The Entrepreneurial Urban Regeneration of Bilbao

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Ramiro Aznar Ballarin

Urban Governance and Planning
MSc Urban Sustainability
From the deindustrial crisis to “la
nouvelle Mecque de l’urbanisme”

1950s 2000
Framework and fundations

• Urban regeneration in the US and UK

• New context of global economy

• New urban politics (Cox, 1993)

• The entrepreneurial government (Harvey, 1989)

The urban revitalization process of Bilbao is
not new or innovative…
• Birmingham
• Baltimore
• Glasgow
• Pittsburgh
…become a global city (Sassen, 2001).
New urban politics

• A path, trajectory to the desired city

• City’s image, marketing

• The strategies can be presented, justified and

legitimated as the unique, required, clear and
inevitable solutions
Entrepreneurial government
• “Key locations”

• Big-emblematic projects

• New cultural facilities and trade fair and conference


• Public transport infraestructure

• Big-name architects

• Private-public partnerships
Abandoibarra (Pelli)
Uribitarte (Isozaki)
Guggenheim Museum (Ghery)
Airport (Calatrava),
tram and
underground (Foster)

Regeneration for whom?

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