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Revelation 21-22

1. What are some things that people generally look forward to in life? Whats
something that youre looking forward to (either in the short term or long

In Revelation 21-22 we see the fulfilment of the gospel and the
consummation of Gods salvation plan in the new creation. With language
and imagery drawn from the Old Testament we are presented with a
glorious picture of a restored Eden, a redeemed people, a reigning Christ.

Read Revelation 21 together. Then break into two groups and answer the
following questions.

2. What is new in the new creation (vv. 1-8)? What is their significance?

3. Note down the OT symbolism that is used to describe the New Jerusalem
(vv. 9-21).

4. What is missing in the new creation (vv. 22-27)? Why is this significant?

5. Read Revelation 22:1-5 together. How will the new creation be like the
Garden of Eden? How will it be better?

Break into pairs and spend time reflecting on the following questions.

6. What temporal things of this old creation are you cherishing more than
the eternal treasure of the new creation?

7. For you, what does it look like to run the race as one who perseveres?
Perhaps think in terms of particular aspects of your life (e.g. evangelism,
holiness, contentment, assurance, suffering etc.)

8. What are two things that you have been encouraged or challenged by
during our Revelation series?

All their life in this world and all their adventures had only been the cover
and the title page: now at last they were beginning Chapter One of the
Great Story which no one on earth has read: which goes on for ever: in
which every chapter is better than the one before.
C. S. Lewis, The Last Battle

Read Revelation 22:6-21 to finish. Thank God that he is making all things
anew in Christ. Ask that he might help us long for the new creation; that
we might live each day in light of eternity.

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