usuall suppl ' in the form of superphosphate or triple
superphosphate. These chemicals are manufactured b mi:ing rock phosphate (ith
acids. 'otassium is supplied b means or muriate of potassium (M and chlorine) or
sulfate or potash! (hich are mined in the 0outh(est and purified. #ll these chemicals are
soluble and are available to the plant. 4ut a portion of them graduall reacts (ith the soil
and becomes fi:ed or unavailable. #s this portion becomes unavailable! it increases the
total reserve in the soil! (hich reaches a ne( balance of available to unavailable nutrients
than before fertilisation.
4one meals and rock phosphate! the most commonl used organic sources of '! and
granite dust! a source of M! are not readil available! but increase the total reserve of
nutrients and graduall increase the total amount of available nutrients. 9o(ever! there is
some time lag before these nutrients are available to the plant. The are usuall applied
in large amounts! at about three times the (eight calculated for fertilisers of that
concentration. 4ut one treatment lasts four ears or more! because the fertilisers remain
fi:ed in the ground until the are used. %Table D+&
From Table D/ he finds that the soil reIuires about five ounces of '. 9o( man ounces of ' is =.,, lbsG
9e multiplies =.,, b ,.! the number of ounces in a pound! and finds that the total is about ,.BC ounces.
The soil reIuires another /.DC ounces. 4one meal is about D= percent '. To suppl three ounces of '!
about a pound of bone meal is reIuired. 4ut bone meal breaks do(n slo(l! and is therefore applied at
three times the rate used for other fertilisersK so our cultivator uses / lbs.
0ince the M content of this Ne( England soil is poor! about =./ lbs of M is reIuired. The manure has
alread supplied =.D lbsK so the soil reIuires another =., lb. Our cultivator decides to use (ood ashes
from his fireplace. Food ashes are about B.= percent M. 9e divides =., b B percent (=.=B) and finds that
the soil can use at least ,.+ lbs of ashes. 9e adds this in the spring )ust before planting! because the
ashes are highl soluble. Over the (inter! such highl soluble nutrients (ould leach a(a or become
Our gro(er kno(s that some of the N in the fresh manure that (as added in the fall (ill leach a(a during
the (inter. 4ut the manure compost that he adds in the spring (ill more than make up for an losses.
# Ne( England farmer not for from the cultivator has been rotating his field from corn and mari)uana to
alfalfa and pasture for the past ten ears. Each fall he adds B tons of manure per acre. E:cept for
occasional additions of lime! no other fertilisation is necessar.
# rural Ne( England gro(er has decided to plant in a remote mi:ed-forest area. The first ,= inches of soil
is a rich compost of humus. @t is full of life: insects! (orms! and other creatures. The gro(er has decided
to increase the fertilit of the soil b using chemical mi:es and dolomitic lime. 9e is cultivating in three
clearings (ith a total area of about ,!=== sI.ft. 9e guesstimates that the soil is medium in N and '! but
poor in M. @t is also acid. 9e applied enough lime to correct the soil"s natural acidit and the p9 of the
?sing Table D/! he decides that he should purchase a mi: (ith a ratio of C= parts of N! ,= parts of '
(reading from the medium line)! and ,D= parts of M (from the poor line)! that is! a ratio of C-,-,D. # local
nurser sells commercial fertiliser (ith nutrient percentages of ,=-C-DC! close enough to the desired ratio.
4 taking the total amount of N reIuired for a medium soil as listed in Table D/ (,- ounces)! and dividing
it b the N in the fertiliser (,= percent or =.,=)! the rural gro(er finds the total amount of fertiliser reIuired
(,-= ounces! or a little less than ,D lbs). The other nutrients are automaticall added in the same ratio.
Mansas: # cultivator in Mansas decides to plant along a hidden stream bank. The banks are covered (ith
lush vegetation as a result of runoff that contains soluble fertilisers used on nearb farms. The cultivator
feels that additional fertilisers are not necessar! since the vegetation is so lush.
#nother gro(er in Mansas found that her soil (as ver lo( in N and '! but high in M! tpical of dr
mid(estern and (estern soils that support scrub vegetation. @t had a nearl ideal p9. 0he started to
prepare her D== sI.ft. garden in the spring after the rain season ended. ?sing Table D/! she found that it
reIuired /.C lbs of N! . ounces of '! and no M. #ctivated sludge (C-/-=) (as available at the local garden
centre. To find out ho( much sludge her garden reIuired! divide /.C b C percent (or =.=C). The total
comes to B= lbs.
Florida: # gro(er planting C== sI.ft. on a deserted ranch in central Florida started (ith a ver sand soil
(hose p9 (as +.- because of sulphurous (ater in the ground. From Figure C-! she found that the soil
reIuired about /C lbs of lime. To ad)ust the p9! she used ,+.= lbs of a limestone (ith a calcium carbonate
eIuivalent of D.C.
The soil had virtuall no organic matter! and she (as not sure she could use the same location ne:t earK
so she decided to appl soluble mi:es throughout the gro(ing season. From Table D/! she found that
HpoorH reIuired D8 ounces of N! + ounces of '! and D+ ounces of M. # chemical fertiliser (ith nutrient
percentages of ,C-C-,= (as on sale at a local discount store. To find out ho( much fertiliser is needed to
suppl D8 ounces of N! divide D8 b ,C percent (or =.,C)K the result is about ,8. ounces of N! or about
,,.C pounds. 0ince the other nutrients are supplied at the same proportions or at higher proportions than
are reIuired! no supplements are needed at planting time. 4ut additional feedings (ill be reIuired
periodicall during the gro(ing season.
13.4 Tec#ni6(es )or 'reparin$ Soi&s
Each garden situation is uniIue! and man factors help determine (hich garden techniIues ou should
use. These include the soil"s condition! the siEe and location of the garden! commitment! and personal
preferences. Each techniIue affects the microecolog in its o(n (a. 9ome gardeners ma use
techniIues that are impractical for a farmer or guerilla planter. 4ut all gro(ers have the same goal (hen
the prepare soil for planting: to create a soil environment conducive to gro(ing a health! vigorous plant.
4OS 3 Fertilising $annabis 5epends on the $rop
9istoricall! $annabis is kno(n to reIuire high fertilit. @n a fertile soil! $annabis can
outgro( practicall an annual plant. $annabis also is a kno(n depleter of soils. This is
true particularl (ith mari)uana! since seeds! flo(ers! and leaves comprise the harvest.
9ence it"s necessar to fertilise the plants each ear. 9emp! on the other hand! comes
from the $annabis stem! and the fibre consists primaril of cellulose ($.9,=OC)n. Fhen
hemp is gro(n! all plant parts e:cept the fibre are returned to the soilK so the nutrients are
also returned. <oderate fertilisation! if an! is all that"s reIuired for hemp farmers.
@f ou are alread gro(ing a vegetable garden! the chances are that our soil is in prett good shape for
gro(ing mari)uana. 9o(ever! vegetable gardens ma be a little acidic! particularl east of the ,==th
meridian. The soil should be prepared in much the same (a that it is prepared for corn cultivation! (ith
the addition of lime to raise the p9 to near neutral.
3ardens (hich ma not have been planted recentl (in the last three or four ears) reIuire more (ork. @t
is best to begin preparing the soil in the fall! before the first frost. This can be done using a spade or
shovel. The ground is lifted from a depth os si: or eight inches and turned over so that the top level! (ith
its grass and (eeds! becomes the bottom laer. *arge clumps are broken up (ith a blade or hoe. *arger
areas can be turned (ith a po(er hoer or rototiller. $onditioners! such as fresh leaves! composts!
mulching materials! p9 ad)usters! and slo(-release fertilisers are added and (orked into the soil! so that
the begin to decompose during the (inter. @t is especiall important to add these materials if the soil is
packed! muck! or cla-like. 0oluble fertilisers should not be added in the fall! since the leach to the
subsoil (ith heav rains.
@n the spring! as soon as the ground is (orkable! turn it once again. @f the soil still feels packed! add more
conditioners. @f ou are using manure or other organic materials! make sure that the are (ell
decomposed and small clean and earth. Fresh materials tie up the N in the soil (hile the cure! making
this nutrient unavailable to the plants. $ommercial fertilisers and readil soluble organics! such as blood
meal and (ood ash! are added at this time.
The ground can also be seeded (ith clover or other legumes. *egumes (alfalfa! clover! vetch! etc.) are
plants (hich form little nodules along their roots. The nodules contain bacteria (hich live in a smbiotic
relationship (ith the plant. #s part of their life processes! these bacteria absorb gaseous nitrogen from the
air and convert it into a chemical form the plant can use. 5uring its life ccle! clover uses up most of the
N! although some leaks into the surrounding soil. 4ut (hen the plant! or an of its leaves! die! the
contents become part of the soil. The process of gro(ing a cover crop and turning it into the soil is
sometimes called green manuring.
#fter the last threat of frost! at about the same time that corn is planted! the soil should be (orked into
ro(s or mounds! or be hoed. #t this time! the seeds should be planted. @f an concentrated fertiliser is
added to the soil! it should be (orked into the soil and should not come into direct contact (ith the seeds.
The actual amount of tilling that a given soil reIuires depends on soil condition. 0and soils and light
loams ma need no turning! since the are alread loose enough to permit the roots to penetrate. Turning
ma break up the soil structure! damaging its ecolog. These soils are easil fertilised! b using soluble
mi:es or b the laering techniIue described belo(. 0oils (hich are moderatel sand can be ad)usted b
HbreakingH and levered or pushed! but the soil is not raised. This is done about ever si: inches! and can
be accomplished Iuickl. Farmers can loosen sand soil b disking at five or si: inches.
0ome gardeners mulch the soil (ith a laer of leaves or other materials to protect it from (inter (inds and
(eather. This helps keep the soil (arm so that it can be (orked earlier in the spring. @n states that border
(est of the ,==th meridian! this helps prevent soil loss due to erosion from dr (inds. 0oil often drains
(ell in these areas! and the ecolog of the soil is better served (hen it is left unturned. #t season"s end!
mari)uana"s stem base and root sstem are left in the ground to help hold topsoil. The ne:t ear"s crop is
planted a cover crop! such as clover! or alfalfa! (hich holds the soil and also enriches the nitrogen suppl.
*aering is another method of cultivation. The theor behind this program is that in nature the soil is rarel
turned! but builds up! as laer after laer of compostable material falls to the ground. This material! (hich
contains man nutrients! graduall breaks do(n! creating a rich humus laer over a period of ears.
The laering method speeds up the natural process. 0ince gardens are more intensel cultivated than
(ild fields! ne( material is reIuired to replenish the soil nutrients. 3ardeners like >uth 0tout Hsheet
compost!H that is! the la do(n laers of uncomposted material and let it decompose at the same time
that it serves as a mulch. 4ut most gardeners prefer to use material (hich is alread composted. The
compost shrinks and builds the topsoil laer about an inch for ever si: inches of compost. #fter several
ears! the soil level (ill be raised considerabl! and the top laers (ill be an e:tremel rich! porous
medium (hich never needs turning. @n order to prevent a spillover of the soil! gardeners usuall construct
simple beds (using boards) to contain the garden areas.
*aering is most successfull used on porous soils! especiall sands! (hich contain little organic matter. @t
can also be used (ith cla soils. 9o(ever! e:perienced gro(ers sa that clas should be turned several
times before the techniIue is used! or the first couple of harvests (ill be small.
'lanting a cover crop such as clover (ill give the soil structure. #s more compost is added! the clover is
covered and the ne( seed planted. The clover! (ith its N-fi:ing properties! remains a permanent cover
crop. Fhen mari)uana seeds are to be planted! a planting ro( is easil tilled (ith a hoe. The clover
protects the soil from sun-baking and its resulting (ater loss! and makes it harder for (eed seeds to get
Tilling and laering are basic methods (hich are used (ith man variations. @n some (as! there almost
seem to be as man gardening techniIues as there are gardeners. For instance! one gardener bought
three cubic ards of topsoil and a cubic ard of composted steer manure. 9e mi:ed the material and filled
raised beds (ith it to a depth of ,8 inches! and had an instant high-po(er garden. #nother gro(er made
compost piles in his raised troughs during the (inter. 4 planting time! the compost (as complete and
filled (ith earth(orms. The beds became (armer earlier! and he could plant sooner.
# mid(estern gardener used mari)uana as a companion crop in much the same (a @ndians used corn. @n
bet(een the mari)uana! she planted beans and sIuash. 0he didn"t get man stringbeans and onl a fe(
sIuash. 4ut she believes that the beans gave the plants e:tra N! especiall during the first si: (eeks! and
the broad sIuash leaves protected the soil from the hot #ugust sun.
# gardener in 3eorgia had such a stick cla soil that a shovel once got stuck in it. 9e dug holes t(o feet
deep and t(o feet (ide (ith a po(er auger and filled them (ith a fertile mi: of t(o parts sand! one part
cla! three parts topsoil! and one part chicken manure. 9e claimed that his plants gre( si: feet in ,=
(eeks. Filling holes (ith a rich soil mi:ture is popular (ith guerilla farmers! (ho often must plant in poor
native soils.
<ulching is a labor-saving techniIue that man gardeners and farmers use for a multitude of reasons. #
mulch placed on the ground before fall frosts helps the soil retain heat and protects it from (inds and
freeEing temperatures. @n the spring the mulched soil becomes (armer earlier in the season! and can be
planted several (eeks sooner than usual. # mulch cover keeps the seedlings" roots (arm and eliminates
a lot of (eeding! since most (eed seedlings cannot pierce the cover.
5uring the summer! mulches keep the ground cooler and more moist b absorbing and reflecting light and
reducing surface evaporation. These are important points for farmers in dr areas. The (ater savings can
be C= percent or more.
#n plant or animal material (ill do for mulch. 3ardeners use ha or stra(! leaves! composts! manures!
sa(dust! bark! or plant clippings in t(o- to si:-inch laers. # barber in 'alo #lto uses hair. 4aled ha is
ine:pensive and eas to use as a mulch. >ound ha bales unroll in a long sheet that is eas to spread
over the ground! and sIuare bales can be pulled apart into tile-like sIuares.
<ulches create an ideal environment for earth(orms and microorganisms (hich condition and enrich the
soil. These organisms reIuire a relativel cool! moist! dark environment. The mulch develops a dr outer
crust (hich reflects light! keeping the underlaers cool and moist. <aterials such as leaves! bark! and
sa(dust deca slo(l because the do not contain enough nitrogen to maintain dense populations of
decomposing microorganisms. <anures and composts contain more nitrogen and deca more Iuickl.
Fith fe( e:ceptions! mulches can be applied practicall an time of the ear! but the best time is probabl
in the fall! after the crop is harvested and before the ground has froEen. *eaves! plant clippings! and stra(
are applied in a thick laer from si: to ten inches deep. 9a is laered t(o to si: inches deep. 5enser
substances! such as manures and composts! should be mi:ed (ith stra( and leaves to aid
decomposition. This mi:ture is spread in an even laer! about t(o to four inches deep! over the entire
surface of the garden. @f (inds pose a problem b blo(ing the mulch a(a! ou can cover it (ith
ne(spapers or sheets of plastic held do(n (ith rocks. @f our area is dr! give the mulch a good soaking
once before frosts.
4 the spring! much of the material (ill seem to have disappeared. 4ut underneath the top laer! ou (ill
find a soft-te:tured! earth-smelling humus! teeming (ith (orms! insects and other small animals. This is
a sign of a health ecosstem and a fertile soil.
0ome people appl mulch in the spring! placing it bet(een ro(s as the so( the seeds. The mulch keeps
(eeds from competing (ith the seedlings! absorbs the sun"s (armth! and releases nutrients to the soil.
@n cold areas! such as <ontana! Ne( England! and #laska! gro(ers place black plastic sheets over the
soil. These absorb the sun"s heat! allo(ing the soil to be planted sooner. The seedlings develop Iuickl in
the (armer soil. The plastic is removed once the seedlings are (ell-established.
Ne(spapers and (hite plastic can be used to decrease (ater loss during the summer. The also reflect
light back to the plants.
One innovative gro(er from (estern $olorado placed a sheet of (hite plastic over her garden and cut out
holes (herever she plant the seeds. Though it is Iuite dr (here she lives! she didn"t need to (ater the
plants until late 7ul. #nd she had no problems (ith an (eeds.
$ontainers are another option open to gro(er. 'lants can be gro(n full-siEe in containers (hich are at
least five gallons (larger (ould be better). Fill them (ith high-grade topsoil! or a plating mi:ture as
described in section .. 'lanters are a convenient compromise (here the soil is particularl poor or for the
home gardener (ho does not (ish to get into large-scale gardening. 4ut remember! eight good-siEed
plants can ield over four pounds of grass.
'lants in pots need to be (atered freIuentl! but reIuire much less total (ater than a garden. The
gardener can also move the plants. 0ome gardeners use this techniIue to ma:imise the amount of sun
the plants get during the da! or as the sun"s position changes (ith the season. #nd gro(ers can easil
induce earl flo(ering b moving the plants to a darkened area. %Figure .,. $ontainers are convenient for
outdoor gardens.&
#lmost an large container that can (ithstand the (eight of moist soil and (hich has holes for drainage is
suitable. $ontainers (hich held to:ic chemicals! herbicides! insecticides! or other possibl harmful
substances should be avoided.
Fe have seen all kinds of ingeniousl made containers. 0ome gro(ers use old bathtubs! and others use
(ooden packing crates or bushel baskets. # simple (ood container ,8 inches (ide! eight feet long! and
,8 inches deep (as made b a Ne( 7erse gro(er! (ho gre( si: plants in it. Trash cans! plastic
containers! barrels! and even rubber tres have been used. One gro(er gre( plants in one-cubic-foot
bags of soil b cutting a five-inch-diameter hole in the top and poling holes for drainage. To assure
drainage! gro(ers sometimes fill the bottom of each container (ith a si:-inch laer of stones or gravelK is
ou are planning to move such container! light(eight perlite (ould be more suitable.
13.7 %(eri&&a .ar,in$
3uerilla gro(ers often use the same techniIues as home gardeners. 4ut the soil that the start (ith is
sometimes marginal! and the gardens are in remote! hard-to-get-to areasK so the modif the techniIues
to fit their needs. Fhen it is impractical to carr bulk organic fertilisers to the gro(ing site! guerilla
farmers use highl concentrated commercial mi:es. $ompost and soil ad)usters are gathered from the
surrounding area! and the simplest! most light-(eight tools are used. 0ome gro(ers use horses or mules
to carr eIuipment and material! and then use the animal to plough. The animals are Iuiet and! naturall!
reIuire no e:ternal po(er source. E:perienced gro(ers sa that the animals can (ork as fast as or faster
than a rototiller.
@t is hard to generalise about details of guerilla farming! since much depends on the specific
circumstances! (hich can var greatl. For instance! a gro(er (ho plants along the fertile bank of a
mid(estern stream ma not need to do more than pull out (eeds and till the actual planting area. 4ut a
gro(er planting on a mountain slope ma have to Hbuild a soil!H since soil and nutrients are (ashed from
the slopes and do(n to the valles b rainfall. For this reason! (e (ill cover several situations separatel:
forestK (ashed-out steep areasK s(amps and marshesK stream banksK grasslands and fieldsK and arid
Forest Clearings
$learings in forests have al(as been popular places to plant because the offer securit from detection.
The var greatl in drainage Iualities! fertilit! and p9. The drainage Iualities of forest soils depend on
the depth of the humus laer and the structure of the underling subsoil. 4ut most of the forest remaining
in the ?.0. is sloped! and (ater that is not absorbed b the soil runs off.
0oils are created in forests from the leaves! branches! animal droppings! etc.! (hich accumulate on the
forest floor. The first trees to gro( are long-leaf pines! such as )ack pines! (hich can gro( in relativel
infertile soils. Their roots penetrate deep into the subsoil to obtain some nutrients. 0hort-leaf pines!
conifers! and firs appear as the humus accumulates! since the reIuire a more fertile soil than long-leaf
pines. 'ine-forest soils var in fertilit from poor to fair! and are usuall Iuite acidic. @n the Northeast their
p9 ma be as lo( as /.C! but generall the p9 ranges from C.= to ..=. @n order to support a high-energ!
lime loving crop like mari)uana! the reIuire fertilisation and liming. *ong-leaf pines sometimes gro( in
compacted cla soils! (hich also reIuires tilling.
#s the soil evolves! deciduous trees (tree that drop their leaves each (inter)! such as oak and maple!
ma begin to gro(. 5eciduous forests! sometimes called broad-leaf or hard(ood forests! have the best
soils. These forest floors are covered (ith bushes! grasses! mosses! and other small plants. The have
an adeIuate rainfall and a humus-rich soil! (hich is porous! holds (ater (ell! and can support a health
mari)uana crop! although additions of nitrogen fertilisers (ould probabl spur gro(th. 9ard(ood forest
soils have a p9 range from ..= to B.C. The soil in timbered forest land has a much smaller humus content!
especiall if it has been clearcut.
<ountain 0oils and Fashed-Out 0teep #reas
<ountain slops characteristicall have little soil matterK their surface is composed largel of rocks! gravel!
and sand. For longterm use the could be terraced so the ne(l formed soil in not (ashed a(a! but
most gro(ers are interested in more immediate results. These HsoilsH do not provide much of an anchor
for mari)uana"s taproot and do not permit a net(ork of lateral roots to form. <an of these soils also suffer
from a lo( (ater table! since the drain rapidl. 4ut there ma be some sand and a bit of organic matter
built up along gullies or in depressions or other natural traps. 0uch soil has usuall had most of its
nutrients leached out! but ma contain some phosphates and potassium and considerable amounts of
trace elements. The easiest (a to ad)ust these soils is to use a (ell-balanced! slo(-release!
concentrated fertiliser. 4loodmeal! (ith its high N! (orks (ell (ith these soils.
One gro(er in the badlands of North 5akota used a timed-release /D---D. fertiliser in his Hrock garden.H
9e spread it )ust belo( the surface at the beginning of the gro(ing season. Ever time that it rained! his
plants received nutrient-rich (ater. To(ard the middle of the season! he noticed the lo(er leaves begin to
pale! so he fertilised them periodicall (ith urea. 9eav rains leach soluble fertilisers a(a! and in rain
areas the need to be applied three to four times during gro(th.
$ontainers can also be used in this environment. 3ro(ers use plastic bags or folded milk cartons instead
of backpacking (ith a column of containers. Fhen the get to the site! the fill the bags (ith a mi:ture of
sand! as much as the can find! and gravel. The greater the ratio of sand to gravel! the longer the
container (ill hold (ater.
One gro(er doublelaers heav-dut polethlene bags! and lines them (ith heav-dut paper cement
sacks or burlap bags. 9e fills the bag (ith gravel! then pours in sand and shakes it. 9e sas that the mi:
is )ust about right (hen it looks like a can filled (ith gravel (ith sand in the spaces. 9e carries on a
(atering and feeding program much as he (ould for an hdroponic sstem.
Swa&ps, ,ars$es, or Bogs
These soils are ver high in fibrous organic material! but are lo( in calcium and in available N! '! M! and
<g! (hich are leached from the soil or are insoluble because of the lo( soil p9. 0ince these soils are
constantl (et! $annabis roots cannot come in contact (ith airK as a result! the plant"s gro(th is stunted!
and the lo(er stem becomes susceptible to stem rot. These soils need to be ad)usted to support a health
crop of mari)uanaK the must be drained! fertilised! and limed. On a small scale! the easiest (a to modif
them is b constructing raised mounds! hills! or ro(s! at least one foot (ide at the top and t(o feet high.
The raised areas drain (ell! leaving relativel dr soil. Food chips! chopped brush! sa(dust! or perlite
ma be added to keep the mound light and the soil loose and aerated.
Fet soils are usuall highl acid and should be limed. Once the lime interacts (ith the soil! nutrients
(hich (ere locked up become available to the plants. 0ince these soils are rich in organic matter and
have a high rate of microbial action after the are loosened and limes! the ma need little fertilisation.
Grasslands and Fields
These soils are usuall fairl fertile and can support a (orth(hile crop (ith little effort. The are usuall
(ell-drained! although the ma be a little too dr or too (et. (@f the have unusuall large numbers of
earth(orms! the are probabl a little too (et.) Their p9 is usuall bet(een C.C and ..C! although it ma
range up to B.=. These soils are usuall loams! (hich need onl tilling in a t(o-foot radius! three or four
inches deep! around each plant. #ll (eeds and grass should be pulled from the area. 0ome gro(ers
mulch the cultivated area (ith ne(spapers! leaves! or dead grass. # gro(er in the <id(est adds crushed
eggshells and a commercial timed-release fertiliser (hen he plants. 9e feels that this He:tra boostH makes
the difference bet(een an adeIuate crop and a bountiful crop. Other gro(ers periodicall fertilise (ith
soluble mi:es. 0ome of these soils have to be irrigates during the long summer droughts. @f the aren"t!
the plants (on"t die! but the (ill not gro( to full siEe.
Strea& Ban;s and Canal Dit#$es
These are some of the most convenient areas for gro(ers to plant! since the provide an ample suppl of
(ater! (hich ma contain fertiliser runoff. 0tream banks are an area that mari)uana naturall colonises!
and the planter usuall needs onl to cultivate the area to be so(n! and cut surrounding bush so that the
oung plants can compete (ith established plants. @t the surrounding vegetation looks pale and stunted
rather than lush green and vigorous! the soil should be fertilised. These soils are sometimes lo( in
calcium! (hich dissolves readil in (ater. *ime should be added to correct for acidit.
0ometimes the ground is a little too (et earl in the gro(ing season! although it dries out later on.
'lanting on hills or mounds is often used to solve this problem.
(rid (reas
0oils (hich have a lo( (ater table and dr out b 7une or 7ul need to be irrigated to gro( mari)uana
successfull. Fhen irrigation is not feasible! gro(ers plant along drainage ditches! streams! and canals!
or look for green spots (hich indicate springs or underground reservoirs. Other gro(ers use containers to
minimise (ater loss. One gro(er in #riEona dug holes t(o feet (ide and three feet deep! and lined the
sides (ith thin polethlene. 9e said that (hen he (atered during the summer drought! he did not lose
much (ater to the surrounding soil.
#rid soils usuall have little organic matter! and drain Iuickl (ith e:tensive runoff. 0ome of them have a
subsurface laer of cla! and therefore hold (ater on the surface until it evaporates. @n an case their
te:ture can be improved greatl b (orking in organic matter. The soil should be loosened at least t(o
feet do(n. This loosening allo(s the taproot to develop deepl so that it can reach underground (ater
during the drought.
#rid soils more often drain (ell! are alkaline! and contain '! M! and trace elements! but are lo( in N. Fish
meal! cottonseed meal! blood meal! or manure ma be the onl additive the soil needs.
C$apter 96
#fter the soil is ad)usted! ou are read to prepare it for planting the seed. 0o(ing is an important
process! since the post-germination or seedling stage is the most critical for $annabis. Nou can increase
the seedlings" chance of survival b so(ing the seeds properl.
14.2 /#en !o '&an!
<ost hemp-gro(ing manuals advise that the seeds should be planted about t(o (eeks after the last
threat of frost! (hich is the same time that corn is planted. #s a rule of thumb! ou need not plant until this
time in areas that have a gro(ing season of five months or more. These areas include most of the ?nited
0tates! e:cept for Aone One (see Figure .D) and mountainous areas of the countr.
3ro(ers in northern areas report that plant have survived light evening frosts (ith little or no damage. Fe
think of mari)uana as a tropical plant! e:periencing no chills in its native climes. 4ut the mountainous
areas of mari)uana cultivation in <e:ico and $olombia often have frosts during the gro(ing season. One
gro(er! describing spring (#pril) conditions in Nebraska! reported Hplants (from tropical seed) three and
four inches tall (ere covered (ith sno( in the evening. 4 midafternoon all the sno( had melted! and
those little sprouts (ere health as could be.H
Earl-season sprouts do face more risks than later-germinating plants do. # lingering freeEe or chill can
(eaken or kill them. 0ometimes seeds or seedlings get (ashed a(a be heav rains or flooding! or
become infected from (et soil. The are also pre to hungr herbivores! (ho savour the tender oung
shoots! especiall in the earl spring! before the native plants have sprouted. These predators include
rabbits! groundhogs! rats! mice! and possibl sIuirrels and cats! as (ell as large animals! such as deer!
cattle! and sheep. 4irds freIuentl eat the seeds and oung shoots! especiall if the ground looks planted.
0nails and insects! such as cut(orms and leafhoppers! also eat seedlings. 5on"t let this impressive list of
dangers dim our enthusiasm. #lthough these problems do occur! the can be controlled or prevented
(ith a little but of planning (see section ,.). %Figure .D. #verage date of last e:pected spring frost for ?0.&
#s ou can see in the 0pring Tha( map (Figure .D)! the last date of e:pected frost varies from earl
Februar in parts of Florida! *ouisiana! Te:as! $alifornia! and Nevada to mid-7une in the coldest regions
of Ne( England and the <id(est. 'lanting time varies locall! as (ell as regionall. Fields (hich receive
direct sun (arm faster than partiall shaded ones. Fields covered (ith a laer of compost or fresh
manure! or (ith black plastic sheets! retain more heat and are read to plant sooner than other fields.
<ountainous areas often var considerabl in planting time. 9igher ground usuall stas cold longer than
lo(-ling areas. 0ince soil is dark! it heats Iuickl (hen e:posed to sunlight. 0oil is usuall (armer in the
late afternoon.
The time that the soil (arms also depends on the (eather. 5uring severe (inters! a deeper laer of soil
becomes froEen than during mild (intersK so it (ill take longer to tha(. 0oil belo( this laer is insulated b
the ice and remains unfroEen. 0pring (eather! rainfall! flooding! and cloud cover also affect the soil"s
#ctuall! the onl (a to kno( (hether or not a field is read to plant is to feel it and look at it. E:amine
the soil in earl morning. @t should be eas to (ork! rather than hardened from ice. There should be no
large froEen clods of soil or other organic matter. There should also be no fine crstalline ice particles
(hich glimmer in sunlight.
