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Marine Technology Club Frequently Asked Questions Sheet

1. Who is the Marine Technology Club?

Since 2010, Western Washington Universitys Associate Student Marine Technology
Chapter strives to educate members through hands on experience in annually creating a

2. What is an ROV?

A remotely operated underwater vehicle is most commonly known as an ROV. For the
Marine Technology Club, an ROV is created out of PVC pipes and other readily made
materials and designed to the competition goals, which change each year.

3. Where does the Marine Technology Club take place?

The Marine Technology Club meets in various locations in Bellingham, Wash. to meet
with donors, sponsors and mentors. However, the ROV has a home in the Ross
Engineering Technology Building.

4. Why does this club and ROV technology matter?

In short, for the Marine Technology Club ROV technology challenges students with
their marine technical skills. Outside of this club, ROV technology is used in ocean
research, at ocean education institutes and by the military. For example, in 2010, ROVs
helped B.P. clean and cap the oil spill.

5. How much does an ROV cost to build?

It depends on what the ROV is being built to do and who is building them. According to
the MATE website a non-commercial ROV can be build anywhere from $8,000 to
$200,000. However, government and commercial ROVs are much more expensive
starting at roughly $20,000.

6. How can I follow what this club is doing?

There are a few websites you can us to follow us:
1) Facebook ( )
2) Associated Students website ( )
3) Visit our website (
4) MATEs Website ( )
5) Twitter: WWU MTC or @mtc_wwu

7. How can I join the club?

Come to a meeting! Our club meets on Tuesdays at 5. We meet more frequently as
competition comes closer. Please contact us with any questions.

8. How can I support the club?

As a student you can support the club by joining. There is always as a club more that we
can be doing with research and development. If you are interested come to a meeting!

As community members you can support us by watching our project grow and develop
on Facebook(

Or you can donations for building our ROV, for competition and travel expenses at our
GoFundMe account(

9. What is required and what are the various levels of competition?

There are three levels of competition:
1) Qualifiers
2) Regional
3) International

Each level has different requirements for every year. Requirements changes based off the
unique specifications that are necessary for the ROV.

10. Who can I contact?

For more information or questions please contact either key member:

Emily Kunz, President,
James Kintzele, Vice President,

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