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Grace Cooper
Cooper, Grace Monday, June 2, 2014 2:55:21 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:cc:9f
The thick green sturdy forest is filled
with many wild animals such as the
wolves hiding in the bushes waiting
for their next meal. The quick foxes
brush against the leaves. Tall brown
chocolate like trunks curve over the
branching ground letting bits of sun-
light come through the trees. The
Surviving in this dense forest wont be easy.
Cooper, Grace Monday, June 2, 2014 2:55:21 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:cc:9f
spiky branches and the thorny bushes
make it hard to walk around. Rivers
rushing downward through the tall for-
est make sound to the trees. Tiny
walkways made by the plants are
hard to see what lies before. The
wood of the tall trees would work
great for shelter, and by one step
making it easier to survive in the wild
It is in this favorable geographic envi-
ronment that the civilization of the
Glandia will be founded. It is a civiliza-
tion whose design takes its inspira-
tion from the study of the past civili-
zations such as the Arabs, the Az-
tecs, the Greeks, the Mayans, the
Mesopotamians, and the romans,
among the others. This book will
document the necessary steps to
take in order to create a successful
Cooper, Grace Monday, June 2, 2014 2:55:21 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:cc:9f
Humans are children of their environments.
- Sinichi suzuki
Cooper, Grace Monday, June 2, 2014 2:55:21 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:cc:9f
Part I Analysis of the Problem
The first step in building a successful
civilization is to secure basic human
needs such as food and water. Due
to its geography, the major chal-
lenges the civilization of Glandia
faces achieving a food and water
supply include the following:
Id malesuada lectus. Suspendisse potenti. Etiam felis nisl, cursus bibendum tempus nec. Aliquam at turpis tellus. Id malesuada lectus. Suspendisse est
lorem ipsum potenti.
Human changes to the land
Cooper, Grace Monday, June 2, 2014 2:55:21 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:cc:9f
A forest is not the easiest place to
start a civilization in. The biggest envi-
ronmental challenges in the forest
are availability of water, vegetation,
and soil. In the forest the soil is very
hard and not saturated therefor it is
hard to plow the soil. Also the forest
is very dense with trees so you will
need to clear some land for your
crops. If you cannot plow the soil you
cannot grow your crops. Then you
cant feed the people of your civiliza-
tion an your civilization wont grow.
In the forest there are small creeks
and rivers. For a growing civilization it
is not enough water. It would be hard
to control the water of rapid river, and
could over flow and flood your civiliza-
Part III Proposed solution:
An adaptation is a change to yourself
and the way you live. A modification
is when you make a physical change
to the environment. You can make
those changes to help you survive.
The solution to having poor soil is
to run an irrigation system through
the crops to water the plants and
make the soil less dense, and easier
to plow. A similar technique to what
the Mayans used, They first cleared
Cooper, Grace Monday, June 2, 2014 2:55:21 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:cc:9f
the land by
cutting and
burning all
the trees
and plants
(Frey 268).
Using slash
and burn to
clear the for-
est will
make more
room for
your civiliza-
tion to grow
crops. To collect and store the water
you can build irrigation systems,
dams, wells, aqueducts, and reser-
To collect the rainwater you could
hollow out trees, build under ground
storages, and leather bags to carry
the water around easier, like the May-
ans did. To succeed ingrowing food,
they needed a way to control the wa-
ter so they would have a reliable wa-
ter supply all year around. The modi-
fications and adaptations are similar
to the past, of mostly what the May-
ans have done to make their civiliza-
tion survive and thrive.

Mayans used aqueducts to help them control
their water and make it easier to transfer water
to different places.
Cooper, Grace Monday, June 2, 2014 2:55:21 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:cc:9f
The peoples good is the highest law.