For fall harvest! so( outdoors after <arch D,! the first da of spring and the turn of the EIuino:! (hen
there are eIual lengths of sun-up and sun-do(n. There are an additional D= to /= minutes of light before
da(n and after sunset! for a total of ,/ hours of dalight. Fhen plants are started earlier! the ma flo(er
prematurel because of the short das. The plants ma also be sub)ect to se: reversal! and more males
ma develop.
There is little advantage to starting $annabis before #pril. Each plant has a certain geneticall defined
potential for gro(th and siEe. #s long as the plants have enough time to gro( and develop! usuall five or
si: months! this potential is realised (some $olombian and #sian varieties ma need longer to develop).
'lants started before spring gro( no larger in siEe than plants started during #pril. The ounger plants are
virtuall indistinguishable from the older ones b harvest! and plants (hich are started earlier face more
risks of detection and destruction. %Figure ./. #verage date of earliest e:pected fall frosts for the ?0.
@nformation about #ustralia can be found in an #tlas.&
9o(ever! if ou are faced (ith a short gro(ing season! ou can get a head start b germinating the seeds
a (eek to si: (eeks before the local planting time! and transplanting the seedlings outdoors at about the
same time seeds (ould be planted in our area. Nou can also hasten planting time b covering the area
to be so(n or planted (ith a clear (or black) plastic sheet! (hich (ill (arm the ground b the greenhouse
14.3 'reparin$ !o So5
3ro(ers sue three basic techniIues to so( mari)uana: ro(s! hills! and broadcast. Each method is suitable
(ithin a certain range of conditions and has its o(n advantages and disadvantages.
>o(s are convenient to use! especiall for large areas. The are constructed easil using a ho(! plough!
or tiller.
>o(s facilitate the care of gardens and fields b setting up an organised space in (hich the plants and
surrounding area can be reached easil b the gardener. Feeding! (atering! thinning! pruning! and
harvesting can be accomplished ver Iuickl. *arger fields are planted in roes to accommodate ploughs!
planters! and cultivators. The are essential (hen fields are flood-irrigated. Furthermore! the provide a
(a to use space in the most efficient possible manner. 4ut ro(s make detection easier! since the have
an orderliness that plants do not e:hibit in nature.
On sloping and hill ground ro(s are a ma)or factor in soil conservation: such soil is easil carried a(a in
(indstorms and in the runoff after rain. For this reason! ro(s on hill and sloping ground are contoured:
curved to run perpendicular to the slope.
0pace ro(s t(o to si: feet apartK plant seeds ever four to eight inches ((@n an description of planting
(hich (e give! (e refer to ,== percent viable seeds. @n this case! for e:ample! if seeds are tested (see
section /) and have a viabilit of C= percent! so( the seeds t(o to four inches apart. @f the have a
viabilit of // percent! so( them one to t(o inches apart.)) (0ee 4o: 9.)
To construct a ro(! break up an large clods on the surface of the soil. @n a garden-siEe area this is easil
done b striking them (ith the tongs of a rake. @n larger areas a tiller or e:ternall po(ered cultivator can
be used. Then level the soil.
@f ou need to irrigate or have problems (ith e:cessive moisture! use a hoe to raise the soil in alternate
ro(s of hills and trenches. 'at the crests of the hills (ith the hoe or a shovel so that the are an inch or
(ider at the top! and four to eight inches high than the trenches.
BO= H Plant Si>e and Spa#ing
'lants var tremendousl in siEe and branching habits because of man factors! including variet! soil
fertilit! length of gro(ing season! amount of light received b the plant! (ater! spacing! and pruning. #s a
result! one can have no firm rule about ho( far apart plants should be spaced.
#n individual full-gro(n plant ma have a diameter at its base as (ide as ten feet or as small as ,8
inches. <ost conical-shaped varieties ($olombian and 7amaican) gro( bet(een seven and ,D feet tall!
and have a (idth bet(een four and si: feet. <e:ican plants are some(hat taller and thinner! (ith a base
diameter of three to five feet. 0ome e:otic @ndian! $entral #sian! and $entral #frican plants ma have a
diameter onl one or t(o feet across. The descriptions are generalisationsK there are man varieties
(ithin each countr! and much variation (ithin each variet.
'runed plants have a much (ider base than unpruned ones. 'lants pruned at the fourth internode and
again a month later sometimes gro( t(ice as (ide as an unpruned plant.
@n order to catch as much sun as possible! ro(s should be orientated along a north-south a:is!
perpendicular to the course of the sun. The advantage of lush ro(s is more pronounced in southern than
northern latitudes! but the solar-energ differential in north-south versus east-(est ro(s is significant at all
latitudes in the ?nited 0tates! and becomes more important on steep slops. #nother factor is the
orientation of the garden as a (hole. 'lants so(n in a sIuare plot (hose sides point northeast and
southeast get about ,= percent more light than ones in a plot (hose sides point due north and due east.
9ills and mounds are especiall convenient for small plots. *o( hills are often camouflaged to look like
natural or (ild stands! and are ver useful in areas in (hich the land is too (et in the spring! because the
hills drain above the ground level. The are easil adapted to meet unusual reIuirements. For e:ample! a
gro(er in Ne( <e:ico planted a doughnut-shaped hill eight feet in diameter and t(o feet thick! leaving a
centre hole four feet in diameter. 9e placed a portable plastic tub in the hole after punching pinholes
around the edges. To (ater he )ust filled the tub. @n the s(amp Everglades! t(o industrious farmers
constructed a giant hill-ro( three feet thick and three feet high. The hill had such a good drainage that it
kept the plant roots (ell-drained even during the rain season.
9ills are usuall constructed bet(een t(o and five feet in diameter. 0mall hills are usuall planted (ith ,C
to D= seeds! and large ones ma be so(n (ith as man as a hundred. The hills are spaced three to ,=
feet apart! so that each groups of plants gets a ma:imum amount of light. 9ills can gro( more than ou
(ould at first suspect. For instance! if ou (ere to gro( a hill three b three feet! ou could harvest si: to
nine large plants. Their foliage (ould e:tend t(o and a half feet beond the hill! for a total of about thirt
sIuare feet of foliage space.
Broad#ast Seeding
4roadcast seeding is the fastest and easiest (a to so(! but is not an efficient (a to use seed. 0eeds
are simpl tossed or shaken onto the prepared ground! at the rate of about fort per sIuare foot! and are
then usuall pressed into the soil (ith a light roller or b foot. This method is most effective in moist soils.
<an of the seeds never germinate or die immediatel after germination. The faster gro(ing ones
naturall stunt the others b shading them. This method is often used b guerilla farmers (ho (ant the
stands to look natural and (ho (ish to plant large areas Iuickl. #n e:perienced gro(er can so( several
acres a da b hand using this method.
Seed Count
There are appro:imatel D!/== medium-siEed seeds in an ounce! or about 8C per gram. #n acre is about
+/!=== sI. ft.! or a sIuare D=8 feet on side. To plant an acre in ro(s t(o feet apart (ith a seed ever four
inches reIuires about -=!=== seeds or /- ounces (,!,== grams! or t(o pounds! seven ounces). #t this
rate! a ten-b-ten plot reIuires about D.C grams of seed.
# tpical hill field has four-foot-(ide hills spaced about seven feet apart. # tpical hill and surrounding
area accounts for appro:imatel ,== sIuare feet. There are appro:imatel +/= hills in an acre. @f each of
these is planted (ith ,== seeds! the field reIuires about +/!=== seeds! (hich (eigh about ,8 ounces.
4roadcasting reIuires a lot more seed. #t the rate of += seeds per sIuare foot! a gro(er uses about D./
ounces in a ten-b-ten plot. #n acre reIuires about +B pounds! or D, kilograms of seed.
How to Plant
Finall! after the soil is ad)usted! and the ro(s or hills are built! it is time to actuall plant the seeds and
(atch our garden begin to gro(. @f ou are gro(ing (ith clover as a cover or companion plant! dig it up
to a depth of four inches and chop up the soil. Fater the soil to the point that it feels almost (et. 5rill a
hole (ith a seed drill! stick! or pencil! then drop one seed into the hole! cover it gentl! and pat the soil
do(n again. <ari)uana seeds are large enough to handle individuallK so each one can be planted
9o( deep one digs the holes depends on the kind of soil in (hich one is planting. *ight (oods or organic
soils are planted ,1D to /1+ inch deep! so that the stem is held firml in an upright position. 0ands and light
loams are planted ,1D inch deep. 9eav loams and cla are planted ,1+ to ,1D inch deep! so that the
sprout"s energ is not e:pended before it breaks through the soil.
@f ou are broadcast seeding! ou can increase the germination rate tremendousl b screening a laer of
soil over the seeds to help keep them moist. 0eeds that dr out (eaken or die.
@n a garden that has been mulched! lift a(a the mulch cover at each place ou plant! and so( the seed
in the underling soil.
@n soft-te:tured soils! instead of digging or poking holes! press each seed to the desired depth! and cover
or pat the soil smooth.
14.4 %er,ina!ion
The seeds need constant moisture in order to germinate. Therefore! the ground should be (ell-(atered.
Meep the soil moist b (atering it (ith a light spra (henever it begin to feel dr. This ma mean (atering
the immediate area once a da. Nou can keep the soil moist and hasten germination b covering the
planted area (ith transparent glass or plastic. <ost of the seeds should sprout in a period ranging from
three das to t(o (eeks. This variation depends on variet! age and condition of seed! and soil
temperatureK the (armer the soil! the faster the rate of germination.
Once the have germinated! the seedlings should be kept moist until the roots gro( deep enough to
absorb an adeIuate suppl of (ater from the subsoil. @f the ground is still moist from spring rains! as it is
in man of the eastern regions! ou ma not have to (ater at all. On the other hand! there are sections of
the Fest (hich are completel dependent on irrigation.
Fhen the seedlings are onl an inch or t(o tall! ou can protect them from heav rains or frosts b using
drinking glasses! )ars! or paper or plastic cups. Nou can protect larger plants (ith containers from (hich
the bottoms have been removed. Transparent containers (arm the soil b the greenhouse effect!
capturing light and turning it into heat. @n (arm (eather! use (hite or translucent containers! (hich
prevent burn b reflecting some light and diffusing the rest. $ontainers also keep the soil moist! serve as
plant markers! and protect the plants from some enemies. # gro(er in 4erkele! $alifornia! used cracked
fish tanks to protect plants in the earl spring. # guerilla farmer in the 'oconos puts up four posts! one at
each end of a ro(. 0he uses them as a frame for clear polethlene covering! creating a small
3ro(ers in Aone Five sometimes harvest a spring crop b transplanting indoor-gro(n! t(o-month-old
plants outdoors right after the last frost date. The naturall short das and long nights trigger the plants
into flo(ering. (0ee Transplanting belo(! and the discussion of the photoperiod in section /.)
@f started after <a ,C! mari)uana ma not have time to reach its full siEe or flo(er. This problem mainl
affects gro(ers in Aone One and in mountainous areas. 4ut even if the plants do not gro( to full siEe or
flo(er! ou can still harvest a potent crop of preflo(ering tops! (hich ma be almost as potent as ripe
buds. The harvest is not as large as a crop of buds! but it is more than (orth the effort.
14.+ Transp&an!in$
0eedlings and oung plants are transplanted after the last threat of frost. @f the gro(ing season in our
area is less than five months! ou ma (ant to start the plants indoors! or in cold frames! transplanting
(hen the (eather permits. # ,=-b-four foot cold frame can easil hold .= t(o-month-old plants. The cold
frame can be constructed (ith t(o-b-t(o"s or branches gathered at the site. $over the frame (ith a
double laer of si:- or eight-mil polethlene plastic or similar material. #ttach the plastic to the frame (ith
tacks or staple-gun tacks. @f the area is unprotected from the elements! slant the roof so that rain (ill run
off. @f the area is (ind! place rocks or branches along the frame to add (eight. Orient the cold frame to
face the south.
@n areas (ith a gro(ing season of si: months or more! plants (ill not necessaril get larger if the are
started earlier than normal. 'lants started at normal planting time catch up to the older plants b season"s
end. @t serves no purpose to start plants before about <arch D,! the spring eIuino:.
Fhere there is no threat of frost (in 9a(aii! southern Florida! and parts of Te:as! *ouisiana! and
$alifornia)! gro(ers can raise a (inter crop. 3ro( the plants for t(o or three months under artificial light.
'lant get off to a faster start under artificial lights than natural light during the (inter months. <ove or
transplant them before the beginning of <arch. <ost strains (ill flo(er because of the short das (less
than ,D hours of light) and fill out to (ell formed plants b the end of <a (hen the are ripe.
For the normal summer crop! seedlings should be transplanted after the last threat of frost. The best time
to transplant is on a rain or cloud da! (hich allo(s the plants to ad)ust to the ne( environment (ithout
the strain of intense sunlight. 'lants gro(n in a cold frame or sunn (indo( ad)ust more easil than
plants gro(n under fluorescent lights. 'lants gro(n under artificial light usuall sho( evidence of shock
(hen the are moved to sunlight. Near sea level the ma lose some of their green colour and appear
pale or ello(ed. #t high altitudes! such as mile-high 5enver! the leaves ma actuall burn! turn bro(n!
and fall. 9ealth plants usuall recover Iuickl b ad)usting the ne( gro(th to the changed conditions.
9o(ever! plant can be conditioned to the ne( environment b being placed in a partiall sunn area!
preferabl (here the are shaded during the middle of the da and receive either morning or late-
afternoon sunlight. The plants need about a (eek to ad)ust.
0eedlings gro(n in planting pellets for up to ,= das after germination can be placed directl in the soil.
'eat pots should be scored (ith a knife so that the lateral roots can penetrate the pot more easil.
0eedlings started in milk cartons or flo(er pots should be removed from the container so that the roots
are disturbed as little as possible. 'lan on using a pot siEe (hich is root-bound b the time that ou
transplant. (For the relationship bet(een pot siEe and number of (eeks! see Table ,B.) To transplant!
(ater the area to be transplanted and the plant. Then dig a hole a bit larger than the pot and loosen the
surrounding and underling soil. 'lace the plant in the hole! and pack the soil so that the stem base is at
the same depth that it (as gro(ing at before. Firm the soil and (ater the area.
@n areas (here ripoffs are e:pected! such as parts of 9a(aii and $alifornia! some guerilla farmers
transplant individual plants (one to each site) to sites (hich are (idel spaced over the countrside. @n
this (a the ma lose some! but at least not all! of their plants to ripoffs.
Each plant (one to three months old) is transplanted to a cone-shaped hole! t(o to three feet deep b t(o
feet across the top. This strateg is (ell-suited to areas (ith poor soil. 0ince much of the hole is taken up
b rootbound soil! it is eas to gather enough topsoil and sand to fill the hole. The gathered soil should
also be mi:ed (ith organic or slo(-release fertilisers (hich provide ample N and '.
C$apter 9?
1+.2 /ee"in$
<ari)uana is a fast-gro(ing annual (hose survival depends on its abilit to compete (ith other fast-
gro(ing (eeds. #t the end of each season! plants gro(ing in a (ild stand ma cover the ground (ith
thousands of seeds per sIuare foot. <an of these are relocated b (ind! runoff! and birds! and some are
destroed or die. Other never receive the conditions the need to germinateK and of those that do
germinate! man die as seedling. The remaining plants compete (ith each other and (ith other (eeds for
the available light! nutrients! and (ater. Even so! (ild stands ma be as dense as fort plants per sIuare
foot. @n order to survive the competition! $annabis e:pends a great deal of its energ during the first t(o
month gro(ing a main shoot (hich is taller than the surrounding vegetation. Then it develops lateral
branches (hich shades the shorter plants. Fith their source of energ - light - cut off! the shaded plants
stop gro(ing and often die.
Fhen ou cultivate - that is! eliminate (eeds - the rate of germination and survival of our plants is
increased enormousl. 3ro(ers using clover! sheet composting! or mulch as ground cover can e:pect
ver little interference from (eeds during seedling development. 4ut plots of fertile! aerated! and cleared
soil are open to colonisation b a (ide range of plantsK so ou ma have to (eed several times before the
mari)uana"s dominance is assured.
Fhen ou (eed! make sure not to pull out an (eed seedlings (hich ma have roots in the same area as
the $annabis roots. @nstead! cut the (eeds slightl belo( the surface (ith a cliperr! scissors! or our
fingernails. Feeds more than si: inches a(a can be safel pulled. *eave them to dr right on the soil. #s
the dr and deca! the return the soil"s nutrient to it.
3ro(ers plagued (ith (eeds can cover the soil (ith mulch! paper! or polethlene sheets. One gro(er
found that t(o computer sheets fit e:actl bet(een the ro(s. #nother used torn drapes as a temporar
ground cover.
Once $annabis has established dominance over an area! the other (eeds are not able to interfere (ith its
gro(th. 4ut if there is (ide spacing bet(een the plants! the (eeds ma have open space and start to
gro( rapidl. Meep these (eeds clipped short if (ater or nutrients are scarce.
1+.3 /a!erin$
<ari)uana reIuires an ample suppl of (ater to live and gro(. The actual Iuantities that it needs depend
on the plant"s siEe! the gardening techniIues! tpe of soil! temperature! (ind! humidit! and intensit of
light. # vigorous plant ma transpire several gallons of (ater a da during the hot summer months. @f it
receives less (ater then it need! it stops gro(ing! (ilts! and then dries out. %Figure .. #reas (ith less
than /= inches of rain usuall reIuire some irrigation.&
<ari)uana germinates best in a moist soil. Fithin a (eek! it gro(s a taproot three or four inches long. 4
the end of the first month! the root sstem ma stretch over an area a foot and a half in diameter and go
more than one foot do(n. ?ntil then! the soil should not be allo(ed to dr out. 'lants (hich have
germinated during (arm! sunn (eather ma need to be (atered until the roots have gro(n deep enough
to reach sub-soil moisture. Fhen the soil three inches belo( the surface feels dr! seedlings should be
(atered! preferabl b using a (atering can or the spra setting on a hose. 3entl (ater the soil! making
sure not to disturb the seedlings or the soil surrounding. The soil should be thoroughl saturated so the
moisture percolates do(n! encouraging the roots to gro( deep. @f the surface is onl lightl (atered! the
roots ma gro( near the surface! leading to (ater problems as the soil gets drier during the summer.
#fter the first month! $annabis does best (hen the soil goes through alternating moist and dr periods.
This alternation allo(s the lateral roots to come into contact (ith air. 4 the end of the gro(ing season!
the root sstem ma penetrate the soil to a depth of si: feet or more. #s long as the are not blocked b
solid rock or dense cla! the roots gro( b follo(ing a trail of moisture. @f the trail leads deep! the roots
follo(. The deeper laers of soil are less likel to dr out during hot! dr (eather.
Older Plants
#s a rule of thumb! $annabis over a month old should be (atered (hen the soil about si: inches deep
feels dr. 4ut this rule provides onl a rough indication that the plants need (ater! because there ma be
deeper sources of (ater that are not apparent. The most obvious indication of a problem is (ilting. #
more subtle one is slo( gro(th during the (ordinaril fast-gro(ing) vegetative stage.
0ince ou (ant to (et the lo(er laers! ou should thoroughl saturate the soil. @f the soil is completel
saturated! it should hold (ater for a minimum of a (eek. ?suall onl t(o or three (aterings a month are
reIuired b a garden that is completel dependent on irrigation.
The most efficient (a to (ater is to let the (ater slo(l seep into the soil! so that all the organic particles
(hich hold the (ater are saturated. @f the soil is ver dr! and the (ater beads or runs off and is not
absorbed! add household laundr detergent at the rate of one or t(o grams per gallon of (ater. @t acts as
a (etting agent! (hich breaks the surface tension. Once the soil is treated (ith a (etting agent! it usuall
absorbs (ater throughout the gro(ing season.
@n drier areas (here corn. cotton! and other deep-rooted crops are irrigated! mari)uana also reIuires an
additional source of (ater. 4ut in areas (here there are patches of (ild hemp or (here deep-rooted crops
gro( b using available ground (ater! mari)uana does not need to be (atered! although additional (ater
ma increase its gro(th.
4o: @
!ater in General
5eep soil laers retain (ater much longer than the top laers. To encourage the development of a deep
root sstem! saturate the ground (hen ou (ater. The roots follo( the moisture trail.
Fater conditions also var from field to field. For instance! man mid-(estern farmers plant along the
banks of meandering streams. Even in dr areas! these plants have a natural source of (ater.
<ountainous areas are usuall (ell-drained and dr out before valles do. *o(-ling fields remain moist
later! and are saturated b runoff from higher ground. @n bro(ned areas! farmers look for green spots
(hich indicate underground streams! springs or runoff. 'lanters look for deserted (ells or active
(atermains (ith leaks. Fields high in organic matter retain moisture longer than other fields! and mulching
ma cut (ater evaporation b C= percent.
!atering Te#$ni@ues
3ardeners ma suppl (ater b using a bucket! can! or (ater-hose. 4ut gro(ers (ith larger plots often
rel on (aterpumps to deliver river! lake! or (ell (ater to their gardens. @rrigation canals! drainage pipes
and ditches! and (ater mains are sometimes convenient sources of (ater. The t(o most efficient
methods of (atering are the drip hose! (hich seeps (ater around the plant! and hand (atering into an
enclosed area around the plant"s stem.
There are several kinds of drip hoses. 0ome have perforations ever three to si: inches along their
length. These are useful (hen mari)uana is planted in ro(s or large hills. #nother kind is actuall a kit!
consisting of a main feeder hose and several side hoses t(o to four feet long. Each side hose has a metal
bulb at the end (hich can be ad)usted to regulate (ater flo(. The bulb lies near the plant stem. # drip
bottle (as invented b a gro(er in the dr area of Nebraska (ho (as onl gro(ing a fe( plants. 9e
punched pinholes in the bottom of several one-gallon milk )ugs and placed a )ug near each plant. The )ugs
slo(l (atered the garden. Ever fe( das! he refilled the )ugs from a nearb irrigation ditch. #s the
plants gre( larger! he placed more )ugs around them. The drip method moistens the soil slo(l! but does
not flood itK so the soil and its nutrients are not (ashed a(a. 0ince this method allo(s ou to decide
e:actl (here the (ater goes ou need not (aste an on non-productive land.
3ro(ers sometimes use elaborate setups! such as batter-electric! hand- or foot-po(ered! ram- or
(indmill-driven pumps. Foot-po(ered pumps are probabl the most convenient for small plots. The are
e:tremel light(eight ()ust a little heavier than a biccle)! ine:pensive! eas to construct and disassemble!
and virtuall silent. 0ince ou have much more po(er in our legs than in our arms! foot-po(ered pumps
con do more (ork! and do it faster! than hand-po(ered pumps.
Electric pumps are relativel Iuiet and pump and enormous amount for their small siEe. 4ut the reIuire a
source of electricit. The cannot be used unless there is a po(er line available! although there are car
alternators available (hich produce ,,=-volt current.
3asoline pumps and electric generators are heav and nois. Even (ith a muffler! the can be heard for
miles in some countr areas. The reIuire a source of fuel! and often an elaborate setup! including rigid
feed tubing! fuel tank! and platform. 4ut once the are in place! the can deliver a tremendous amount of
(ater. The are usuall used b farmers gro(ing large plots. 0ometimes gro(ers dig a hole in (hich the
store and run the eIuipment. This setup helps muffle the sound and keeps the machiner in good (orking
>am- and (indmill-po(ered pumps use running-(ater and (ind energ! respectivel. The come in man
siEes and are often used to fill (ater tanks for later use. The can also be used to generate electricit to
run electric pumps. The reIuire no fuel! are usuall silent! and can be constructed ine:pensivel.
4ut some farmers have devised other methods for getting (ater to their plants.
# farmer gro(ing near Tucson! #riEona! trucks (ater to her plants t(ice a (eek using a pickup truck and
four CC-gallon barrels. 0he attaches a garden hose to her tanks! and siphons the (ater to her garden! D==
feet do(nhill.
T(o foresighted farmers in Te:as carried t(ent /=-gallon plastic trash cans and lids to their garden.
5uring the spring rains! the filled the containers from nearb gullies. 4 the end of the rain season! the
had collected enough (ater to carr them through the summer drought.
# homesteader in Oregon"s dr eastern section dammed a gull b using and earth stabiliser! plastic!
(ood and cement! and pipe. 5uring the (inter his private reservoir filled.
Farmers near #tlanta tapped into a cit (ater main. The pressure from the (ater main allo(ed them to
pipe (ater uphill.
1+.4 T#innin$
@f the soil is kept moist during germination! most of the viable seeds that ou planted (ill germinate and
the seedlings (ill soon start to cro(d each other. This happens freIuentl (hen the plants gro( on their
o(n. Then the gro( into a dense hedge-like mass dominated b a fe( plant. The dominant plants
tpicall have long internodes and a long sturd stem (ith little branching. The shorter! bushier plants are
shaded b the taller ones and become stunted from the lack of light. 4 thinning! ou give the plants that
are left enough room to gro( to their full potential! and ou choose the ones that ou think (ill gro( to be
the best for smoking. *eave the plants that have dense foliage! are branching! and! later in the season!
the ones that are the most potent.
Thin the plants as soon as the begin to touch or cro(d each other. This should be repeated as often as
necessar. 0eeds so(n si: inches apart in ro(s t(o feet (ide reIuire thinning several times during the
season. 4ut guerilla farmers sometimes let the plants compete so that the garden looks more like a (ild
There are t(o methods used to thin: cutting the stem at the base so that the entire plant is destroed! and
cutting )ust the tops so that the plant"s gro(th is th(arted! and the uncut plants shade it. The cut plants
remain relativel inactive! and do not use much (ater or nutrients! but the do shade the ground and use
other(ise (asted space.
1+.+ S!a;in$
Outdoor-gro(n plants rarel need staking. Fhen the stem bends from the (ind or rain! tin tears in the
structure develop. These are Iuickl mended b the plant: it gro(s ne( cells (hich increase the girth of
the stem and make it stronger. 4ut plants (hich are suffering from nutrient deficiencies or are top-heav
because of competition ma need to be staked. 9eav rain sometimes cause the plants to fall over!
especiall if the have shallo( root sstems (hich cannot hold the added (eight.
To stake! drive a sturd rod si: inches from the stem and deep enough into the ground to be able to give
the plant support. Then tie the stem to the stake (ith (irer t(ists or string.
@f the stem or the branch is cracked! pinched! or bent at the base! its position should be corrected and
held firml (ith a splint. The splint can be held (ith masking tape. @n a fe( das the plant gro(s tissue to
support the damaged area.
1+.0 'r(nin$
3ro(ers prune (clip or top) their plants to increase productivit! prevent detection! or to harvest earl
smoke. @n the near future! ne( la(s (ill decriminalise or legalise mari)uana cultivation. These la(s (ill
probabl limit legal cultivation either b the total gardening area or b the number of plants an individual
or group ma cultivate. 3ardeners limited b space (ill ma:imise ield b cultivating a dense stand of tall!
unclipped mari)uana. 3ro(ers permitted to gro( onl a fe( plants (ill gro( the largest! most productive
plants possible. This is done b giving the plants the best possible gro(ing conditions and a lot of space
bet(een plants to ma:imise light and minimise competition for (ater and nutrients.
?npruned mari)uana develops in one of three classic shapes! depending on variet. <an <e:ican and
Thai varieties develop into a tall! narro( bush no (ider then three feet and shaped like a poplar tree.
$olombian! $ambodian! @ndian! and some south <e:ican and Lietnamese varieties are $hristmas-tree
shaped. 0ome <oroccan and #fghani varieties have comple: branching and naturall gro( into small!
dense bushes! about five feet tall. <ari)uana usuall gro(s to its full height b earl 0eptember. <ost of
the mari)uana plants ou are likel to cultivate (ill gro( to bet(een eight and fifteen feet tall. 0ome
9a(aiian and Thai varieties average bet(een t(elve and t(ent feet tall.
In#reasing Aield
Fhen mari)uana is clipped to increase the number of gro(ing shoots! the total ield at season"s end ma
not be increased. 'rovided that soil and (ater are not limiting to gro(th! each plant can reach a ma:imum
siEe (hen given enough room. The more surface are the plant presents to light! the closer it (ill get to its
ma:imum potential. Fhere the plants are gro(n (ith much space bet(een them! clipped plants can ield
more than unclipped plants! especiall if the branches are spread out to ma:imise the light on the plant.
Fhen the plants are gro(n close together! the taller a plant is! the more sunlight it (ill receive! and hence
the larger the possible ield.
0ome gro(ers prefer to harvest a top stem that is thick (ith buds (colas). The largest colas form on the
main gro(ing shoot of unclipped plants. Fhen the gro(ing shoot is clipped from a plant! the ne( shoots
and leaves gro( slo(er and smaller than the main shoot of an unpruned plant because the capacit for
gro(th is spread out over several shoots. Fhen a plant is clipped earl in the season! most of the
difference in lead and bud siEe is made up b harvest time.
<ari)uana can be pruned at an time during the seedling or vegetative gro(th stage! but ou should
prune plants (hen the are oung if ou plan on harvesting gro(ing shoots during the season. # seedling
clipped an(here from the fourth to si:th node (ill usuall form at least si: strong gro(ing shoots that can
be harvested during the third or fourth month. @f these shoots are cut again (hile the plant is still oung!
mari)uana often develops into a small! ver compact! hedge-like bush.
Nield can be increased b spreading the plant"s branches so that more light reaches the inner gro(th.
$annabis stems are bent most easil (hen the are still green and flesh! nearer to the ne( gro(th! but
the (hole plant can be bent to form a gentle arch (ith the top of the main stem in a horiEontal position.
Fithin a fe( das the side branches along the top (ill begin to gro( verticall! competing (ith the main
stem. The (ill soon develop their o(n horiEontal side branches. To bend a plant! tie the main stem
loosel (ith a cloth or heav string. Tie the other end of string to a heav (eight or anchor on the ground.
5on"t put too much pressure on the stem as this tears some of the roots and (eakens the plant. Nou can
bend the plant a little each da until the plant is in the desired position.
