Nursing Practice 2 (Dec 2006)

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SET A Seat No.____

DIRECTION: Choose the letter of the BEST answer by shading the corresponding letter of your choice on the
sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURE!
1. A child who is 13 months has fast breathing if he has:
A. 30 breaths per minute or more
B. 60 breaths per minute
C. 40 breaths per minute or more
D. 50 breaths per minute
2. Which of the following is true about discharge planning?
A. basic discharge plans involve referral to community resources
B. discharge plans involve referral to community resources
C. simple referral involves use of a discharge planner
D. complex referral includes interdisciplinary collaboration
3. A nurse may keep opened vials of OPV for use in the next session if:
A. you have taken out the vaccine at the health center for some other reasons
B. the expiry date has not passed
C. the vaccines have been stored at a temperature between 0 deg C and 8 deg C
D. the vaccines have change its color
4. The primary preventive measures against HIV-AIDS is:
A. withdrawal C. foams and gels use
B. virus killing drugs D. condom use
5. Ms. Amodia, RN works for a home health agency and cares for an older adult mental patient.
On reporting to work, she
observes numerous bruise and red marks on her patients face. Her patient seems upset. Ms.
Amodia suspects that either
abuse has occurred. Ms. Amodia should:
A. contact the mobile police to investigate the abuse
B. make an appointment with an elder adult counselor
C. wake her son and ask him who would hurt his mother
D. call her supervisor right away to report the findings
6. If there develops severe pre-eclampsia, what would be the drug you would anticipate to be
prescribed and that you
would have to administer?
A. a loop diuretic C. ranitidine (zantac)
B. magnesium sulfate D. a non-steroidal inflammatory agent
7. As a community health nurse you always bear in mind that the purpose of empowering victims
of violence is to:
A. tell them how to solve their problems
B. convince victims to leave their abusers
C. help clients become aware that they have control over their lives
D. develop safety escape plans for them
8. Maria is developing constipation from being on bed rest. What measure would you suggest she
take to help prevent
A. drink 8 full glasses of fluid such as water daily
B. drink more milk, increased calcium intake prevents constipation
C. eat more frequent small meals instead of three large ones daily
D. walk for at least half an hour daily to stimulate peristalsis
9. A bilateral amputee is assisted by his wife and children to the commode for bowel evacuation.
This example best
demonstrates the family’s assistance to meet which need?
A. Elimination C. nutrition and metabolism
B. activity D. health perception and health maintenance
10. Which of the following is the most important reason for doing a literature review for
constructing a research study?
A. helpful information on demographic instrument development could be uncovered
B. existing knowledge about the identified problem can be found
C. a determination of the study’s feasibility could be extrapolated
D. the research design can be copied from another study
11. Martina develops endometritis. What would be the best activity for her?
A. lying in bed with a cold cloth on her forehead
B. reading while resting in a trendelenburg position
C. sitting with her feet elevated while playing cards
D. walking around her room listening to music
12. Grace sustained a laceration on her leg from automobile accident. Why are lacerations of
lower extremities potentially
more serious among pregnant women than other?
A. lacerations can provoke allergic responses due to gonadotropic hormone release
B. a woman is less able to keep the laceration clean because of her fatigue
C. healing is limited during pregnancy so these will not heal until after birth
D. increased bleeding can occur from uterine pressure on leg veins
13. Fely has diarrhea for 2 days. She has sunken eyes, skin pinch goes back very slowly, and she
is drinking poorly and
irritable. She is not able to drink and there is no blood in the stool. How will you classify Fely’s
A. persistent diarrhea C. severe dehydration
B. some dehydration D. no dehydration
14. The infectious agent that causes pulmonary tuberculosis is:
A. mycobacterium tubercle C. Wuchereria bancrofti
B. Hansen’s bacillus D. mycobacterium diphtheria
15. Your client, who happens to be female resident of the barangay you are covering, is an adult
survivor who states:
“Why couldn’t I make him stop the abuse? If I were stronger person, I would have been able to
make him stop. Maybe it
was my fault to be abused”. Based on this, which would be your most appropriate nursing
A. social isolation C. chronic low self-esteem
B. anxiety D. ineffective family coping
16. Maybelle is also scheduled to have an amniocentesis to test for fetal maturity. What
instructions would you give her
before this procedure?
