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Good Morning Mr.

Malone, Teachers and fellow students of our

lovely school.
Please allow me to introduce myself; my name is Marcus
Trentino from 6M. I am a dedicated, responsible student and I
feel I have many qualities that will make me a memorable
school captain in 2014.
When I think of the word Leadership it takes me to one main
figure in our history, Nelson Mandela. Nelson showed great
Courage, Determination, Leadership and Initiative as he stood
up for what he had faith in and he never gave up. I feel I have
the same qualities and passion to pursue my beliefs in and
outside of this school.
Throughout this speech I will be talking to you about when I
started my learning journey at St. Francis and how over the
years I became a confident student, my hobbies and my
I started Grade Prep at St Francis as a shy boy but over the
years I have grown into a confident well known student. Each
year I worked to the best of my ability and the encouragement
and support of all my wonderful teachers has made my
learning journey at St Francis a rewarding one.
My highlight was last year, when I was a part of the enrichment
program. With the support of Mr Dwyer, I was able to show my
leadership skills through gaining confidence in class discussions,
learning to be a great listener and taking direction in group
tasks. I left Grade 5 feeling ready to take on any challenge.
I am passionate about sport, mainly soccer. I have been a
member of a Soccer Club for six years now. I have learnt about
teamwork, good sportsmanship, taking direction and showing
I also trained at the Coerver Performance Soccer Academy
held at Parade. My assessment certificate identified that I
showed great leadership qualities on and off the pitch.
Last year I was chosen by Ms Mc Gough to coach the Grade 6
interschool soccer team. This was very exciting as I was the only
Grade 5 student allowed to go on the bus and that made me
feel really special! The students in the soccer team listened to
my instructions and took my advice on and off the pitch. Mr
Mac also asked me to coach the Grade 5 soccer team last
year, which I feel shows that I am highly regarded as a leader
and reliable student.
I believe I have many qualities, virtues and the five keys,
Resilience, Persistence, Organisation, Confidence and Getting
Along as I use and follow these qualities in my day to day
These qualities make me a great candidate as School Captain
and I would stand proud as a representative of St Francis and
our Community in front of all new and existing parents and
I would like to end my speech with a quote from Oscar Romero.
Aspire not to have more, but to be more.
After all, anything is possible when you put your mind to it.
Thank you for listening and as my favourite song at the moment
goes Im your man, Im your man, Im your man, yes I am,
yes I am, yes I am!!!
Marcus T 6M

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