Nou ma also increase ield b bending onl the gro(ing tip. This encourage the side branches to
develop sooner than the naturall (ould. Onl the fle:ible part (about the last foot) is bent. To bend the
top! use stiff (ire or (ire t(ists used for plastic bags and (rapping vegetables. Fasten the other end of
the (ire lo(er in the stem to hold the tip in position. %(0ee Figure +-.)&
# common mistake that cultivators make is pulling off the large leaves on the main stem (sun or fan
leaves)! (hen the plants are oung. These leaves are removed b cultivators (ho believe that their
removal (ill cause the undeveloped side shoots to gro(. 4ut fan leaves are net producers of sugar and
energ! (hich are used b the side soots to begin gro(th. >ather than encouraging ne( gro(th! the
removal of fan leaves slo(s gro(th. The plant (ill also be more susceptible to attacks from pests and
Fhen the plant is several (eeks old and gro(ing (ell! the difference bet(een plants (ith their leaves
removed and those left intact ma not be large. The biggest difference can be seen (hen leaves are
removed from branches )ust prior to! or during! flo(ering. The buds that form from leaf a:ils (ith leaves
removed are noticeabl smaller than those (here the leaves have been left on the branch.
$annabis can be detected from both the ground and the air. From the ground! mari)uana is revealed b its
familiar shape! unmistakable leaves! and odour. Tall plants are usuall more conspicuous than shorter
ones. From the air! stands ma have a different colour than the surrounding vegetation! especiall (here
natural vegetation is not as lush as mari)uana. @ndividual plants usuall have a circular profile (hen
vie(ed from aboveK this can be altered b bending or pruning the plant. Larieties (hich are naturall tall-
gro(ing ma need to be cut several times during the season to keep them hidden.
'lants are sometimes cut back severel! to much as half their height (hen the get too tall! but this ma
damage the plant. # less drastic topping techniIue is to remove the opt foot of gro(th. Fhenever ne(
shoots get too tall the are clipped. 4ut the plants should not be severel pruned late in the season (hen
the gro(th rate has slo(ed (preflo(ering)! because there (ill be fe(er branches left on (hich buds can
@f ou are tring to conceal plants behind a fence or (all! start bending or pruning the plants earl! at
about one month of age. 4 starting earl and continuing to prune during the vegetative gro(th stage! ou
(ill train the plant to branch and fill up the area. @f ou (ait until the plants are alread tall! ou ma have
to cut the plants back severel or clip shoots continuousl.
1+.4 %ar"enin$ Tips
Transplant Older Plants
# friend of ours (as (arned that his garden had been spotted b local authorities. >ather than cut do(n
his four-month-old plants! he decided to transplant them. 9e dug the plants out! leaving a ball of soil
about t(o feet sIuare around the roots of each one. 9e (rapped each soil ball tightl in a plastic bag to
transport it! and placed the plants in ne(l dug holes in a different spot. 9e kept the plants (ell-(atered.
#fter a fe( das! the recovered from transplant shock and started to gro( once again. Transplanting
large plants is not eas to do! but it could save a crop. The mari)uana root sstem is not ver e:tensive
(hen the plants are in fertile soil (ith plent of (aterK the tap root ma onl be si: inches long on a ten-
foot plant.
!ind Prote#tion
9emp $annabis planted closel together has been used b farmers to form a (indbreak to protect other
crops. @f ou are gro(ing in an especiall (ind area such as the <id(est! ou ma (ish to plant a
perimeter if tightl spaced $annabis to protect our garden. $onstruct a rope and stick fence against the
(indbreak to hold the plants upright and prevent them from falling into the central garden. 0impl keeping
the plants clipped short is a simpler approach.
Indu#ing Flowering
3ro(ers ma (ish to induce their plants to flo(er earl! especiall in the North! (here the gro(ing
season is short. 'lants in containers can be moved to a dark area for ,D hours of darkness or more per
da. 4lack sheets of polethlene film! dark plastic bags! and large appliance cartons can be used to
provide periods of uninterrupted darkness. ?se the dark treatment nightl until the plants are flo(ering
(usuall after one to t(o (eeks of long-night treatments).
!inter and Spring Crops
@n southern parts of the ?.0.! 9a(aii and parts of $alifornia! ou can gro( more than one crop in a
season. 3reenhouses that sta above freeEing can also be used for ear-round gro(ing. 'lants started
during the (inter or earl spring get naturall long nights and flo(er earl! (hen the are relativel small!
usuall no more than four feet tall. Flo(ering can be postponed b breaking the long nights (ith short
periods of light. This e:tends the vegetative gro(th period! ielding older! larger plants at flo(ering. 0tart
breaking the night period (ith artificial light (hen the plant is about a month old. $ontinue the treatment
until ou (ant the plants to flo(ers. (0ee the discussion of photoperiod in section /.)
0pring crops can be trimmed of buds (hen mature. The plant is left in the ground! and as the dalength
increases! the plant (ill rene( vegetative gro(th and flo(er once more in the fall. 'lants can also be
started in November or 5ecember indoors under lights and planted outdoors in Februar for harvest in
#pril or <a. The plants (ill gro( faster under lights than the (ould outdoors under the (eak (inter sun.
Fhen the are placed outdoors! the long nights (ill induce flo(ering. 4 #pril the sunlight gets much
stronger! perfect for flo(er development. 'lants placed outdoors in Februar ad)ust easil to sunlight.
Even so! the should be conditioned so that the do not suffer severe burn! as described in the
Transplanting section in section ,+.
'lants gro(n in areas (here the (eather is mild can survive (inter (hen there are no heav freeEes.
5uring the (inter the plants (ill gro( ver slo(l! but as soon as the (eather (arms! and the light gets
more intense! the plants respond. This techniIue can also be used to obtain a second gro(th crop during
@ndian summers. The second gro(th is not as vigorous as the original! but is does increase the total
To prepare plants for re)uvenation! leave three or four pairs of lo(ers branches (ith leaves on the plant
(hen ou harvest. The leaves need not be large! but the must be green. Fater and fertilise the plants.
Fithin a fe( das the plants (ill sho( ne( gro(th.
The authors observed an outdoor container composed entirel of plants (hich survived a mild 0an
Francisco 4a #rea (inter. These developed health second gro(th the follo(ing summer and flo(ered
again in the fall. 0ome gro(ers in 9a(aii claim that their plants are three ears old and that the plants
have ielded as man as si: crops of buds. 'erennial mari)uana plants also gro( in 7amaica and
!ater Deprivation
<an cultivators begin to limit the amount of (ater their plants receive as soon as the flo(ers start to
appear. Other gro(ers give their plants as little (ater as possible after the middle of the plant"s life. The
plants are given small amounts of (ater onl (hen the begin to (ilt. (0ee section - on the reasons for
stressing the plants.)
?nder (ater stress man of the leaves ma die and fall from the plant. 0ometimes the plants appear
Hburned!H and turn bro(n or gold. #t harvest! (ater-stressed plants ma onl have buds left on them and
these ma have the colour! resin! and harshness tpical of $olombian grass. These plants ield less
grass at season"s end. Not onl are the smaller overall! but man of the leaves (ill have fallen a(a.
Fater stress can be difficult to control in areas (ith heav summer rain. Fater-stressed plants often
make up for their smaller siEe b a raped burst of gro(th after a heav rain. One method of control is to
cover the ground (ith plastic sheets (hen it rains so that most of the (ater runs off.
Ta#;s and Nails
0ome gro(ers hammer nails or tacks into the stems of plants several (eeks before harvest. <an
gro(ers use long thick nailsK others prefer to use several half-inch-long tacks. The nails are usuall
placed at the base of the stem. This is supposed to Hincrease potenc.H %Figure BD. Filted plant. ?nless
(atered it (ill die.&
Ste& Splitting
This is a popular (a to stress used b cultivators in the ?nited 0tates. The stem is split (not cut) at the
base to from a space through the stem. 3ro(ers place a rock! small piece of (ood! an old $annabis
stem! or piece of opium (in #frica) in the split. 0ometimes the (ound is bound (ith cloth or plastic. Fe
don"t recommend this procedure! and advise ou to be careful not to kill the plants and ruin the harvest.
Outdoor gro(ers are (ell-advised to plant several varieties of mari)uana! because some varieties adapt to
their ne( environment better than others. #lso! each variet (and to small e:tent! each plant) has its o(n
bouIuet. 4 planting several varieties! cultivators assure themselves a varied selection of smoking
@n areas (ith short gro(ing seasons! man tropical varieties do not have a chance to flo(er. 4ut
immature material from these varieties ma be more potent than mature flo(ers of a plant gro(n from
seed of lo(er-Iualit grass. For instance! compare a flo(ering <e:ican (ith a $olombian that doesn"t.
The $olombian ma be better because the difference in varieties is so great. On the other hand! the
<e:ican ma be better because it is flo(ering and has reached its full potential.
@t is (ell-kno(n that certain plants ma be antagonistic to other species of plants! and that there are also
beneficial relationships bet(een species. $annabis is kno(n not to gro( (ell among spinach DDD.
#lthough tomatoes and tobacco have been recommended as crops to avoid (hen gro(ing mari)uana!
because of pests and diseases that these plants ma harbor .B! mari)uana gro(s ver (ell in health
tomato patches. 3ro(ers have also commented on ho( (ell mari)uana gro(s (hen planted (ith corn!
sugarcane! and beets.
C$apter 95
Outdoors! (here it functions as part of an ecological sstem! mari)uana is less susceptible to insect
attacks than it is indoors. @n an outdoor environment! insects are sub)ect to the vagaries of the (eather!
food suppl! and predators. #nd mari)uana gro(s so fast that insects usuall do little damage. 'lants!
plant eaters! and predators usuall maintain an eIuilibrium (hich minimises damage. 4ut this balance is
disturbed b tilling and gardening! and ma take a (hile to re-establish itself.
The soil surrounding our plants ma be teeming (ith insects! and it (ould be unnatural not to see some
on our plants. <ost insects do not eat mari)uana. The fe( that do are the food (hich helps to keep a
small population of their predators alive. @nsects in the garden need to be controlled onl (hen there is a
real threat of damage.
<ari)uana is most vulnerable in its earl stages. #fter the plant increases production of the cannabinoids
and resins at the eighth or ninth (eek! most insects are repelled. Fhen the plants are small! an
occasional munch affects a relativel larger part of the plant. That same bite affects a relativel smaller
part (hen the plant is larger.
The insects that infect mari)uana indoors - aphids! meal bugs! mites! and (hiteflies - do best in humid
conditions (ith constantl (arm temperatures. Outdoors the rarel inflict much damage on mari)uana.
The pests that are most likel to damage mari)uana are leafhoppers! treehoppers! cucumber beetles!
thrips! flea beetles! several kinds of caterpillars! snails! and slugs. The ounger the plants are! the more
susceptible the are to attack. Nour prime goal is to protect the plants during the first t(o vulnerable
months. Nou need to keep the pest population lo(! so that the damage is relativel light. The pests don"t
have to be eliminated! onl kept under control.
There are man (as to keep pests from damaging our crops. These fall into one or more of several
categories: biological controlK capture traps and barriersK home remediesK and chemical insecticides.
10.2 Bio&o$ica& Con!ro&
The theor behind biological controls is that methods for control of pests can be found (ithin nature.
These methods are safer to humans and less damaging to the environment than commercial insecticides.
3ardeners have man forms of biological control at their disposal! including companion planting! use of
predators! and spras made from plant e:tracts or ground-up insects.
Co&panion Planting
0ome plants! including mari)uana in its later stages! produce resins or essences (hich repel or kill plant
pests. 0ome of them are general repellents that affect a broad range of plant pestsK others affect specific
species. 3enerall! the heavil scented plants! such as spices! mints! and other herbs! are most likel to
have these Iualities.
0ome of the more familiar plants used to protect gardens are the #lliums! or onion famil! (ith garlic!
chives! green onions! and other onion-tpe plants as members. This group repels a broad range of plant
pests such as aphids! spider mites! flea beetles! potato bugs! bean beetles! and man other insects! as
(ell as rabbits and some deer. The are easil planted around the garden or bet(een the mari)uana
plants. 7ust plant onion bulbs or the cloves from a garlic bulb so that the top of the bulb is about one inch
deep. One garlic bulb ields Iuite a fe( clovesK so a large garden reIuires onl a fe( bulbs.
3eraniums are reputed to repel leafhoppers and man kinds of beetles. These plants prefer a dr soil!
thrive in full light! and usuall gro( t(o feet tall. 3eraniums should be interspersed (ith the mari)uana! or
potted geraniums can be set out if problems develop. Tans (Tanaetum vulgare) is a tall! fragrant! (ood
perennial (hich gro(s five feet tall. @t protects against cut-(orms! beetles! cucumber beetles! and other
eaters and borers.
<ints repel man insects and are sometimes used as mouse repellents. The are especiall useful for the
control of the flea beetle. The thrive in semi-shaded areas (ith rich soil.
<arigolds can be planted to eliminate nematodes. The are fast-gro(ing annual plants (hich flo(er
profusel. The come in man varieties! ranging in height from si: to /= inches. The gro( in a (ide
range of soils and do best in the sun. The scented varieties - usuall nonhbrids - offer the most
#ll companion plants must be planted close to the plants to be protected! since their repellent Iualities
spread onl a short distance beond their circumference. The are effective (hen the are planted before
the damage is apparent! and offer long-tern protection. The are used (hen a pest is e:pected. For
instance! gro(ers in the 0an Francisco 4a #rea e:pect rose leafhoppers to attack their plants. 0ince
geraniums gro( in the area as perennial plants! some gro(ers plant them permanentl in the garden. #s
the geraniums develop into small bushes! the hoppers leave! never to return.
<an of the insects in our garden are called beneficials! because the perform a useful service in the
garden. 0ome of them eat decaing matterK others help in the pollination processK and some pr on
insects (hich damage crops. #lmost everone is familiar (ith the ladbug! (hich eats aphids and insect
eggs and has a voracious appetite. The are available commerciall b the pint. The praing mantis eats
slo(-moving insects. Fhen it first hatches! it starts out on aphids and mites. 4ut as it gro(s larger! it eats
bigger insects and (orms. <antis-egg cases are foam-like! stra(-coloured masses (hich contain ,== to
/== eggs. These cases are sold commerciall but can also be found in the late fall in bush areas.
#nother insect (hich is sold commerciall as a plant protector is the green or bro(n lace(ing. @t has
golden ees! looks fragile! and flies erraticall. 4ut in their larval state! lace(ings eat thrips! mites!
caterpillar eggs! scale! leafhopper nmphs! aphids! and mealbugs. The trichogamma (asp is an egg
parasite (hich las its eggs in the eggs of over D== species of insects! including man moths and
butterflies (hich hatch into (orm pests. $rptolaemus is used to destro mealbugs. #dults are released
(hen mealbugs appear in the spring. The seek out the mealbug colonies and la their eggs. Fhen the
eggs hatch the larvae (ander around the infested area and eat the oung mealbugs.
The use of commerciall bred or gathered predators is most feasible in large gardens or fields. The
insects ma not have much effect on small gardens! since the (ander off to find food and ma never
return. Tr to bu from manufacturers (ho intentionall do not feed their product before shipping. 9ungr
predators are more likel to sta and eat the pests.
@nsects are )ust one groups of predators. 4irds such as purple martins! robins! blue )as! chickadees! and
even starlings and English sparro(s eat large Iuantities of insects and other small pests. The can be
attracted to the garden b placing a feeder! bird houses! and (ater in the area. Fhen plants get larger!
some gardeners let chickens! ducks! or geese run through the garden. @n a short time! the pick it clean of
pests and (eeds. >eptiles and amphibians! including frogs! toads! snakes! liEards! and turtles! all eat
garden pests and should be encouraged to make a home in the garden.
Ho&e&ade epellents and Inse#ti#ides
#nother (a to control garden pests is to make spras from plants (hich repel insects b using a )uicer or
blender or b baking a tea. @ngredients can be found in most kitchens. $hile pepper! garlic! coffee!
horseradish! radish! geranium! and tobacco are the usual mainstas of herbal spras! although most
strong-smelling herbs and spices have some repellent Iualities. <an gardeners e:periment to see (hat
(orks in their garden. For instance! if an insect (hich bother mari)uana stas clear of a nearb (eed! a
tea or blended spra made form that plant ma control the pest. 4ut tr it on onl one plant (or part of a
plant) first! because the spra ma also be harmful to the mari)uana.
3arlic is probabl the most popular ingredient for general-purpose spras made from kitchen ingredients.
# tpical formula is to soak three ounces of chopped or minced garlic in a covered container of mineral oil
for a da. Then! slo(l add a pint of luke(arm (ater in (hich a Iuarter ounce of real soap (@vor (ill do)
has been dissolved. 0tir and let stand several hours! than strain. ?se as a concentrate! adding bet(een
D= to ,== parts (ater to one part concentrate.
Other recipes call for boiling the garlic or for grinding or )uicing it. 0ome bre(ers add other spices to the
basic formula. One recipe calls for one clove garlic! three caenne peppers! one onion! a Iuarts ounce of
soap! and sufficient (ater to blend. *et it sit for three or four das before using! and use one part
concentrate to D= parts (ater. 9omemade tobacco teas are sometimes used as insect spras. ?se one
cigarette in a Iuart of (ater. *et it bre( D+ hours before using.
0nails and slugs are attracted b east solutions! (hich are easil prepared from cooking east! sugar!
and (ater. This is also (h gardeners have success trapping these leaf munchers in bo(ls of stale beer.
'lace deep-sided containers at the soil level. The pests slide in and dro(n.
3ardeners should not overlook handpicking as a viable method of pest control. The foot or a Iuick thumb
and forefinger can eliminate large numbers of pests and can keep a small garden pest-free. $ollect the
bugs and drop them in a tin can (ith some alcohol to kill them. Earl morning is the best time to collect
pests! since the are slo(er-moving until the sun (arms them.
0nails! slugs! ear(igs! and some other insects gather in cool! moist areas during the heat of the da. 4
providing )ust such a space in a garden! man of these pests can be located and destroed. 'lace pieces
of cardboard or boards around the gardenK look under them each da.
Ho&e e&edies
3ardeners and farmers have discovered and invented ingenious (as to control insects (ithout harming
the environment. 0ome of the more popular ones are listed here! but there are man more! each suited to
a particular situation.
0oap and (ater is an effective control measure for mealbugs! mites! leafhoppers (nmph stage)! leaf
miners! and aphids. 0impl (ash the plants thoroughl (ith a solution of t(o tablespoons of soap
dissolved in a gallon of (ater. >inse the soap off thoroughl. (0ome gro(ers feel that the addition of
kerosene or alcohol makes the solution more effective! but these can harm the plants and dissolve T9$.)
This treatment does not eliminate all of the pests! and ma need to be repeated (eekl! but it does keep
them under control.
0pras are sometimes made from health insects! (hich are caught! ground up! and then spraed back
onto the plants. Fhen the pests come in contact (ith the spra! the become infected (ith the pathogen
and get sick. This method is ver effective! and is considered safe! but it is not eas to capture sick
insects. # variation in this techniIue (as described in the October ,-B. Organic 3ardening and Farming
<agaEine! in (hich a spra (as made from health insects. @n a follo(up article in the <a ,-BB issue!
the authors theorised that an population of insects contains pathogens. @f enough insects are collected!
some of them are sure to be sick! and the contain enough germs to spread the disease. To make an
insect spra! capture about a hundred pests. (<ake sure not to include an beneficial insects or the spra
ma also (ork against them.) ?sing a blender! mi: them (ith a cup of spring (ater! strain! and dilute (ith
enough (ater to spra our garden.
Fhenever making or storing spras! use a glass container. <etal or plastic ones ma react (ith the
chemicals that the liIuids contain.
#nother home remed for the control of mites and aphids is a mi:ture consisting of a half cup of milk in
four cups of (heat flour! added to five gallons of (ater. Fhen it is spraed on the undersides of the
leaves! it suffocates the insects and then flakes off as it dries.
0ome gro(ers use mulches to control insects. $edar chips repel beetles! moths! mites! and mealbugs.
#luminium foil is used for aphid and thrip control on small plantsK the reflected light disorients them and
the do not land on the plants. # sprinkling of cream of tartar eliminates ants! and boric acid kills roaches.
0ulfur po(ders! available at nurseries! are used to control mites and fungus infections.
Organi# Inse#ti#ides
'rethrum! rotenone! and rania are effective insecticides (hich come as po(ders (dusts) or spras.
The are concentrated form of naturall occurring plant substances! and are considered harmless to
(arm-blooded animals (hen used as directed.
>ania! (hich is found in the roots of a tropical shrub! is most effective against che(ing insects! (orms!
and larvae! (hich it incapacitates! rather than kills.
>otenone is a general-purpose insecticide (ith little residual effectK that is! it breaks do(n soon after
application! and is therefore one of the safest insecticides. T(o or three dustings during the seedling
stages afford protection against most insects and bugs.
'rethrum is one of the most po(erful natural insecticides! and is effective against a (ide range of pests.
@t is also relativel nonto:ic to bees and ladbugs. 'rethrums are found in the prethrum plant as (ell as
in chrsanthemums. The are non-persistent! and in small doses ma make the insects sick (ithout killing
them. These insecticides are available at man nurseries and ma provide the surest! easiest form of
protection against serious insect attack.
Barriers and Traps
@n gardens and small farms! insects and other pests are sometimes controlled b the use of traps and
barriers that prevent them from reaching the mari)uana. Fhen the plant are oung! the can be protected
from cut(orms! caterpillars! snails! and slugs b a collar that is buried an inch into the ground and is si:
inches high. 0ome gro(ers face it (ith aluminium foil! (hich man insects seem to dislike. One ingenious
gro(er painted collars (ith molasses to capture the cra(lers. 0he also caught a significant number of
leafhoppers. $ommercial stickums such as Tanglefoot can also be used to trap insects.
0nails! slugs! and some cra(ling insects are repelled b a border perimeter of lime! potash ((ood ash)!
sulfur! sharp sand! or cinders. 'lace a thin laer! si: inches (ide! around the perimeter of the garden! or
around each plant. Flea beetles and some other fling insects are repelled b (ood ashes dusted on the
leaves. The po(ders are (ater-solubleK so the should be replaced after a heav rain. $ra(ling pests
sometimes have a hard time reaching plants gro(n in containers or raised beds.
Fling insects! such as leaf and treehoppers! can be prevented from getting to plants b barriers made
from cheesecloth. Other gro(ers place cardboard stick (ith glue bet(een plants! and then shake the
plants. The cardboard catches a good proportion of them. One innovative gro(er in 'alo #lto! $alifornia!
placed a furniture crate! (ith the top cut off and (ith Tanglefoot spread on the inside! around each of his
si: plants. 9e said that b shaking the plants! he eliminated leafhoppers in four das.
10.3 C#e,ica& Insec!ici"es
@nsecticides (ere developed as an eas (a to control pests. The have an immediate dramatic effect!
but the long-range damage that the do to the entire ecological sstem is sometimes overlooked. The
chlorinated hdrocarbons! such as 55T! 55$! #ldrin! Melthane! and 5ieldrin! (ere the most dangerous
commercial insecticides. The affect (arm-blooded animals and are no longer available. (@n no case
should an of these b used.)
5iaEinon! 0evin! and <alathion are three insecticides (hich are often soil in nurseries to protect
vegetable crops. The are considered safe for (arm-blooded animals and have a limited residual effect!
since the break do(n in a fe( das. 4ut these insecticides are not too selective and ma kill beneficials
as (ell as pests. 0evin is the most to:ic and kills the (idest range of insects! including bees.
These chemicals come as spras! po(ders! and baits! formulated for specific pests. The should be used
onl (hen an intolerable situation has developed. 'lants should be harvested onl after the reIuired
safet period has passed since application. This period is from t(o to /C das! and is specificall listed on
all insecticides that can be safel used. @nsecticides should be used and handled carefull! follo(ing
instructions! (earing protective clothing! (ith no children or pets around. @t is advisable to use a mask
(hen appling dusts and to (ork up(ind.
10.4 Co,,on 'es!s
Cu#u&'er Beetles
$ucumber beetles are about a Iuarter-inch long and look a lot like ladbugs. There are several species of
cucumber beetles. The striped beetle is found east of the >ock <ountains. @t is ello(! has t(o or three
black stripes running do(n its back! and has a black head. The spotted cucumber beetle has a ello(-
green back (ith ,, or ,D black spots and a black head. There are related species! such as the banded
cucumber beetle! throughout the ?nited 0tates. The larvae of all varieties are (hite! turning bro(nish at
the ends! slender! about one-third inch long.
$ucumber beetles do the most damage in the earl spring! (hen the adults come out of hibernation and
begin to eat the ne( gro(th and leaves. These leaf-eating adults damage oung mari)uana! especiall
(hen there is a scarcit of other food. The also transmit bacterial diseases and viruses to the plants.
Fithin a fe( (eeks after the come out of hibernation! the la their eggs at the base of plant roots. The
larvae of the striped cucumber beetle feed onl on melon- and cucumber-tpe plant roots. The spotted-
beetle larvae are fond of corn! and are kno(n as the H0outhern cornroot (ormH in some places.
The best (a to prevent cucumber-beetle attacks is to keep the areas that ou plant isolated from corn
and melon plantings. 9eav mulching or tilling destros the pests (hen the are hibernating. *ate
plantings minimise damage inflicted b cucumber beetles.
$ucumber beetles can be controlled b use of >otenone or <alathion. 5ust several times during seedling
gro(th. These beetles are also pre to man insects! including the common garden soldier beetle!
predator flies! (asps! and nematodes. 9and picking is also an effective control for cucumber beetles.
Thrips are slender! ello( or bro(nish! (inged insects about ,1DC inch long. The have fragile (ings
(hich keep them aloft (hile the are blo(n b the (ind. Thrips have a cone-shaped mouthpart! (hich
the use to cut stems in order to suck plant )uices. The larvae look like adults! but are smaller and
(ingless. <ost thrips feed on a range of plants! especiall onion and other bulbs! and mari)uana is at
most a marginal part of their diet. # (ell-cultivated mari)uana plant can outgro( and damage that thrips
are likel to inflict.
Thrips hibernate in plant debris during the (inter and begin sucking in earl spring. The la eggs during
(arm (eather! and can produce a ne( generation ever t(o (eeks. 0ince thrips eat a varied diet!
keeping the garden area clear of (eeds is an effective control. Thrips can also be controlled b turning
debris under! so that their nesting sites are destroed.
Thrips can be controlled b use of tobacco spras. >otenone! or <alathion. #luminium-foil mulches are
effective thrip repellents. The light reflected from the foil confuses their sense of direction.
Flea Beetles
There are man species of flea beetles. The adults range in siEe bet(een one-t(entieth and one-fifth of
an inch! and are usuall black or metallic green or blue. The are called flea beetles because the use
their enlarged hind legs to )ump like fleas (hen disturbed. <an flea beetles are host-specific! and
probabl onl a fe( species munch on mari)uana.
Flea beetles hibernate in plant debris. 4 ploughing the debris under! their hibernation places are
eliminated! and there should be fe( pests the follo(ing spring. Flea beetles are repelled b a mi:ture of
eIual parts of (ood ashes and limestone sprinkled on foliage ever fe( das. $ontainers of the mi:ture
ma also b placed around the plants. 3arlic spras also repel flea beetles. The chemical poisons used
specificall for flea beetles are stomach poisons! (hich break do(n slo(l and ma not be safe to inhale.
9ome remedies are best for flea beetles.
10.+ er!ebra!e 'es!s
<ammals ?ntil it develops a hard fibrous main stem! usuall at about t(o months! the oung mari)uana
plant attracts rodents! including mice! rabbits! moles! sIuirrels! groundhogs! and rats! as (ell as
raccoons. $ats are probabl the best means of rodent control. The stalk small pre! go after an
movement! and are active at night! (hen most of these animals forage. Noung plants are often protected
from rodents b placing a coffee can (ith top and bottom removed around each plant. Fhen the plants
get bigger! the can be protected from rabbits and other animals (ith a (ire fence three feet in height. #
double laer of one-inch chicken (ire is most effective. 4ut man animals can climb or burro(K so more
ingenious methods are needed to protect the plants. >odents! especiall moles! are repulsed b castor
beans and castor oil. # formula that gardeners sometimes use is t(o parts castor oil! one part detergent!
mi:ed to a consistenc of shaving cream in a blender. ?se a tablespoon of concentrate per gallon of
(ater. 0pra or mist the solution on the plants.
>abbits sh a(a from blood! bloodmeal! and tankage. To use! sprinkle the po(der around the perimeter
of the plot in a band about a foot (ide. The can also be mi:ed into a concentrated solution and applied
as a spra. 9o(ever! the small of blood ma attract mongoose or other predators! (hich dig up the
garden in search of flesh. Noise from radios! chimes! and bells deter some animals! and human smalls
such as hair and urine ma also deter some animals. @n dr areas! a half-filled bucket of (ater is an
effective rodent trap. The animals fall in and dro(n.
5eer seem to go out of their (a to munch on tender mari)uana leaves! but generall don"t bother
mari)uana after it has gro(n for a fe( months. 3ardeners and farmers use man ingenious techniIues to
keep them a(a from crops. 0turd fences are the best deterrent. The fences should be about ,= feet
high: the bottom five feet should be made up of single strands of (ire string at t(o-foot intervals. The (ire
strands prevent deer from )umping the fence. 0ome gro(ers use fresh blood! dried blood! or bloodmeal to
deter them! placing it in either po(der or liIuid form around the perimeter of the garden. Other gro(ers
claim that human hair! or manure from predators such as (olves! bears! lions! and even dogs! keeps
them out. *ion urine (glans e:tract) is available commerciall! and is said to be an effective deterrent
against man animals. %Figure B/. Tin cans protect against cut(orms and man other plant eaters.&
{Figure ?C! Fat rat $un'hing $ari2uana!3
{Figure ?! .roble$ solvedI or( never underesti$ate the power o0 a peanut!
{Rat 'aught in $ouse trap!33
On the (hole! birds are beneficial! rather than harmful! in the garden. <ost of the common species!
including English sparro(s! robins! s(allo(s! (rens! finches! blue)as! bluebirds! and starlings! eat
insects and other garden pests as a substantial portion of their diet. The onl time that birds ma be
harmful is during planting! (hen the sometimes feed on the planted seed. The main culprits seem to be
starlings! sparro(s! and cro(s. The can be kept off the planted areas phsicall! b means of plastic
netting or fencing! (hich is sold commerciall for the purpose! or b using scarecro(s! aluminium strips!
or noise makers. Once the plants have germinated! birds are no longer a threat and should be
encouraged to nest in the area! since the are an ideal biological control for plant pests.