Law and Government
Cooper, Grace Monday, June 2, 2014 2:55:21 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:cc:9f
We have used mistakes from the past
from the Spartans, Athens and the Ro-
mans to make our government success-
ful. To start voting in Glandia the people
cant be to young and just coming out of
school and does not have that much
knowledge of the past, 60 is to old be-
cause citizens are not as creative and
they are loosing their memory. I would
say around 35 because citizens have
Maintaining Civil Order
Cooper, Grace Monday, June 2, 2014 2:55:21 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:cc:9f
fresh ideas and have knowledge from the
past and know about previous govern-
When it
comes to
laws in
the peo-
ple have
chosen a
smaller assembly council of 28 people
like the Spartans (Council of Elders). To
be elected to the Council of Elders, men
had to be at least 60 years old and from a
noble family Frey 265. My civilization
chose that because then the people dont
have, as much disagreement, and the
meetings would be faster. To have less
people it would be more significant and
the people would get a lot done.Council
of 500 like the Athens did it too much and
a lot of disagreement, and they wont be
able to hear everyones ideas. Also no
people can come in to Glandia and veto a
good law.
The important lessons that the govern-
ment should learn is satisfy all people, be
fair to rich and poor. The leader has to be
concerned about all the people, and the
leader has to be concerned leading. Be
honest with the civilization, not like the oli-
garchy when they Paid spies to report
anyone who criticized him Frey 256. And
laws would be written down in a public
place, like the twelve tables. I would start
out as the governor and then have the
person I trust the most take over. After
that the people would vote whom they
Cooper, Grace Monday, June 2, 2014 2:55:21 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:cc:9f
think would make the right laws and
choices, but I have 30% of the vote. To
make the laws I would have former gover-
nors meet together as think of laws and
debate which ones would be good to
make, then the people will vote but I still
have final say.
In Glandia we would let everyone have
power unlike the patricians and the plebe-
ians. The plebeians did not have a lot
power. As stated in Frey 319 Angry over
there lack of power, the plebeians
marched out of the city and camped on a
nearby hill. They refused to come back un-
til the patricians met their demands. The
plebeians made up 95% of the civilization
of Rome so almost everyone was gone.
There were a group of 300 men called the
senate. As stated by Frey 318 The sen-
ate was a group of 300 men that the patri-
cians elected. The senators served for
life. In fact, the senates decision was
treated as law. I would have former gov-
ernors make up the laws and the citizens
of Glandia vote, and I would have 30% of
the vote in all the laws. In conclusion peo-
Cooper, Grace Monday, June 2, 2014 2:55:21 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:cc:9f
ple should learn from the past, and turn
the mistakes into solutions.
Code of Law
The major threats to Glandia are youth
rights and property. Youth rights can pre-
vent accidents happening, like one should
be old enough to do most things like buy
goods, ride a transporting animal, and
trading. Also pro perty is a big threat to
Glandia, starting out with a small civiliza-
tion there is lack of space. Since Glandia
is growing, for the citizens to have prop-
erty trees will have to be cut down. Cut-
ting down a lot of trees is bad for the envi-
ronment. In Rome there was the Twelve
Tables, Twelve tables was where all the
written down laws were. As the law in the
Twelve Tables, A dead man shall not be
buried or burned within the city. Burring
or burning a man within the boundaries
can violate the property of the city. Mak-
ing more space in Glandia means more
trees have to be cut down and more work
for the people, when they can be making
money and food for their family. All these
laws are necessary to make it a safe envi-
It is that all people shall follow these laws:
This is Glandia's government building. This is where the laws will be
determined and where court meetings will be held.
Cooper, Grace Monday, June 2, 2014 2:55:21 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:cc:9f
I. If anyone is caught during a robbery
they should spend the rest of their life in
jail, and return the stolen items.
II. If anyone is caught invading some-
ones privacy or property they will have to
pay 300 pops and spend 1 week working
for them
III. No person shall lie in court, and if
caught will have to pay 5,000 pops
IV. If one murders another they would
have to pay 4,000 pops and spend the
rest of their life in jail.
