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C Co or re e F Fe ea at tu ur re es s

- Raster and vector support

- Integration with GRASS GIS
- Extensible plugin architecture
- Digitizing tools
- Print composer
- Python language bindings
- OGC support (WMS, WFS)
- Overview panel
- Spatial bookmarks
- Identify/Select features
- Edit/View attributes
- Feature labeling
- On the fly projection
P Pl lu ug gi in ns s
- fTtools
- GPS tools
- Delimited text import
- PostGIS import tool
- North arrow
- Scale bar
- Raster georeferencing tool
- ...
M Mu ul lt ti i- -p pl la at tf fo or rm m
- GNU/Linux
- Unix
- Mac OS X
- Windows XP
T Th hi in ng gs s y yo ou u c ca an n d do o w wi it th h Q QG GI IS S. .. .. .
- View, edit and create a variety of vector formats, including
Shapefiles, GRASS vectors, data in PostgreSQL/PostGIS,
SpatiaLite, ...
- View rasters including TIFF, ERDAS Img., GRASS, ...
- Create customised plugins using Python or C++.
- Create custom GIS enabled applications using Python or
C++ and the QGIS core library.
- Compile a map layout using the print composer
I Im mp po or rt t a an nd d E Ex xp po or rt t D Da at ta a
- Import delimited text data and view it as a layer
- Import shapefiles into PostgreSQL/PostGIS
- Download and display tracks, routes, and waypoints from
your GPS
- Import OGC WMS and WFS layers
- Create features in QGIS and upload them to your GPS
Q QG GI IS S i is s i in nt te er rn na at ti io on na al l! !
With users and developers all over the world, someone is
sure to have the answer to your question. Volunteers have
translated QGIS into more than 30 languages including
French, Dutch, Russian, Japanese, Chinese, Indonesian,
Slovak, Italian, German and Portuguese!
C Co or re e F Fe ea at tu ur re es s
- Raster and vector support
- Support for non-spatial tables
- GRASS Integration
- Extensible plugin architecture
- Digitizing tools
- Print composer
- Python language bindings
- OGC support (WMS, WFS)
- Overview panel
- Spatial bookmarks
- Identify/Select features
- Edit/View attributes
- Feature labeling
- On the fly projection
P Pl lu ug gi in ns s
- fTools (vector)
- GdalTools (raster)
- GPS tools
- Delimited text import
- PostGIS import tool, manager
& query editor
- SpatiaLite manager
- North arrow & Scale bar
- Raster georeferencing tool
- OpenLayers plugin
- and many others
M Mu ul lt ti i- -p pl la at tf fo or rm m
- GNU/Linux
- Unix
- Mac OS X
- Windows
Open Source Geographical Information System -
Project Administrator: Gary Sherman
Home Website:
Download Website:
Wiki Website:
Forum Website:
IRC: #qgis on
Q QG GI IS S p pl lu ug gi in ns s
Create all kinds of tools!
P Pl lu ug gi in n M Ma an na ag ge er r
Support for plugin icons has
been added to the plugin
manager dialog.
Project Chairman: Gary Sherman
Home Website:
Download Website:
Wiki Website:
Forum Website:
IRC: #qgis on
S Sy ym mb bo ol lo og gy y
Advanced line styles are just a few clicks away. Add markers
to lines in regular intervals or on specific vertices.
N NE EW W T Ta ab bl le e J Jo oi in ns s
Using the new "Join" feature, you can join multiple layers
on-the-fly. Fast and easy.
Q QG GI IS S p pl lu ug gi in ns s
Create all kinds of tools!
Q QG GI IS S S Se er rv ve er r
QGIS 1.7 comes with it's very
own WMS Server that enables
you to serve your QGIS project
files on the web.
You can specify the WMS
service capabilities in the
properties section of the project
QGIS Server supports a
GetPrint-Request that will
return Print Composer quality
PDF output.
H He el lp p a an nd d S Su up pp po or rt t
QGIS is supported by an
enthusiastic user and developer
community. Several active
mailing lists, an active forum and
a friendly internet relay chat
channel provide ready access to
help and advice directly from
other users and developers.
Commercial development is also
available (visit the Quantum GIS
home page for details).

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