C$apter 9B
0e: is an inherited trait in $annabis! and can be e:plained in much the same terms as human se:ualit
can. *ike a human being! $annabis is a diploid organism: its chromosomes come in pairs. $hromosomes
are microscopic structures (ithin the cells on (hich the genes are aligned. $annabis has ,= pairs of
chromosomes (nW,=)! for a total of D= chromosomes (DmWD=).
One pair of chromosomes carries the primar genes that determine se:. These chromosomes are
labelled either S or N. <ale plants have an SN pair of se: chromosomes. Females have SS. Each parent
contribute one set of ,= chromosomes! (hich includes one se: chromosome! to the embro. The se:
chromosome carried b the female ovule can onl be S. The one carried b pollen of the male plant ma
be either S or N. From the pollen! the embro has a C=1C= chance of receiving an S! like(ise for NK hance!
male and female progen appear in eIual numbers (in humans! the sperm carries either an S or a N
14.2 .&o5erin$
,ale Plant
?nder natural light! males usuall start to flo(er from one to four (eeks before the females. Fhere the
photoperiod is artificiall controlled! as (ith electric lights! males respond Iuickl (in about a (eek) to a
change to short photoperiods and usuall sho( flo(ers sooner than the females.
<ale flo(ers develop Iuickl! in about one to t(o (eeks on a vigorous plant! not uniforml. 0cattered
flo(ers ma open a (eek or more before and after the general flo(ering! e:tending the flo(ering stage to
about four (eeks.
The flo(ering stage continues to demonstrate the male"s tall! relativel sparse gro(th. <ost of the flo(ers
develop near the top of the plant! (ell above the shorter females. The immature flo(er buds first appear
at the tips of the main stem and branches. Then tin branches sprout from the leaf a:ils! bearing smaller
clusters of flo(ers. The immature male flo(ers are closed! usuall green! and develop in tight clusters of
knob-like buds. The main parts of the male flo(ers are five petal-like sepals (hich enclose the se:ual
organs. #s each flo(er matures! the sepals open in a radiating pattern to reveal five pendulous anthers
@nside the ovoid! sac-shaped anthers! pollen grains develop. @nitiall! pollen sifts through t(o pores near
the top of the antherK then! starting from the pores! longitudinal slits slo(l open (Eipperlike) over the
course of a da! releasing pollen to the (ind. Once a flo(er sheds pollen! it shortl dies and falls from the
plant. Normall! male plants begin to die one to t(o (eeks after the bulk of their flo(ers have shed pollen.
9ealth males ma continue to flo(er for several more (eeks! but secondar gro(th seldom has the
vigour of initial bloom.
Fe&ale Plant
The female plant generall starts to flo(er later than the male! under either natural light or an artificiall
controlled photoperiod. Female mari)uana plants flo(er (hen the average dail photoperiod is less then
about ,D to ,/ hours. 9o(ever! some varieties and individuals ma flo(er (ith a photoperiod of over ,+
hours. 0ome $olombian varieties ma not respond until the photoperiod falls belo( ,D hours for a period
of up to three (eeks.
The duration of flo(ering also depends on the particular rhthm of the variet! as (ell as gro(ing
conditions! and (hether or not the plant is pollinated. Fithin these variables! females maintain vigorous
gro(th and continue to rapidl form flo(ers for a period that ranges from ,= das to about eight (eeks.
Females generall do not gro( much taller during flo(ering. 3ro(th emphasises a Hfilling out!H as flo(er
clusters develop from each leaf a:il and gro(ing tip. Normall! the flo(ers arise in pairs! but the pairs
form tight cluster of ,= to over ,== individual flo(ers that are interspersed (ith small leaves. These
clusters are the HbudsH of commercial mari)uana. #long the top of the main stem and vigorous branches!
HbudsH ma form so thickl that the last foot or more of stem is completel covered. ?suall the leaves
that accompan the flo(ers tend to(ard simpler structure! until each leaf has one to three blades. %Figure
B.. Female in full bloom.&
The visible parts of the female flo(er are t(o upraised stigmas! one-Iuarter to one-half inch long! usuall
(hite or cream! sometimes tinged (ith red! that protrude from a tin! green! pod-shaped structure called
the floral bract. This consists of modified leaves (bracts and bracteoles) (hich envelop the ovule or
potential seed. The mature bract is a tin structure! about ,18 inch across and ,1+ inch long. Fhen
fertilised! a single seed begins to develop (ithin the bract! (hich then s(ells until it is split b the mature
4racts are covered more densel (ith large resin glands than is an other part of the plant! and are the
most potent part of the harvest. >esin glands ma also be seen on the small leaves that are interspersed
among the flo(ers.
The differences bet(een male and female $annabis become more apparent as the plants mature. The
same can be said of the differences bet(een varieties. Often! t(o varieties ma appear to be similar! until
the actuall flo(ers and fill out to different forms. These appear in man (as: some varieties maintain
opposite phllota: (ith long internodes throughout flo(eringK bud siEes var from about one-half inch to
about three inches! (ith a norm of about one to t(o inchesK buds ma be tightl arranged along the stem!
ielding a HcolaH t(o feet long and four inches thickK and some varieties onl form buds along their main
stem and branch tips! (ith a fe( HbudsH forming along the branches.
{Figure ??! <pper le0t9 Buds 0or$ thi'kly into 'olas along the top o0
the $ain ste$ and bran'hes "0ull bloo$*! <pper right9 / 'ola about two
0eet long! 1ower le0t9 / huge lea0y 'ola! 1ower right9 1ong( sli$ buds
0or$ late in the year when light is weak! "these 0our 'olas are 0ro$
MeHi'an plants!3
Fhen a female is (ell-pollinated! gro(th slo(s and the plant"s energ goes into forming seeds and thus
into the continuation of the species. 0ome plants (but onl the more vigorous ones) (ill rene( flo(ering
even (hen pollinated. Females that are not (ell-pollinated continue to form flo(ers rapidl. This e:tends
the normal flo(ering period! of ,= das to four (eeks! up to eight (eeks or more.
@ndividual flo(ers are pollinated b individual pollen grains. @n a matter of minutes from its landing on a
stigma! the pollen grain begins to gro( a microscopic tube! (hich penetrates the stigma and reaches the
a(aiting ovule (rapped (ithin the bracts. The pollen tube is a passage(a for the male"s genetic
contributions to the formation of the embro (seed).
The union of the male and female complements of genes completes fertilisation and initiates seed
formation. The stigmas! having served their purpose! shrivel and die! turning rust or bro(n colour. On a
vigorous female! the seeds reach maturit in about ,= das. Fhen gro(ing conditions are poor! the seed
ma take five (eeks to ripen to full siEe and colour. Naturall! all the flo(ers do not form! nor are the
pollinated at the same time - and there (ill be seeds that reach maturit (eeks before others do. #lthough
each flo(er must be individuall fertilised to produce a seed! a single male plant can release man
millions of pollen grains. # large female plant can produce over ,=!=== seeds.
14.3 Se3(a& arian!s in Cannabis
$annabis has been studied for man ears because of its unusual se:ualit. 4esides the normal
dioecious pattern! (here each plant bears e:clusivel male or female flo(ers! it is not uncommon for
some plants to have both male and female flo(ers. These are called hermaphrodites! or monoecious
plants! or interse:es. 9ermaphroditic plants form normal flo(ers of both se:es in a (ide variet of
arrangements! in both random and uniform distributions.
Natural Her&ap$rodites
0ome hermaphrodites seem to be geneticall determined (protogenous). That is! the naturall form
flo(ers of both se:es given normal gro(ing conditions. 'ossibl genes carried on the autosomes (the
chromosomes other than the se: chromosomes) modif the normal se:ual e:pression. <onoecious
varieties have been developed b hemp breeders in order to ensure uniform harvests.
@t is also possible that these particular are polploid! (hich means the have more than the usual t(o sets
of chromosomes. This kind of hermaphrodite ma have SSN (triploid)! or SSNN or SSSN (tetraploid) se:
chromosomes. 9o(ever! no naturall occurring polploids have ever been verified (b observation of the
chromosomes) in an population of $annabis. 'olploids have been induced in $annabis b using
mutagens! such as the alkaloid colchicine.
Fhatever then genetic e:planation ma be! one or more of these natural hermaphrodites ma randoml
appear in an garden. The are sometimes faster-maturing! have larger leaves! and are larger in overall
siEe than their unise:ual siblings. The usuall form flo(ers of both se:es uniforml in time and
distribution! and in some unusual patterns. For e:ample! from <e:ican seed! (e have seen a plant on
(hich separate flo(ering cluster consisted of both female and male flo(ers: and upper section of female
flo(ers had upraised stigmas! and a lo(er section of male flo(ers dangled beneath the female flo(ers. @n
other plants from <e:ican seed! the gro(ing tips throughout the plant have female flo(ersK male flo(ers
sprout from the leaf a:ils along the main stem and branches. 'lants from HThaiH seed sometimes form
male and female flo(ers on separate branches. 4ranches (ith female flo(ers tend to predominate! but
branches having mostl male flo(ers are located throughout the plant.
('nor&al Flowers, Interse%es, eversals
3ender is set in the ne( plant at the time of fertilisation b its inheritance of either the S or the N
chromosome from the male (staminate) plant. Fith germination of the seed! the environment comes into
pla. 9eritage sets the genetic program! but the environment can influence ho( the program runs.
(0e:ual e:pression in $annabis is delicatel balanced bet(een the t(o.) The photoperiod! for e:ample!
controls the plant"s seIuence of development. #lso! the plant"s metabolism and life processes are
dependent on gro(ing conditions. Fhen the environment does not allo( a balance to be maintained! the
normal genetic program ma not be follo(ed. This is mirrored b abnormal gro(th or se:ual e:pression.
{Figure ?@! <pper le0t9 /bnor$al 0lowers! 1ower le0t9 Male 0lowers on a
0e$ale plant! <pper right9 #eHes on separate bran'hes! 1ower right9 Male
0lower in 0e$ale bud "reversing*!3
('nor&al Flowers
#bnormal se:ual e:pression includes a (hole range of possibilities. @ndividual flo(ers ma form
abnormall! and ma contain varing degrees of both male and female flo(er parts. For instance! a male
flo(er ma bear a stigmaK or an anther ma protrude from the bracts of a female flo(er. #bnormall
formed flo(ers are not often seen on health plants! although if one looks hard enough! a fe( ma be
found in most crops. Fhen man of the flo(ers are abnormal! an improper photoperiod (coupled (ith
poor health) is the most likel cause. #bnormal flo(ers sometimes form on mari)uana gro(n out of
season! such as (ith (inter or spring crops gro(n under natural light.
@nterse:es and >eversals <uch more common than abnormall formed flo(ers is for the plant"s se: to be
confused. One ma find an isolated male flo(er or t(oK or there ma be man clusters of male flo(ers on
an other(ise female plant! or vice versa. These plants are called interse:es (also hermaphrodites or
monoecious plants). @nterse:es due to environment causes differ from natural hermaphrodite in having
random distributions and proportions of male and female flo(ers. @n more e:treme cases! a plant ma
completel reverse se:. For e:ample! a female ma flo(ers normall for several (eeks! then put forth
ne(! sparse gro(th! tpical of the male! on (hich male flo(ers develop. The complete reversal from male
flo(ering to female flo(ering also happens.
#ll other things being eIual! the potenc of interse:es and reversed plants is usuall less than that of
normal plants. @f there are reversals or interse:es! both of the se:es (ill usuall be affected. Female
plants that reverse to male flo(ering sho( the biggest decline. Not onl is the grass less potent! but the
amount of mari)uana harvested from male flo(ers is negligible compared to the amount of mari)uana that
can be harvested from a normal female. 'lants that change from male to female flo(ering usuall
increase their potenc! because of the gro(th of female flo(er bracts (ith their higher concentration of
resin. Female flo(ers on male plants seldom form as thickl or vigorousl as on a normal female.
4et(een the loss in potenc and the loss in ield because of females changing to males! a crop from
such plants is usuall inferior! in both ield and potenc! to one from normal plants.
Environ&ental E""e#ts
<an environmental factors can cause interse:es and se:ual reversals. These include photoperiod! lo(
light intensit! applications of ultraviolet light! lo( temperatures! mutilation or severe pruning! nutrient
imbalances or deficiencies! senescence (old age)! and applications of various chemicals (see
bibliograph on se: determination).
The photoperiod (or time of planting using natural light) is the most important factor to consider for normal
flo(ering. @n ,-/,! 7. 0chaffner (,=C) sho(ed that the percentage of hemp plants that had confused
se:ual characteristics depended on the time of ear the (ere planted. Normal flo(ering (less than five
percent of the plants are interse:es) occurred (hen the seeds (ere so(n in <a! 7une! or 7ul! the
months (hen the photoperiod is longest and light intensit is strongest. Fhen planted sooner or later in
the ear! the percentage of interse:uals increased steadil! until about -= percent of the plants (ere
interse:ual (hen planted during November or earl 5ecember.
<ari)uana plants need more time to develop than hemp plants at latitudes in the ?nited 0tates.
$onsidering potenc! siEe! and normal flo(ering! the best time to so( for the summer crop is during the
month of #pril. Farmers in the south could start the plants as late as 7une and still e:pect full developed
@f artificial light is used! the length of the photoperiod can influence se:ual e:pression. Normal flo(ering!
(ith about eIual numbers of male and female plants! seems to occur (hen the photoperiod is from ,C to
,B hours of light for a period of three to five months. The photoperiod is then shortened to ,D hours to
induce flo(ering. Fith longer photoperiods! from ,8 to D+ hours a da! the ratio of males to females
changes! depending on (hether flo(ering is induced earlier or later in the plant"s life. Fhen the plants are
gro(n (ith long photoperiods for si: months or more! usuall there are at least ,= percent more male
then female plants. Fhen flo(ering is induced (ithin three months of age! more females develop.
#ctuall! the He:traH males or females are reversed plants! but the reversals occur before the plants flo(er
in their natural genders.
0ome plants (ill flo(er normall (ithout a cutting of the photoperiod. 4ut more often! females (ill not
form thick buds unless the light ccle is cut to a period of ,D hours duration. 5on"t make the light ccle
an shorter than ,D hours! unless the females have not sho(n flo(ers after three (eeks of ,D-hour das.
Then cut the light ccle to ,, hours. Flo(ers should appear in about one (eek.
#ntime the light ccle is cut to less than ,, hours! some interse:es or reversed plant usuall develop.
This fact leads to a procedure for increasing the numbers of female flo(ers indoors. The crops can be
gro(n for three months under a long photoperiod (,8 or more hours of light). The light ccle is then cut to
,= hours. #lthough the harvest is oung (about five months) there (ill be man more female flo(er buds
than (ith normal flo(ering. <ore plants (ill develop female flo(ers initiall! and male plants usuall
reverse to females after a fe( (eeks of flo(ering.
Of the other environmental factors that can affect se:ual e:pression in $annabis! none are as predictable
as the photoperiod. Factors such as nutrients or pruning affect the plant"s overall health and metabolism!
and can be dealt (ith b t(o general thoughts. First! good gro(ing conditions lead to health plants and
normal flo(ering: female and male plants occur in about eIual numbers! (ith fe( (if an) interse:es or
reversed plants. 'oor gro(ing conditions lead to reduced health and vigour! and oftentimes to confused
se: in the adult plant. 0econd! the age of the plants seems to influence reversals. <ale plants often sho(
female flo(ers (hen the plant is oung (vigorous) during flo(ering. Females seven or more months old
((eaker) often develop male flo(ers after flo(ering normall for a fe( (eeks.
#ntime the plant"s normal gro(th pattern is disrupted! normal flo(ering ma be affected. For instance!
plant propagated from cuttings sometimes reverse se:! as do those gro(n for more than one season.
14.4 Se3in$ !#e '&an!s
The female plant is more desirable than the male for mari)uana cultivation. The female flo(ering clusters
(bus) are usuall the most potent parts of the harvest. #lso! given room to develop! a female generall (ill
ield t(ice as much mari)uana as her male counterpart. <ore of her (eight consists of top-Iualit buds.
4ecause the female ields mari)uana in greater Iuantit and sooner ou can devote our attention to
nurturing the females. Fhere space is limited! such as in indoor gardens and small outdoor plots most
gro(ers prefer to remove the males as soon as possible! and leave all available space for the females. To
harvest sinsemilla (seedless female buds)! ou must remove the male plants before the mature and
release pollen.
5ifferences in the appearance of male and female $annabis become more apparent to(ard maturation.
5uring the seedling stage! gender is virtuall impossible to distinguish! although in some varieties the
male seedling ma appear slightl taller and ma develop more Iuickl.
Fe kno( of no (a to discover gender (ith an certaint until each plant actuall forms either pollen-
bearing male flo(ers or seed-bearing female flo(ers. 9o(ever! certain general characteristics ma help.
?sing guidelines like the follo(ing! gro(ers (ho are familiar (ith a particular variet can often predict
gender fairl accuratel b the middle stage of the plant"s life.
Early +egetative Growt$
#fter the initial seedling stage! female plants generall develop more comple: branching than the male.
The male is usuall slightl taller and less branched. (?nder artificial light! the differences in height and
branching are less apparent throughout gro(th.)
0ome plants develop a marked s(elling at the nodes! (hich is more common and pronounced on female
,iddle +egetative Growt$
@n the second to fourth months of gro(th! plants commonl form a fe( isolated flo(ers long before the
actual flo(ering stage begins. These premature flo(ers are most often found bet(een the eighth and
t(elfth nodes on the main stem. Often the appear near each stipule (leaf spur) on several successive
nodes! at a distance t(o to si: nodes belo( the gro(ing tip. These individual flo(ers ma not develop
full and are often hard to distinguish as male or female flo(ers. The fuEE (hite stigmas of the female
flo(er ma not appear! and the male flo(ers seldom opens but remains a tightl closed knob. 9o(ever!
the male flo(er differs from the femaleK it is raised on a tin stalk! and the knob is smmetrical. The
female flo(er appear stalkless and more leaflike.
The presence of premature female flo(ers does not assure that the plant is a female! but premature male
flo(ers almost al(as indicate a male plant. ?nfortunatel! it is much less common for male plants to
develop premature male flo(ers than for female flo(ers to appear on either plant. For e:ample! in one
garden of DC mi:ed-variet plants! b age ,+ (eeks! ,C plants sho(ed (ell-formed! premature female
flo(ers (ith raised stigmas. Eight of these plants matured into females and seven became males. Onl
t(o plants sho(ed premature male flo(ers and both of these developed into males. The eight remaining
plants did not develop premature flo(ers or other(ise distinguishable organs until the actual flo(ering
stage at the age of D, (eeks. From these eight! there (ere four females! three males! and one plant
bearing both male and female flo(ers (hermaphrodite). @t does seem! ho(ever! that plants bearing (ell-
formed female flo(ers! on several successive node! usuall turn out to be females.
@n the (eek or t(o prior to flo(ering and throughout flo(ering! man common mari)uana varieties follo(
t(o general gro(th patterns (hich depend on gender. Fith these varieties! ou can tell gender b the
spacing bet(een the leaves (internodes). For the female! the emphasis is on compact gro(th. Each ne(
leaf gro(s closer to the last! until the top of the plant is obscured b tightl knit leaves. The male
elongates )ust prior to sho(ing flo(ers. Ne( gro(th is spaced (ell apart and raises the male to a taller
stature. This ma b the first time the male sho(s its classic tall! loosel arranged profile.
{Figure ?9! .re$ature 0lowers are 0ound on the $ain ste$ neHt to the
lea0 spurs! <pper le0t9 Early 0e$ale 0lower without stig$as! 1ower le0t9
<ndi00erentiated "indistinguishable*! )entre9 Early $ale 0lower! <pper
and lower right9 &ell%0or$ed 0e$ale 0lowers on su''essive nodes usually
indi'ate a 0e$ale!3
14.+ Sinse,i&&a
0insemilla ((The (ord HsinsemillaH comes from the 0panish! and means H(ithout seeds.H @t is also spelled
Hsansimilla.H)) is an mari)uana consisting of seedless female flo(er buds. 0insemilla is not a variet of
mari)uanaK it is the seedless condition that results (hen the female flo(ers are not fertilised (ith pollen.
@n the ?nited 0tates! most sinsemilla comes in the form of Thai sticks that are imported from 0outheast
#sia and 7apan. Thai sticks are made up of seedless buds (rapped around a sliver of bamboo or a long
(ooden matchstick. The buds! (hich ma be on one or more stems! are secured (ith a hemp fibre
(ound around the stick. # gro(ing amount of fine sinsemilla no( comes from domestic sources! such as
9a(aii and $alifornia. The grass is usuall bo:ed or bagged (ith pure buds that are manicured
(e:traneous leaf removed). @nfreIuentl sinsemilla comes from <e:ico and! rarel! from $olombia.
0insemilla has a reputation as high-potenc mari)uana! (ith a s(eet taste and mild smoke. @t doesn"t
have the harsh! gagging Iualities of the usual $olombian and <e:ican grasses. These Iualities! ho(ever!
have nothing to do (ith sinsemilla as such. The potenc of an grass depends primaril on the variet
and development of the plant! and the taste and mildness of the smoke depend on the condition of the
plant (hen harvested and the cure. 9eavil seeded grass can be as mild and s(eet-smoking as
sinsemilla (hen it is properl handled.
Fhen buing grass! remember that sinsemilla indicates a conscientious effort on the gro(er"s part to
bring ou the best possible product. 0insemilla is almost pure smoking material (ith no (asted (eight in
seeds. #n ounce of sinsemilla has about t(ice as much smoking material as a tpical seeded ounce.
#lso! an mari)uana that is fresh! (ith intact buds! indicated less deterioration of cannabinoids. %Figure 8=.
Thai 0ticks.&
0insemilla is becoming a preferred form of grass (ith homegro(ers! man of (hom believe that a
seedless female is more potent than a seeded one! reasoning that the plant"s energ goes to the
production of resin rather than seed. There seem to be no scientific studies on this point. <an
e:perienced gro(ers believe the difference is small! perhaps ,= percent.
From observing the resin glands on the bracts! one sees that the continue to develop in siEe after
pollination. #n difference from the unseeded state is not apparent. Fhether pollination does in fact
hamper or lessen resin production or potenc is Iuestionable. but the effect on the plant as a (hole can
be dramatic. ?suall (hen the female is (ell-pollinated! gro(th noticeabl slo(s! and the plant enters the
last phase of life! (hich is seed set. 0eed set is a period of incubation! in (hich the seeds gro( and reach
their mature state. Ne( gro(th forms more slo(l and lack the vitalit of the bloom before pollination. The
plant"s reaction to pollination is relative. The more thoroughl pollinated the female is! the more
pronounced the change in rhthm from vigorous to incubation. # plant on (hich onl a fe( flo(ers have
been fertilised continues to activel form flo(ers as sinsemilla.
Not all plants react alike to pollination. Fhen the (eather is good and the plant vigorous! even a (ell-
seeded plant ma bloom a second or third time before the rate of gro(th starts a final decline.
To put this in perspective! the main advantage to gro(ing sinsemilla is that the plant remains in a
flo(ering state for a longer period of time. Flo(ers ma rapidl form for four to ten (eeks. The flo(er
buds develop larger and more thickl along the stems! ielding more top-Iualit grass (more buds) than in
the seeded condition.
#none can gro( sinsemilla. 0impl remove the male plants before the release pollen. 3iven a normal
spring planting! males usuall flo(ers in #ugust and 0eptember! but ma being to flo(er as earl as mid-
7ul. ?nder artificial lights! males sometimes flo(er after onl three months! and before the gro(er has
shortened the photoperiod. Even though the females are not flo(ering! remove the males from the room
before an flo(ers open. @ndoor! the pollen (ill collect as dust and can fertilise the females (eeks later.
<ale flo(ers mature Iuickl! in about one to t(o (eeks after the immature buds are first visible. $heck
each plant about t(ice a (eek to make sure ou harvest all the males before an shed pollen. @f ou can"t
visit our garden consistentl! then thin the garden! using the preceding section on H0e:ingH as a guide.
Even though ou ma not get all the males! the females (ill be more lightl seeded. #ctuall! even in
carefull (atched gardens! the females ma have a fe( seeds. 'ollination ma come from on occasional
male flo(er on a basicall female plant! or a female ma reverse and form male flo(ers. #nd pollen ma
come from a neighbour"s garden! a problem that is becoming more common. 4ut in practical terms! an
occasional seed makes no difference. The female can form thousands of flo(ers! and (hen onl a fe(
are pollinated! there is little impact on the plant"s gro(th.
C$apter 9C
17.2 'ro"(cin$ See"s
<ari)uana is naturall prolific. @t has been estimated that a single male plant can produce over C== million
pollen grains +,. # large female plant can bear tens of thousands of seeds. @n nature! pollen is carried
from the male flo(ers to the stigmas of the female flo(ers b air currents or the (ind. @ndoors or out! if the
plants are simpl left on their o(n! most gardens produce man more seeds than are needed for the ne:t
0eeds usuall become viable (ithin t(o (eeks after pollination! although the ma not have developed
good colour b this time. The colour can take several more (eeks to develop! particularl indoors or late
in the ear! (hen the light is not as strong. Once seeds are plump! (ell-formed! and of a mature siEe!
most of them (ill be viable. Fhen seeds have also developed good colour! their viabilit should be over
-= percent.
'ollination ma also be carried out artificiall. 'ollen can be collected and the transferred to the female
flo(ers (ith a cotton s(ab or artist"s brush! or shaken directl over the flo(ers. 0tore pollen in a clean!
open container and keep in a dr area at moderate temperature. >emove an flo(ers or vegetative
matter from the pollen! because the encourage fungal attack.
Once advantage of artificial pollination is that onl the flo(ers on certain plants need be pollinated. This
allo(s ou to harvest most of our grass as sinsemilla! (hile developing seed on part of the plant. @f ou
have onl a fe( plants! pollinate a single branch! or perhaps onl a fe( lo(er buds! in order to leaves the
most potent buds seedless.
# good (a to insure a thorough pollination! and to avoid contaminating other females! is to loosel tie a
transparent bag containing pollen directl over individual buds! branches! or (hole plants. 0hake the bag
to distribute the pollen and carefull remove it from several hours to a fe( das later.
To avoid contaminating a sinsemilla crop! ou must remove an males from the garden before their
flo(ers open. <ales in pots can simpl be moved to another area or room if ou (ant to keep them
gro(ing. <ale plants can complete development even in lo( lightK so the do not need artificial light.
Other(ise! the best procedure is to harvest the males intact b cutting them at their base after some
flo(ers have formed distinct (but unopened) buds. 9ang the (hole plants upside do(n in a sheltered area
(here there is moderate light and (here temperatures and humidit are not e:treme. 'lace clean plates
or sheet plastic beneath the plants to catch falling pollen. 3enerall there is enough stored (ater in the
plant for the unopened flo(ers to mature and drop pollen. Fell-formed flo(ers ma open the ne:t da.
?suall all the flo(ers that are going to open (ill do so (ithin t(o (eeks.
'ollen graduall loses viabilit (ith time! but pollen that is about three (eeks old generall has sufficient
viabilit for good seed production. 9o(ever! the age of the pollen ma influence the se: ratio of the ne:t
For instance! in a ,-., stud (ith hemp plants -B! the percentage of females in the ne:t generation (as
D= percent higher than in the control plants (natural pollination) (hen pollen ,+ to ,B das old (as used.
# small increase in female-to-male ratios also occurred (hen pollen (as fresh (si: hours or less). The
age of the stigmas appeared not to affect the se: ratio.
17.3 'ro"(cin$ .e,a&e See"s
@f it (ere possible to kno( (hich seeds are female and (hich are male! mari)uana gro(ing (ould be even
simpler than it is. There is not practical (a to discern the gender of a seed - but there is a simpler
procedure for producing seeds that (ill all gro( into female plants.
To produce female seeds! the plants are fertilised (ith pollen (ith male flo(ers that appear on a basicall
female plant. 0uch flo(ers appear on interse:es! reversed females! and hermaphrodites (see section ,B).
Female plants have an SS complement of se: chromosomesK therefore! the pollen from the male flo(ers
that form on female plants can onl carr an S chromosome. #ll seeds produced from flo(ers fertilised
(ith this HfemaleH pollen (ill thus have an SS pair of se: chromosomes! (hich is the female genotpe.
#lthough the male $annabis plant can produce female flo(ers! it cannot produce seedK so there is no
chance of mistakenl producing seed on a male plant. @t is possible to use pollen from an interse:ual plant
that is basicall male (SN)K the resulting crop of seeds (ill have the normal ,:, ratio of males to females.
For this reason! choose a plant that is distinctl female as a pollen source. # female plant (ith a fe(
random male-flo(er clusters! or a female plant that has reversed se: are both good pollen sources. The
seed bearer can be an female! female interse:! or reversed-female plant.
@n most crops! careful inspection of all the females usuall reveals a fe( male flo(ers. #nd often! (hen
females are left flo(ering for an e:tended period of time! some male flo(ers (ill develop. @f no male
flo(ers form! ou can help to induce male flo(ers on female plants b severe pruning. One such
procedure is to take the bulk of the harvest! but to leave behind some green leaves to maintain gro(th (as
described in the section on H5ouble 9arvestsH in section D=). <ost of the plants (ill continue to form
female flo(ers! but male flo(ers are also likel to form. #t times! the plants ma not gro( particularl (ell!
and ma in fact form distorted and t(isted leaves! but the (ill produce viable seeds as long as some
stigmas (ere (hite (hen pollinated. (>emember! it onl takes a fe( fertile buds to produce hundreds of
seeds.) 'ollinate the female flo(ers b hand as soon as pollen becomes available.
{Figure @2! / solitary $ale 0lower on a 0e$ale plant provides 60e$ale6
pollen! "/lso see Figure @C 0or a 0e$ale reversing seH!*3
{Figure @E! 8rowth $ay not be vigorous( but seeds will 0or$ i0 stig$as are
white when pollinated!3
?nder artificial lights! turn the light ccle do(n to eight hours after cutting the plants back. The short ccle
helps to induce male flo(ers on female plants.