V. You can start purchasing goods when
you are 14, but you cant start trading un-
til you are 16. If caught trading or purchas-
ing goods when one is not old enough,
one will have to pay 120 pops.
I think youth rights are necessary be-
cause it can prevent more accidents from
happening. The laws are the solutions.
When being to young and have not
learned about present life and for exam-
ple not know the rules of trading, and not
knowing how to ride a transporting animal
can cause harm to you and your family. I
also think property is necessary because
to harm ones property can lead to a con-
flict and also leading up to pops. A law
from the Twelve Tables stated Should a
tree on
a neigh-
Cooper, Grace Monday, June 2, 2014 2:55:21 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:cc:9f
crooked by the wind a lean over your
farm, you make take legal action for re-
moval of that tree. For example you can
take place in cutting down the tree but
with permission of the government. With
an age limit and a property law Glandia
can remain safe and in control.
I. If anyone is caught during a robbery
they should spend the rest of their life in
jail, and return the stolen items
II. No person can violate each others
III. If you murder someone they would
have to pay 4,000 pops and spend the
rest of their life in jail
IV. You cant have a job that pays you un-
til you are 12
V. No person should lie in court, and if
caught will have to pay 5,000 pops
VI. If a man were violent to a woman he
would pay the women 500 pops and
spend two months in jail.
VII. If anyone is caught invading some-
ones privacy they will have to pay 300
pops and spend 1 week working for them.
VIII. You can start purchasing goods
when you 14, but you can start trading
when you are 16. If caught trading or pur-
chasing goods one will have to pay 120
IX. If you get caught riding an animal that
is transporting goods when you are not
15 you will have to groom the animal for 1
Cooper, Grace Monday, June 2, 2014 2:55:21 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:cc:9f
Political leadership
Learning from the success of Julius Cae-
sar a ruler should limit the amount of slav-
ery in their civilization. By limiting the num-
ber of slaves would result in a more suc-
cessful civilization. Julius Caesar was
very successful when he took this step of
limiting the amount of slavery. He halted
the intensive use of slavery in rural areas
and provided jobs for poor people by
passing a measure requiring that a third
of the ranch laborers become Roman citi-
zens. With less slaves and more jobs,
there would be more work for everyone.
When there is more work people are hap-
pier and can feed themselves and their
families. Glandia can learn many things
from the steps that Julius Caesar took to
limit slavery.
Based on lessons from the past Glandia
will follow of the popular steps that Julius
Caesar took to make Rome safer and to
have less slavery. In Glandia I will try to
reduce the amount of slavery, by keeping
more jobs open and not selling slaves
with property. By limiting the number of
slaves estates could employ, poor free
people were able to find more work. (Ju-
lius Caesars Rule as Dictator) Also I am
going to try to keep Glandia safer as Octa-
vian did in Rome. Octavian was Cae-
Cooper, Grace Monday, June 2, 2014 2:55:21 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:cc:9f
sarss adopted son; the senates award
him the title Augustus, which means,
highly respected. Augustus tried to keep
Rome safe by building a fire department
and police force. To further improve
safety, he also established a fire depart-
ment and a police force. (Political leader-
ship of Caesar Augustus) Repairing water
channels and repairing roads can prevent
accidents from happening, which I will do
in Glandia. Trying to avoid the mistakes
from the past and learning from them
Glandia will become a successful civiliza-
Decline of the Western Roman Empire
The main reason for the decline of the
Western Roman Empire was political cor-
ruption. Unlike Greece, the Romans did
not have an organized way to choose the
emperor. In Rome about 186 B.C.E the
throne was not decide by the citizens it
was given to the highest bidder, the
money ended up going to the praetorian
Guard who was control of the bidding.