A. void immediately before the procedure to reduce your bladder size
B. no more amniotic fluid forms afterward, that is why only a small amount is removed
C. the intravenous fluid infused to dilate your uterus does not hurt the fetus
D. the x-ray used to reveal your fetus position has no long-term effects
17. When planning teaching strategy for a pregnant woman, the nurse should do which of the
A. give information about how the woman can manage the specific problems she identifies as
relevant in her life
B. omit information related to minor pains of pregnancy to prevent the woman from developing
C. provide all information to the woman in a group session with other pregnant women so she
can have someone
to discuss it with
D. during the first prenatal visit, teach a woman the care measures necessary for
health promotion
throughout the pregnancy
18. Which of the following symptoms is LESS commonly noted in EARLY pregnancy?
A. frequency of urination C. varicosities
B. chills and fever D. Braxton Hicks’ Contractions
19. Bonnie, 3 months pregnant, has reported for her first prenatal visit. The nurse should instruct
her to do which of the
A. eat more dairy products and green leafy vegetables to provide an additional 300
calories each
B. increase her intake of carbohydrates-breads and sweets to prevent protein metabolism
C. eat whenever she feels hungry because her body will let her know when she needs nutrients
and extra calories
D. limit intake of amino acids to prevent development of diabetic ketoacidosis
20. The nurse is assisting Mr. and Mrs. Cruz to prepare for childbirth in the home setting. Which
of the following supplies
should be readily available for the infant immediately after birth?
A. vitamin K to avoid bleeding
B. mild soap without perfume so as not to irritate the skin
C. bulb syringe to suction fluid and mucous from the mouth
D. heating lamp to avoid chilling from water evaporation
21. Which of the following could be included in the outcome criteria for a patient with a nursing
diagnosis, “Knowledge
deficit related to potential for altered tissue perfusion in fetus or mother related to maternal
cardiovascular disease”?
A. bedrest is maintained at home after the 36th week of gestation
B. fetal heart rate will remain between 120 and 160 beats a minute
C. jugular vein distention is evident when lying at 45 degrees
D. maternal blood pressure maintained above 150 systolic
22. Pregnant women should be taught to be careful to avoid accidental injury. They are prone to
falls for which of the
following reasons?
A. additional weight from pregnancy may disturb balance when walking
B. fetal activity stimulates the nerves of the legs and causes weakness
C. high levels of hormones often impair judgment resulting in reckless behavior
D. increased adrenalin released during pregnancy causes women to move faster than usual
23. When a nurse uses the IMCI model, the IMCI chart uses illness classification, e.g. the pink row
A. no specific treatments such as antibiotics C. appropriate antibiotics
B. urgent referral D. no urgent measures
24. Which of the four signs of good attachment is true in this statement?
A. the chin should touch the breast while the mouth is wide open and while the lower lip is turned
inward more
areola is visible above than below
B. the chin should touch the breast, the mouth is wide open while the lower lip turned
outward and
more areola visible above than below
C. the chin should touch the breast while the mouth is wide open while the lower lip turned
outward and more
areola visible below than above
D. the chin should touch the breast while the mouth is wide open and the lower lip turned inward,
more areola is
visible above than below
25. Which type of research inquiry investigates the issues of human complexity ( e. g.
understanding the human
A. positivism C. logical position
B. quantitative research D. natural inquiry
26. Carol is 15 months old and weighs 5.5 kgs and it is her initial visit. Her mother says that Carol
is not eating well and
unable to breastfeed, he has no vomiting, has no convulsion and not abnormally sleepy or
difficult to awaken. Her
temperature is 38.9 deg C. Using the integrated management of childhood illness or IMCI
strategy, if you were the nurse
in charge of Carol, how will you classify her illness?