<ale-free seed can also be produced b pollen from a natural hermaphrodites. The progen! ho(ever!
ma inherit the hermaphroditic trait! resulting in a crop (ith some hermaphrodites as (ell as females. This
could be a problem if ou (ant to gro( sinsemilla the ne:t crop.
17.4 Bree"in$
4reeding $annabis is done simpl b selecting certain plants to be the pollinators and the seeds bearers.
$haracteristics such as fast gro(th! earl maturation! and high potenc might be the reasons for choosing
one plant over another. 0election can be b means of the male plants! the females! or both. # simple
procedure (ould be to harvest all male plants! sample each for potenc! and use the most potent plant for
the pollen source. #t harvest! compare the seeded females for potenc! and use seeds from the most
potent plant for the pollen source. #t harvest! compare the seeded females for potenc! and use seeds
from the most potent plant for the follo(ing generation.
There are t(o basic approaches to breeding. One is inbreeding! and the other is outbreeding. @nbreeding
involves starting (ith a single variet and crossing individuals to produce seeds. @n this (a! certain
desirable characteristics that the parents have in common (ill probabl be perpetuated b the offspring.
$ertain variants (ith unusual characteristics! such as three leaves to a node instead of the usual t(o
leaves! can be inbred continuousl until all progen carr the trait. One problem (ith inbreeding is that
other desirable characteristics ma be lost as the ne( population becomes more homogeneous.
@nbreeding plants indoors seems to lead in a loss in potenc b the fourth generation. ('receding
generations (ere considered comparable to the original imported grass.)
Outbreeding is crossing t(o different varieties. Offspring from parents of t(o different varieties are called
hbrids. $annabis hbrids e:hibit a common phenomenon on plants called Hhbrid vigour.H For reasons
not (holl understood! hbrids are often healthier! larger! and more vigorous than either of their parents.
%Figure 8+. ?pper left: #n old female reversing to male flo(ering. *o(er left: Three leaves to a node
(trifoliate). ?pper right: # plant (ith three leaves to a node alternating (ith one leaf on ne:t node. *o(er
right: Three-leafed plants sometimes split into t(o gro(ing shoots.&
# reference to cannabinoid content of hbrids from crosses bet(een chemotpes (as made in a ,-BD
stud b the $anadian 5epartment of #griculture: HThe ratio of T9$ to $45 in hbrids (as appro:imatel
intermediate bet(een the parents ... there (as also occasionall a small but significant deviation to(ard
one of the parents - not necessaril the one (ith the higher or lo(er ratio of T9$ to $45.H C, This means
that a cross bet(een a mid(estern (eed hemp (tpe @@@) and a fine <e:ican mari)uana (tpe @) (ould
ield offspring (ith intermediate amounts of T9$ and $45! and (hich hence (ould be considered tpe @@
9omegro(ers have mentioned that inbreeding plants often led to a decrease in potenc after several
generation. Outbreeding maintained potenc! and sometimes (some gro(ers claimed) led to increases in
One area in (hich breeding can be useful for homegro(ers is the breeding of earl-maturing plants for
northern farmer. Farmers in the north should al(as plant several varieties of mari)uana. <e:ican
varieties generall are the fastest to mature. @ndividual plants that mature earl and are also satisfactoril
potent are used for the seed source in ne:t ear"s crop. This crop should also mature earl. 0ome
gro(ers cross plants from homegro(n seed (ith plants from imported seed each ear. This assures a
maintenance of high-potenc stock.
Poten#y C$anges Over Generations
@t is (ell-established that plants of the ', generation (parentals! or the first homegro(n plants from
imported seed) maintain their chemical characteristics. (For e:ample! tpe @ plants ield tpe @ progen
(hose cannabinoids are about eIual both Iuantitativel and Iualitativel to those in their native gro(n
parents.) This fact is sho(n b Table DC.
@n the stud .. from (hich Table DC has been adapted! individual plants (ithin varieties differed b more
than four times in $45 content and b more than three times in T9$ content. The researchers also noted
that illicit mari)uana samples contained proportionatel less leaf material and proportionatel more stem
and seed material than samples gro(n in <ississippi. (<ississippi samples ma be more dilute.) Ne(
9ampshire and 'anama samples (ere nearl eIual in terms of the sum of T9$ plus $4N.
One of the Iuestions that persists in mari)uana lore is (hat effect if an a change in latitude has on the
plant chemotpe over a period of generations. Non-drug tpes of $annabis usuall originate above /=
degrees latitude in temperate areas. 5rug tpes of $annabis usuall originate in tropical or semitropical
areas belo( the /=-degree parallel. Fhether this is due entirel to cultural practices is Iuestionable. <ore
likel! the environment (natural selection) is the prime force! and cultural practices reinforce rather than
determine chemotpe.
$annabis is notorious for its adaptabilit. 9istoricall! there are man statements that the drug tpe of
$annabis (ill revert to the HfibreH tpe (hen planted in temperate areas! (hereas the fibre tpe (ill revert
to the drug tpe after several generations in a tropical area. That a change in chemotpe is actuall
caused b transfer bet(een tropical and temperate areas has not been verified scientificall. (0uch
studies are ongoing in Europe.) @f such changes occur! it is also not kno(n (hether the change is
Iuantitave (the plant produces less total cannabinoids) or (hether it is Iualitative (succeeding
generations! for e:ample! change from being high in T9$ and lo( in $45 to being high in $45 and lo( in
Fe believe that Iualitative changes can occur (ithin a fe( generations! but can onl guess (hat
environmental factor(s) might be responsible for such a change. 'robabl the change has more to do (ith
adaption of general gro(th and developmental characteristics than (ith particular advantages that
production of either $45 or T9$ ma besto( upon the plants.
The reason (e suspect a change in chemotpe is that these changes occur rapidl in evolutionar terms!
in a matter of several generations. This rapidit implies that some ver strong selective pressure are
acting on the plant populations. #lso! changes in the chemotpe seem to occur globall! (hich implies
that the selective pressures responsible are globall uniform rather than local phenomena. 0uch globall
uniform pressures might be light intensit! dalength! ambient temperatures! and the length of the gro(ing
season. For e:ample! in populations adapting to temperate areas! those plants that are able to gro( (ell
under relativel lo(er light intensit and cooler temperatures! and (hich are able to complete
development in a relativel short gro(ing season! (ould be favoured over siblings (ith more tropical
#daption acts on populations b means of (hole organisms (hich are reacting to a total environment.
0hifts in the chemotpe of the population are probabl linked geneticall to the strong selective pressures
e:erted on the populations b the need to adapt general gro(th and maturation to either northern
(temperate) or southern (tropical) conditions. %From the northern hemisphere.&
17.+ C(!!in$s
<ari)uana gro(ing often transcends the usual relationship bet(een plant and gro(ers. Nou ma find
ourself particularl attached to one of our plants. $uttings offer ou a (a to continue the relationship
long beond the normal lifespan of one plant.
To take a cutting! use scissors or a knife to clip an active shoot about four to sic inches belo( the tip.
$annabis does not root easil compared to other soft-stemmed plants. $uttings can be rooted directl in
vermiculite! 7iff-<@S! a light soil! or in a glass of (ater. The cutting is read to plant (hen roots are about
an inch long! in about three to four (eeks. # transplant compound such as >ootone can be used to
encourage root gro(th and precent fungi from forming.
Meep the mi:ture consistentl moist but not too saturated. >oots need o:gen as (ell as (ater in order to
gro(. $hange the (ater dail if the cutting are in a glass of (ater. $uttings root best in moderate light! not
in intense light (9@5"s) or direct sunlight. The best light is fluorescent set on constant light (D+ hour
{.i'ture! )o$paring rooting $ediu$s! 1e0t to right9 -ne( roots both in
and re$oved 0ro$ ro'kwool 'ubeI two( perliteI three and 0our( perlite
ver$i'ulture $iHtureI 0ive( ver$i'uliteI not shown9 'uttings died in
peat%pellets! Best rooting was in perlite%ver$i'ulite $iHture! .ure
ver$i'ulite also worked well!3
$uttings taken from the same plant are geneticall identical and are clones. $lones eliminate genetic
differences bet(een individuals! and hence are particularl useful in scientific e:periments. 4 using
clones! one can attribute variations bet(een individuals specificall to outside factors. This (ould be
particularl useful (hen testing! for e:ample! the affect of fertilisers on potenc. @n the ,-8="s! scientists
finall began to use this useful tool in $annabis e:periments.
17.0 %ra)!in$
One of the most persistent mths in mari)uana lore concerns grafting $annabis to its closest relative.
9umulus! the hops plant of beer-making fame. The mth is that a hops scion (shoot or top portion of the
stem) grafted to a mari)uana stock (lo(er stem and root) (ill contain the active ingredients of mari)uana.
The beaut of such a graft is that it (ould be difficult to identif as mari)uana and! possible! the plant
(ould not be covered under mari)uana statutes. ?nfortunatel! the mth is false. @t is possible to
successfull graft $annabis (ith 9umulus! but the hops portion (ill not contain an cannabinoids.
@n ,-BC! the research team of $rombie and $rombie grafted hops scions on $annabis stocks from both
hemp and mari)uana (Thailand) plants D=C. $annabis scions (ere also grafted to hops stocks. @n both
cases! the $annabis portion of the graft continued to produce its characteristic amounts of cannabinoids
(hen compared to ungrafted controls! but the hops portions of the grafts contained no cannabinoids. This
e:periment (as (ell-designed and carried out. 0ophisticated methods (ere used for detecting T9$!
T9$L! $45! $4$! $4N! and $43. Net none of these (ere detected in the hops portions.
The grafting mth gre( out of (ork b 9.E. Farmke! (hich (as carried out for the government during the
earl ,-+="s in an attempt to develop hemp strains that (ould not contain the HundesirableH drug C8. The
testing procedure for the active ingredients (as crude. 0mall animals! such as the (ater flea 5aphnia!
(ere immersed in (ater (ith various concentration of acetone e:tracts from hemp. The strength of the
drug (as estimated b the number of animals killed in a given period of time. #s stated b Farmke! HThe
5aphnia assa is not specific for the mari)uana drug ... once measures an and all to:ic substances in
hemp (or hop) leaves that are e:tracted (ith acetone! (hether or not these have specific mari)uana
activit.H $learl it (as other compounds! not cannabinoids! that (ere detected in these grafting
?nfortunatel! this mth has caused some gro(ers to (aste a lot of time and effort in raising a (orthless
stash of hops leaves. @t has also leg gro(ers to some false conclusions about the plant. For instance! if
the hops scion contains cannabinoids! the reasonable assumption is that the cannabinoids are being
produced in the $annabis part and translocated to the hops scion! or that the $annabis root or stem is
responsible for producing the cannabinoids precursors.
From this assumption! gro(ers also get the idea that the resin is flo(ing in the plant. The mth has
bolstered the ideas that cutting! splitting! or bending the stem (ill send the resin up the plant or prevent
the resin from going do(n the plant. #s e:plained in our discussion of resin glands in section D! these
ideas are erroneous. Onl a small percentage of the cannabinoids are present in the internal tissues
(laticiferous cells) of the plant. #lmost all the cannabinoids are contained and manufactured in the resin
glands! (hich cover the outer surfaces of the above-ground plant parts. $annabinoids remain in the resin
glands and are not translocated to other plant parts.
Fe have heard several claims that leaves from hops grafted on mari)uana (ere pschoactive. Onl one
such case claimed to be first hand! and (e never did see or smoke the material. Fe doubt these claims.
9ops plants do have resin glands similar to those on mari)uana! and man of the substances that make
up the resin are common to both plants. 4ut of several species and man varieties of hops tested (ith
modern techniIues for detecting cannabinoids! no cannabinoids have ever been detected D,D.
The commerciall valuable component of hops is lupulin! a mildl pschoactive substance used to make
beer. To our kno(ledge! no other kno(n pschoactive substances has been isolated from hops. 4ut since
these grafting claims persist! perhaps pot-heads should take a closer look at the hops plant.
<ost gro(ers (ho have tried grafting $annabis and 9umulus are unsuccessful. $ompared to man
plants! $annabis does not take grafts easil. <ost of the standard grafting techniIues ou"ve probabl
seen for grafting $annabis simpl don"t (ork. For e:ample! at the ?niversit of <ississippi! researchers
failed to get one successful graft from the si:t that (ere attempted bet(een $annabis and 9umulus. #
method that (orks about += percent of the time is as follo(s. (#dapted from D=C)
0tart the hops plants one to t(o (eeks before the mari)uana plants. 'lant the seeds (ithin si: inches of
each other or start them in separate si:-inch pots. The plants are read to graft (hen the seedling are
strong (about five and four (eeks respectivel) but their stem has not lost their soft te:ture. <ake a
diagonal incision about half(a through each stem at appro:imate the same levels (hops is a vine). @nsert
the cut portions into each other. 0eal the graft (ith cellulose tape! (ound string! or other standard grafting
materials. @n about t(o (eeks! the graft (ill have taken. Then cut a(a the un(anted $annabis top and
the hops bottom to complete the graft. 3ood luck! but don"t e:pect to get high from the hops leaves.
%0moking an plant"s leaves (ill give a short! slight buEE.&
17.4 'o&*p&oi"s
9.>. Farmke also e:perimented (ith breeding programs during the (ar ears. 'olploid $annabis plants
(ere produced b treatment (ith the alkaloid colchicine. $olchicine interferes (ith normal mitosis! the
process in (hich cells are replicated. 5uring replication! the normal doubling of chromosomes occurs! but
colchicine prevents normal separation of the chromosomes into t(o cells. The cell then is left t(ice (or
more then) the normal chromosome count.
Farmke"s e:periments concluded that polploids contained higher concentrations of the Hactive
ingredient.H 9o(ever! the procedure for measuring that ingredient (as much the same is described for
grafting! (ith probabl similar shortcomings.
'olploid $annabis has been found to be larger! (ith larger leaves and flo(ers. >ecent e:perience has
sho(n that polploids are not necessaril higher in potenc. ?suall the are about eIual to diploid
$olchicine is a highl poisonous substance. The simplest and safest (a to induce polploids is to soak
seeds in a solution of colchicine derived from bulbs of (inter or autumn crocus ($olchicum). <ash the
bulbs and add an eIual part of (ater. 0train through filter paper (or paper to(els). 0oak seeds in the
solution and plant (hen the start to germinate. $ultivate as usual.
Onl some of the seeds (ill become polploid. 'olploid sprouts generall have thicker stems! and the
leaves are often unusuall shaped! (ith uneven-siEed blades. *eaves also ma contain more than the
usual number of blades. #s the plant gro(s! leaves should return to normal form! but continue to be larger
and (ith more blades.
@f no polploids sprout! use less (ater in preparing the solution.
$olchicine is also a prescribed drug for treatment of gout and is taken in pill form. These usuall contain .
. mg per tablet. ?se ,= tablets per ounce of (ater! and soak the seeds as described above.
$olchicine is also sold b mail-order firms (hich advertise in magaEines such as 9ead or 9igh Times.
4ecause colchicine is a poison! it should be handled carefull. @t is not kno(n if plants from seeds treated
(ith colchicine (ill contain a harmful amount of colchicine (hen plants are gro(n. 9arm is unlikel!
because the uptake b the seed is so small! and because the colchicine (ould be further diluted during
gro(th! as (ell as diminished b smoking. 4ut (e cannot guarantee that ou can safel smoke
colchicine-treated plants.
C$apter 9D
This chapter deals onl (ith the influence of the environment on the potenc of our crop. 5ifferences or
changes in potenc can also result from inherent differences bet(een plants! such as in their variet or
gro(th stage! from chemical degradation of the harvested mari)uana! and from genetic processes that
take place over several generations of plantings ((For discussion of these other causes of differences in
potenc! see the follo(ing sections: H$annabis $hemotpesH in section DK H@nherent LariationsH in section
/" H4reedingH in section ,8K H'otenc and 5ecompositionH in section D=K and H0torageH in section D,.))
Fe have emphasised the heredit is the most important factor that determines potenc. 'otent mari)uana
gro(s from seeds of potent mari)uana. # health! mature plant bears an abundance of flo(ers!
guaranteeing ou a potent harvest.
0ome researchers have investigated the impact of the environment on relative potenc! since this
Iuestion is of interest to officials concerned (ith mari)uana control as (ell as to mari)uana gro(ers. Their
primar goal has been to discover the gross effects of different environments rather than to single out the
effects of an particular factor. # consensus is that the impact of environment on potenc is small relative
to that of the plant"s heredit. Nevertheless! (here scientists have commented on this Iuestion! the
common denominator for higher potenc has been stress.
19.2 S!ress
0tress in anthing that detracts from the plant"s health or vigour. Environmental factors such as
competition from other plants! lo( (ater availabilit! and poor soil conditions are e:amples of stress
@n man mari)uana-gro(ing cultures! farmers have practices that are stress-relatedK splitting the base!
severe pruning! bending or contorting the stem! and (ater deprivation are common e:amples. Of course!
the fact that mari)uana-gro(ing cultures have such practices does not mean that these practices actuall
increase potenc! or that this is! or ever (as! their intent. This original meaning ma (ell have been
forgotten centuries ago. For instance! cultivation of sinsemilla has been practiced for centuries! not for
potenc! but because the seedless product is easier to process or smoke.
There does seem to be some underling relationship bet(een stress and higher potenc. 0tress factors
ma slo( gro(th in general! but at the same time! ma not slo( the snthesis of cannabinoids. 'otenc
ma be affected in much the same (a b gro(th factors that are not considered stressful. #s described
previousl! mari)uana plants gro( more compactl and have smaller leaves under conditions of relativel
(arm temperatures! or strong sunlight! or a dr atmosphereK the gro( taller and have larger leaves (hen
gro(n under cool temperatures! moderate light! or a humid atmosphere. 9igher relative potenc seems to
correlate (ith conditions (hich favour compact development of the plant and its parts.
The rate of cannabinoids snthesis relative to photosnthesis ma be affected in (as not apparent.
0unlight! for instance! is a gro(th factor. @n almost all cases! the more sunlight the plants receive! the
faster and larger the (ill gro(. Net plants gro(n (ith intense sunlight seem to ma:imise potenc. @ntense
sunlight can raise plants" internal temperatures to levels that interfere (ith the photosnthesis ccle.
#bsorption of light energ and conversion to biochemical energ continues unimpeded! but the snthesis
of sugars is impeded. (?nder a midda sun! this phenomenon has been observed in other field crops.
(D=.)) @n mari)uana! cannabinoids snthesis ma continue unaffected at these higher temperatures. This
might account! in part! for the slightl higher potenc of plants gro(n in tropical Eones.
The sub)ect of potenc is mired in confusion and mster! largel because of fertiliser and soil ads!
mari)uana-gro(ing books! and individuals (ho promise (as of increasing potenc or gro(ing super
grass. There are no magic formulas or secrets to divulge that (ill make or break the potenc of our crop.
Fe have tried to pla do(n this tpe of thinking throughout this book. $hoice of seed! and a harvest of
(ell-developed buds! far out(eigh an other factors in determining potenc.
Fe kno( of no one (ho has demonstrated that manipulation of an particular environmental factor leads
to higher potenc. This lack of demonstration probabl e:ists for t(o reasons: (,) environmental effects
on potenc are relativel small compared to the effects of inheritable traits! and hence are not eas to
discernK and (D) Hincreased potencH is difficult to prove ((<ost scientific e:periments are observations!
and test effects or compare results rather than tr to prove something.)) The variations in potenc (ithin
an variet! and (ithin each plant! reIuire stringent methods of sampling for comparative tests. #nd since
potenc also changes (ith time! meaningful comparisons can be difficult to make. 0cientific papers reflect
this difficult.
#n e:periment on potenc must account for inherent variations in potenc before environmental effects
can be analsed. 0amples (ould need to be eIuivalent in terms of variet! gro(th stage and
development! se:! plant part! and the position of the part on the plant. # simple (a to do this (ould be to
harvest females (hen each reached full bloom and then compare the uppermost buds from each plant.
<ost of the research on potenc done to date either has not reported sampling techniIues or did not
account for certain inherent variations. @n the e:treme case! all vegetative matter from one plant (as
mi:ed together! and the T9$ concentration in a sample of this matter (as compared (ith that in a similar
sample of mi:ed mari)uana from another plant. 0uch practices can give misleading results. $onsider the
fact that an unhealth plant (ill have dropped man of its lo(er! less-potent leaves. # health plant has
more leaf overall and retains more of its lo(er leaves. There is a good chance that the unhealth plant (ill
test higher in average T9$ content! because proportionatel shoots! (hich are relativel more potent.
0uch a sampling error could create the impression that stress is positivel correlated (ith potenc.
<ari)uana scientists have recognised the need for testing eIuivalent samples and for setting standards for
testing. @n ,-B+! the English scientist 7ohn Fairburn (.8) published a number of (ell-controlled
e:periments concerning potenc and light. This is a hopeful sign that more meaningful e:periments (ill
be forthcoming.
Fe have said that the common denominator for increasing potenc is stress. *et"s put that in perspective.
Nou cannot go (rong if ou gro( the largest and healthiest plants possible. Our e:perience has been that
the most potent plants are more often the healthiest and most vigorous in the garden.
Factors that limit gro(th rate are probabl related to potenc! and if gro(th rate is relativel slo(er!
cannabinoids concentrations ma be higher. 'lants (hose average ield is si: ounces ma be slightl
more potent than plants (hose average ield is eight ounces. Factors related to potenc affect gro(th
rate rather than ruin the plant"s health. Fhen a plant is so traumatised that it is barel surviving! potenc
as (ell as gro(th rate declines.
Obviousl! if the gro(th rate is slo(er! the harvest (ill be smaller. #n difference in potenc due to stress
is Iuite small! but the difference in ield can make the difference bet(een harvesting an ounce and
harvesting several pounds (ie.! don"t get carried a(a (ith the practice of stressing the plants). @f ou (ish
to stress the plant! (ait until it is firml established and gro(ing (ell.
Outdoors! don"t stress the plant until at least the middle of its life. Nou (ant the plant to be large enough
to bear a good harvest of buds. Fater deprivation is a good method of limiting gro(th outdoors. 9o(ever!
(ilted plants must be (atered! or the (ill die.
$ompetition from other (eeds has been correlated (ith higher potenc in t(o recent studies (B,!B+). Nou
might prefer not to (eed our patch after the seedling stage. (@nitiall! (eeding is necessar because
indigenous (eeds generall outgro( mari)uana seedlings.)
#nother safe (a of appling stress is to remove all large leaves from the plant once it has begun to
@ndoors! the plants are alread in a delicate state. Fe advise indoor gro(ers to gro( the largest and
healthiest plants possible for best results.
19.3 N(!rien!s
<ost gro(ers sho( a keen interest in fertilising! since it is one factor over (hich the have some control.
<ost gro(ers also feel that nutrients! (hich pla such an important part in plant gro(th! probabl have a
relationship to the potenc! and this is a reasonable assumption. @n mari)uana lore! potenc is sometimes
attributed to particular soil tpes (for instance! red dirt! (hich is iron-rich) or to presence or lack or certain
nutrients (for e:amples! nitrogen or potassium deficienc).
The relationship of potenc to soil conditions! in particular the nutrient content! has been looked at
recentl b several research groups. @n t(o such studies! (B,!B+) the cannabinoid content of naturalised
(eed hemp stands in the <id(est (as e:amined. Lariations in potenc (ere then correlated to soil
properties! such as N! '! and M content. The t(o papers came to similar conclusions. First! stands
gro(ing in areas (here the (ere under stress tended to produce less biomass (ield) but (ere more
potent overall. 0econd! (hen nutrients or other gro(th factors! such as height and (eight of plants or root
siEe! (ere correlated (ith potenc! potenc (as almost al(as correlated positivel (ith positive gro(th
factors. That is! higher potenc occurred (hen the plants (ere gro(ing (ith adeIuate or high amounts of
nutrients present! not (hen nutrients (ere inadeIuate.
Fhat appears to be a contradiction (stress leads to higher potenc! or good gro(ing condition lead to
higher potenc) ma be e:plainable in terms of (hat these e:periments actuall measured.
# basic assumption in these studies (as that all the plants (ere relativel homogeneous geneticall!
since the ma have originated from a single stock of hemp gro(n during Forld Far @@. #ssuming this is
true! then variations bet(een stands (ould be due to differences in local environmental factors. 9o(ever!
since environmental condition differed locall for separate stands! one cannot tell (hether variations in
potenc bet(een stands are due to present environmental factors (phenotpic responses) or reflect thirt
ears of adaption b each stand to its local environment (genotpic shifts).
@t ma be that positive gro(th factors are associated (ith higher potenc in phenotpes (plants no(
gro(ing)! (hereas stress leads to higher potenc in succeeding generations! because of selective
pressure. @t is interesting that both papers reported strong positive correlations bet(een higher potenc
and competition from other (eeds! since competition bet(een plants does e:ert strong selective
The follo(ing list of possible effects of nutrients on potenc has been adapted from these four studies.
Nitrogen (as positivel correlated (ith higher potenc. Once controvers in mari)uana lore is (hether a
nitrogen deficienc during flo(ering increases potenc. Fe have gro(n plants (ith N deficiencies! and
the seemed no more potent than those gro(n (ith high amounts of nitrogen available. 9o(ever! the N-
deficient plants did produce a much smaller harvest.
' has been correlated positivel (ith higher potenc in all studies that have e:amined this factor.
'hosphorus is necessar for good flo(er development and seed production. 3ive the plants a stead
suppl of phosphorus throughout gro(th and in particular during flo(ering.
M has been correlated both positivel and negativel (ith potenc. <ore often! it has been found to be
negativel correlated. #s discussed previousl! plants that sho( some potassium deficiencies ma gro(
(ellK so ou ma choose not to treat minor smptoms of M deficienc often gro(s vigorousl (ith little
harm other than the spotting and the loss of some lo(er leaves. @t should not be necessar to fertilise (ith
potassium during flo(ering unless deficienc smptoms are severe and the plant has ceased gro(ing.
#bundant $a levels have been consistentl correlated (ith higher potenc.
<g has been negativel correlated (ith potenc. 9o(ever! this ma have been dur to the interaction of
$a and <g! and ma reflect $a"s strong positive correlation to potenc! rather than the negative effects of
<g per se. 'lants that sho( <g deficiencies must be fertilised! or the (ill Iuickl lose most of their
leaves and barel remain alive.
C$apter )E
Figure /= is a hpothetical plot of the increase in potenc of a male plant and a female during the course
of their gro(th. ('otenc is measured b the percentage b (eight of T9$ in a dried sample of the
uppermost leaves or gro(ing shoots until flo(ers appear.) @t shoes that generall potenc increases as
the plant develops. $ues such as phllota: changes and rate of gro(th are helpful indicator to changes
in development and the chronological age of the plant has little significance.
The development of the cannabinoids! resin glands! and! in practical terms! the potenc in the living plant
is not clearl understood. Fe believe that!! for the most part! potenc does not increase steadil
throughout the entire plant. >ather! each plant part reaches a point of ma:imum potenc as it individuall
develops. # leaf that is formed (hen the plant is four (eeks old does not increase in potenc during the
rest of the season. To sa that potenc is increasing means that the leaves that are no( forming are more
potent than those previousl formed.
Fe also believe that cannabinoid formation is ver fast as each plant part forms. Once matured (for
e:ample! (hen a leaf is full e:panded)! cannabinoids are decomposing. This is one reason (h the
potenc can decrease as (ell as increase during gro(th! especiall late in the season! after the flo(ers
have formed. The practical aspects of these points are detailed in the follo(ing sections.
2:.2 Har1es!in$ D(rin$ %ro5!#: -ea1es an" %ro5in$ S#oo!s
Fe have emphasised that ou should harvest grass during the course of the season. One reason is to
assure ourself a return for our efforts. @t is a sad commentar on our times that the greatest danger in
gro(ing mari)uana outdoors is that the plants ma be ripped off. On a more positive note! vegetative
shoots and leaves can be surprisingl potent and should be sampled.
The potenc of each ne( set of leaves is higher than the last pair until a plateau is reached! usuall
during the middle of vegetative gro(th. Thereafter potenc of ne( leaves stas about the same as in
those preceding. Often there is a noticeable decline in potenc )ust prior to flo(ering. *eaves that form
during flo(ering are usuall more potent than those formed during the vegetative plateau. *eaves that
form after the bloom are less potent.
Of course! not all varieties or individual plants (ill follo( this rhthm. Faster-developing plants ma reach
the plateau sooner! and slo(er plants later. 'otenc of plants that have a longer life ccle ma sta at the
vegetative plateau for several months. 0ome plants do not seem to e:perience an drop in potenc
before flo(ering. 'otenc of these plants continues to increase graduall after the initial Iuick increase
during earl vegetative gro(th.
Fhenever ou harvest green leaves during gro(th! ou should al(as take the uppermost leaves! since
these are the most potent. #lso! the smaller leaves that form on the branches are more potent than the
large leaves on the main stem. These large stem leaves (fan! shade! or sun leaves) are often the first
leaves that gro(ers pick. 4ut these are the least potent of all leaves! and the ma not get ou high at all.
#s long as these leaves are health and green! let them sta on the plant for the plant"s gro(th. <an
gro(ers simpl use these leaves for mulch or compost as the die.
5on"t think that ou should harvest each leaf as soon as it appearsK this procedure (ould seriousl affect
normal gro(th and result in a small harvest of buds. The potenc of individual leaves does not increase
during the course of the season! but the decrease in potenc is not great. 0ome of the loss in potenc
ma even be made up for b the loss in tissue (eight that a leaf e:periences as it dies. <an gro(ers
prefer to harvest leaves during gro(th onl after the lose colour! preferring the taste of the smoke to that
of green leaves.
*eaves should al(as be harvested if the dieK (ith indoor gardens! remove an leaves that sho( signs
of insects or other pests.
5o keep ourself supplied (ith grass (that is the reason ou are gro(ing the plant)K )ust don"t overdo it.
