Ling Ding VP Postgraduate Student Engagement Manifesto

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With 2 years studying and living in York, focus on the welfare and community
issues and events as a Goodricke college tutor, now looking for opportunities to
represent postgraduate students.

What I will do as a VP for Postgraduate Student Engagement?

- to represent postgraduate students and stand for their rights
This is the core responsibility of being a vice-president and working in GSA.
The level and strength of representation related to the rights of students and
what I would like to do is to maximize benefits of the postgraduate students.

- to lead Networks of postgraduate and evolve more students to enjoy their
campus life
In the next academic year, the structure of the GSA changes. I will lead
Postgraduate Student Networks and my target is to evolve as many student as
possible to enjoy their living experience in different Networks. You are more
than welcome to join different Networks and experience different activities
through the events.

- to organize events for students
The cooperation and collaboration between vice-presidents is initial and will
be the most efficient method to maximize benefits of the postgraduate
students. The postgraduate engagement VP, together with Activates VP and
Community VP, can be a team for events and projects to represent

- to work with president and vice-presidents and focus on welfare and
well-being issues
The postgraduate students well-being and welfare issues are always the key
area to be focused on. Through events and Network projects, feedbacks will be
collected and then reported to other officers and staffs in the GSA and then,
forwarded to the university.

Please vote for me, you would never disappointed!

Ling Ding

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