A. a child at a general danger sign C. severe pneumonia
B. very severe febrile disease D. severe malnutrition
27. Why are small for gestational age newborns at risk for difficulty maintaining body
A. their skin is more susceptible to conduction of cold
B. they are preterm so are born relatively small in size
C. they do not have as many fat stored as other infants
D. they are more active than usual so they throw off comes
28. Oxytocin is administered to Rita to augment labor. What are the first symptoms of water
intoxication to observe for
during this procedure?
A. headache and vomiting C. a high choking voice
B. a swollen tender tongue D. abdominal bleeding and pain
29. Which of the following treatment should NOT be considered if the child has severe dengue
hemorrhagic fever?
A. use plan C if there is bleeding from the nose or gums
B. give ORS if there is skin Petechiae, persistent vomiting, and positive tourniquet test
C. give aspirin
D. prevent low blood sugar
30. In assessing the patient’s condition using the Integrated Management of Childhood Illness
approach strategy, the first
thing that a nurse should do is to:
A. ask what are the child’s problem C. check for the four main symptoms
B. check the patient’s level of consciousness D. check for the general danger signs
31. A child with diarrhea is observed for the following EXCEPT:
A. how long the child has diarrhea C. presence of blood in the stool
B. skin Petechiae D. signs of dehydration
32. The child with no dehydration needs home treatment. Which of the following is NOT included
in the care for home
management at this case?
A. give drugs every 4 hours C. give the child more fluids
B. continue feeding the child D. inform when to return to the health center
33. Ms. Jordan, RN, believes that a patient should be treated as individual. This ethical principle
that the patient referred
A. beneficence C. respect for person
B. nonmaleficence D. autonomy
34. When patients cannot make decisions for themselves, the nurse advocate relies on the
ethical principle of:
A. justice and beneficence C. beneficence and nonmaleficence
B. fidelity and nonmaleficence D. fidelity and justice
35. Being a community health nurse, you have the responsibility of participating in protecting the
health of people.
Consider this situation: Vendors selling bread with their bare hands. They receive money with
these hands. You do not
see them washing their hands. What should you say/do?
A. “Miss, may I get the bread myself because you have not washed your hands”
B. All of these
C. “Miss, it is better to use a pick up forceps/ bread tong”
D. “Miss, your hands are dirty. Wash your hands first before getting the bread”
36. If a child with diarrhea has 2 or more signs in the IMCI pink row chart, the classification will
A. moderate dehydration C. no dehydration
B. some dehydration D. severe dehydration
37. If the capillary refill takes more than 3 seconds it may mean:
A. the child is in shock C. circulatory failure
B. the child is dehydrated D. the child is alright
38. Leprosy is a chronic disease of the skin and peripheral nerves. Which of the following signs
are present in the early
A. loss of eyebrows C. contractures
B. clawing of fingers D. thickening or painful nerves
39. In asking the mother about her child’s problem the following communication skills should be
used EXCEPT:
A. use words that the mother understand C. listen attentively
B. give time for the mother to answer the question D. ask checking questions
40. Patients eligible under the short term chemotherapy (STC) are the following EXCEPT:
A. all newly discovered and reconfirmed sputum positive cases
B. those with cavitary lung findings after two successive negative sputum examination
C. patients without having been given consent for anti-TB treatment
D. patients willing to undergo treatment
41.When planning comfort measures to help the woman in active labor to tolerate her pain, the
nurse must consider
which of the following?
A. early labor contractions are usually regular, coordinated, and very painful
B. if women are properly prepared, they will require no pain medication to manage their pain
C. pain medication given during the latent phase of labor is not likely to impair contractions
D. the acceleration phase of labor can be a time of true discomfort and high anxiety
42. Francis is admitted in active labor. The nurse locates fetal heart sounds in the upper left
quadrant of the mother’s
abdomen. The nurse would recognize which of the following?