The main harvest is made up of buds! and ou (ant a large! health plant that can support vigorous
flo(ering. The larger and healthier a plant is! the more leaf ou can harvest (ithout seriousl affecting the
Growing S$oots
Nou ma prefer not to clip the gro(ing shoot of the main stem. This forms the largest and most potent
cola b harvest time. 'lants gro(n close together usuall are not clipped! so that the plants ma gro( as
tall as possible. Fhere there is much space bet(een plants! the main shoot is clipped to encourage the
plant to develop its branches! (hich fill the available space.
The potenc of gro(ing shoots follo(s the rhthm described for ne( leaves. 9o(ever! gro(ing shoots
can be the most potent parts of the harvest (hen picked at the right time. 0hoots sometimes reach a ver
high peak of potenc during the middle of vegetative gro(th. Outdoor gardens should be samples from
mid-7une through 7ul! since this is the period in (hich shoots usuall reach their peak.
'otenc also fluctuates according to local (eather conditions. Tr to harvest after a period of clear! sunn
(eather. 'otenc ma declining for several das after a period of cloud (eather or heav rainfall. #fter a
heav rain! harvest the shoots a (eek or t(o later! since the shoots often peak in potenc during a burst
of fast gro(th.
3ro(ing shoots can be harvested from each plant at least t(ice during gro(th. The first clipping ma not
give ou much (orth(hile grass! but it is done (hen the plants are oung (roughl si: (eeks old) to force
the plant to develop several gro(ing shoots (hich are harvest about si: to eight (eeks later. The main
shoot is clipped! leaving about four or five nodes belo( the cut. T(o shoots should start to gro( from
each node! the strongest at the top of the plant and the (eakest at the bottom. (This difference is more
pronounced under artificial light! since the light is strongest on the top of the plants.) Each plant should
produce at least si: strong gro(ing shoots after this first clipping. The ield from gro(ing shoots can be
considerable (especiall during the summer mari)uana drought) and (ill probabl keep ou supplied until
the main harvest.
# third harvest of shoot can be made later if the plants have a long gro(ing season or are indoors. Nou
don"t (ant to clip shoots from the plants )ust prior to or during flo(ering! since doing so cuts do(n on the
harvest of buds. Each plant should have at least t(elve gro(ing shoots after being clipped t(ice
previousl. Nou might harvest onl a fe( shoots from each plant if the time for flo(ering is near.
2:.3 Ma&e '&an!s
<ale plants usuall do not have the dramatic increase in potenc during flo(ering that the females do.
<ale flo(ers take about t(o (eeks to mature! from the time the are first visible as tin knob-like buds.
Ne( flo(ers continue to appear for several (eeks.
Fhen male flo(ers open and are about to release pollen! the reach their ma:imum potenc. 0ince all
flo(ers do not mature at the same time! for ma:imum potenc the plants should be harvested after the
first fe( flo(ers have opened.
<ale flo(ers actuall make up little of the total (eight of the harvest! and fe( ne( leaves form once
flo(ering begins. There is no significant loss in either potenc or ield if the male is harvested before its
flo(ers open. Once male flo(ers appear! there is little change in their potenc. #lso! once the flo(ers do
open and release pollen! the shortl fall from the plant and are lost to the harvest.
<ales should therefore be harvested before an flo(ers open unless ou (ant the females to produce
seeds. @n a small garden! male flo(er clusters can be individuall harvested as the mature. <ost
gro(ers treat male flo(ers more as a novelt. 'otenc of male flo(ers is Iuite variable! and seldom are
the as good as the female flo(ers. To remove male plants! cut them near the base of the stem. 5on"t rip
them up b the roots if the are near females that (ill be left to gro(.
<ale plants normall begin to lose their vigour after the initial bloom. Fhen the (eather is mild! or the
plants are indoors! the can be encouraged to bloom a second and sometimes a third time before the
finall die.
2:.4 Har1es!in$ .e,a&e B("s
The decision of (hen to harvest females can be simplified b understanding that ou (ant to pick the
buds after the have developed full! but before degradation processes begin to lo(er potenc. There are
t(o criteria ou can use to tell (hen the plants have reached full bloom. The first is recognising the
rhthm! (ith (hich the plants are blooming. # second is the condition of the flo(ers as )udged b the
health of the stigmas and the colour of the resin.
0ince sinsemilla flo(ers are not pollinated! the flo(ering period ma last for man (eeks. The most
common rhthm for sinsemilla is that plants go through a stage of rapid bud formation! and the plants do
indeed bloom. This bloom often lasts four to five (eeks. The bloom ends (hen the rate at (hich ne(
flo(ers form noticeabl declines. #t his time ou should be able to sense that the bloom is completed.
4uds are at their peak potenc about one (eek after flo(er formation slo(s. This is the time to harvest.
True! the plant ma continue to gro( slo(l! but the main harvest is read and should be taken.
Fith sinsemilla! some mari)uana varieties have an e:tended bloom that ma last more than t(o months.
Fith this rhthm! the rate at (hich the buds form is dra(n out! and progresses at a slo(er but steadier
pace. The point at (hich the bloom is essentiall over ma not be as obvious as in the first case. 9ere!
use the condition of the buds to make our decision. 0tigmas (ither first at the base of the buds (older
flo(ers). Those stigmas at the top of the buds (ounger) (ill still be (hite and health! although their tips
are often bro(n. 9arvest the plants (hen about half the stigmas in the buds have (ithered. The coating
of resin glands should still be clear or (hite! (ith onl a fe( golden or bro(ned gland heads.
# third tpe of flo(ering rhthm is sometimes seen on plants from Thai seed. Flo(er buds bloom and
ripen at different times. These plants also have an e:tended flo(ering stage that can last for over t(o
months. Nou ma choose to harvest individual buds! colas! or branches as the ripen.
@f our primar interest is seeds! the plant should be harvested after the seeds have developed their
mature colour. <ature seeds can be seen splitting their sheaths or bracts. Fhen enough seeds have
ripened! the plants should be harvested. @f the plants are left in the ground and die! man of the seeds (ill
fall from the plant.
For most gro(ers! potenc (ill be of primar interest! seeds onl a secondar. Fith seeded mari)uana!
flo(ering is initiall rapid until the plant is (ell-pollinated. @f pollination occurs earl in flo(ering! the plants
often bloom for another (eek or t(o. 3enerall! ou (ant the plants to flo(er for at least four (eeks
before picking! and usuall longer! about si: to seven (eeks.
Fith seeded mari)uana! the bloom is of shorter duration than (ith sinsemilla. Once gro(th slo(s! (ait
another t(o to three (eeks before harvesting. #ll the seeds ma not be matured! particularl at the top of
the bud. 4ut potenc of the buds should be about ma:imum at this time.
2:.+ /ea!#er
4ecause of such variables as variet and gro(ing conditions! there can be so much variation in the
ripening process that no one criterion for )udging (hen ma:imum potenc is reached (ill be reliable for all
Farm! sunn (eather encourages rapid flo(ering and a long period of receptivit b the stigmas. $ool!
rain (eather can (ither the stigmas and dampen the vigour of the bloom.
@f brief frost or long! cool rain has (ithered the stigmas! use the plants" gro(th as a guideline! because
ultimatel this is the most important criterion. Nou (ant the buds to reach a mature siEe! and to ripen for
about another (eek. Nou do not (ant the buds to be left on the plant longer than necessar.
@deall! harvesting should follo( a period of (arm! sunn (eather. @n northern and mountainous parts of
the countr! man tropical varieties (ill note flo(er until late in the season! (hen the (eather has cooled
and night-time frosts are threatening. <ost mature plant can (ithstand mild frosts and continue to gro(
(ell if datime temperatures are mild. @n this case! let the plants mature! since formation of the buds is
more important than the (eather in determining potenc. Fatch the plants carefull! and harvest (hen
the buds reach mature siEe. <ari)uana killed b frost ma smoke harshl! but potenc does not seem
affected. Fell-formed buds should be picked if heav rains are e:pected. $annabinoids are not (ater-
soluble! but gland heads (ill be (ashed a(a.
4arring a catastrophe! such as a long frost! death to $annabis is usuall not sudden. The plants (ill
continue to gro(! and ma infact re)uvenate the ne:t ear if the stalks are left in the ground. 4ut after the
main bloom! the gro(th that follo(s is usuall much less vigorous and sometimes forms abnormall.
*eaves at this time are simplified! and have one blade. *ater leaves are smaller! and tend to have entire
margins (no serrations). 0ometimes the are t(isted or misshaped! as are the flo(ers that form along
(ith them. This slo( gro(th that follo(s the initial bloom (ill contribute little to the (eight of the harvest.
#dditionall! this post-bloom gro(th is much less potent than the original bloom. >esin glands on these
plant parts are feeble and poorl developed. Fhen this abnormal gro(th forms! the time for harvesting is
past. %0ee Figure 8/.&
Fhen a plant seems to persist in gro(ing! and ou are not sure bloom is past! the best procedure to
follo( is to tr for a double harvest.
Dou'le Harvests
<ost mari)uana plants take at least five months to reach maturit. Once the plant has reached maturit! it
is forming its most potent mari)uana! and should not be cut do(n completel. Nou can often induce the
females to flo(er a second (and sometimes a third) time! especiall if the plants are indoors or if the
(eather is e:pected to sta mild for several more (eeks.
To encourage a second bloom! first take the bulk of the harvest: all but the smallest buds! and most of the
leaf. 0ome green leaves should be left on the plant to maintain the plant"s gro(th. #fter harvesting! give
the plants a thorough (atering! and (ater (ith a soluble! complete fertiliser that provides a good suppl of
both N and '. This (ill encourage ne( gro(th and continued flo(ering.
@ndoors! the best procedure is to treat the plants like a hedge. $ut all the plants back to eIual heights!
about t(o to three feet tall. >emove most of the grass! but again leave a fe( green leaves on the plant.
5on"t remove lo(er branches even if the are leafless! since these (ill sprout again. *o(er the light
sstem to the tops of the plants! and maintain the dail ccle at about ,D hours. The second crop of buds
(ill be read for harvest in four to eight (eeks. Fith this sstem! the plants appear like dense hedges of
buds. @f the second crop of buds forms Iuickl! ou should tr for a third crop. $ontinue to fertilise the
plants regularl! and (atch for signs of magnesium deficiencies! (hich often sho( up (hen the plants
have been gro(ing for an e:tended time.
5ouble and triple harvests are one of the benefits of indoor gro(ing. #lthough plants are relativel small
indoors! the original harvest of buds can be triples in the ne:t four months.
2:.0 'o!enc* an" Deco,posi!ion
Fe have said that (hen buds are picked too late! the potenc ma decline because of decomposition of
the cannabinoids! especiall T9$.
@n section D,! Tables D.-D- give measured rates of decomposition of the ma)or cannabinoids due to
e:posure to light and air. *ight rapidl decomposes T9$ into unkno(n products (possibl polmers
(,DD!,.+)). *ight also converts $45 to $40 and $4$ to $4*. #ir (o:gen) slo(l converts T9$ to the
less active $4N. $onversion to $4N is hastened b higher temperatures.
5egradative processes do not occur as Iuickl in the living plant as (hen the cannabinoids are purified or
in solution! as is sho(n b the data in Tables DB-/= in section D, %Tables on disk onl&. >esin glands
seem to function (ell in storing the cannabinoids in dried plant material. 9o(ever! the rates of
decomposition in Tables DB and D8 are for samples e:posed to north light and a ma:imum of 8=F
temperatures. Temperature (ould be higher! and light stronger! under full sunlight.
0tudies (ith fresh plant material usuall sho( negligible $4N content in fresh mari)uana from immature
plants. Fhen mature buds are tested! their $4N content is generall eIual to at least five percent of their
T9$ content. Fhen gro(ing temperatures are higher! such as in the tropics! $4N content can account for
more than D= percent of the original T9$. Even if (e assume a lo( figure! such as five percent
conversion of T9$ to $4N! there is actuall a much greater decline in T9$ content because of the
simultaneous degradation of T9$ b light.
Fhen the slo( rate at (hich T9$ o:idises to $4N is considered! five percent decomposition in a period
of less than t(o months represents considerable e:posure of the T9$ to air! and most of this e:posure
occurs in the last critical (eeks (hen the resin glands begin to degenerate. 'lates 8 and ,,-,/ sho( the
condition of the resin glands on several different kinds of mari)uana.
0talked glands that cover the female flo(er bracts sometimes rupture or secrete cannabinoids through
pores in the glands head. 0ecretion is not a continuous flo(! but more of an empting of the glands"
contents. #t this time! gland heads ma dehisce. #lso! because of their abundance and raised positions!
resin glands on the female bracts are e:posed to strong sunlight and possible phsical damage. These
conditions ma e:plain the significant decline in potenc of buds that are overripe.
*eaves are also affected b decomposition of the cannabinoids! but not as Iuickl or seriousl as the
buds! probabl because the resin glands on the leaves are most numerous on the undersurface! (here
the are some(hat protected from light. These glands rarel rupture or secrete cannabinoids. Often the
are intact! clear! and apparentl unchanged for man (eeks on the living plant.
#s the plates sho(! one can! (ith the naked ee! see the glands change colour! from colourless or (hite
to golden! and then to reddish or bro(n. T9$ is colourless. @f the colour changes of the resin do indicate
decomposition of T9$! then decomposition in the stalked glands that cover the buds can be considerable.
Fe have smoked buds that seemed to lose about half their potenc (hen left on the plant for an addition
three (eeks. $olour changes are after the fact. @f man of the glands are beginning to bro(n! the grass
should be harvested.
2:.4 Ti,in$ !#e Har1es!
<an gro(ers (ill disagree (ith us on (hen the best time is to harvest the buds (female plants). Fhen
the plants are left in the ground! and are alive but past the main bloom! the resinous Iualities of the plant
ma become more apparent. The bracts and tin leaves ma s(ell in siEe! and the leaves feel thicker.
The coating of resin glands (ill change colour. *eaves often ello( and fall form the plant. <uch of the
green colour in the flo(ering buds ma also be lost. 9arvests of these buds more closel resembles
commercial $olombian grass than tpical homegro(n. The resin content of the dried buds ma be higher!
and the grass (ill smoke more harshl than if the buds (ere ounger (hen picked. Nou ma prefer these
Iualities in our grass! and some gro(ers insist this grass is stonier. Fe feel that the grass (ill give ou
the highest high (hen it is picked as described previousl. 0moking is a personal e:perience! and ou
should tr different approaches and come to our o(n conclusions.
The first time ou gro( mari)uana is largel a learning e:perience. <ost gro(ers can"t (ait to start their
second crop! because the are certain that the"ll improve on both the Iuantit and the Iualit of their
crop! and this is usuall true. The (ise gro(er (ill not put all his proverbial eggs in one basket. @t is a
good idea to monitor potenc b taking samples ever fe( das (hen harvest time is dra(ing near! )ust
as such monitoring is for deciding (hen to harvest gro(ing shoots during vegetative gro(th.
@n an garden! some of the plants (ill mature sooner than others. ?se the plant(s) that is earliest to
mature to decide at (hat point in its development the plant reaches ma:imum potenc. This finding then
serves as a guide for harvesting the rest of the plants.
Tr to use buds from appro:imatel the same position on the plant each time ou sample. Take onl
enough to make a )oint or t(o. The more ou standardise our testing (and this includes our smoking
evaluation)! the more accurate our results ma be.
2:.7 .ina& Har1es!in$
The time of harvest is a time of )o. @t is also a time for caution. ?nless the safet of our garden is
assured! ou (ill (ant to harvest Iuickl! Iuietl and as efficientl as possible. @deall! each plant is
harvested as it matures! but some of ou (ill have to harvest all at once.
@t is best to take cardboard bo:es or large! sturd bags to carr the harvest. Nou (ant to harvest the
plants (ith as little crushing or damage to the flo(ers as possible.
4ring a strong knife! heav shears! or clippers for cutting the stalks. The Iuickest (a to harvest is to cut
each plant at its base. Once the plants are on the ground! cut the stalks into manageable lengths for
bo:ing or bagging. 0eparate large branches as needed for packing.
The bagged or bo:ed material should be moved to the curing or dring area as soon as possible. @f ou
let the plants sit in the trunk of a car or in plastic bags! the (ill start to ferment and small in less than a
C$apter )9
Once the mari)uana plant is harvested! it ceases to produce cannabinoids and resins! and the main
changes in potenc that occur are degradative. 9o(ever! (hen the material is handled carefull! dried or
cured properl! and then stored (ell! little degradation (ill occur. 5uring dring or curing! the resin content
ma seem to increase! as the plant"s tissues shrink a(a from their resinous coating.
<ore than B= percent of the fresh (eight of the plant os (ater. 5ring is done to evaporate most of this
(ater! so the mari)uana (ill burn evenl and smoke smoothl. #dditionall! the cannabinoids in fresh plant
material are mostl in the acid forms! (hich are not pschoactive. The acid cannabinoids decarbo:late
(the lose the gas! carbon dio:ide) during the dring or curing processes! (hich convert them to their
pschoactive neutral forms. 5ecarbo:lation is complete if the mari)uana is actuall smokes. For this
reason! no special procedures are needed to decarbo:late the mari)uana unless it (ill be eaten. @n that
case! the recipe should include a period of dr heating. The heat converts the cannabinoids to their
pschoactive neutral forms! and also melts the sharp-pointed cstolith hairs that cover leaves! stems and
petioles. $stolith hairs can cause stomach pains if ou eat uncooked mari)uana or che( on ra(
mari)uana! (hich (e strongl advise ou not to do.
$ommercial mari)uana us usuall composed of )ust the flo(er tops (colas)! (hich have been stripped!
manicured! cured! and dried. 9omegro(ers often do not cure their crop before dring! and if the smoke is
smooth! there is no reason not to dr it directl. 4ut harsh-smoking mari)uana can be cured so that the
smoke is smoother. $uring has little affect on potenc (hen done properl.
21.2 S!rippin$
0tripping! the removal of large leaves! is usuall done soon after harvesting. Fan leaves are stripped
because the are much less potent than the colas that the cover! and do not cure as (ell as the prime
material. @n commercial gro(ing areas! the fan leaves are often stripped in the field and form a green
manure. 4ut fan leaves are sometimes Iuite potent! especiall if the are recent gro(th. The lo(er leaves
are usuall (eak! but the can be used in cooking or concentrated in an e:tract.
The easiest time to strip fan leaves is after the have (ilted! because the are easier to pull off (hen the
are limp then (hen the are turgid. Filting takes place in less than an hour if the plants are in a (ell-
ventilated space. 'lants placed in a plastic bag in a cool area ma take a da or more to (ilt.
0ome gro(ers leave the fan leaves on until the plants have dried. #fter the buds are removed! the strip
the remaining leaves b running their (gloved) hands from the base of stems and branches to(ard their
tips. The fan leaves disintegrate into shake.
21.3 %ra"in$ an" Manic(rin$
3rading and manicuring are important steps in preparing fine grass. 3rading is done b separating the
plants according to variet! se:! and the particular stash uniform! and the Iualit of the better grades is
not diluted. 'lant parts are usuall graded as follo(s: main top colas! small side colas! immature buds!
leaves accompaning flo(ers! and fan and stra leaves. This is important! because the differences in
potenc (ill be considerable. For instance! the buds on a $olombian homegro(n (ill be top Iualit! but
the lo(er leaves (ill be more like a lo(-grade commercial <e:ican.
<anicuring is done to remove the e:traneous leaf from the colas. First the large fan leaves are stripped.
The e:posed colas are then trimmed (ith scissors to remove the ends of leaves that stick out from the
colas. 'lants should be manicured and (usuall) graded before dring! since dried material crumbles into
shake (hen handled. #lso! leaves dr much more Iuickl than buds! and different plant parts cure at their
o(n rates.
<ale flo(ers are often treated as a novelt b gro(ers! (ho make individuall rolled sticks from them! as
follo(s. 9ang the plants upside do(nK the leaves (ill (ilt and hang do(n! covering the male flo(er
clusters. Then roll each cluster (ithin its leaves bet(een the palms of our hands! to compress the cluster
into a )oint-shaped mass. 5r the HstickH in a (arm dark place. >olling the grass ruptures man of the
glandsK so dried sticks should be stored carefull until each is used.
Fhen ou handle our crop! ou ma notice a resin build-up on our hands and the tools ou are using.
This resin can be collected b rubbing and scraping it into a ball. @t makes a Iualit hash that is several
times as concentrated as the grass.
0mall Iuantities of hash can be made b rubbing resinous plant parts across a thin! fine mesh screen.
The resin is then scraped off the screen and rolled into finger shapes. 9ash can also be made b
thrashing fresh plants over a mesh screen inside an enclosed bo: (hose floor is lined (ith sheet plastic.
# bo: about one ard sIuare is a suitable siEe. On one side of the bo: a hole is made large enough for
the colas to be shaken b hand. @n this (a! the resin glands are knocked loose! but are contained b the
bo: and settle on the plastic.
'lastic or paper should be placed beneath the mari)uana during manicuring! grading! or dring. 4esides
fallen grass! a considerable amount of glands and fine shake can be caught and compressed to a hash-
like mass.
21.4 C(rin$
$uring is a process emploed to naturall enhance the bouIuet! flavour! and te:ture of mari)uana. $uring
does not lo(er potenc (hen done correctl! although poor curing methods often result in some less of
$uring is not an essential procedure! and man gro(ers prefer the HnaturalH flavour of uncured grass.
0(eet sinsemilla buds usuall are not cured.
$uring is most successful on plants (hich have HripenedH and are beginning to lose chlorophll. @t is less
successful on gro(ing tips and other vigorous parts (hich are immature. These parts ma onl lose some
$uring proceeds (hile the leaf is still alive! for until it dries! man of the leaf"s life processes continue.
0ince the leaf"s abilit to produce sugars is th(arted! it breaks do(n stored starch to simple sugars! (hich
are used for food. This gives the grass a s(eet or earth aroma and taste. #t the same time! man of the
comple: proteins and pigments! such as chlorophll! are broken do(n in enEmatic processes. This
changes the colour of the leaf from green to various shades of ello(! bro(n! tan! or red! depending
primaril on the variet! but also on gro(ing environment and cure techniIue. The destruction of
chlorophll eliminates the mint taste that is commonl associated (ith green homegro(n.
There are several methods of curing! most of (hich (ere originall designed to cure large Iuantities of
tobacco. 0ome of them can be modified b the home gro(er to use for small mari)uana harvests as (ell
as large harvests. The methods used to cure mari)uana are the air! flue! s(eat! sun! and (ater cures.
(ir Curing
#ir curing is a techniIue developed in the ?nited 0tates for curing pipe and cigar tobacco. @t (as originall
done in speciall constructed barns made (ith ventilator slats (hich could be sealedK a small shed or
metal building can easil be adapted for this use. 9o(ever! this method of curing (orks onl (hen there
is enough material to keep the air saturated (ith moisture.
Fires are strung across the barn! and the mari)uana plants or plant parts are hung from them! using
string! (ire t(ists! or the crooks of branches. The plants material should be closel spaced! but there
should be enough room bet(een branches (a fe( inches) so that air circulates freel. The building is kept
unventilated until all the material loses some chlorophll (green colour). This loss occurs rapidl during
(arm sunn (eather because heat builds up! (hich hastens the cure. @n (et or overcast (eather! the
temperature in the chamber (ill be cooler! and the process (ill proceed more slo(l. @f these conditions
last for more than a da or t(o! un(anted mould ma gro( on the plants. The best (a to prevent mould
from forming is to raise the temperature to -=F b using a heater.
#fter the leaves have lost their deep green and become pale! the ventilator or (indo(s are opened
slightl! so that the temperature and humidit are lo(ered and the curing process is slo(ed. The process
then continues until all traces of chlorophll are eliminated. The entire process ma take si: (eeks. Then
the ventilators are opened! and an e:haust fan installed if necessar! to dr the material to the point that it
can be smoked but still is moist! that is! bends rather than crumbles or po(ders (hen rubbed bet(een
thumb and forefinger.
Flue Curing
Flue curing differs from air curing in that the process is speeded up b using an e:ternal source of heat!
and the air circulation is more closel regulated. This method can be used (ith small Iuantities of material
in a small! airtight curing bo: constructed for the purpose. *arge Iuantities can be hung in a room or barn
as described in #ir $uring.
# simple (a to control the temperature (hen curing or dring small amounts of mari)uana is to place the
material to be cured in a (atertight bo: (or a bottle) (ith ventilation holes on the top. 'lace the bo: in a
(ater-filled container! such as a pot! fish-tank! or bathtub. The curing bo: contains air and (ill float. The
(ater surrounding the bo: is maintained at the correct temperature b means of a stove or hotplate! fish-
tank or (ater-bed heater! or an ine:pensive immersible heater. Temperature of the (ater is monitored.
Fith the mari)uana loosel packed! maintain (ater temperature at -= degrees. #fter several das! the
green tissue turns a pale ello(-green or murk colour! indicating ello( or bro(n pigments. Then
increase temperature! to about ,== degrees! until all traces of green disappear. >aise the temperature
once again! this time to ,,C degrees! until a full! ripe colour develops. #lso increase ventilation at this
time! so that the mari)uana dries. 'lants dried at high temperature tend to be brittleK so lo(er the
temperature before dring is completed. This last phase of dring can be done at room temperature! out
of the (ater bath. The (hole process takes a (eek or less.
<ari)uana cured b this techniIue turns a deep bro(n colour. @mmature material ma retain some
chlorophll and have a slight greenish cast. Taste is rich et mild.
Sweat Curing
0(eat curing is the techniIue most (idel used in $olombia. *ong branches containing colas are laered
in piles about ,8 inches high and a minimum of t(o feet sIuare! more often about ten b fifteen feet.
0(eat curing actuall incorporates the fermenting process. Fithin a fe( hours the leaves begin to heat up
from the microbial action in the same (a that a compost pile ferments. Then change in colour is ver
rapidK (atch the pile carefull! so that it does not overheat and rot the colas. Each da unpack the piles!
and remove the colas that have turned colour. Fithin four or five das! all the colas (ill have turned
colour. The are then dried. One (a to prevent rot (hile using this method is to place cotton sheets!
rags! or paper to(els bet(een each double laer of colas. The to(els absorb some of the moisture and
slo( do(n the process.
0(eat curing can be modified for use (ith as little mari)uana as t(o large plants. 'ack the mari)uana
tightl in a heav paper sack (or several laers of paper bags)! and place it in the sun. The light is
converted to heat and helps support the s(eat.
#nother variation of the s(eat process occurs (hen fresh undried mari)uana is bricked. The bricks are
placed in piles! and the cure (hile being transported.
# simple procedure for a slo( s(eat cure is to roll fresh mari)uana in plastic bags. Each (eek! open the
bag for about an hour to evaporate some (ater. @n about si: (eeks! the ammonia smell (ill dissipate
some(hat! and the grass should be dried. This cure (orks (ell (ith small Iuantities of mediocre grass!
since it concentrates the material.
Sun Curing
# Iuick (a to cure small Iuantities of mari)uana os to loosel fill a plastic bag or glass )ar! or place a
laer bet(een glass or plastic sheets! and e:pose the material to the sun. Fithin a fe( hours the sun
begins to bleach it. Turn the mari)uana ever fe( hours! so that all parts are e:posed to the sun. #n even
cure is achieved in one to t(o das %(see 'late ,.)&. 0ome degradation of T9$ ma occur using this
!ater Cure
?nlike other curing methods! the (ater cure is performed after the mari)uana is dried. 'o(der and small
pieces are most often used! but the cure also (orks (ith (hole colas. The material is piled loosel in a
glass or ceramic pot (hich is filled (ith luke-(arm (ater. (Fhen hot (ater is used! some of the T9$ is
released in oils! (hich escape and float to the top of the (ater.) Fithin a fe( hours man of the non-
pschoactive (ater-soluble substances dissolve. #n occasional gentle stirring speeds the process. The
(ater is changed and the process repeated. Then the grass is dried again for smoking.
T9$ is not (ater-solubleK so it remains on the plant (hen it is soaked. 4 eliminating (ater-soluble
substances (pigments! proteins! sugars! and some resins)! (hich ma make up DC percent of the plant
material b (eight! this cure ma increase the concentration of T9$ b up to a third.
<ari)uana cured b this method has a dark! almost black colour! and looks t(isted and curled! something
like tea leaves. The (ater cure is freIuentl used to cure dried fan leaves and poor-Iualit grass.
21.+ Dr*in$
*iving mari)uana leaves are 8= percent (aterK colas are about B= percent (ater. <ari)uana dried for
smoking contains onl eight to ,= percent (ater! or about ,= percent of the original amount. There are
several methods used to evaporate (aterK these have little effect on potenc! but can affect the taste!
bouIuet! and smoothness of the smoke. 3enerall! the slo(er the dr! the smoother the taste. E:cess
dring and dring methods that use heat (ill evaporate some of the volatile oils that give each grass its
uniIue taste and aroma.
3rasses (hich are dried as part of the curing process usuall have a smooth! mild taste! because of the
elimination of chlorophll and various proteins. $ured mari)uana ma also be a little s(eeter than (hen
first picked! because the curing converts some of the plant"s starch to simple sugars.
0ome grasses are tast and smooth-smoking (hen the are dried (ithout curing! especiall fresh
homegro(n buds (hich retain their volatile oils and sugar. <an homegro(ers have acIuired a taste for
HnaturalH uncured grass! (ith its mint chlorophll flavourK such mari)uana is dried directl after harvesting.
%Figure 8-! <ale plants dring on a tree. $heesecloth holds loose leaf for dring.&
Slow Drying
0lo( dring is probabl the method most commonl used to dr mari)uana. 4ecause of the slo(ness of
the dr! a slight cure takes place! eliminating the bite sometimes associated (ith Iuickl dried grass.
There are man variations of the techniIue! but most commonl (hole plants or separated colas are
suspended upside do(n from a dra(n string or from pegs on a (all in a cool dark room! closet! or other
enclosed space. # large number of plants ma take a (eek or t(o to dr. The dring time for small
numbers of plants can be increased (for a slight cure) b placing the plants in large! open paper sacks
that have ventilation holes cut in their sides. The dring room should have no heav drafts! but mould ma
form on the plants if the air is stagnant. @f (eather is rain or the air humid! increase ventilation and (atch
for an mould. 'lants should be dried Iuickl under moderate heat if an mould appears.
