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Who Am I?


History/Significance of my name
My name is Suresh Walker.
I was named after the doctor who delivered me.
The origin of my name is Hindu Sanskrit.
Sanskrit for Lord of the Gods.
And Hindu for God of the Sun.

My family
The oldest, and older brother.
We are 2 years apart.
I am the middle child. Which
means I experience life as the
oldest and youngest.
She is the youngest and the only
girl. We are 6 years apart.
Family history
My family history of:
African American
and Native American
Where Im from
I am from Savannah Georgia.
I was born there and most of my lives all across Georgia.
Savannah is mostly known for its beautiful historical sights.
Savannah has a lot of history.
My hobbies/interest
My hobbies mainly consists of art such as:
and occasionally painting.
My interests are in medicine and technology.
My faith/beliefs
I am of Christian faith.
I was brought up in a Baptist church.
And I believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for sins.
Although no one is perfect, its part of being human.
My values are health, education, and happiness.
These are my vales because hey all connect to a successful life.
Good health leads to a healthy body, mind, ad soul.
Which gives you a healthy brain to learn.
To use for knowledge for a career to live a happy life loving whatever is
you do.
My friends
I have many friends.
I have moved from city to city and state to state.
So there is to many of them to name in detail.
But most of friends live in Georgia.
My future plans/ambitions
My future is to become a successful surgeon
To have a wonderful family.
And never have to struggle again.

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