A. Francis will probably deliver very quickly and without problems]
B. This indicates Francis will probably have a breech delivery
C. The fetus is in the most common anterior fetal positions
D. this position is referred to as being left anteriopelvic
43. While interviewing a woman in labor, the nurse would address which of the following?
A. whether the pregnancy was planned C. maternal concerns regarding fetal health
B. the use of medications during pregnancy D. all of the above
44. If a woman will be placing her baby for adoption, which of the following nursing measures
should be implemented
during the labor stages?
A. avoid discussing the baby during the historical assessment to minimize the woman’s anxiety
B. support the woman as needed by accepting the decisions she makes regarding
holding the baby
C. protect the woman from visitors and family members who might try to change her mind
D. take the baby away as soon as possible after birth to prevent bonding from occurring
45. During the third stage of labor, the nurse may have which of the following responsibilities?
A. administration of intramuscular Oxytocin to facilitate uterine contractility
B. monitoring for blood loss greater than 100 cc, which would indicate gross hemorrhage
C. noting if the placenta makes a Schultz presentation, which is a sign of gross complication
D. pushing down on the relaxed uterus to aid in the removal of the placenta
46. Immediately following episiotomy repair, the nurse would do which of the following?
A. cleanse the woman’s anal area, then perineum and vulva, to remove any fecal
incontinence or
vaginal secretions
B. monitor the woman for shaking and complaints of chill sensations, which may indicate an
adverse reaction
to medications
C. palpate the uterus fundus for size, consistency and position and take vital signs to obtain
baseline data
D. remove all coverings except a clean, light hospital gown to prevent the development of
postpartal fever
47. Mr. Tony has been hospitalized for months following special spinal cord surgery. The boys
club in his hometown was
renamed the Tony boys club, and a parade is planned to honor Mr. Tony. Such community action
should positively
influence Mr. Tony’s:
A. self-perception and self concept C. health perception and health maintenance
B. cognition and perception D. coping and stress tolerance
48. Which of the following conditions is not true about contraindication to immunization?
A. do not give BCG if the child has known hepatitis
B. do not give BCG if the child has known AIDS
C. do not give DPT to a child who has recurrent convulsion or active neurologic disease
D. do not give DPT2 or DPT3 to a child who has had convulsions within 3 days of DPT1
49. Which of the following might prevent the conduct of a research study?
A. in order to gather data for the research, excessive risk to subject is required
B. costs for conducting the study are low compared to the potential benefits from the researcher
C. the identified problem is covered in the literature
D. the research problem is based on untested nursing theories
50. Marsha is concerned she may loose an excessive amount of blood with cesarean surgery.
What is the usual amount of
blood loss with cesarean birth?
A. 250 – 350 ml C. 100 – 220 ml
C. 500 – 1000 ml D. 300 – 500 ml
51. If the child is 4 months, which of the following questions SHOULD NOT be included in
checking the general danger
A. ask if the child is eating well during illness C. ask if the child has had no convulsion
B. ask if the child is able to breastfeed D. ask if the child vomits everything
52. Arnie, like all newborns, can loose body heat by conduction. Under which conditions is this
most apt to occur?
A. if the nursery is cooled by air conditioning C. if Arnie is placed in a cold bassinet
B. if the infant is wet from amniotic fluid D. if there is a breeze from an open window
53. You have just entered Mr. Tiangco’s room and observed him lying on the floor next to the
bed. The side rails on the
bed are down. When you asked Mr. Tiangco what happened, he replies. “I was asleep and the
next thing I knew I was on
the floor”. Which of the following examples of documentation is MOST APPROPRIATE for this
A. Lying on floor next to bed. No complaints verbalized. Side rails down. Appears to have fallen
out of bed
while asleep.
