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1. A number when increased by 25% and then decreased by 25% will result in
overall of
a. 10% increase b. No change c. 20% decrease d. 6.25% decrease
2. On selling two watches for the same rice a man gains 20% on one and loses 20%
on the other. !ind his overall gain or loss ercentage.
a. 20% rofit b. 20% loss c. 5% rofit d. "% loss
#. $ertain number of men can do a %ob in 25 days. &ad there been 5 men less the
wor' would have ta'en 5 more days. &ow many days would they ta'e to
comlete if the wor' is five times more than usual(
a. #0 days b. 25 days c. 125 days d. 150 days
". A can do a %ob in 20 days and ) can do the same in #0 days. &ow much time will
they ta'e to comlete the wor' if they wor' together(
a. 12 days b. 15 2*# days c. 15 days d. 12 2*# days
5. +f + wal' at 6*, th of my usual seed- + reach my destination 20 minutes late. .hat
time does it usually ta'es for me to reach my destination(
a. /0 mins b. 100 mins c. 120 mins d. 150 mins
6. +n August-2000 india )ulls layed 60 games and won #0% of these. After a
henomenal strea' the team wanted to raise its average win ercentage to 50%.
&ow many games did the team win in a row- to attain this average(
a. #6 b. 2" c. 1/ d. #2
,. +n a arty when each erson sha'es hand with the other- the count of handsha'es
is 105. !ind the number of eole resent at the arty(
a. 1" b. 20 c. 15 d. 12
/. +f a sum of money becomes 0 times itself in 2" years- then in how much time will
the same sum be 20 times itself(
a. "/ years b. 60 years c. 5, years d. #6 years
0. &ow many diagonals can you ossibly drawn in a dodecagon(
a. 66 b. 60 c. /" d. 5"
10. A student got the following mar's in si1 sub%ects2 //-05-0,-0#-/"-00.
.hat is the average mar's scored by the student(
a. 02 b. 01.1, c. 00.1, d. 02.1,
By Sreedhar jalapati for Spoorthy olle!e of e"!i"eeri"!

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