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Media Contact:
Melany Stroupe
Director of Public Relations
The Salvation Army
602 267.!"6
The Salvation Army Deploys Nine ydration Stations
Hydration Stations across the Valley will provide water, sunscreen, and other relief services
Phoeni&' A( )*une 2' 20!+ , To-ay' The Salvation Army has -eploye- nine .y-ration Stations across
the /alley to provi-e heat relief services from 0100 a.m. to 2100 p.m. 2ach location $ill provi-e chille-
bottle- $ater an- safety information to in-ivi-uals in or potentially in -istress -ue to the heat.
ydration Stations are located at:
Street 3ocations
o S4 corner !6
St. an- *efferson )2ast 3a5e Par5+
o 62 corner 7
Ave. an- 8illmore
o S4 9orner of :
St. an- .atcher
The Salvation Army 9orps 3ocations1
o Phoeni& 9entral 9orps1 77 6. !6th St.' Phoeni&' 0:0!6
o Phoeni& Maryvale 9orps1 7!0 4. 9laren-on Ave.' Phoeni&' 0:07!
o ;len-ale 9orps1 60!0 4. 6orthern Ave.' ;len-ale' 0:70!
o 9han-ler 9orps1 0: 2. Sara%osa St.' 9han-ler' 0:22:
o Mesa 9orps1 2! 2. 6
St.' Mesa' 0:20!
o Tempe 9orps1 0 2. <niversity Dr.' Tempe' 0:20!
The Salvation Army $ill be collectin% bottle- $ater )0=!6." o>+ throu%hout the summer. ?n-ivi-uals
intereste- in -onatin% can -eliver $ater to 2707 2. /an @uren' Phoeni&' A( 0:000. 9ontact Abby
Rolfs at 602.267.!70 re%ar-in% -onation information. ?n-ivi-uals intereste- in volunteerin% for the
hy-ration station can call Danielle Shan5le at 602=267=!!7 or visit phoeni&sa.volunteersfirst.or%.
A!o"t The Salvation Army:
The Salvation Army has been servin% Ari>ona since !0"7. Throu%h a broa- array of pro%rams the
centers provi-e services to the homeless' $or5in% poor' chil-ren' youth' a--icte-' el-erly' an- abuse-.
The Salvation Army is an evan%elical part of the universal 9hristian church. 8or more information'
please visit $$$.salvationarmycares.or%.
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