B. Mr. Tiangco was found lying on the floor next to his bed. When asked what
happened, he stated “
I was asleep and the next thing I knew I was on the floor”.
C. Lying on the floor, side rails down. Rolled out of bed while asleep.
D. Mr. Tiangco fell out of bed while asleep; both side rails were left down.
54. The application of public health, medical and engineering practices to health services and
effectiveness of workers
may be termed as:
A. community health C. school health
B. occupational health D. mental health
55. A literature review should be:
A. brief and limited C. systematic and exhaustive
B. broad and theoretical D. general and context
56. The Santiago Family lives in a makeshift house in Julugan, Tanza, Cavite. Composed of 8
members, the eldest son
Rhio is 7 years old. Rhean is 6, Queenie and Quency are twins 5, Peter is 4 and the youngest is 6
months old named
Oscar. Aling Rosa works in a laundry earning Php 1,500.00 a month and husband Mang Sony
works as fish vendor
earning Php 150.00 per day. Peter and the twins are enrolled in the day care. Rhio and Rhean
stopped studying to help
their parents for their younger brothers and sisters. With the current condition besetting the
Santiago family, which of the
following interventions can lend assistance to them?
A. refer the children to a hospice care facility
B. assist Aling Rosa to be referred to the DSWD for livelihood assistance
C. give Aling Rosa’s family a Php 2,000.00 worth of capital for them to put a fishball stand
D. advise Aling Rosa to use contraceptive pills
57. Every year we discover new methods or gadgets to improve man’s life. The research typed
used of this nature is:
A. applied C. experimental
B. developmental D. quantitative
58. When should the mother give complementary foods to a 5 months old infant?
A. if the child gives adequate weight for his age
B. if the child shows interest in semi solid foods
C. supplementary foods should be given before breastfeeding
D. if the child is breastfed less than 8 times in 24 hours
59. Hepatitis A is differentiated from hepatitis B by their mode of transmission. Hepatitis B is
transmitted through:
A. insect bites C. transfusion and injection
B. urine D. fecal waste
60. The nurse wants to immunize a 1 year old child for measles. The child has been classified as
having pneumonia and
no anemia and not very low weight. The child’s mother does not want her child to be immunized
and instead they will
just return as soon as the child is better. How will the nurse explain the importance of immunizing
the child with measles
A. the child’s condition is not a hindrance to immunization according to W.H.O.
B. the child has lower resistance and more prone to disease
C. the child will recover faster if the child will be immunized
D. it is the child’s schedule to have the immunization
61. To implement the case finding aspect of TB control, sputum examination should be done to
the following groups:
A. children 0-9 years old with cough for 2 weeks or more
B. all persons of all ages above 1 year with symptoms indicative of tuberculosis
C. children below 10 years old with fever for 3-5 days
D. all persons ages 10 years and over with progressive loss of weight
62. Mr. Barmonte was brought home with an advance directive, but the nurse is not sure that she
can follow his wishes.
The nurse should:
A. follow the directive even though the nurse is uncomfortable with the directives
B. call Mr. Barmonte’s lawyer
C. discuss with the interdisciplinary team in charge of Mr. Barmonte and the
organization’s ethics
D. ignore the advance directive
63. A term concerning body resistance which refers to protein present in the serum of the blood:
A. antibodies C. antigen
B. antitoxin D. allergen
64. A health care service in which risk factors are identified, occupational safety measures
reduce, and a public education
program begun is:
A. health promotion C. treatment facility
B. illness prevention D. rehabilitation
65. A community health nurse (CHN) visits the Gomez family weekly. Although family income
seems adequate, Mrs.