Having to buy the throne caused citizens
to rebel. As stated in the (Decline of the
Western Roman Empire). The army be-
gan the practice of selling the throne to
the highest bidder. Also there was an op-
tion of the old emperor, Praetorian Guard,
the senate, and the army to decide on
Cooper, Grace Monday, June 2, 2014 2:55:21 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:cc:9f
who the next emperor would be. In Glan-
dia civilization the throne will not be
bought it will be earned. In conclusion, po-
litical corruption was the decline of the
Western Rome.
Political corruption was the main reason
for the decline of Rome. The first step
that Glandia is going to take to let the peo-
ple of Glandia have a say in whom the
want the emperor to be. By having a mail-
box in the town hall house everyone will
be given an envelope and a piece of pa-
per, and they will write down who they
want to be emperor and two reasons why.
During the next 100 years, Rome had 37
different emperors 25 of whom were re-
moved from the office by assassination
According to the (Decline of the Western
Roman Empire). When it comes to choos-
ing an emperor in Glandia we are going
to have an age limit, over the age 60 will
not allowed and under the age 24 will not
be allowed either. Having this age limit
will keep the votes and emperors under
control. These steps are going to help
Glandia be a successful civilization.
Cooper, Grace Monday, June 2, 2014 2:55:21 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:cc:9f
As a [person] believes, so will the person act.
- Sam Harris
Belief Systems
Cooper, Grace Monday, June 2, 2014 2:55:21 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:cc:9f
To better understand the role of belief sys-
tems within a civilization a how they can
influence the actions and decisions of the
people, consider the following moral di-
Joe is a fourteen-year-old boy who
wanted to go to camp very much. His fa-
ther promised him he could go if he
saved up the money for it himself. So Joe
worked hard at his paper route and
The Impact of a Beleif System
Cooper, Grace Monday, June 2, 2014 2:55:21 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:cc:9f
saved up the $40 dollars it cost to go to
camp, and a little more besides. But just
before camp was going to start, his father
changed his mind. Some of his fathers
friends decided to go on a special fishing
trip, and Joe's father was short of the
money it would cost. So he told Joe to
give him the money he had saved from
the paper route.
Joe didn't want
to give up going
to camp, so he
thinks of refus-
ing to give his
father the
can learn from
the Hindu, Bud-
dhist, and Con-
fucianist to help us decide in tough mo-
ments, such as this one. In this situation a
Buddhist would give the money to the fa-
ther. They would give the money to the fa-
ther because they are not selfish people.
They care for others, and for the dad it
was a special fishing trip. As stated in
Frey Be aware of but not attached to
your emotion (159). A Also give the
money because it was even Joe was at-
tached to going camp he wasnt going to
be selfish and didnt want to let his father
down because he respected his father. A
Buddhist would give the money because
overall they are not selfish people and
who never let someone they really cared
about down.
Joe could use Confucianism, Buddhism,
and Hinduism to help him decide what to
do. Also in this situation a Confucianist
These are the symbols that represent hin-
duism, confucianism, and buddhism.
Cooper, Grace Monday, June 2, 2014 2:55:21 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:cc:9f
would give the money to the father be-
cause they respect the elders and the
ones above them. If Joe did not respect
his dad, Joe would not be reborn later af-
ter he dies. For a Confucianist it would be
his karma to give his dad the money. As
stated in Frey Do
not do to others
what you would
not want done to
you (208 -209).
Joe wasnt going
to be attached to
going to camp. In
this situation the
dad would do his
dharma and repay
his son after his
fishing trip. A Con-
fucianist would
give the money because overall they re-
spect the ones above them.
Hinduism and Confucianism are very simi-
lar in the belief system. Everyone cares
for one another, the always promote good
actions prevent evil ones. Without a belief
system everyone will be fighting over
what is right and wrong, and it will be
harder to make decisions. In conclusion
every successful civilization should have
a belief system to keep it under control
and running smoothly. The people within
Glandia will be known for trust, fairness,
and toughness, and with a belief system
can change bad behaviors.
Role of the Catholic Church and its
main Belief Systems in Medieval
This is a ancient buddhist painting
praying and following the beliefs
of buddhism.
