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Dear Evan Marczynski, May 1, 2014

Western Washington Universitys Marine Technology Club moves on to the regional

round of the 13 Annual Underwater Robotics Competition after stabilizing their ROV
underwater. MTC is not only representing Western Washington University but as well as local
Bellingham mentors and sponsors.
For the last 8 months MTC has been working on perfecting their ROV for competition.
With many unsuccessful test trials, the club finalized this years competition design ultimately
resulting in the ROV stabilizing underwater. If the MTC qualifies, they have the opportunity to
participate in the national competition beginning on June 26, 2014 in Alpena, Mich.
An ROV or Remote Operated Vehicle is a highly intelligent mechanism that explores and
works underwater. ROVs are equipped a variety of technology; however, the most basic ROV is
equipped with at least lights, arms, cameras. With this technology, ROVs can go underwater to
take pictures, videos or sonograms. Used to explore and research the ocean ROVs are used by
the military, for hobby and for oceanography institutes. For example, in 2010 during the BP oil
spill in the Gulf of Mexico hundreds of ROVs assisted in putting caps on the oil pipes and filter
out oil from the water.
While this story does feature the sciences and Western Washington University, this club
has received support from community businesses to research and complete the ROV. Feature the
MTC because not only is it a locally sponsored and built project, the club is competing to study
our national maritime heritage sights in the 13

annual MATE competition.

Alexis Henry

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