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Jennifer McWhirter

21805 Todd Avenue, Yorba Linda, CA, 92887

Jennymcwhirteryahoo!com " 71#!$28!07$9
Qualifications and Capabilities
Passionate, highly motivated individual with skills in writing, public speaking, presentation, and leadership
Possess an energetic and outgoing personality with a strong work ethic and positive, professional attitude
Computer skills include knowledge of Internet applications, as well as Microsoft Office applications including
Excel, Word, and PowerPoint
Able to perform in a diverse group environment with a set discipline for deadline-specific projects
Con%ident with &ub'ic (&ea)in*
+a'ue bui'din* and maintainin* re'ation(hi&( by u(in* communication ()i''(
Communications Education
California State University Fullerton | Fullerton, CA! August 2011-Present
Bachelor of Arts, Public Relations expected graduation December, 2014
Current ,vera'' -.A $!50, Junior
/ember o% 0ationa' 1onor( 2ociety o% Co''e*iate 2cho'ar(
Human Communications- Interpersonal Communication and Public Speaing Spring 2012
!ass Communication in !odern Societ" #all 2012
$riting %or !ass !edia #all 2012
Introduction to &ntertainment and 'ourism Spring 201(
Histor" and P)ilosop)" o% American !ass Communication #all 201(
Comm* &t)ics #all 201(
Comm* +a, $inter 201(
#eature Article $riting Spring 2014
Introduction to Public -elations Spring 2014

Business Administration Education
California State University Fullerton | Fullerton, CA.
Bachelor of Arts, Business A!inistration
!icroeconomics #all 2012
!acroeconomics Spring 201(
.usiness +a, and !anagement Spring 201(
#inancial Accounting #all 201(
In%ormation S"stems and Decision Science #all 201(
!anagerial Accounting Spring 2014
#inance Spring 2014
/perations !anagement Spring 2014
Work Experience
Starworks Group | "onon, #n$lan | PR an Fashion Sho%roo! &ntern 0une 201(- August 201(
3 4eturnin* and (endin* out &roduct( and &re(( (am&'e(
3 ,r*ani5in* inventory and (am&'e(
3 Communicatin* with vendor(, &re(( and buyer(
Wood Ranch | Anahei! 'ills, California | 'ostess 0une 2012-0une 201(
3 -reeted *ue(t( &rom&t'y and warm'y
3 6%%icient'y mana*e the wait *ue(t( %or their dinin* e7&erience
School and Community Actiities and !eadership3
(ational Society of Colle$iate Scholars" #ember #ay$%&$' (resent
Social Meia Chair, Cal State #ullerton Club Soccer 'eam September 2012-0une 201(
8ti'i5ed 9aceboo) to e%%ective'y &romote each event
Funraisin$ Co!!issioner, &speran1a Associated Student .od" August 2010-2011
)ea! Ca*tain, &speran1a $omen2s Soccer June 20073 June 2011
4eceived the /o(t :n(&irationa' Award, Coache(, and 2cho'ar Ath'ete Award!
Secretary+)reasurer, &speran1a Associated Student .od" August 2003-August 2010
Chair %or &'annin* ;inter 9orma', .rom, .rom 9a(hion 2how, and Car 2how
,btained )now'ed*e o% how to or*ani5e, (et3u&, &'an and e7ecute %orma' event(
+i(ited many venue( to com&rehend how they wor) and how a (ucce((%u' bu(ine(( run(
,olunteer Coach, JUSA soccer an #s*eran-a Soccer Ca!* Au*u(t 2008Au*u(t 2010
Me!ber, 4ational C)arit" +eague August 2005-2011
<onated over 150 hour( (ervin* 22 or*ani5ation( in the community
,r*ani5ed and &artici&ated in a 9a(hion 2how to bene%it 2econd 1arve(t 9ood =an) which rai(ed over >22,000

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