Nids Base

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Page 1
Hormagaunts 39
Termagants 35
Ripper Swarms 9
Warriors 11 +1 prime with ds &lw/bs ds/s
arni!e" 3
bio#ore 1
$oanthrope 1
e"orine 1
mawlo% 1 Hormagaunts
t&rant 1 Termagants
t&rant guard ' Ripper Swarms
(stealers ) Warriors
broodlord 1 arni!e"
litor 1 bio#ore
gargo&les 1) $oanthrope
spore mines ) Running total
ra#eners 3 '*1+
H, 1 T&rant 1*5
Hea#& -enom annon '.
/ash whip/bonesword '.
0orn rown 1.
T&rant 2uard 3rood 4'5 1.. 315
H, ' T&ranid Prime 1'5
6eathspitter 5
/ash whip/bonesword '. 15.
Troops 1 Warrior 3rood 4*5 1).
5 deathspitters '5
#enom annon 1. '15
Troops ' Warrior 3rood 455 15.
1 deathspitters '.
3arbed strangler 1. 1).
Troops 3 Ripper Swarm 495 11+ 195
Troops 1 2enestealers 4)5 1.'
3roodlord *. 1*'
Troops 5 Termagants 43.5 1'. 1'.
Troops * Hormagaunt brood 43.5 15. 15.
Page '
7lite 1 /itor 3rood 5. 5.
7lite ' 8oanthrope brood 415 5. 5.
9ast :tta% 1 Ra#ener 3rood 9. 9.
9ast :tta% ' 2argo&le 3rood *. *.
Hea#& Support 1 ;arni!e" brood 435 3*.
rushing law "3 15
Hea#& -enom annon '.
adrenal glands 435 15 1+.
Hea#& support ' mawlo% 11.
' pairs s&thing talons .
regeneration 3. 1+.
Hea#& Support 3 7"orine 1+. 1+.
Hea#& support 1 3io#ore 1. 1.
Page 3
+1 # s 1 bs #
11 +1 prime with ds &lw/bs ds/s +1 # s 1 bs #
Page 1
'5++ 1.
15.. pts
Page 5
Hormagaunts 39
Termagants 35
Ripper Swarms 9
Warriors 11 +1 prime with ds &lw/bs ds/s
arni!e" 3
bio#ore 1
$oanthrope 1
e"orine 1
mawlo% 1 Hormagaunts
t&rant 1 Termagants
t&rant guard ' Ripper Swarms
(stealers ) Warriors
broodlord 1 arni!e"
litor 1 bio#ore
gargo&les 1) $oanthrope
spore mines ) Running total
ra#eners 3 15.)
H, 1 T&rant 1*5
Hea#& -enom annon '.
/ash whip/bonesword '.
T&rant 2uard 3rood 4'5 1.. 3.5
Troops 1 Warrior 3rood 415 13.
3 deathspitters 15
#enom annon 1. 155
Troops ' Warrior 3rood 415 1'.
3 deathspitters 15
3arbed strangler 1. 115
Troops 3 Ripper Swarm 4*5 +) +) 39
Troops 5 Termagants 4'.5 ). ).
Troops * Hormagaunt brood 4'. 1.. 1..
7lite 1 /itor 3rood 5. 5.
7lite 3 -enomthrope brood 415 15 15
9ast :tta% 1 Ra#ener 3rood 9. 9.
15.. pts
Page *
Hea#& Support 1 ;arni!e" brood 415 1'.
rushing laws 15
adrenal glands 15 15.
Hea#& support ' mawlo% 11.
' pairs s&thing talons . 11.
Hea#& Support 3 7"orine 1+. 1+.
15.. pts
Page +
+1 # s 1 bs #
11 +1 prime with ds &lw/bs ds/s +1 # s 1 bs #
15.. pts
Page )
'5++ 1.

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