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Authorized by: Sgt. Smith Date: 6/1/14

Rebecca L. Kelly
Age: 38
ot!dam State "#
Date: $6/$1/14
Charge: %urglary &
(rimi'al )i!chie* 4
Re!i!ti'g Arre!t
+ara!!me't &
& cou't!
Di!orderly (o'duct
Time: 8:34,m
Loation: 1-$ ) Street
Relea!e/Ret"rn: Arraig'ed be*ore /illage 0u!tice ig'o'e. Rema'ded to St. La1re'ce (ou'ty
(orrectio'al 2acility o' 31$4$$$ ca!h bail/3&$4$$$ bo'd.
Narrati#e D recei5ed re,ort o* a' o'goi'g home i'5a!io' a'd ,hy!ical altercatio' at a'
a,artme't located at 1-$ ) Street. atrol! re!,o'ded a'd it 1a! determi'ed
that Rebecca L. Kelly damaged a 1i'do1 !cree' a'd made e'try i'to the
a,artme't through the 1i'do1. 6'ce i'!ide the a,artme't4 Kelly attac.ed the
re!ide't4 !tri.i'g her multi,le time!. 7hile ta.i'g Kelly i'to cu!tody !he re!i!ted
arre!t a'd .ic.ed a atrol. Kelly 1a! the' tra'!,orted bac. to D 1here !he
1a! ,roce!!ed *or the abo5e li!ted charge! a'd arraig'ed.
$1$8 atrol com,leted a tra**ic !to, o' Leroy Street. )ichael S. 2ulto'4 918: o* (olto'4 ".#. 1a!
i!!ued a ;'i*orm <ra**ic < *or 2ailed to Sto, at Sto, Sig' a*ter ,atrol ob!er5ed the 5ehicle
he 1a! o,erati'g *ail to !to, *or the !to, !ig' at the i'ter!ectio' o* 7a5erly St. a'd %road St. <he i! retur'able to ot!dam /illage (ourt o' 0u'e 13
4 &$14 at 8:3$ am.
$11$ atrol com,leted a tra**ic !to, o' )ai' Street. A!hley ). Radell4 9&=: o* "or1ood4 ".#. 1a!
i!!ued a ;'i*orm <ra**ic < *or 2ailure to #ield > Road to <ra**ic a*ter ,atrol ob!er5ed the
5ehicle !he 1a! o,erati'g tra5eli'g do1' the ce'ter o* the u'mar.ed ,ortio' o* )ai' St. <he i! retur'able to ot!dam /illage (ourt o' 0u'e &$
4 &$14 at 8:3$ am.
$146 atrol com,leted a tra**ic !to, o' ?lm Street. A 5erbal 1ar'i'g 1a! i!!ued.
$&$- atrol com,leted a tra**ic !to, o' ) Street. A 5erbal 1ar'i'g 1a! i!!ued.
1&1- atrol! a!!i!ted 1ith tra**ic *or a (y!tic 2ibro!i! )otorcycle Ru'.
1343 atrol re!,o'ded to )ay*ield A,artme't! to a!!i!t a citize'.
16-3 atrol! re!,o'ded to %ig Lot! laza *or a 5erbal argume't.
&$16 atrol re!,o'ded to ot!dam laza *or a'imal com,lai't.
&$34 atrol re!,o'ded to 1-$ ) Street *or re,ort o'goi'g %urglary. Arre!t made.
&1&- Recei5ed hara!!me't com,lai't o' Debra Dri5e. atrol re!,o'ded.

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