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ME 535


Studying the effect of T-stress in computational modeling of Plastic zone shapes in
Fracture mechanics using different design criteria
Rishi Pahuja (1327303) and Aditya Vemuganti (1327301)

Present progress involves Problem identification and solving for plastic zone shape and size near
crack-tip using von-mises criteria. Several standard specimens were looked for mathematical models
relating the geometry and crack length to T-stress Standardized specimens and those with positive
and negative T-stress/Biaxiality (to account for wide domain) were selected. A framework to solve
the problem was developed. Initially, matlab analytical solver was used, which was found to be very
expensive (as expected). Currently, several other root finding methods are being tried to determine
the best method without loss of desired accuracy ( r).


1. Basic equations and conditions are determined
2. Coding started to solve the equation.
3. Several numerical root finding methods are being evaluated.


4. To try different root finding methods and determine the least expensive.
5. To analyze the problems for other specimens as well.
6. To simulate the plastic zone for Aluminum and using different design criteria (Energy
method) as well.

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