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Date of Birth

October 1992
2011- 2014 University of Hertfordshire
Department of Art & Design
BA Hons in 2D Animation
2009-11 he !ha"ncy #choo$%
&are% Hertfordshire

Art '(! Do"b$e A)ard
*edia #t"dies
+! App$ied
,enera$ #t"dies
Work Experience
+ have been )or-ing as a free$ance i$$"strator and animator since 200.% ta-ing on pro/ects
for both private c$ients and on$ine b"sinesses0
1revio"s p$aces of )or- inc$"de Anibo22% an on$ine animation firm based in 3ondon%
#har-i"s ,ames% creators of vario"s games for the 4aceboo- comm"nity% and andem
4i$ms% )here + served as a free$ance character animator d"ring the s"mmer of 20150
o date +6ve comp$eted 1007 free$ance pro/ects0 a$$ of )hich have been comp$eted f"$$y
)ithin the given time frame% and met )ith a very good reception from the c$ient0
4rom 8"ne 2012 to #eptember 2012 + a$so )or-ed as a )aiter at the hree 3a-es
9esta"rant in &estmi$$ 4arm% &are0 D"ties inc$"ded c"stomer service% )aiting and
c$eaning )ithin the resta"rant and the s"rro"nding f"nction rooms0
Software Skills
As )e$$ as the *icrosoft Office pac-age% +6m f$"ent in the "se of most Adobe creative
soft)are: Adobe 4$ash !#;% Adobe 1hotoshop !#;% Adobe 4ire)or-s !#;% Adobe
Dream)eaver !#;% Adobe inDesign !#;% After (ffects !#;% Adobe +$$"strator !#;%
Adobe 1remiere 1ro !#;0
Skills & Interests
*y main passion $ies )ith i$$"stration and animation% and + specia$i<e in the area of 2D
character design and concept art0 Ho)ever + a$so en/oy creating motion graphic pieces0 +
p$ay the aco"stic g"itar and $i-e to e2periment )ith so"nd design on vario"s m"sic
soft)are in my spare time0 &hen +6m not )atching animations and cartoons% + reg"$ar$y
attend $ife dra)ing c$asses to f"rther my s-i$$s% and a$)ays carry a s-etchboo- in case of
s"dden inspiration=
Honors & Awards
Uhanimation Expose 2014
2D animated third year fi$m 6he !atch6% created a$ongside >eyna ($)any and !hristopher
#)a$$o)% received:
- Best 2D Animation Award
- Grand Prix Award
- Audiene !hoie Award
*y persona$ sho)ree$ )as a$so a)arded:
- Best "howreel Award#
Contact Me
(-mai$: designbypa?gmai$0com
*obi$e: 744@A2A;99;@2
1ortfo$io: http:BBdesignbypa0)i20comBperrya$$en

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