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Acestea sunt cateva setari importante pe care trebuie sa le aveti pentru ca uTorrent sa functineze fara probleme

Options => Preferences

- Port used for incoming connections puneti ceva intre ........20000 si 65000
- Debifati Enable UPnP Port Mapping

- Global maxim number of connections: 500 sau mai mare .depinde de conexiunea dumneavoastra
- Maximum number of connected peers per torrent: 2-300 depinde din nou de conexiunea dumneavoastra
- Number of upload slots per fel ca la Maximum number of connected peers per torrent
- Debifati Enable DHT Network
- Debifati Enable DHT for new torrents
- Debifati Enable Peer Exchange
- Outgoing: selectati Enabled
- Bifati Allow incoming legacy connections

-Maximum number of active torrents(upload or download): 100( in functie de conexiunea dumneavoastra)
-Maximum number of active downloads: 100(in functie de conexiunea dumneavoastra)
Options => Preferences
- Port used for incoming connections choose between ........20000 si 65000
- Uncheck Enable UPnP Port Mapping

- Global maxim number of connections: 500 or higher depend on your connection
- Maximum number of connected peers per torrent: 2-300 - depend on your connection
Noi recomandam sa folositi uTorrent(versiunile 1.6.1, 1.7.6 sau 1.8.2)

Link download uTorrent 1.8.2:

Link download uTorrent 1.7.6:

Link download uTorrent 1.6.1:

- Number of upload slots per torrent..same as Maximum number of connected peers per torrent
- Untick Enable DHT Network
- Untick Enable DHT for new torrents
- Untick Enable Peer Exchange
- Outgoing: select Enabled
- Tick Allow incoming legacy connections

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