Cooper, Grace Monday, June 2, 2014 2:55:21 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:cc:9f
The Roman
Catholic Church
in Medieval
Europe grew
both economi-
cally and politi-
cally powerful af-
ter the collapse
of the Western
Roman Empire
in 476 C.E. The
Roman Catholic
Church started to grow both economically
and politically by starting to collect the
taxes known as the tithe from the citi-
zens. The pope had lots of power, he and
the church officials were the only people
in the civilization that could read. Since
the king did not know how to read the
main language Latin, the pope gained
power by reading the kings mail. Every-
one followed the popes word because
they wanted to achieve salvation. By the
year 1050, the church was the largest
landholder in Europe (Frey 33.) The
church gained even more economic
power by being the largest landholder in
Europe, making it even more part of the
With having
the church be-
ing the center
of a civiliza-
tion, it re-
minds every-
one to be
open minded
with the laws
in order to
gain salvation. Overall after the Collapse
Everyone following Gods laws and or-
ders to achieve salvation.
The church was one of the most powerful
things in the middle ages, with everyone
trying gain salvation.
Cooper, Grace Monday, June 2, 2014 2:55:21 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:cc:9f
of the Western Roman Empire the Catho-
lic Church gained economical and politi-
cal power from the pope who was guiding
everyone to gain salvation.
The Catholic Church influenced peoples
thoughts and deeds in the Middle Ages by
everyone trying to gain salvation. Salva-
tion was something that everyone
wanted. Salvation was the time after
death that you would go to paradise/
heaven. The people followed the
Churchs laws, which came from God that
the pope recited to the people to help
gain salvation. During the middle ages it
was a dark time. It was hard to gain salva-
tion until Pope Urban gave a speech to
join the Crusades. His last sentence at
the end of the speech recited this All who
die by the way, weather by land or by
sea, or in battle against the pagans, shall
have immediate [can-
cellation] of sins
(Two sides in a Cru-
sade). Pope Urban
said that if you took
this journey and
joined the Crusades
you would immedi-
ately gain salvation.
In conclusion Pope
Urban also led his
civilization to gaining
salvation by his
speech influencing everyone.
Glandias Main Beliefs:
In an effort to create a successful civiliza-
tion, the people of Glandia have estab-
lished their own belief system. It shares
This is Pope Urban who
gave the speech to take the
journey and join the Cru-
Cooper, Grace Monday, June 2, 2014 2:55:21 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:cc:9f
similar religious beliefs and teachings
with other world religious and helps the
people of Glandia be less selfish and
more open minded. Here are some exam-
One of the main beliefs in Glandia is Kind-
ness, which is called gfuble. It is prac-
ticed and carried out by making a deli-
cious homemade meal and sharing it with
others in the Glandia church. They also
donate their old clothes to the less fortu-
nate. By practicing gfuble on the 7th
day of each month, the people within
Glandia learn how to control their greed
and to be more open-minded and to
share with others in the community. This
belief and how it is practiced is connected
to the 4th pillar of Islam Siyam. In Siyam
they practice fasting, which is not eating
food for the day, and only eating at night-
fall, as stated in Frey According to Is-
lamic teachings, Ramadan was the month
that God first revealed his massage to Mu-
hammad (99). This day was important is
to Islam, and same with Glandia teaching
everyone to be more open minded. For
example, the wealthy are giving more
back to the community and not keeping
all of their wealth to themselves. Overall,
practicing this first belief controls greed
and helps one to be more opened
minded. Having this belief with in the
Glandia people, has created a giving civili-
Another belief that is important to Glandia
is respect, which is called runbun. Run-
bun emphasizes to be kind and respect-
ful to everyone. It will be practiced and
carried out by spending a whole entire
day with the one that has guided you
Cooper, Grace Monday, June 2, 2014 2:55:21 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:cc:9f
life and
By prac-
every 3
years people within Glandia will learn how
to be nicer and respectful to everyone.
