Played by Liz Fichera - Excerpt

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I swallowed as my knees weakened.

I could use a little help, that much was

certain, but would it make me look pretty? Jenna Gibbons-pretty? Jenna
Gibbons was without a doubt the most gorgeous girl in our sophomore class.
To make matters worse for every other girl at school, she had a twin sister,
Jeniel, who looked eactly like her but wasn!t as outgoing " which was a
good thing, because two perfect Jennas on the planet would be more than
any girl could handle. #ith their wavy black hair and killer blue eyes, the
twins could seriously be teen models. #hy did some girls have all the luck?
$%ut won!t it leave a scar?& I said, weakening beneath 'rew!s unrelenting
$)o scars. It!ll *ust leave a little red mark. +ike an ant bite. It!ll be gone by
$Tomorrow?& ,y voice rose. $#hat about tonight? ,y mom will freak.&
'rew!s eyes rolled. $-our mom will be at work, like always.& .er hand "
the one holding the syringe " lowered.
I swallowed again. 'rew had a point. )o one would see me. 'ad would
work late on a case or a trial like always, too. /yan would be at 0red!s
house, where he was living practically 1234. 5%y the way, 0red was a girl.
0red was short for 0redricka, but 0red hated her name and insisted everyone
call her 0red " and who could blame her? 6he had an old-lady name, even
though she was one of the coolest *unior girls at school, in my opinion.7
%esides, I!d overheard 6helley ,c,ahon say at lunch that other girls at
school had tried %8T89, even Jenna Gibbons. That was why I remembered.
That was why I was standing in 'rew!s enormous bathroom, pressed against
the double marble sinks, inches from a sadistic-looking syringe, s:uinting
into about one hundred obnoiously steaming-hot vanity lights. ,aybe there
was something to this %8T89 fren(y? ;nd maybe feeling pretty was *ust as
important as being pretty. $8kay,& I heard myself say. $'o it. %etween my
eyes. Just once.&
'rew flashed a triumphant smile, her thumb ready at the end of the pump.
$Trust me, after you see what this will do, you!ll be begging for more.&
$#on!t your dad notice it missing?&
6he shrugged. $.e hasn!t so far.&
Then she positioned the syringe inches above my forehead.
I sucked in a breath.
$+ean back,& she said, reaching for my neck with her other hand.

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