Manifesto Final Draft

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Final Draft Daniel Bolanos

Block 3
January 16


By: Daniel Bolaos
Quito, Ecuador
January 24, 2014

Final Draft Daniel Bolanos
Block 3
January 16


Table of Contents

Pg 3 Abstract
Pg 4 Chapter 1
Pg 6 Chapter 2
Pg 8 Bibliography

Final Draft Daniel Bolanos
Block 3
January 16


In the following manifesto different philosophers will be analyzed taking ideas from
each in order to construct a new way of thinking. Camus, Nietzsche, and Aristotle, among
others, are some of the figures that are discussed below. Their way of thinking regarding
knowledge, truth, happiness, and society will be mentioned and adapted into a new way of
seeing this concepts. In chapter one the reader will able to read about these great philosophers
Final Draft Daniel Bolanos
Block 3
January 16


and comprehend their way of seeing life. Finally in chapter two these thoughts will be adapted
into a new philosophy.

Chapter 1: Research
The main concern people have had is the unknown, not knowing what to belief or think about
the things that make up their life. Philosophy is an interpretation of the components of life which are
adapted to an individuals life style. The modification of different ideas and perspectives is what makes
an individual realize their position towards various situations.
Metaphysics is one of the sources from which has an important role in the understanding of the
world. Metaphysics is the branch of philosophy which is directed to the study of existence and the
abstract concepts such as knowledge. Within this branch of philosophy one can find epistemology,
which contains some of the most important ideas, such as the motive of living; the role of their
Final Draft Daniel Bolanos
Block 3
January 16


existence. Inside metaphysics there are several points of view with which one can agree or disagree
with, like the connection between everything and the existence of their opposites as Taoism proposes.
Consequently, happiness and truth will also be taken in account to construct a different perspective
about philosophy. Camus and Nietzsche are some of the philosophers that have fascinating concepts
around happiness. They advise that the way to happiness is self-control, sacrifice, perseverance, and
self-conscious about what has a positive influence on us.
In addition to metaphysics and happiness another aspect that is important to take in account
when creating a new philosophy is the relationship with society and the relationship with nature.
Aristotle, for example, believed in natural philosophy. This concept about natural philosophy is
something not as significant as maintaining constructive connections within the society one lives
Confucianism proposes a remarkable thought around society, which is the importance of respecting
culture, religion, truth, elders, and life as well as maintaining a healthy relationship between members
of the community and specially members of our own family.
The ideas mentioned previously about metaphysics, happiness, truth, and society will be
further explained on the role they have taken in the construction of a new way of thinking.

Final Draft Daniel Bolanos
Block 3
January 16


Chapter 2: Creating my own philosophy
As mentioned earlier there have been many philosophers with different perspectives, but there
are just a few that have can adapt to the new philosophy that is being build up. The adaption of
philosophical ideas into a specific way of living helps to comprehend ones own philosophy. The ability
to comprehend and react towards others way of thinking affects one ones perspective about the things
that make up this world.
Happiness is a state were everyone wants to be, but its not something that one can easily
achieve. Happiness is something each individual needs to construct according to their own beliefs due
to the fact that every single person has self-interests and goals. Albert Camus shares this opinion; he
believed that one should introduce ones own way of thinking and that society shouldnt construct the
idea of happiness. Adding up to this perspective towards what happiness is and how it can be achieved,
the German philosopher Friederich Nietzsche suggested that one should have self-control and
patience. These two components are very significant because one might not reach the aimed goals in
the first try. The relationship one has with beloved ones is something that goes hand by hand with
what happiness really means. The philosophy that has been building up can be somehow compared to
Final Draft Daniel Bolanos
Block 3
January 16


that stated in Confucianism. Something agreed in both is the healthy relationship one must have with
others, excluding a rigid social pyramid.
The connection to society is something that also has a substantial role in terms of knowledge.
Opposing the idea of natural philosophy that Aristotle mentioned in his writings, one is able to learn
and gain knowledge thanks to the social environment one lives on instead of trying to have a deep
connection with nature. Its important to mention that society could also have a negative impact on
ones behavior and therefore one should have very clear their morals. Morals comes from how we
have been raised and educated, as well as religion, but once we are old enough we need to analyze
what have we done and what do we really belief about morals and religion.
Summarizing everything previously mentioned this new philosophy recollects ideas from great
thinkers such as Aristotle, Nietzsche, and Albert Camus among others. Knowledge comes from society
but happiness comes from us. Happiness is shaped by the goals we want to achieve and depends on
our level of commitment. Furthermore morals and religion is something we must have very clear and
adapt as we grow because by experiencing we are able to discover what has a positive impact on us.
Finally the relationship with our beloved ones must be positive due to the fact that they are the ones
that will show us different perspectives from which we have to learn.

Final Draft Daniel Bolanos
Block 3
January 16


Aronson, R. (2011, october 27). Stanford encyclopedia of philosophy. Retrieved January 9, 2014, from
Albert Camus:
Aronson, R. (2011, october 27). Stanford encyclopedia of philosophy. Retrieved January 9, 2014, from
Buddhist philosophy. (n.d.). Retrieved January 9, 2014, from http://www.age-of-the-
Cohen, M. (2008). Philosophical investigations. Retrieved December 19, 2013, from Aristotle:
http://www.philosophical-investigations org/Aristotle
Rowlands, J. L. (2001). Importance of philosophy. Retrieved January 9, 2014, from metaphysics:

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