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The week of June 2, 2014

Special Upcoming Events
Tuesday, June 2: Half Day 11:45 Dismissal due to TH Graduation
Thursday, June 5: Sports Day
Children should wear PE clothes, shirts will be distributed to students on the day of the event.
Children should bring a water bottle
Pizza will be served to all children for lunch. This is being provided as a generous gift from the PA. Students will also receive a
popsicle at the end of the day, this is generously donated by the UNIS Fund.
* Reports will be published to parents on June 6 at 14:00
Wednesday, June 11: J1 Sing and Breakfast at 8:45 a.m.
Thursday, June 12: Last Day of School! Half Day
Home Study Assignments
Reading Assignment only for this week.
You select a book to read from our classroom library. You may exchange every day or when you are
Language Arts
Opinion Writing: Sharing and
self-assessment. Choose a topic
to write opinion writing
Reading Comprehension:

Practice measuring in inches
and centimeters
Review parts of a clock and
practice reading to the hour and
half hour

Social Studies
Continue learning about feelings
and ways to cope with some
Celebrate our own feelings by
sharing our feelings booklets.
UNIS June 2, 2014

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