<an e:perienced gro(ers prefer slo( dring to curing. There is little chance of error (ith this method!
and buds usuall smoke smooth and develop a pliable consistenc. 0lo(-dried ripe buds retain their
delicious! s(eet aroma and taste.
Fast Drying
The fast dr-method produces a harsher smoke than slo( dring! but it is often the most convenient
method to use. The plants are suspended in the same (a as for slo( dring! but the temperature in the
dring area is increased to bet(een -= and ,,C degrees! often b means of electric or gas heater. The
dring area is kept (ell-ventilated (ith a fan. #s the plants dr! the are removed from the dring area. 4
this method! plants in a tightl packed room can be dried in less than four das! but the e:haust (ill
contain the deliciousl pungent odour of dring mari)uana.
@ndoor gro(ers often hang plants to dr over radiators or stream pipes. *eaves are dried b placing them
on a tra over a radiator or on top of the light fi:ture.
<ari)uana that is fast-dried retains its original green colour and mint taste.
Oven Drying
Oven dring is often used b gardeners to sample their crop. 0mall Iuantities of material can be Iuickl
dried b being placed in a ,C= to D== oven for about ,= minutes. *arger Iuantities can be dried in tras
that contain a single laer of material or in a dehdrator. Oven-dried and dehdrator-dried mari)uana
usuall has a harsh taste and bite! and loses much of its bouIuet. The method is often used to dr
mari)uana (hich has been cured and dried but is too moist to smoke! or to dr mari)uana (hich is to be
used for cooking or e:tractions. @t is an adeIuate method for obtaining dr material for testing and
emergencies! but the main harvest should not be dried in this (a. Oven dring (orks best (ith leaves.
Fhen leaves are dried together (ith buds or shoots! remove the material from the oven periodicall! to
separate the faster-dring leaf material (before it burns) from the slo(er dring buds. One (a to do this
is to place all the material on a (ire screen over a tra. Ever fe( minutes rub the material across the
screen. 5ried material falls unto the tra and is removed from the oven. >epeat until all the material has
Oven curing (orks (ell (hen closel (atched. 5ried mari)uana that is left in the oven (ill lose potenc
Iuickl. #n time the mari)uana begins to char! most of the potenc (ill alread have been lost. This
should not be a problem unless ou are careless! or allo( the temperature to go above D== degrees.
Sun Drying
0ome gro(ers dr their crops right in the field. There are man methods of sun dring. @n Oregon! some
gro(ers break the main stem about t(o feet from the ground. The leaves and buds dr graduall! since
the are still partl attached to the plant. Other gro(ers spread burlap and cover it (ith plants left to dr.
Fan leaves are left on the plants to protect the dring buds from the sun. The grass is manicured after
dring. 3ro(ers in #riEona shade dring plants (ith cheesecloth.
0un-dried mari)uana usuall has a taste similar to that of oven-dried. Often the sun bleaches it slightl but
also destro some of the delicate bouIuet. 'rolonged e:posure to the sun (ill decrease potenc!
although there is no noticeable loss if dring is done Iuickl.
Dry I#e
<an homegro(ers have (ritten to us that the dr-ice cure increases the potenc of mari)uana
considerabl! and (e (ould be remiss not to mention it.
5r ice is froEen carbon dio:ide. Fhen it melts (sublimates)! it turns from a solid directl into a gas. This
gas absorbs some moisture from the froEen mari)uana and partiall dries it.
There are man variations of the dr-ice method. Fresh or partiall dried material is usuall used!
although some enthusiasts claim that the cure also (orks (ith dried material. The mari)uana is placed in a
coffee can or similar container (ith a lid! along (ith at least an eIual volume of dr ice. 'uncture the lid
so that the gas can escape as it evaporates. 'lace the can in a freeEer to prolong the evaporation
process. Fhen the dr ice is gone! the grass is dried! but still moist.
0ome gro(ers claim that simpl freeEing the grass increases potenc. The often freeEe fan leaves or
other less-potent material for a couple of months before smoking it. This is said to (ork onl (ith fresh
((et or dried) grass.
21.0 .er,en!a!ion
Fhen vegetation dries! the individual cells (hich maintained life processes die. 4ut mari)uana can still be
conditioned b means of fermentation. Fermentation is the process in (hich microbes and plant enEmes
break do(n comple: chemicals into simpler ones! mainl starch and sugars into alcohol and simple acids.
@n the process chlorophll is destroed! giving the material a more ripened appearance. @f the
fermentation is stopped earl! the mari)uana has a s(eeter taste because of the sugars (hich the ferment
Fermentation occurs (hen the moisture content of the mari)uana is raised above ,C percent and the
temperature is above .= degrees. The more tightl packed the material! that faster the ferment proceeds.
The rate of ferment is controlled primaril b varing the moisture content! but each batch proceeds at its
o(n rate because of differences bet(een plants in nitrogen content. (Nitrogen is necessar to maintain
fermenting bacteria.) The process is delicateK should the ferment proceed too rapidl! the mari)uana ma
be converted to compost. Fatch the fermentation closel. #fter the desired colour or flavour (from a dried
sample) is reached! dr the grass Iuickl to stop the process.
5uring fermentation! flavourings can be added to give the mari)uana a spic aroma. 0uch spices as
cinnamon! cloves! ginger! mace! sage! or vanilla are placed bet(een the fermenting material. Orange!
lemon! or lime peels are also used. #bout half an ounce of spice or four ounces of peel are used for each
cubic foot of material to be fermented. The spices are (rapped in cloth sachets. The citrus peels are
strung. The can be placed bet(een the laers of mari)uana.
There are t(o tpes of fermentations: self-generating and forced. The are best used (ith leaves or
immature plants.
Sel"4Generating Fer&entation
0elf-generating fermentation proceeds rapidl onl (hen there is enough material to make a heap at least
one cubic ard large. Fhen smaller Iuantities are used! too much of the heat generated b the bacteria is
dissipated! so that the process is slo( and is more properl considered aging.
'lace the material in a large container or in a pile (ith a tarpaulin placed over it! and lightl spra it (ith a
mister if it is dr. *et the pile heat up for a fe( das! and then break it do(n. @f it is repacked! the
mari)uana (ill develop a dull matte appearance and lose its sugars. @F the process is allo(ed to proceed
even further! the mari)uana (ill disintegrate.
For#ed Fer&entation
Forced fermentation can be used (ith small Iuantities of material. @t reIuires an enclose chamber in
(hich heat and humidit can be regulated.
'ack the mari)uana loosel in a kiln or other chamber! and raise the temperature to ,/C degrees. <aintain
humidit at BC percent. $heck the progress of the ferment periodicall. Fithin a (eek the ferment should
be completed. 5uring this ferment there is a release of ammonia compounds! resulting in some foul
odours! but upon completion of the ferment and dring! the mari)uana should smoke s(eet and mello(.
21.4 S!ora$e
T9$ is degraded b both heat and light. Table D. sho(s results of an e:periment conducted at the
?niversit of <ississippi! in (hich mari)uana (as stored under varing temperature conditions,B,. These
results indicate that mari)uana stored at room temperature (BD) or belo(! and in darkness for up to t(o
ears (ill lose onl an insignificant amount of its original potencK (hereas mari)uana stored in darkness
at -B or above (ill lose almost all its potenc (ithin t(o ears.
@n another e:periment!,.+ Fairbairn stored dried mari)uana at different temperatures in both light and
dark conditions. The samples in light (ere e:posed to a north-facing (indo(s (no direct sunlight). The
results are sho(n in Table DB.
Fairbairn also performed an e:periment to discover the effect of air on T9$,.+. Freshl prepared
$annabis resin (as stored as a loose po(der! a compressed po(der! and an unbroken lump for one ear
at .8 degrees F (about room temperature). 0amples (ere stored under t(o conditions: in light and air!
and in darkness and air. The results are sho(n in Table D8.
Fairbairn e:perimented further (ith pure cannabinoids and e:tracts of mari)uana dissolved in petroleum
ether! chloroform! and ethanol (alcohol),.C. The results! in Tables D- and /=! sho( that the T9$ and
$45 in solution are much more unstable than (hen the are left in mari)uana! especiall if the are held
b the plant in undamaged glands! (here the are protected from e:posure to air and! to some degree!
light. $rude e:tracts seem more stable than highl refined cannabinoids! especiall $45! (hich is ver
unstable in refined solutions.
E:tract makers and purchasers should limit the e:posure of the solution to light and heat as (ell as to air.
Oils and e:tracts should be kept refrigerated in opaIue! sealed container. Notice that T9$ is almost
completel degraded in a fe( (eeks (hen it is held in solution and e:posed to light. >ed oil! hash oil! and
hone oil must be stored in light-tight containers to preserve potenc.
From the tables! ou can see that light is the primar factor that causes decomposition of T9$. The
decomposition products are unkno(n! but are suspected to be polmers or resins. Fe also do not kno(
(hether the rate of decomposition (ould be faster in direct sunlight.
#ir (o:gen) acts much more slo(l to convert T9$ to $4N. 5ecomposition of T9$ to $4N is not
significant unless temperatures are in the nineties or higher. 9o(ever! such high temperatures can occur
in grass that is packed before it is properl dried. The moisture that is left supports microbial activit!
(hich heats the grass internall! as occurs during certain tpes of curing. 'otenc of cured grass is not
lo(ered significantl (hen the cure is done properl and (hen the buds are left intact during the process.
The figures for po(dered and compressed grass in Table D8 sho( that both light and air cause rapid
decomposition (hen the resin is e:posed through breaking of the resin glands. @ntact resin glands appear
to function (ell in storing the cannabinoids. For this reason! it is important to handle fresh and dried grass
carefull! in order not to crush the material and thus break the glands! especiall in the buds! (hich have
a cover of raised resin glands. <ost (ell-prepared mari)uana (ill have intact! (ell-preserved buds.
The best place to store mari)uana is in a dark container in a refrigerator or freeEer. $annabis should be
stored uncleaned! so that the glands containing the T9$ are not damaged! since damage causes their
precious contents to be e:posed to light and air. <ari)uana should be cleaned onl (hen it is about to be
<an gro(ers place a fresh lemon! orange! or lime peel in (ith each lid of stored grass. The peel helps to
retain moisture! (hich keeps the buds pliable! and also gives the grass a pleasant bouIuet.
<ost gro(ers take (ell-earned pride in the Iualit of the mari)uana that the gro(. 4 suppling ourself
(ith an herb (hich ma pla an important role in our life! ou gain a feeling of self-sufficienc that can be
0ince our homegro(n is (ell-tended and fresh! it has a s(eet flavourful taste! far superior to that of
commercial grass. #nd there need be no fear of contamination from herbicides! pesticides! adulterants! or
other foreign matter. 4 gro(ing our o(n! ou come to the pleasant realisation that ou are free from the
vagaries and paranoia of the mari)uana market - not to mention ho( little a home garden costs. #ll of
these feeling can add up to a ver head e:perience.
@n a time of Iuiet contemplation! ou might also reflect on the e:periences that brought ou this (ondrous
herb from a tin seed. There is a tradition of mutual nurture and support bet(een humanit and this plant
that goes back ,=!=== ears.
Nou are no( part of this continuing tradition.
#s ou probabl realised (hile reading this book! some of the practical information came to us through
letters from gro(ers. Fe appreciate these letters and (ill continue to refer to them (hen (e update and
improve future editions of the <ari)uana 3ro(er"s 3uide. Fe (ould also like to hear ideas! criticisms! and
feedback from our readers. Other research material and copies of professional research are also
Fishing ou a 9app 9arvest!
<el Frank
Ed >osenthal
1! /ldri'h( M! /! 19?1! / Brie0 1egal :istory o0 Mari2uana! .resented
to the &estern 4nst! o0 Drug .roble$s Mari2uana )on0!( .ortland(
-regon( /ug! ?( 19?1! 1Cpp!
2! FraAier( ;! 19?C! The Mari2uana Far$ers( :e$p )ults( and )ultures!
1EEpp #olar /ge .ress( 7ew -rleans( 1a!
E! 8odwin( :! 19>?! .ollen /nalyti' Eviden'e 0or the )ultivation o0
)annabis in England! Rev! .aleobotany .alnyol! C9?1%@D!
C! 8odwin( :! 19>?! The /n'ient )ultivation o0 :e$p! /ntiKuity
C19C2%D( 1E?%1E@!
! ;ain( #!( and Tara0der( )! 19?D! Medi'inal .lant 1ore o0 the #antals
Tribe in #!E! /sia( E'on! Botany 2C92C1%2C9!
>! 5a$stra( ;! 19?C( &eed9 /dventures o0 a Dope #$uggler! 2>? pp! :arper
and Row! 7ew ,ork!
?! 5eng( :suan! 19?C! E'ono$i' .lants o0 /n'ient 7! )hina as Mentioned
in #hih )hing "Book o0 .oetry*! E'on! Botany 2@ "C*9 E91%C1D!
@! 1i( :ui%1in! 19?C! /n /r'haeologi'al and :istori'al /''ount o0
)annabis in )hina! E'on! Botany 2@ "C*9 CE?%CC@!
9! 1i( :ui%1in! 19?C! The -rigin and <se o0 )annabis in Eastern /sia9
1inguisti'%)ultural 4$pli'ations! E'on! Botany "E*929E%EDE!
1D! 1i( :ui%1in! 19?C( The -rigin o0 .lants in #!E! /sia! E'on Botany
2C "1*99%1D!
11! Musto( D!F! 19?2( The Mari2uana TaH /'t o0 19E?! /r'h 8en! .sy'hiat!
12! Rea( Mary%/li'e F! 19?! Early 4ntrodu'tion o0 E'ono$i' .lants into
7ew England! E'on Botany 29"C*9EEE%E>!
1E! Rubin( N!( and )o$itas( 1! 19?! 8an2a in ;a$ai'a9 / Medi'al
/nthropologi'al #tudy o0 )hroni' Mari2uana <se! 2D>pp!
MoultonJMa'Farlane .ub! #'ot'h .lains( 7!;!
1C! #'hultes( R!E! 19>?! Man and Mari2uana! 7at :ist! @299%>E( @D(@2!
1>! #hakespeare( .!.! 19??! The Book o0 .ot! 9>pp! / and & Nisual
1ibrary! 7ew ,ork!
1?! /nderson( 1!)! 19?C! / #tudy o0 #yste$ati' &ood /nato$y in )annabis!
Botani'al Museu$ 1ea0lets( :arvard <niv! 2C "2*929%E>!
1@! /ndre( )l!( and Ner'ruysse( /! 19?>! :isto'he$i'al #tudy o0 the
#talked 8landular :airs o0 the Fe$ale )annabis .lants( <sing Fast
Blue #alt! .lant Medi'a 299E>1%E>>!
19! BaAAaA( F!/!( Dusek( D!( #ieger( D!#!( and :aney( /!&! 19?!
.hotosynthesis and )annabinoid )ontent o0 Te$perate and Tropi'al
.opulations o0 )annabis sativa! Bio'he$! #yst! E'on! E91%1@!
2D! Bou'her( F!( )osson( 1!( <nger( ;!( and .aris( M! 19?C! )annabis
sativa 1!9 )he$i'al Ra'es or Narieties! .lantes Medi'inales et
.hytother! @ "1*92D%E1! "Fren'h*
21! BreslavetA( 1!.! 19E! /bnor$al Develop$ent o0 .ollen in Di00erent
Ra'es and 8ra0ts o0 :e$p! 8eneti'a 1?91?%1?D!
22! )lark( R!)! 19??! The Botany and E'ology o0 )annabis! >Cpp! .ods
.ress! Ben 1o$ond( )ali0!
2E! Darlington( )!D! 19>C! -il and Fiber .lants! 4n )hro$oso$al Botany
and the -rigin o0 )ultivated .lants! /llen and <nwin! 1ondon! .p!
2C! Davidan( 8!8! 19?2! :e$p! Bull! /pplied Bot!( 8en!( and .lant
Breeding C@ "E*9 9pp! 1eningrad! "Russian*
2! Dayandan( .!( and 5au0$an( .!B! 19?>! Tri'ho$es o0 )annabis sativa
")annaba'eae*! /$er! ;! Botany >E"*9?@%91!
2>! De .asKuale( /! 19?C! <ltrastru'ture o0 the )annabis sativa 8lands!
.lant Medi'a 29 2E9%2C@!
2?! De .asKuale( /!( Tu$ino( 8!( and )oasta de .asKuale( R! 19?C!
Mi'ro$orphology o0 the Epider$i' #ur0a'es o0 Fe$ale .lants o0
)annabis sativa 1! Bull! 7ar'! 2> "C*92?%CD!
2@! E$boden( &!/! 19?C! )annabis( a .olytypi' 8enus! E'on! Botany
2@ "E*9EDC%E1D!
29! E$boden( &!/! 19?2! 7ar'oti' .lants! 1>? pp! Ma'$illan! 7ew ,ork!
ED! Fahn( /! 19>?! 1ati'i0ers! 4n .lant /nato$y! .erga$on .ress! 7ew
,ork! .p! 1ED%1EC!
E1! Fu2uta( M!( et al! 19>?! #tudies on )annabis( 449 EHa$ination o0
the 7ar'oti' and 4ts Related )o$ponents in :e$ps( )rude Drugs( and
.lant -rgans by 81) and T1)! /nn! Rep! Tokyo )oll! .har$! 1?9
2E@%2C2! ";apanese*
E2! :a$$ond( )!( T!( and Mahlberk( .!8! 19?E! Morphology o0 8landular
:airs o0 )annabis sativa 0ro$ #'anning Ele'tron Mi'ros'opy!
/$er! ;! Botany >D ">*9 2C%2@!
EE! :aney( /!( and BaAAaA( F!/! 19?D! 4$pli'ations o0 the Distribution
o0 :e$p! 4n ;oy'e and )urry "see note 1C*( pp E9%C@!
EC! :eriseset( /!( Besson( .h!( and /utin( )! 19>! ToHi'ologi'al
-ver'iew on the Narieties o0 :e$p 8rown in /n2ou! /nnales .har$!
0ran'! 2E "11*9>E1%>E! "Fren'h*
E! ;enkins( R!&!( and .atterson( D!/! 19?E! The Relationship Between
)he$i'al )o$position and 8eographi'al -rigin in )annabis! Forensi'
#'i! 299%>>!
E>! 5e'hatov( E!/! 199! )he$i'al and Biologi'al Evaluation o0 Resin
o0 :e$p 8rown 0or #eed in )entral Distri'ts o0 the European .art
o0 the <##R! Bull! 7ar'! 11 "C*9%9!
E?! 1owry( &!T!( and 8arriott( ;!)! 19?! -n the 1egality o0 )annabis9
The Responsibility o0 the EHpert &itness! ;! Forensi' #'i!
E@! Masoud( /!7! Doorenbos( 7!;!( and Qui$by( &!M! 19?E!
Mississippi%8rown )annabis sativa 1!( 4N9 E00e'ts o0 8ibberelli'
/'id and 4ndolea'eti' /'id! ;! .har$! #'i! >2 "2*9E1>%E1@!
E9! M'.hee( :!)! 192C! Meioti' )ytokinesis o0 )annabis! Botan! 8aA!
?@9 EC1%ECC!
CD! Met'al0e( )!R!( and )halk( 1! 19>9! )annabina'eae! 4n /nato$y o0
the Di'otyledons( 44( 12C%12?! -H0ord <niv! .ress!
C1! Miller( 7!8! 19?D! The 8enera o0 the )annaba'eae in the
#outheastern <nited #tates! ;! /rnold /rboretu$ 191@%19!
C2! 7assanov( N!/! 19CD! /nato$i'al )hara'teristi's o0 8eographi'al
Ra'es o0 :e$p! Nestnik #olsialisti'heskogo Rastenievodstva
C91D2%12D! Mos'ow!
CE! Roberts( M!R! 19?! Fa$ily /00inities o0 the 8enus )annabis! :onors
Thesis( presented May 19?! Dept! Biology( :arvard <niv! C@pp!
CC! Robinson( B!B! 19CC! Mari2uana 4nvestigations( 4N9 / #tudy o0
Mari2uana ToHi'ity on 8old0ish /pplied to :e$p Breeding! ;! /$er(
.har$! /ssn! ED9>1>%>19!
C! #'hultes( R!E!( 5lein( &!M!( .low$an( T!( and 1o'kwood( T!E! 19?C!
)annabis9 /n EHa$ple o0 TaHono$i' 7egle't! Botani'al Museu$
1ea0lets( :arvard <niv! 2E "9*9EE?%E>C!
C>! #'hultes( R!E! 19?D! Rando$ Thoughts and Queries on the Botany o0
)annabis! 4n ;oy'e and )urry "see note 1C*( pp!11%EE!
C?! #hoya$a( ,!( ,agi( M!( 7ishioka( 4!( and ,a$au'hi( T! 19?!
Biosynthesis o0 )annabinoid /'ids! .hyto'he$! 1C "1D*921@9%2192!
C@! #i$onsen( ;!1!( and Todd( /!R! 19C2! )annabis indi'a( L9 The
Essential -il 0ro$ Egyptian :ashish! )he$ #o'iety "1ondon* ;!
C9! #$all( E! 19?! The )ase o0 the )urious )annabis! E'on Botnay
D! #$all( E! 19?! /$eri'an 1aw and the #pe'ies .roble$ in )annabis9
#'ien'e and #e$anti's! Bull( 7ar'! 2? "E*91%1?!
1! #$all( E!( Be'kstead( :!D!( and )ahn( /! 19?! The Evolution o0
)annabinoid .henotypes in )annabis! E'on! Botany 29 "E*9 219%2E2!
RFor si$ilar studies( see the 0ollowing! 1loydia( E> "2*91CC%1>!
)ontribution no! 9>D! 19?2! .lant Resear'h 4nst!( )anadian Dept!
/gri'! 22pp! 7ature( 19?E "#ept* 2C91C?%1C@! "#u$$ary*S
2! #$all( E! 19?2! Morphologi'al Nariation o0 /'henes o0 )annabis!
)anad! ;! Botany E "1D*99?@%9@?!
E! #tearn( &!T! 19?C! Typi0i'ation o0 )annabis sativa 1! Botani'al
Museu( 1ea0lets( :arvard <niv! 2E"9*9E2%EE>!
C! #tearn! &!T! 19?D! Botani'al )hara'teristi's! 4n ;oy'e and )urry
"see note 1C*! pp 1%1D!
! Todd! /!R! 19C>! :ashish! EHperientia 2 "2*9%>D!
>! Neliky( 4!/!( and 8enest( 5! 19?2! 8rowth and Metabolites o0
)annabis sativa )ell #uspension )ultures! 1loydia E "C*9 CD%C>!
?! &ar$ke! :!E! 19CC! <se o0 5ill0ish( Fenulus 2etero'litus( in the
/ssay o0 Mari2uana! ;! /$er! .har$! /ssn! EE9122%12!
@! &ar$ke( :!E! and Davidson( :! 19CC! .olyploidy 4nvestigations!
)arnegie 4nst! &ash! ,earbook CE91E%1!
9! &ar$ke( :!E! and Davidson( :! 19CE%CC! .olyploidy 4nvestigations!
)arnegie 4nst! &ash! ,earbook CE91E%1E@!
>D! &ar$ke( :!E! 19C1%CE! .olyploidy 4nvesti0ations! )arnegie 4nst!
&ash! ,earbook C291@>%1@?!
)annabis )ultivation
>1! /gurell( #! 19?D! )onstituents o0 Male and Fe$ale )annabis! 4n ;oy'e
and )urry "see note 1C*! pp ?%9I
>2! Boven( M!N! Bruneel( 7!( and Daenens( .( 19?>! Deter$ination des
'annabinoides dans le )annabis sativa d=origine belge! ;! .har(!
Belg! E1 "2*9211%219! "Fren'h*
>E! )o00$an( )!B!( and 8etner( &!/! 19?! Response o0 )annabis sativa
1!( to #oil%/pplied 7( .( and 5! "/bstra't* .resented to /$er! #o'!
o0 /gron! at <niv! Tenn! /ug! 19?! "#%C*91E>!
>C! Dewey( 1!:! 191E! :e$p! <#D/ ,earbook( pp! 2@E%EC1!
>! Dodge( )!R! 1@9! :e$p )ulture! <#D/ ,earbook! pp 21C!22!
>>! Doorenbos( 7!( Fetter$an( .!( Qui$by( M!( and Turner( )!E! 19?1!
)ultivation( EHtra'tion( and /nalysis o0 )annabis sati'a 1!( /nn!
7!,! /'ad! #'i!( pp! E%2C!
>?! Drake( B! 19?D! The )ultivators :andbook o0 Mari2uana! 91! pp
/grarian Re0or$ )o! Eugene( -re!
>@! Fairburn( ;!&!( and 1eib$an! ;!/! 19?C! The )annabinoid )ontent o0
)annabis sativa 1!( 8rown in England! ;! .har$a'eut! .har$a'ol!
2>9 C1E%C19!
>9! Fetter$an! .!( et al! 19?1! Mississippi%8rown )annabis sativa!9
.reli$inary -bservations on )he$i'al De0inition o0 .henotype and
Nariations in T:' )ontent Nersus /ge! and plant .art!
;! .har$! #'i! >D "@*9 12C>%12C9!
?D! Frank( M!( and Rosenthal( E! 19?C! The 4ndoorJ-utdoor :ighest
Quality Mari2uana 8rowers 8uide! 9C! pp! 1evel .ress( #an Fran'is'o(
and /ndJ-r .ress( Berkely( )ali0!
?1! :aney( /!( and 5uts'heid( B!B! 19?E! Quantitative Nariation in the
)he$i'al )onstituents o0 Mari2uana 0ro$ #tands o0 7aturliAed )annbis
sativa 1! 4n East%)entral 4llinois( E'on Botany 2? "2*9 19E%2DE!
?2! 5i$ura( M!( and -ka$oto( 5! 19?D! Distribution o0 T:) /'id in Fresh
&ild )annabis! #pe'ialia 1 "@*9 @19%2D!
?E! 5re2'i( B! 19?D! )hanges with Maturation in the /$ounts o0
Biologi'ally 4nteresting #ubstan'es o0 )annabis! 4n ;oy'e and
)urry "see note 1C*! ppC9%@!
?C! 1atta( R!.!( and Eaton( ;!E! 19?! #easonal Flu'tations in
)annabinoid )ontent o0 5ansas Mari2uana! E'on Botany 2991E%1>E!
?! Masoud( /!7!( and Doorenbos( 7! Mississippi%8rown )annabis sativa
1!( 4449 )annabinoid and )annabinoid /'id )ontent! ;! .har$! #'i >2
"2*9 E1E%E1!
?>! Mat'hett( ;!R!( et al! 19CD! Mari2uana 4nvestigations( 449 The
E00e't o0 Nariety( Maturity( Fertiliser Treat$ent( and #eH on the
4ntensity o0 the Bea$ Tests! ;! /$er! .har$! /ssn 29 "CD*9E99%CDC!
??! 7elson( )!:! 19CC! 8rowth Responses o0 :e$p to Di00erential #oil
and /ir Te$peratures! .lant .hysiol! 19929%ED1!
?@! 7ordal! /!( /nd Braenden( -! 19?E! Nariations in )annabinoid )ontent
o0 )annabis .lants 8rown 0o$ the #a$e Bat'hes o0 #eeds under
Di00erent E'ologi'al )onditions9 .reli$inary Report! Meddeleser Fra
7orsk Far$a'eut! #eiskap! E9@%1C!
?9! .aris( M!( Bou'her( F!( and )osson( 1! 19?! The )onstituents o0
)annabis sati'a .ollen! E'on! Botany 29 "E*92C%2E!
@D! .hillips( R!( et al( 19?D! #easonal Nariation in )annabinoli' /'id
)ontent o0 4ndian Mari2uana! ;! Forensi' #'i! 1 "2*9 191%2DD!
@1! Qui$by( M!( Doorenbos( 7!( Turner( )!E!( and Masoud( /! 19?!
Mississippi%8rown )annabis sativa 1!9 )ultivation and -bserved
Morphologi'al Nariations! E'on Botany 2? "1*911?%12?!
@2! Ri'hardson( ;! 19?>! #inse$illa Mari2uana Flowers! 9>pp! /ndJ-r
.ress! Berkeley )ali0!
@E! Robsinson( B!B! 19CE :e$p! Far$ers= Bull! <#D/!
@C! Robsinson( B!B!( and Mat'hett( ;!R! 19CD( Mari2uana 4nvestigations(
4449 The E00e't o0 Region o0 8rowth o0 :e$p on Resonse to the /'id
and /lkaline Bea$ Tests! ;! /$er! .har$! /ssn 299CC@%CE!
@! #'hou( ;!( and 7ielson( E! 19?D! )annabinols in Narious <!7! #a$ples
and in )annabis saiva 8rown in Den$ark under Narious )onditions! <!7!
#e' #TJ#./J#er!#J22! 12pp!
@>! #nellen( :!8! 19?D! / Quantative #tudy o0 T:) during the 8rowing
#eason o0 a MeHi'an #train o0 )annabis sativa 1! CD pp! :onors
Thesis no! 1E2?! Dept! .har$!( <niv! o0 Miss!
@?! #tark( 5! 19??! Mari2uana .oten'y "&orking .apers*! /ndJ-r .ress!
Berkeley( )ali0!
@@! #tevens( M! 19?! :ow to 8row Mari2uana 4ndoors <nder 1ights! Ed ed!
@D pp! #un Magi' .ublishing! #eattle( &ash!
@9! #uperweed( M!;! 19?D! #uper 8rass 8rower 8uide! 1>pp! #tone 5ingdo$
#ynd! #an Ra0ael( )ali0!
9D! #uperweed( M!;! 19>9! The )o$plete )annabis )ultivator! 1>pp! #tone
5ingdo$ #ynd! #an Ra0ael! )ali0!
91! Tibeau( #ister Marie Etienne! 19EE! Ti$e Fa'tor in <tilisation o0
Mineral 7utrients by :e$p! ;! .lant .hysiol! 119?E1%?C?!
92! Turner( )!E!( Fetter$an( .!#!( :adley( 5!&!( and <rbanek( ;!E! 19?!