Gomez is unable to budget it over a 4-week period. The nurse asks what may be done to help
Mrs. Gomez shrugs her
shoulders and says, “Tomorrow may never come.” Mrs. Gomez’s reaction is described as:
A. reflecting her culture, values, and time orientation
B. one of not caring about her family’s needs
C. her belief that income may not be adequate as perceived by the CHN
D. indicating that her budget needs is a private matter
66. A positive or negative feeling toward a person, object, or idea is known as a/an:
A. merit C. moral
B. value D. attitude
67. When the nurse assists the clients in understanding personal values, this is an example of
A. validation C. clarification
B. discovery D. choice
68. While doing a nutritional assessment of a low-income family, the community health nurse
determines the family’s diet
is inadequate in protein content. The nurse could suggest which of the following foods to increase
protein content with
little increase in food expenditure?
A. oranges and potatoes C. rice and macaroni
B. potatoes and rice D. peas and beans
69. A new mother who is breast-feeding her baby asks the nurse when she should start her
feeding baby vegetables. The
nurse would suggest the MOST APPROPRIATE age to begin vegetables is:
A. 3 to 4 months C. 6 to 8 months
B. 4 to 5 months D. 9 to 12 months
70. Assessment areas for the nurse is working with the family on health promotion strategies
would include:
A. the television shows that they watch C. the perceived health status and illness patterns
of the
B. the family and all the relative’s statuses D. the mental status of family and friends
71. The nurse manager wishes to implement a new way of determining the vacation schedule for
the staff. The senior
staff opposes the change while the newer staff seems more accepting of the change. An effective
strategy for resolving
this difference in acceptance would be to:
A. explain that the change will occur as designed, regardless of the staff’s preference
B. tell the staff that if they really do not want the change, it will not be implemented
C. provide extensive and detailed rationale for the proposed change
D. encourage each side to share their views with each other
72. The following are the duties of the Public Health Nurse EXCEPT:
A. leave to the BHW the responsibilities of educating the community
B. provision of nursing care to the sick and well individuals
C. provision of technical and administrative support to rural health midwives
D. conduct of pre and post consultation conference for clinic patients
73. An 8 month old has fast breathing if he has:
A. 40 breaths per minute C. 38 breaths per minute
B. 55 breaths per minute D. 45 breaths per minute
74. The following are the concerns of the Public Health Nurse on the third trimester of pregnancy
A. advice for the mother to take oral contraceptive
B. where to give birth
C. proper timing in the separation of mother to other siblings
D. type of feeding
75. When a child with persistent diarrhea returns for follow-up visit after 5 days, the nurse should
ask the mother if the
diarrhea has stopped when:
A. the child has less than 3 loose bowels per day
B. the child has 4 semi formed stool
C. the child has 5 formed stools
D. the child has 3 loose stools/day
76. In barangay Y, one of the identified problems is unavailability of toilet facility for the
residents. The appropriate
intervention is:
A. secure donations in the form of toilet bowls
B. ask help from local government
C. none of the above
D. conduct a community assembly and discuss the consequences of this problems
77. A home visit is a professional interaction between the community health nurse and his
patient or the family. Where
could the nurse get available information about the patient or the family to be visited?
A. document file C. doctor’s office
B. records and reports D. family health record
78. In planning a home visit, the nurse considers the individual needs. Which of the following is a
A. needs of all family members C. follow-up of medication and treatment
B. needs recognized by the family D. clinic schedules after home visit
79. Which of the following is the FIRST action of the nurse during a home visit?
A. greet the client or the household members
B. state the purpose or objective of the visit
C. give necessary health teaching
D. inquire about welfare and health condition of the client
80. Which factor must be considered by the nurse as vital to determine frequency of the home
A. available resources C. acceptance of the family
B. policy of the agency D. past nursing services
81. Eating habits of the family has changed due to the existing fast food establishment in the
area. What health risk
should you warn the family?
A. food-borne infection C. increase weight
B. indigestion D. hand washing
82. To show a mother how to help her to have good attachment of the infant during breast
feeding. Which of the
following statement SHOULD NOT be included?
A. place the infant in your most convenient position
B. touch the infant’s lips with her nipples
C. wait until the infant’s mouth is widely open
D. move the infant quickly onto her breast, aiming the infant’s lips well below the nipple
83. When members of the community identify needs, work on its solutions with confidence in the
spirit of cooperation.