This belief is like the practice of Confu-
cianism, as stated in Frey To respect the
elders and the ones above you (106). Re-
spect is always good to have in a growing
civilization to people within and around.
Respect makes for a successful civiliza-
tion because without respect people will
be rude and not loyal to each other, which
would cause lots of disagreements and
make for and unpleasant civilization. In
conclusion practicing Runbun is impor-
tant to learn to be respectful to everyone.
With this belief people can also learn to
be more respectful to the ones that they
are trading to.
The last main belief in Glandia is prayer,
known as Chala. It is practiced and car-
ried out by going to the scared waterfall in
Glandia known as koowoo. The people
of Glandia visit Koowoo once a week and
pray with their legs crossed and hands on
their hearts and thinking of happy places
and good deeds that can be done. The
people within Glandia will learn to calm
Glandiass Church
Cooper, Grace Monday, June 2, 2014 2:55:21 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:cc:9f
themselves when stressed and to be
more centered. This belief is like the sec-
ond pillar of Islam Salat. As stated in Frey
Through out the Muslim communities,
people are called to prayer fives times a
day at: sunrise, midday, noon, sunset,
and after night fall. This belief is like the
second pillar of Islam Salat (98). The peo-
ple within Glandia will not pray everyday,
but once a week. Also when the Glandi-
ans pray once a week at the sacred water-
fall, they will show that they are commit-
ted to this belief. In conclusion by practic-
ing Chala people will be more centered.
Also by practicing this belief it will relax
you, which would cause you to be respect-
ful and kind to everyone.All these beliefs
together create successful civilization and
to help people know what is right from
These are the five pillars of Islam that people follow in order to
have a better after life once they die.
Cooper, Grace Monday, June 2, 2014 2:55:21 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:cc:9f
A person may die, nations may rise and fall, but and ideas lives on.
~ John F Kennedy
Cooper, Grace Monday, June 2, 2014 2:55:21 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:cc:9f
The humanist mindset promoted many
new ideas during the renaissance. Hu-
manist promoted new ideas by rewarding
individual not for their family or class. Hu-
manist created ways A to gather and
share new and different ideas. In the time
of the renaissance they had new ways ad-
vance government, social standing, catho-
lic church, painting, sculpture, literature,
science and math. They believed in indi-
Id malesuada lectus. Suspendisse potenti. Etiam felis nisl, cursus bibendum tempus nec. Aliquam at turpis tellus. Id malesuada lectus. Suspendisse est
lorem ipsum potenti.
Power of Ideas
Cooper, Grace Monday, June 2, 2014 2:55:21 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:cc:9f
vidual dignity that everyone was capable
to learn new and more things. They be-
lieved everyone had a good idea, and
that could help someone. The ideas in
these works inspired artist and scholars
to start questioning old ideas and think dif-
ferently about the world around them
(Frey 31). In the renaissance times
these ideas were promoted to everyone
to help there culture advance. With mak-
ing places for the people within and
around to meet, it would be a helpful
place to spawn and share ideas. Before
the renaissance no new ideas were cre-
ated. Without any ways to meet and
share ideas they lacked on new ones.
Overall with every idea humanist created
help their culture advance.
With the humanist mindset, humanist cre-
ated new ways to express literature. Lit-
This was the time of the renaissance
This is some books to represent the new ways of literature
Cooper, Grace Monday, June 2, 2014 2:55:21 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:cc:9f
erature was very helpful in the time of the
renaissance because the new ways
helped people read and write. Also they
did not write in Latin they wrote in their
main language. They new ways to help
express literature help scholars and phi-
losophers to help with educating others
Other ways to express literature was ex-
pressing ones feeling in the writing and
writing about more personal styles. In
contrast, Renaissance writers were inter-
ested in individual experience and in the
world around them (Frey 328). With the
world around them people started to write
about non-religious topics. With most writ-
ing being religious topics. With the new
way to express literature people became
more open minded about their writing.
