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The Talking Mule

before reading:
1. a mule is a an animal that you get when you cross a horse and a donkey
2. when someone dies the family organizes the funeral for him/her
3. a barn is a place where people keep animals
Read the text and find the words that are similar in Serbian language:
A farmer owned a mule which he used for work all week. But being a Church-going man, he let the mule rest on unday.
!ne unday, the farmer had to go to a funeral. o he sent his son to saddle the mule.
"ince when do # ha$e to work on unday%" asked the mule.
&he boy dropped the saddle and ran to the house.
"Pa, the mule talked'" he shouted.
"(an)t you e$en saddle the mule%" asked the farmer.
"But *a, the mule don)t want to work on unday," the boy protested.
&he farmer sent the boy to his room for talking craz and went out to saddle the mule.
"+o$e o$er," he said to the mule.
",here)s my supper%" asked the mule.
&he farmer dropped the saddle in the same spot as his boy and ran out of the barn, followed by the dog.
"# ha$e ne$er heard a mule talk before," he said.
"+e neither," said the dog.
&he man ran to the house and slammed the door.
"&he mule talked'" he told his wife.
",hat'" said his wife.
"And when # exclaimed- )# ha$e ne$er heard a mule talk before), the dog said- )+e neither!."
"&hat)s crazy," said his wife.
",hat)s so crazy about that%" asked the cat. ".a$en)t you e$er heard of a talking mule%"
"ind the words in the text that mean:
1. let go of your hands /. father
2. mad 0. place
3. ha$e 1. also not
2. bang 3. go after someone/something
4. shout 15. rela6
True or false:
1. #f someone is a Church-going man that means that he goes to church and belie$es in 7od.
2. #f someone slams the door that means that he does it gently and slowly.
3. An exclamation mark means that someone is talking $ery 8uietly.
2. &he farmer9s son doesn9t know how to saddle the mule.
4. &he mule didn9t want to work because it was unday.
#d$ecti%es and ad%erbs: Her singing is beautiful. She sings beautifully
1. he is a careful dri$er. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::
2. &om is a good worker. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::
3. ,e are angry. ;shout< :::::::::::::::::::::::::::
2. &hey are good at tennis. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::
4. =um, =um, #9m hungry. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::

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