Tour Options December 2012

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Wineland Mountain Biking Experiences

Bike, Wine & Country Lunch Tour (4 Hours

! relaxed, scenic ride, "uch o# $hich is on #ar"land right in
a"ongst the %ineyards, $ill &e interspersed $ith stops at
t$o di##erent $ineries #or tastings, as $ell as lunch at a
country restaurant' This trip is a great co"&ination o#
&eauti#ul $ineland settings, lo%ely $ines, and tasty local
!dd t$o extra tastings to "ake this a #ull day trip(
Cost)*+,-pp . /ull 0ay)*14+pp
Wine Tour &y Bike (4 hours
2%er the course o# a relaxed cycling route o##ering %istas
co"&ining %ineyards, orchards and "ountains, $e3ll stop
at three di##erent $ineries #or tastings' These ha%e &een
chosen not 4ust #or their lo%ely $ines, &ut also #or their
&eauti#ul grounds and char"ing tasting roo"s'
! &rie# look at a $ine cellar $ill &e included along the $ay'
0eluxe 5our"et Tour (4 hours
This is a truly uni6ue experience, pro%iding an ex6uisite
co"&ination o# gour"et delights and "agni#icent scenery
that $ould &e hard to &eat(
7ou $ill &e picked up in the %illage o# /ranschhoek and
taken &y %ehicle to the top o# /ranschhoek pass, $here you
can en4oy the %ie$ $hilst "eeting your guide and getting
#itted $ith a &ike and hel"et'
The route, $hich starts out $ith a #ree$heel do$n the
pass and then "eanders through scenic #ar"land, $ill
include stops #or an MCC (Methode Cap Classi6ue &
8al"on 9airing, Wine & Biltong 9airing (or Wine &
Chocolate and a Wine & /ood 9airing'
The last o# these : stops also pro%ides the opportunity to
%ie$ the $ork o# local artists in a gallery &e#ore your
trans#er &ack to to$n'
Cost) *;;,-pp

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