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1. If Aristotle ....alive today, he. a chat show. [ today if 2 ]

a. had been / will have ; b. were / would have ; c. had been / would have ; d. were / would have had ;

2.If I Ill eat my heat. > a. will win ;

=> pass the exam , .Im sure I wont win

b. win ;

c. will have won ;

d. won ;


3. If you an unidentified flying object, let me . !

a. see / to know ; b. saw / would know ; c. should see / know ; d. had seen / know ;

4. Mary ..a French pen friend this year and she ---- already .and ..5 letters.
a. has found / has written / received ;
b. found / wrote / received ;
c. found / has written / has received ;
d. has found / has been writing / has received ;

5. Monica James : and now we .. .the eggs whites until they . up in peaks. And a useful tip
to remember here slightly stale eggs whites .. better meringues than absolutely fresh ones.

a. are whisking / will stand / makes ;

c. are whisking / stand / are making ;
whisk = mix quickly ;

b. whisk / stand / makes ;

d. whisk / have stood / are making ;

stale eggs =


6. Im very quick tempered person and I wish I .

a. am not ;
b. wont be ;
c. not to be ;
d. werent ;

e. wouldnt be ;


7. When my fathers tailor him for a new suit , he told him that he .on a lot of weight
and now .20 centimetres around the waist.
a. was measuring / put / is measuring ;
b. measured / had put / measures ;
c. had measured / had put / is measuring ;
d. was measuring / would put / measured ;

8. Jimmy arrived sad and tired. He..the car all day and then he a job trying to park it.
a. had been driving / had ;
b. was driving / had ;
c. drove / was having ;
d. had been driving / did had ;

9. Henry behaved very badly , ... upset all of . .

a. that / us ;
b. which / us ;
c. that / ourselves ;
d. whom / ours ; e. whose / us

10. They carried on ( = continued to behave ) as if nothing .

a. would happen; b. would have happened ;
c. did happen ;
d. had happened ;

11. Mike must be 22 by now. Its time he ..behaving irresponsibly. ( = fooling around )
a. stops ; b. will stop ; c. to stop ;
d. stopped ;
e. do stops ;

12. I paid 100 $ for .. binoculars, but .very good.

a. these / they arent ; b. this / it isnt ; c. this / that isnt ;
d. these / it isnt

13 . Grandmother wont allow anybody ...bad language at the dinner table.

a. using ;

b. use ;

c. to use ;

d. will use ;

e. used ;


14. We are going .. Greece .. holiday. ~You must be looking forward ..that.
a. for / at / to ; b. to / in / at ;
c. to / for / to ;
d. to / on / to ;

15. Accident investigators are examining the possibility that a wing came ... the Boeing 729 before it crashed.
a. down ;
b. up ;
c. off ;
d. out ;

16. Nobody has paid for the tickets, ?

a. have they ; b. has it ;
c. havent they ;

d. wont they ;

e. isnt it ;


17. We .... better order a taxi to to the airport next week.
a. would / bring ;
b. had / take ;
c. had / bring ;
d. would / take ;

18. Youve got 2 brothers, ..?

a. dont you ;
b. havent you got ;

c. havent you ;

d. got you ;




----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------19. Their house is even .. .than Richards.

a. much enormous ; b. little enormous ;
c. more enormous ;
d. more enormously

20. People reported that the discussions had been tough.

a. The discussions were reported to have been tough ;

c. It was reported the discussions to have been tough ;

b. The discussions had been reported to be tough ;

d. The discussions were reported to have had been tough ;


21. I couldnt tell you what Bill ... like now, we .him for ages.
a. is looking / havent seen ;
b. looks / havent seen ;
c. is looking / havent been seeing ;
d. looks / will not have seen

22. Peter e student la drept acum si m-am gandit sa merg sa dau examen la drept cand voi termina scoala.
a. P. is a student at law now. I thought at going in for that when I left school.
b. P. is a student at law now. I thought about going at that when I leave school.
c. P. is studying law now.
I thought of going to that when I would have left school.
d. P. is studying law now.
I thought of going in for that when I left school. [ to go in for. ]

23. Some people make themselves . so that they to a ripe old age.
a. to run / live ;
b. run / will live ;
c. run / lived ;
d. to run / can ;

24. It was possible to buy tickets for Friday, but we didnt .

a. We could have bought tickets for Friday ;
b. We must have bought tickets for Friday ;
c. We might have bought tickets for Friday ;
d. We need have bought tickets for Friday ;

25. There has been an unfortunate increase in burglaries .. which the police - or .... attribute to the carelessness of many householders.
a. later / right / wrongly ; b. lately / rightly / wrongly ; c. latest / right / wrong ; d. lately/ right / wrong ;

26. I lay on the bed and .

a. so does my cousin ; b. either did my cousin ;

c. so did my cousin ; d. my cousin does , too ;


27. Id like to ask you a few things if you dont mind

a. My lawyer said hed like to ask me a few things if I didnt mind ;
b. My lawyer said he would have liked to ask me a few things if I didnt mind ;

c. My lawyer said he should have liked to ask a few things if I wouldnt mind ;
d. My lawyer wanted that hed like to ask a few things if I didnt mind ;

28. John is very interested ... all sorts of sport : he is good at athletics, keen . football ,worries his progress
as hes currently suffering..exhaustion and he longs . the day when he can turn professional.
a. by / for / about / by / at ; b. in / on / about / from / for ; c. for / with / for / by / to ; d. about / at / for / by / at ;

29. Well think about it.

a. Mary hoped that he would think about it. ;
c. Mary told to him to think about it. ;

b. Mary hoped that he did think about it.

d. Mary told that he should think about it. ; [ told him ]


30. Have you seen this job advertisement? ~ You should apply.

a. Father wanted me that I should apply. ;

c. Father advised that I apply. ;

c. Father suggested me that I should apply. ;

d. Father advised me that I will apply ;.


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