)onstituents o0 )annabis sativa 1!( L9)annabinoid .ro0ile o0 a
MeHian Nariant and its .ossible )orrelation to .har$a'ologi'al
/'tivity! /'ta .har$! ;ugoslav! 2 "1*9 ?%1>!
#eH Deter$ination
9E! /rnouH( M!( and Mathieu( 8! 19>9! 4n0luen'e du $ilieu sur le
phenotype seHuel de des'endan'e Fl issues du 'roise$ent entre types
dioiKues et $onoiKues de 'hanvre ")annabis sativa 1!*! /nn! /$erlior!
.lantes 19 "1*9E%@! "Fren'h* RFor si$ilar studies( see the sa$e
2ournal( 19>>( 1> "2*9 12E%1EC( and 1>"E*929%2>2!S
9C! Bla'k( )!/! 19C! E00e't o0 )o$$er'ial Fertilisers on the #eH
EHpression o0 :e$p! Botan! 8aA! "#ept*( pp 11C%12D!
9! Borthwi'k( :!/!( and #'ully( 7!;! 19C! .hotoperiodi' Responses o0
:e$p! Botan 8aA "#ept*( pp 1C%29!
9>! :elsop%:arrison( ;! 19>! /uHin and #eHuality in )annabis sativa!
4n F!)! #teward( ed! 19?1! .lant .hysiology( N4( /9 @@%9?!
/'ade$i' .ress( 7ew ,ork!
9?! 1askowska( R! 19>1! 4n0luen'e o0 the /ge o0 .ollen and #tig$as on
#eH Deter$ination in :e$p! 7ature 19291C?%1C@!
9@! Ma'kay( E!1! 19E9! #eH )hro$oso$es o0 )annabis sativa! /$er! ;!
Botany 2>9?D?%?D@!
99! M'.hee( :!)! 192C! The in0luen'e o0 the Environ$ent on #eH in :e$p(
)annabis sativa 1! ;! /gri'! Res! 2@91D>?%1D@D!
1DD! Molotkovskii( 8!( and Butnitskii( 4!7! 19?1! Morphologi'al and
Bio'he$i'al )hara'ters o0 #eH in :e$p! <kr! Botan! Bh! 2@"1*92E%29!
1D1! MenAel( M!,! 19>C! Meioti' )hro$oso$es o0 Monoe'ious 5entu'ky :e$p
")annabis sativa*! Bull! Torrey Botan! )lub 9D "E*919E%2D!
1D2! .rit'hard( F!;! 191>"?*! )hange o0 #eH in :e$p! ;! :eredity
1DE! Ra$( :!,!( and ;aiswal( N!#! 19?2! 4ndu'tion o0 Male Flowers on
Fe$ale .lants o0 )annabis sativa by 8ibberellins and its 4nhibition
by /bs'isi' /'id! .lanta 1D92>E%2>>!
1DC! Ra$( :!,!( and ;aiswal( N!#! 19?2! #eH Reversal in the Male .lants
o0 )annabis sativa 1! by Ethyl :ydrogen%1%.ropylphosphate! B!
.0lanAenphysiol! >@91@1%1@2!
1D! #'ha00ner( ;!:! 19E1! The Flu'tuation )urve o0 #eH Reversal in
#ta$inate :e$p .lants 4ndu'ed by .hotoperiodi'ity! /$er! ;! Botany
1@9E2C%CED! RFor si$ilar studies( see -hio ;! #'i! 2
"192*91?2%1?>I E'ology C "192E*9E2E%E2CI Botan! 8aA! ?1 "1921*9
1D>! #'ha00ner( ;! :! 192>! The )hange o0 -pposite to /lternate .hylotaHy
and Repeated Re2uvenations in :e$p by Means o0 )hanged
.hotoperiodi'ity! E'ology ?"E*9E1%E2!
1D?! #$all( E! 19?2! 4n0ertility and )hro$oso$al <ni0or$ity in )annabis!
)anad! ;! Botany D "2*919C?!19C@!
1D@! /llwardt( &!:!( Bab'o'k( .!/!( #egel$an( /!B!( and )ross( ;!M! 19?2!
.hoto'he$i'al #tudies o0 Mari2uana ")annabis* )onsituents! ;! .har$!
#'i! >1 "12*9199C%199>!
1D9! /ugrill( #!( and 7illson( ;!1! 8! 19?2! The )he$istry and Biologi'al
/'tivity o0 )annabis! Bull! 7ar'! 2C "C*929E%29E?!
11D! )ro$bie( 1!( and )ro$bie( &!M!1! 19?! )annabinoid Bis%:o$ologues9
Miniaturised #ynthesis and 81) #tudy! .hto'he$! 1C921E%22D!
111! Davis( :!5!( ;r!( et al! 19?D! The .Reparation and /nalysis o0
Enri'hed and .ure )annabinoids 0ro$ Mari2uana and :ashish! 1loydia
112! Duke( E!1!( and Rei$ann( B!E!F! 19?E! The EHtra'tability o0 the
DuKuenois%.ositive )annabinoids! ToHi'ol! 192@9%EDD!
11E! Edery( :!( 8run0ield( ,!( Ben%Bvi( B!( and Me'houla$( R! 19?1!
#tru'tural ReKuire$ents 0or )annabinoid /'tivity! /nn! 7!,! /'ad!
11C! Fairburn( ;!&!( and 1eib$an( ;!/! 19?E! The EHtra'tion and
Esti$ation o0 )annabinoids in )annabis sativa 1! and its .rodu'ts!
;! .har$a'eut! .har$a'ol! 291D%1E!
11! Fie'htl( ;!( and #piteller( 8! 19?! 7ew )annabinoids9 .art 1!
Tetrahedron E1 ">*9 C?9%C@@! "8er$an with English su$$aries*
11>! 8rinspoon( 1! 19>9! Mari2uana! 4n /ltered #tates o0 /wareness9
Readings 0ro$ #'ienti0i' /$eri'an( pp! @9%9@! &!:! Free$an! #an
Fran'is'o( )ali0!
11?! 8rli'( 12! 19>C! / #tudy o0 #o$e )he$i'al )hara'teristi's o0 the
Resin 0ro$ EHperi$entally 8rown )annabis 0ro$ Di00erent -rigins!
<nited 7ations #e'! #TJ#-/J#er! #J1D! >pp!
11@! :arvey( D!;! 19?>! )hara'teriAation o0 the Butyl :o$ologues o0 T:)(
)B7( and )BD in sa$ples o0 )annabis by )o$bined 8as )hro$otography
and Mass #pe'tro$etry! ;! .har$a'eut! .har$a'ol! 2@"C*92@D%2@!
119! :olley( ;!:! :adley( 5!&!( and Turner( )!E! 19?! )onstituents o0
)annabis sativa 1!( L49)annabidol and )annabi'hro$ene in #a$ples o0
5nown 8eographi'al -rigin! ;! .har$! #'i! >C"*9@92%@9C!
12D! Masoud( /!7!( and Doorenbos( 7!;! 19?E! Mississippi%8rown )annabis
sativa 1!( 4449)annabinoid and )annabinoid /'id )ontent! ;! .har$!
#'i! >2 "2*9E1E%E1!
121! Me'houla$( R!( M')allu$( 7!5!( and Burstein( #! 19?>! Re'ent
/dvan'es in the )he$istry and Bio'he$istry o0 )annbis! )he$! Rev!
122! Me'houla$( R! 19?EE! Mari2uana )he$istry( .har$a'ology( Metabolis$(
and )lini'al E00e'ts! CD9 pp! /'ade$i' .ress! 7ew ,ork!
12E! Me'houla$( R! 19?D! Mari2uana )he$istry! #'ien'e
12C! Me'houla$( R!( and 8aoni( ,! 19>?! Re'ent /0van'es in the
)he$istry o0 :ashish! Forts'hritte )he$! -rgan! 7aturwiss!
12! Me'houla$( R!( and 8aoni( ,! 19>! :ashish( 4N9The 4solation and
#tru'ture o0 )annabinoli'( )annabidioli'( and )annabigeroli' /'ids!
Tetrahedron 1219122E%1229!
12>! Merkis( F! 19?1! )annabivarin and Tetra'annabivarin9 Two 7ew
)onstituents o0 :ashish! 7ature 2E29?9%@D!
12?! Mole( ;r!( 1!( Turner( )!E!( and :enry( ;!T! 19?C!
Delta%9%Tetrahydro'annabinoli' /'id 6B6 0ro$ an 4ndian Nariant o0
)annabis sativa! <!7! #e'! #TJ#-/J#er!#JC@! @pp!
12@! Moreton( ;!E!(( and Davis( &!M! 19?2! / #i$ple Method 0or
.reparation o0 4n2e'tables o0 T:) and )annabis EHtra'ts! ;!
.har$a'eut! .har$a'ol! >1"1*91?>%1??!
129! .oddar( M!5!( 8hosh( ;!;!( and Datta( ;! 19?! / Mi'ro$ethod 0or
the Esti$ation o0 )annabis )o$ponents! #'ien'e and )ulture
1ED! Radosevi'( /!( 5upini'( M!( and 8rli'( 1! 19>2! /ntibioti'
/'tivity o0 Narious Types o0 )annabis Resins! <!7! #eH
#TJ#-/J#er!#J>! 12pp!
1E1! #hani( /!( and Me'houla$( R! 19?1! .hoto'he$i'al Rea'tions o0
)BD9 )y'liAation o0 T:) and -ther Trans0or$ations( Tetrahedron
2? "2*9>D1%>D>!
1E2! #traight! R!( &ayne( /!&!( 1ewis( E!8!( and BE'k( E!)! 19?E!
Mari2uana EHtra'tion and .uri0i'ation 0or -ral /d$inistration o0
5nown /$ounts o0 Delta%9%Tetrahydro'annabinol "T:)*! Bio'he$!
Medi'ine @9EC1%ECC!
1EE! To00oli( F!( /vi'o( <!( and )4ranni( E! 19>@! Methods o0
Distinguishing Biologi'ally /'tive )annabis and Fiber Materials!
Bull! 7ar'! 2D"1*9%9!
1EC! Turner( )!E!( et al! 19?! )onsituents o0 'annabis sativa 1!(
N4449.ossible Biologi'al /ppli'ation o0 a 7ew Method to #eparate
)BD and )B)! ;! .har$! #'i! >C"*9@1D%@1C!
1E! Turner( )!E!( and :adley( 5!&! 19?C! )he$i'al /nalysis o0 )annabis
sativa o0 Distin't -rigin! /r'h! de 4nvest! Med! "1*91E%1CD!
1E>! Turner( )!E!( :adley( 5!&!( and Fetter$an( .! 19?E! )onsituents o0
)annabis sativa 1!( N49.ropyl :o$ologues in #a$ple o0 5nown
8eographi'al -rigin! ;! .har$! #'i! >2"1D*91?E9%11?C1!
1E?! Turner( )!E!( and :adley( 5!&! 19?E! )onsitutents o0 )annabis sativa
1!( 4449)lear and Dis'reet #eparation o0 )BD and )B)! ;! .har$! #'i!
>2 "?*91D@E%1D@>!
1E@! Turner( )!E! and :adley( 5!&! 19?E! )onsitutents o0 )annabis
sativa 1!( 449/bs'en'e o0 )BD in an /0ri'an Nariant! ;! .har$! #'i!
>2 "2*921%2!
1E9! Nree! T!B!( Brei$er( D!D!( Nan 8inneken( )!/!M!( and Nan Rossu$(
;!M! 19?2! 4denti0i'ation in :ashish o0 T:)( )BD( and )B7 /nalogues
with a Methyl #ide'hain! ;! .har$a'eut! .har$a'ol! 2C9?%12!
1CD! &ood! /!( et al! 1@9>! )haras9 The Resin o0 4ndian :e$p! )he$ )os!
"1ondon* ;!( pp! E9%C>!
7on'annabinoids o0 )annabis
1C1! El%Feraly( F!#!( and Turner( )!E! 19?! /lkaloids o0 )annabis
sativa 1eaves! .hyto'he$! 1C "1D*92EDC!
1C2! :a$( M!T!( et al! 19?E! E00e'ts o0 )annabis Roots on the :eart! ;!
/$er! Med! /ssn "1etters* 22 "*92!
1CE! :endri'ks( :!( Malingre( T!M!( Batter$an( #!( and Bos( R! 19?!
Mono% and #esKui%Terpene :ydro'arbons o0 the Essential -il o0
)annabis sativa! .hyto'he$! 1C "E*9@1C%@1!
1CC! :ood( 1! N! #!( Da$es( M!E!( and Barry( 8!T! 19?E! :eadspa'e
Nolatiles o0 Mari2uana! 7ature 2C29CD2%CDC!
1C! 1otter( :!1! and /braha$( D!;! 19?! )annabisativine9 / 7ew /lkaloid
0ro$ )annabis sativa 1! Root! Tetrahedron 1etters EE92@1%2@1@!
1C>! Malingre( T!( et al! 19?! The Essentail -il o0 )annabis sativa!
.lanta Medi'a 2@9>%>1!
1C?! Martin( 1!( #$ith( D!M!( and Far$ilo( )!8! 19>1! Essential -il
0ro$ )annabis sativa and its <se in 4denti0i'ation! 7ature
1C@! Mobarak( B!( Bieniek( D!( and 5orte( F! 19?C! #tudies on
7on%)annabinoids o0 :ashish( 44! )he$osphere >92>%2?D!
1C9! Mile( M!1!( Buelke( ;!( and Turner( )!E! 19?C! .reli$inary
-bservations on )ardia' /'tivities o0 )annabis sativa Root
EHtra'ts! ;! .har$! #'i! >E "?*91>9%1?D!
1D! Mole( M!1!( and Turner( )!E! 19?C! .hyto'he$i'al #'reening o0
)annabis sativa 1!( 49)onstituents o0 an 4ndian Nariant! ;! .har$!
#'i! >E"1*91C%1>!
11! Mile( M! 1!( and Turner( )!E! 19?E! .hyto'he$i'al #'reening o0
)annabis sativa 1!( 449)holine and 7eurine in the Roots o0 a MeHi'an
Nariant! /'ta .har$! ;ugoslav! 2E "C*92DE%2D!
12! 7iga$( M!)!( :anda( 5!1!( 7iga$( 4!)!( and 1evi( 1! 19>! Essential
-ils o0 Mari2uana9 )o$position o0 8enuine 4ndian )annabis sativa 1!
)anad! ;! )he$! CE"C*9EE?2%EE?>!
1E! Rogers( ;!R! 19?1! )annabis Roots! ;! /$er! MEd! /ssn "1etters*
1C! Rybi'ka( :!( and Engelbre'ht( 1! 19?C! Beatin in )annabis Fruit!
.hyto'he$! 1E92@2%2@E!
1! #latkin( D!;!( et al! 19?! #teroids o0 )annabis #ativa Root!
.hyto'he$! 1C9@%@1!
1>! #latkin( D!;!( et al! 19?1! )he$i'al )onstituents o0 )annabis sativa
1! Root! ;! .har$! #'i! >D"12*91@91%1@92!
1?! #t! /ngelo( /!( and -ry( R!1! 19?D! .roperties o0 a .uri0ied
.roteinase 0ro$ :e$pseed! .hyto'he$! 9919EE%19E@!
1@! #tahl( E!( and 5unde( R! 19?E! 7eue 4nhaltssto00e aus de$
/theris'hen -l von )annabis sativa! Tetrahedron 1etters ED92@C1%2@CC
19! Turner( )!E!( and Mole( M!1! 19?E! )he$i'al )o$ponents o0 )annabis
sativa! ;! /$er! Med! /ssn "1etters* 22 ">*9>E9!
1>D! &old( ;!5!( and :illstad( /! 19?>! De$onstration o0 8ala'tosoa$ine
in a :igher .lant9 )annabis sativa! .hyto'he$! 1"2*9E2%E2>!
1>1! /gurell( #!( and 1eander( 5! 19?1! #tability( Trans0er( and
/bsorption o0 )annabinoid )onsituents o0 )annabis ":ashish* during
#$oking! /'ta .har$! #uevi'a @9E91%CD2!
1>2! )hiesa( E!.!( Rondina( R!N!D!( and )ouisso( ;!D! 19?E! )he$i'al
)o$position and .otential /'tivity o0 /rgentine Mari2uana! ;!
.har$a'eut! .har$a'ol! 299E%9>!
1>E! )o00$an( )!B!( and 8entner( &!a 19?C! )annabis sativa 1!9E00e't o0
Drying Ti$e and Te$perature on )annabinoid .ro0ile o0 #tored 1ea0
Tissue! Bull! 7ar'! 2>"1*9>@%?D!
1>C! Fairburn( ;!&!( 1ieb$an( ;!/!( and Rowan( M!8! 19?>! The #tability
o0 )annabis and its .reparations on #torage! ;! .har$a'eut!
.har$a'ol! 2@"1*91%?!
1>! ;ones( 1!/!( and Foote( R!#! 19?! )annabis #$oke )ondensate9
4denti0i'ation o0 #o$e /'ids( Bases( and .henols! ;! /gri'! Food
)he$! 2E">*91129%11E1!
1>>! 5inAer( &!( et al! 19?C! The Fate o0 the )annabinoid )o$ponents
o0 Mari2uana during #$oking! Bull! 7ar'! 2>"E*9C1%E!
1>?! 5oehler( B! 19C>! :e$p%#eed Treat$ent in Relation to Di00erent
Dosages and )onditions o0 #torage! .hytopathol! E>99E?%9CE!
1>@! .atel( /!R!( and 8ori( 8!B! 19?! .reparation and Monitoring o0
Mari2uana #$oke%)ondensate #$aples! Bull! 7ar'! 2?"E*9C?%C!
1>9! #avaki( :!E!( )unah( ;! )arlini( E!/!( and 5epholas( T!/! 19?>!
.har$a'ologi'al /'tivity o0 Three Fra'tions o0 -btained by #$oking
)annabis through a &ater .ipe! Bull! 7ar'! 2@"2*9C9%>!
1?D! Turner( )!E!( and :adley( 5!&! 19?! )onstituents o0 )annabis sativa
1!( 4L9#tability o0 #yntheti' and 7aturally -''urring )annabinoids
in )hloro0or$! ;! .har$! #'i! >C"2*9E?%E9!
1?1! Turner( )!E!( et al! 19?E! )onstituents o0 )annabis sativa 1!(
4N9#tability o0 )annabinoids in #tored .lant Material! ;! .har$!
#'i! >2"1D*91>D1%1>D!
1?2! Turner( )!E!( :adley( 5!&!( and Davis( 5!:! 19?E! )onstituents o0
)annabis sativa 1!( N9#tability o0 an /nalyti'al #a$ple EHtra'ted
with )hloro0or$! /'ta .har$! ;ugoslav! 2E"2*9@9%9C!
1?E! Turner( )!E!( and :adley( 5!&! 19?E! .reservation o0 )annabis! ;!
/$er! Med! /ssn "1etters* 22E"9*91DCE!
1?C! /rgurell( #!( et al! 19?E! Quantitation o0 T:) in .las$e 0ro$
)annabis #$okers! ;! .har$a'eut! .har$a'ol! 29C%@!
1?! /rgurell( #!( and 7illson( ;!1!8! 19?2! The )he$istry and Biologi'al
/'tivity o0 )annabis! Bull! 7/r'! 2C"C*929E%29E?!
1?>! /rgurell( #! 19?D! )he$i'al and .har$a'ologi'al #tudies o0 )annabis!
4n ;oy'e and )urry "see note 1C* pp! 1?%191!
1??! )hristensen( :!D!( et al! 19?! /'tivity o0 Delta%@% and Delta%9%T:)
and Related )o$pounds in the Mouse! #'ien'e E191>%1>?!
1?@! Davis( &!M!;! 19?2! / #i$ple Method 0or the .reparation o0
4n2e'tables o0 T:) and )annabis EHtra'ts! ;! .har$a'eut! .har$a'ol!
1?9! Edery( :!( 8run0ield( ,!( Ben%Bvi( B!( and Me'houla$( R! 19?1!
#tru'tural ReKuire$tns 0or )annabinoid /'tivity! /nnals 7!,! /'ad!
1@D! 8ill( E!&!( and .aton( &!D!M! 19?D! .har$a'ologi'al EHperi$ents in
vitro on the /'tive .rin'iples o0 )annabis! 4n ;oy'e and )urry "see
note 1C*( pp1>%1?E!
1@1! 8ill( E!&!( .aton( &!D!M!( and .ertwee( R!8! 19?D! .reli$inary
EHperi$ents on )he$istry and .har$a'ology o0 )annabis! 7ature
1@2! :aagen%#$it( /!;!( et al! / .hysiologi'ally /'tive .rin'iple 0ro$
)annabis sativa "Mari2uana*! #'ien'e 9D "2E?2*9>D2%>DE!
1@E! :ollister( 1!E!( and 8illespie! :! 19?! 4ntera'tions in Man o0 T:)(
449)B7 and )BD! )lin! .har$! Therap! 1@9@D%@E!
1@C! 5abelik( ;!( 5re2'i( B!( and #antavy( F! 19>D! )annabis as a
Medi'ant! Bull! 7ar'! 12"E*9%2E!
1@! 5arniol( 4!8!( et al! 19?! E00e'ts o0 T:) and )B7 in Man! .hara'ol!
1@>! 5arniol( 4!8!( and )arlini( E!/! 19?E! .har$a'ologi'al 4ntera'tion
between )BD and T:)! .sy'hophar$a'ologia EE9E%?D!
1@?! 1e$berger( 1!( et al! 19?1! T:)9 Metabolis$ and Disposition in
1ong%Ter$ Mari2uana #$okers! #'ien'e 1?E9?2%?C!
1@@! Maugh( T!:! 19?C! Mari2uana9 The 8rass May 7o 1onger Be 8reener!
#'ien'e 1@9>@E%>@!
1@9! M')allu$( 7!5! 19?! The E00e't o0 )B7 on delta%1 T:) )learan'e
0ro$ the Blood! EHperientia E1"@*99?%9@!
19D! M')allu$( 7!5! 19?! /n 4nhalation /erosol o0 T:) ;! .har$a'eut!
.har$a'ol! ")o$$uni'ations* 2@9@>%9?!
191! .aton( &!D!M! .har$a'ology o0 Mari2uana! 19?! /nn! Rev! .har$!
192! .ereA%Reyes( M! Ti$$ons( M!)!( Davis( 5!:!( and &all( E!M! 19?E!
/ )o$parison o0 the .har$a'ologi'al /'tivity in Man o0 4ntravenously
/d$inistered Delta%nine%T:)( )B7( and )BD! EHperientia 2991E>@%1E>9!
19E! .owel( 8!( #al$on( M!( and Be$bry( T!:! 19C1! The /'tive .rin'iple o0
Mari2uana! #'ien'e 9E"2C22*921%22!
19C! Mikuriya( T!:! 19?E! Mari2uana9Medi'al .apers! C? pp! Medi%)o$p
.ress( -akland( )ali0!
19! #allen( #!E!( et al! 19?! /ntie$eti' E00e't o0 T:) in .atients
Re'eiving )an'er )he$otherapy! 7ew England Med! ;! 29E"1>*9?9%?9@!
19>! #egel$an( /!B!( and #o0ia( R!D! 19?E! )annabis sativa 1!
"Mari2uana*( 4N9)he$i'al Basis 0or 4n'reased .oten'y Related to a
7ovel Method o0 .reparation! ;! .har$! #'i! >2"12*92DCC%2DC>!
19?! Turner( )!E! 19?C! /'tive #ubstan'es in Mari2uana! /r'h! de 4n'est!
Medi'a "1*91E%1CD!
19@! Bear( F!E! 19C2! #oils and Fertilisers! E?C pp! ;ohn &iley and #ons!
7ew ,ork!
199! Bi'k0ord( E!D!( and Dunn( #! 19?2! 1ighting 0or .lant 8rowth!
221 pp! 5ent #tate <ni'! .ress! 5ent( -hio!
2DD! Bla'k( )!/! 19>@! #oil .lant Relationships! 2d ed! ;ohn &iley and
#ons! 7ew ,ork!
2D1! Bradshaw( /!D! 19?2! #o$e o0 the Evolutionary )onseKuen'es o0 Being
a .lant! Evolutionary Biology 92%C?! /ppleton%)entury%)ro0ts!
2D2! )anha$( /!E! 19>>! /rti0i'ial 1ight in :orti'ulture! 212pp! )entreH
.ub! Einhoven( the 7etherlands!
2DE! )hi'hilo( .!( and &hittabker( )!&! 19>1! Tra'e Ele$ents in
/gri'ultural 1i$estones o0 the <nited #tates! /grono$y ;!
2DC! )o$$on &eeds o0 the <nited #tates! 19?D! C>E pp! <#D/! &ashington(
2D! )ro$bie( 1!( and )ro$bie( &!M!1! 19?! )annabinoid For$ation in
)annabis sativa 8ra0ted 4nter%Ra'ially( and with Two :u$ulus #pe'ies!
.hyto'he$! 1C9CD9%C12!
2D>! Devlin( R!M! 19>9! .lant .hysiology! 2d ed! CC> pp! Nan 7ostrand
Reinhold! 7ew ,ork!
2D?! De&it( ;!M!;!( and :arian( ;!R! 19?! &eeds and Do$esti'ates9
Evolution in the Man%Made :abitat! E'on! Botany 29"2*999%1D?!
2D@! Donahue( R!1!( #hi'kluna( ;!)!( and Robertson( 1!#! 19?1! #oils9
/n 4ntrodu'tion to #oils and .lant 8rowth! Ed ed! @? pp!
.renti'e%:all! Englewood )li00s( 7!;!
2D9! Duke( &!B!( :agin( R!D!( :unt( ;!F!( and 1inds'ott( D!1! 19?!
Metal :alide 1a$ps 0or #upple$ental 1ighting in 8reesnhouses9 )rop
Responses and #pe'tral Distribution! /grono$y ;! >?9C9%E!
21D! Ehrli'h( .!R!( and Rayen( .!:! 19>9! Di00erentiation o0 .opulations!
#'ien'e 1>9122@%12E1!
211! En'y'lopaedia Brittani'a! 1@9C! Nol! 4449>2?%>2@! Nol! L49>C?%>C9(
@CE! Nol LN4492E1%2EE( ?E9%?C!
212! Fenselau( )!( 5elly( #!( #al$on( M!( and Billets( #! 19?>! The
/bs'en'e o0 T:) 0ro$ :ops! Food #o'$et! ToHi'ol! 1C"1*9E%E9!
21E! 8etting the Bugs -ut o0 -rgani' 8ardening! 19?E! 11 pp! Rodale
.ress! E$$aus( .a!
21C! 8olueke( )!8! 19?2! )o$posting9 / #tudy o0 the .ro'ess and its
.rin'iples! 11Dpp! Rodale .ress! E$$aus( .a!
21! :all( /!D! 1912! Fertilisers and Manures! E@C pp! E!.! Dutton!
7ew ,ork!
21>! :arlan( ;!R! 19?>! The .lants and /ni$als that 7ourish Man!
#'ienti0i' /$er! "#ept*9@9%9?!
21?! :enis( )!,!( and Mit'hell( R! 19?E! E00e't o0 Biogeni' /$ines and
)annabinoids on Ba'terial )he$otaHis! Ba'teriol! 11"E*9121%121@!
21@! 1entA( .!1!( Turner( )!E!( Robertson( 1!&!( and 8etner( &!/! 19?C!
First /$eri'an Re'ord o0 )er'ospora )annabina( with 7otes on the
4denti0i'ation o0 )! 'annabina and )! 'annabis! .lant Disease
Reporter @ "2*91>%1>@!
219! 1evin( D!/! 19?E! The Role o0 Tri'ho$es in .lant De0ense! Q! Rev!
Biol! C@ "1*9E%1!
22D! M'Ni'kar( M!:!( Bridger( 8!1!( and 7elson( 1!B!( eds! 19>E!
Fertiliser Te'hnology and <sage! C>C pp! #oil #o'iety o0 /$eri'a!
Madison( &is'!
221! -rgani' Fertilisers9 &hi'h -nes and :ow to <se The$! 19?E! 129 pp!
Rodale .ress! E$$aus( .a!
222! Rorison( 4!:!( ed! 19>9! E'ologi'al /spe'ts o0 Mineral 7utrition in
.lants! C@C pp! Bla'kwell #'i! .ub!( no! @1! -H0ord( England!
22E! #tevenson and Brown! 191@! #oil #urvey o0 4owa Report 7o! 2(
.ottawatta$ie )ounty #oils! 2? pp! 4owa #tate )ollege o0 /gri'ulture
and Me'hani'al /rts! /$es( 4owa!
22C! #tout( R!( and )le$en'e( R! 19?1! The Ruth #tout 7o%&ork 8arden
Book! 21@ pp! Rodale .ress! E$$aus( .a!
22! #unset &estern 8arden Book! 19>?! CC@ pp! 1ane .ublishing! Menlo
.ark( )ali0!
22>! Teus'her( :!( and /dler( D! 19>D! The #oil and its Fertility!
CC> pp! Reinhold .ublishing! 7ew ,ork!
22?! Tho$pson( 1! 19?! #oils and Fertility! 2ed ed! E2? pp! M'8raw%:ill(
7ew ,ork!
22@! Negetable 8ardening! 1>th ed! 19?2! ?2 pp! 1ane Books! Menlo .ark(
229! &heeler( :!;! 192C! Manures and Fertilisers! E@9 pp! Ma'$illan!
7ew ,ork!
2ED! ,epsen( R!B!( ;r!( ed! 19?>! -rgani' .lant .rote'tion! >@@ pp!
Rodale .ress! E$$aus( .a!
2E1! )o00$an( )!B!( and 8entner( &!/! 19?! )annabinoid .ro0ile and
Ele$ental <ptake o0 )annabis sativa 1! as 4n0luen'ed by #oil
)hara'teristi's! /grono$y ;! >?9C91%C9?!
2E2! #hearer( T!M!( and )hal$ers( D! 19?D! Toba''o 8rowing in the
British 4sles! E1 pp! #'ottish /$ateur Toba''o 8rowing and )uring
/ssn! 5ir'k'oldy( #'otland!

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