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Application form

To take part in the Congress 27th session

as part of the national delegations

13 to 16 October 2014, trasbo!rg "#rance$

%ersonal details

First name
Last name
Date and place of birth
Gender (M/F/other)
Since when have you been living in your
current country of residence

!ddress" post code" town" country
&or'ing language
Name of organisation/authority/structure

&'perience and moti(ation (in no more than () words for each reply)

&hat is your personal motivation to ta'e
part in the *ongress+s ,-th session

&hat e.perience do you have of
representing young people in relations with
local and regional authorities" for e.ample
in NG/s" youth associations" youth
councils" etc

&hat do you e.pect to be able to contribute
to the session

&hat do you e.pect to learn from this

0ow will you disseminate the information
obtained during the session on your return

Yo!r (ie)s on *o!th participation and dialog!e

&hy are youth participation and dialogue at
local and regional levels important to you
and young people in general

1lease describe briefly your e.perience of
ma'ing your voice heard by local and
regional authorities or by society at large2
the local/regional that structures in
your area

&hat challenges have you faced or do you
face and how have you overcome them

&hich innovative" diverse and fresh
ideas/pro3ects do you or your organisation
use" in co$operation with local media" as a
new form of youth participation

4s there any additional information you feel
may be relevant to your application

%ractical +!estions

Do you have any special needs or
re5uirements" for e.ample dietary" medical"
allergies" disability" etc

4f you are invited to ta'e part in the session"
will you re5uire assistance in obtaining a
visa for France

%lease ret!rn completed application forms to *o!thsession2014,coe-int, b* .ednesda* 4
/!ne 2014 at the latest-

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