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30 second Video PSA

Hi, Im Alexis for Western Washington Universitys Associated Students Marine

Technology Club. Did you know that in science, technology, engineering and
mathematic careers women only compromise of 24 percent? Thats only 4 percent
of all U.S. jobs. STEM education advocates and promotes K through 12 learning of
all stem fields. The Marine Technology clubs remote operated vehicle explores
under the water and promotes education that prepares students to solve
environmental and economic problems. For more information, visit our Facebook at
WWU (DUB DUB U) Marine Tech -The Marine Technology Club: Exploring the
depths of our future

15 second Video PSA

Did you know that STEM education is 20 percent of U.S. jobs? That's 26 million jobs.
STEM education promotes all K through 12 students to learn and solve STEM
problems. For more information, visit our Facebook at WWU Marine Tech. Marine
Technology Club: Exploring the depths for our future.

Radio PSA
Did you know that in science, technology, engineering and mathematic careers
women only comprise of 24 percent? Thats only 4 percent of all U.S. jobs. STEM
education advocates and promotes k through 12 learning of STEM fields. Clubs, like
the Western Washington Universitys Associated Students Marine Technology Clubs
remote operated vehicle to explore under the ocean and promotes education that
prepares students to solve current and future environmental and economic
problems. For more information visit our Facebook at WWU (DUB DUB U)- Marine
Tech. Marine Technology Club: Exploring the depths for our future.

Exploring the depths of/ for our future
Exploring under the ocean
Researching to explore

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