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Instagram Food

Worksheet 1
a) What meals are shown in the pictures?
b) Which looks the most appetizing?
Instagram Food
Match the meals to the novels they are described in.
a) Moby-Dick by Herman Melville, 1851
'Our appetites being sharpened by the frosty voyage and in particular !uee"ueg seeing his
favorite fishing food before him and the chowder being surpassingly e#cellent we despatched
it with great e#pedition$'
b) On the Road by Jack ero!ac, 1"5#
'%ut & had to get going and stop moaning so & picked up my bag said so long to the old
hotelkeeper sitting by his spittoon and went to eat. & ate apple pie and ice cream ' it was
getting better as & got deeper into &owa the pie bigger the ice cream richer.'
c) Heidi by Joanna $%yri, 188&
'(he kettle soon began to boil and meanwhile the old man held a large piece of cheese on a
long iron fork over the fire turning it round and round till it was toasted a nice golden yellow
color on each side. )eidi watched all that was going on with eager curiosity.'
d) 'lice(s 'dvent!res in Wonderland by )e*is +arroll, 18,5
')ave some wine* the March )are said in an encouraging tone. +lice looked all round the
table but there was nothing on it but tea.'
e) ' +on-ederacy o- D!nces by John ennedy .oole, 1"8&
',topping before the narrow garage he sniffed the fumes from -aradise with great sensory
pleasure the protruding hairs in his nostrils analyzing cataloging categorizing and classifying
the distinct odors of the hot dog mustard and lubricant.'
-) .he /ell Jar by $ylvia 0lath, 1",1
'(hen & tackled the avocado and crabmeat salad....very ,unday my grandfather used to bring
me an avocado pear hidden at the bottom of his briefcase under si# soiled shirts and the
,unday comic.'

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