The process is:
A. nurse’s professional effort C. community organizing
B. government assistance D. leadership through traditional leaders
84. In assessing the level of family cohesion, you have determined that the family is very close
and has very high loyalty,
and members are highly dependent on one another. You would document this as which level of
A. separated C. connected
B. enmeshed D. disengaged
85. Mrs. Ayuyao, 77 year old, has been admitted with pneumonia. Her husband asks the nurse
about the living will. As a
license nurse, you remember that living wills:
A. are legally binding in all states
B. allow the court to decide when the care can be given
C. allow the individual to express his or her wishes regarding care
D. allow health workers to withhold fluids and medications
86. Maybelle is scheduled to have an ultrasound examination. What instructions would you give
her before her
A. The intravenous fluid infused to dilate your uterus does not hurt the fetus
B. you will need to drink at least 3 glasses of fluid before the procedure
C. void immediately before the procedure to reduce your bladder size
D. you can have medicine for pain for any contractions cause by the test
87. What is the most common type of health problem seen in the health care system?
A. poor prenatal care C. immobility
B. lack of information available to patients D. increased rate of chronic disease
88. Which of the following is the best type of disease prevention?
A. immunization C. community social events
B. yearly physical exam D. behavior that promotes health
89. Nurses who deliver community-based care must have which of the following qualities?
A. adaptability C. ability to be self-directed
B. tolerance of various lifestyle D. all of the above
90. A nurse has scheduled a hypertension clinic. This service would be an example of which of
the following types of
health care?
A. tertiary prevention C. primary prevention
B. secondary prevention D. protection
91. When providing care in a home, how might the nurse best implement infection control?
A. cleanse the hands before and after giving direct patient care
B. remove the patient’s wound dressings from the home
C. dispose off patient’s syringes in the patient’s garbage
D. disinfect all work areas in the patient’s home
92. Which of the following is a leading health problem of school-age children?
A. earaches C. obesity
B. attention disorders D. malnutrition
93. If the child does not have ear problem, what should the nurse do?
A. check for tender swelling behind the ear C. check for ear drainage
B. check for ear pain D. got to diet question, check for malnutrition
94. Nona had her pelvic measurement taken. What size should the ischial tuberosity diameter be,
to be considered
A. have the width of the symphysis pubis C. 11 cm
B. 8 cm D. twice the width of the conjugate diameter
95. In classifying the child’s illness using the IMCI color-coded triage, each illness is classified
according to whether it
requires the following EXCEPT:
A. urgent pre-referral treatment and referral C. immunization
B. simple advice on home management D. specific medical treatment
96. Which of the following is an example of hostile environment in terms of sexual harassment?
A. the boss assures you of a big promotion if you go out on a couple of dates with him
B. your supervisor makes masturbatory gestures every time you walk pass him
C. the personnel manager hints that the job will be yours if you cooperate sexually with him
D. your boss suggests that your “raise” is dependent upon having sex with him
97. Which among these activities is the concern of the Primary Level?
A. administration of BCG vaccine for a 10 days old baby
B. insertion of a nasogastric tubes to patients
C. administer diuretics such as furosemide per doctors order
D. regulate intravenous fluid drop rates
98. Which of the following vaccine in the Expanded Program of Immunization have a 4 weeks
B. AMV D. Tetanus Toxoid
99. The nurse who is planning a health promotion program with clients in the community will
have the LEAST focus on:
A. assisting the clients to make informed decisions
B. organizing methods to achieve optimal mental health
C. reducing genetic risk factors for illness
D. providing information and skills to maintain lifestyle changes
100. A holistic belief system by the nurse would be most evident if the nurse:
A. incorporates client perceptions of health when planning care
B. encourages behavior modification program
C. supports goal-directed learning to improve health
D. accepts death as an outcome of life

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