Summary Test-1 22/12/1434: 1. Define The Term Comedy'

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1. Define the term Comedy.
An ! The use of humor with an intent to provoke laughter in general is
2. What is a Tragedy ?
Ans : Tragedy is a genre harateri!ed "y a grave fall from grae "y a
protagonist having high soial standing.
#. $ame the different styles of %hakespearean Comedies.
Ans : The &lak omedy' the %atire' the (arody' the (olitial %atire' the
Adage' and )rony or the Alternative Comedy.
4. "#me fi$e of Sh#%e&e#re Tr#'edie.
An ! Romeo #nd ()*iet + ,#m*et+ ()*i) C#e#r+ -the**o+ #nd M#./eth.
0. 1h#t 2m#'ery do yo) find in the &*#y ,#m*et3
An ! De.#y #nd de#th+ .orr)&tion #nd dihonety+ #nd re#*ity $er)
4. De.ri/e in /rief the .h#r#.ter of -&he*i# in ,#m*et.
An! D#)'hter of 5o*oni). She *o$e ,#m*et+ /)t hi &retended
m#dne6d)rin' 7hi.h he re8e.t her6#nd the de#th of her f#ther 97ho
,#m*et %i** /y #..ident: tri''er # &#tho*o'i.#* re#.tion in her.
;. Define Theme in &*#y of Sh#%e&e#re.
An! Theme #re the ide# th#t Sh#%e&e#re e<&*ore dr#m#ti.#**y
thro)'h the e<&erien.e of hi .h#r#.ter+ #nd they define the &*#y.
=. "#me the mot .ommon theme in Sh#%e&e#re#n &*#y.
An! A&&e#r#n.e #nd Re#*ity #re the mot .ommon theme in
Sh#%e&e#re#n &*#y.
1. 5o*oni) i the /oot*i.%in' >ord Ch#m/er*#in of ?in' C*#)di).
2. ,or#tio i the /et friend of ,#m*et.
3.-ne of the m#in theme r#m&#nt in M#./eth i th#t of de.e&tion.
4.The &*#y @M#./eth@ i # tr#'edy.
0. >#dy M#./eth )ffer none of her h)/#nd )n.ert#inty.
4.The &*#y /e'in 7ith the /rief #&&e#r#n.e of # trio of 7it.he.

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