The practicing and teaching of the Catho-
lic Church made people think the Catho-
lic Church was corrupt. The Catholic
Church taught everyone a certain way.
The church thought it was a threat to the
church when
someone had a
new idea and it
was spread-
ing, such as
Martin Luther
did when he
believed there
were only two
sacraments in
life. As many
people in the
time of the ren-
aissance had
new ideas or
new ways to
do things. Mar- tin
This was Martin Luthers church
were he would promoted new
ideas. Martin began this church af-
ter he got excommunicated from
the Catholic Church.
Cooper, Grace Monday, June 2, 2014 2:55:21 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:cc:9f
Luther believed that there were only two
sacraments in life, which were Baptism
and Eucharist. When the church had
many sacraments in life. The church be-
gan to worry that Martin Luthers idea
was threating his church they had many
ways to deal with him. Martin Luther was
excommunicated from the church, threat-
ened with his life and his writings and
teachings were forbidden. As stated in
Frey Many Germans saw Luther as a
hero. As his popularity grew, he continued
to develop his ideas. (353). Martin did
not give up Martin started his own church
and started a new Christian denomination
known as Lutheranism. As Luthers
church advanced they were studying the
bible in German not Latin. As many ideas
threatened the Catholic Church, the ideas
that were spread never died and kept
within peoples minds.With Glandia grow-
ing in power and economics, it would be
challenged with the humanist mindset.
When Glandia is challenged with a hu-
manist mindset there are many ways to
deal with this new idea. Glandia is going
to listen to the idea a see if that idea cre-
ated by the humanist is going to be a
threat to the civilization. If the idea is bad
Glandia will forbid this idea and if the idea
is spread the person will be punished.
These idea will be kept a secret and stay
within the
church. As
stated in
Frey In
the eyes
of the
This is Glandias school and when Martin Lu-
ther is placed inside my civilization he will help
improve my church.
Cooper, Grace Monday, June 2, 2014 2:55:21 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:cc:9f
Luther was attaching fundamental truths
of the Catholic religion. (353) New ideas
are not a threat to the Glandia or the relig-
ion they can improve it. As a Crystophian
with a humanist mindset challenged Glan-
dia and many questions were asked.
Where are people going to meet for trad-
ing? Also the humanist mind asked if
there is an emergency hideout for the peo-
ple within Glandia? As in the time of the
renaissance the ideas were never forgot-
ten. So why punish the humanist mindset
when they are curious? This idea will
make for a successful civilization by pro-
moting new ideas to advance more things
within Glandia.
Many people in the time of the renais-
sance had a humanist mind, such as Mar-
tin Luther. Martin Luther was born Novem-
ber 10, 1438 Eisleben Germany in the
time of the renaissance. In the time of the
renaissance Martin believed that there
were only two sacra-
ments in life Baptist
and Eucharist. The
Catholic Church
thought Martin was
questioning the
church, so Martin
thought got excom-
municated from the
church. If Martin
were placed in Glan-
dia he would ques-
tion many things be-
cause he has differ-
ent beliefs. Martin
would benefit Glan-
dia with his creative
thinking. He would find a better way to im-
This is Martin Luther. Who be-
lieved that there were only to sac-
raments in
Cooper, Grace Monday, June 2, 2014 2:55:21 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:cc:9f
prove the school and fins an easier way
to learn. He would also advance the archi-
tecture of Glandia and make it easier to
get around. Overall having Martin Luther
in my civilization would improve many im-
portant things.
This is were the people of Glandia will be baptized. There are
big crosses on the baptism place to emphasize Christianity.
Review 4.1
Check Answer
Question 1 of 4
Who were humanist?
A. People who advanced many things in
the time of the renaissance
B. People who ate many weird food
C. The Renaissance children
D. All of the above
Cooper, Grace Monday, June 2, 2014 2:55:21 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:cc:9f

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