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Anecdotal Record Summary

Child A and Child F

Both Child A and Child F are extremely talkative children. They love
to turn to their friends and talk during class. The Grade 4! classroom is set
u" in ro#s so students are only a$le to talk #hen teacher assigns grou"
#ork. Child A is never sitting in his seat. %e is sitting on his feet and facing
his "eers& or he is standing u" and talking to his close friend near$y. ' often
#onder #hy the teacher has him seated so close to his $est friend $ecause
they "rovide each other #ith constant distraction all the time.
Both Child A and Child F are (uite $right in mathematics. Child A is
average in literacy& $ut ' am not sure ho# #ell Child F is doing in reading
and #riting. %e seems to $e al#ays reading& and he is really fascinated $y
geology and artifacts so he chooses a lot of $ooks that are centered on those
For one of my lessons this semester& ' had the students com"lete a test
to see #hat ty"e of learning style they are* "u""y& microsco"e& $each $all& or
cli"$oard. Child A is a "u""y& and Child F is a "u""ymicrosco"e. ' #as not
sur"rised at all $y these results $ecause Child A loves to interact #ith "eers&
and have the chance to discuss and evaluate "ro$lems. Child F is also a
social learner+ ho#ever& he is also extremely fixated on investigating the "ast
and ex"loring scientific to"ics.
Through my anecdotal records and lesson "lans& ' have come to
reali,e that $oth these learners )ust need the o""ortunity to #ork in grou"s
and learn through self discovery. ' kno# Child F #ill $e extremely
interested in my unit $ecause he loves to look at the "ast and examine
artifacts. ' kno# this $ecause he #as a$solutely o$sessed #ith studying the
rocks they had found on a class tri" to the Badlands. ' also kno# that Child
A #ould gain a lot from my lessons $ecause he loves to ex"lore through
social interaction and classroom de$atesdiscussions. Also& #hen Child A
and Child F #ere given a RAFT #riting assignment& $oth #ere com"letely
engaged $y the activity.
' am very interested to try out some of my Social Studies lessons
$ecause ' #ant to see ho# these t#o s"ecific learners #ill react. ' think they
#ill res"ond in a very "ositive #ay-

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