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The Chief Engineer,

World Bank Projects, Odisha
(Through SE, ISAP)
Sub: Willingness to participate in the ICSEM- 2013 at NIT, our!ela
I "a# !in$l# be sponsore$ as a participant %or the International Con%erence on
Structural Engineering & Mechanics ' ICSEM-2013( $uring )ece"ber 20-21, 2013 at
NIT, our!ela Ca"pus as I a" greatl# intereste$ %or learning %ro" this t#pe o%
con%erences pertaining to Structural Mechanics an$ Engineering * +lso, $uring the sta# at
NIT, our!ela ca"pus, I ha,e a plan to e%%ecti,el# use the state-o%-art -ibrar# there, e-
.ournals /hich "a# help "e a lot in the %iel$ o% a$,ance co"puting an$ $esign
"etho$ologies in Ci,il Engineering Structures*
There%ore, I re0uest #our !in$ consent to allo/ "# can$i$ature to atten$ the
a%oresai$ e,ent %or /hich I shall re"ain grate%ul to #ou*
1ours %aith%ull#,
'+!sha# 4u"ar Sahoo(
+ssistant Engineer 'Ci,il(
5M67 IS+5 Cell

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