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Name: Rosie Khan

Date: 3/28/14
Hour: 3

How Did the Geography of Rome Impact Its Economy?

The geography of Rome impacted its economy in negative and positive
ways. According to Source B, most of Italy, including the area around Rome has
warm, dry summers and mild, rainy winters. With Italys climate, it allows people
grow crops. Italy could trade food for money. A plentiful food supply was one key
factor in Romes early growth.
Volcanoes might destroy Rome. The city of Pompeii was destroyed when
the volcano Vesuvius erupted in A.D. 79 (Source C). Volcanoes can kill crops and
people when it erupts. So, that would be bad for trade because they wont have
any crops to trade. This would make the economy bad. It could happen again.
Some of Italys mountains are volcanic. Some of Pompeiis buildings are still
standing today.
In conclusion, the geography of Rome impacted its economy in negative
and positive ways. Romes climate and the Mediterranean Sea are positive ways
that impacted Romes economy because they both help trade. Volcanoes and
mountains are negative way that impacted Romes economy because it can
destroy crops and people.

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