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1oplc SelecLlon (w/ 2
cholce): Wednesday, !anuary 13
vla d2L (flrsL come, flrsL served")
lndlvldual AnnoLaLed 8lbllography (6 of your grade): Monday, lebruary 3
lndlvldual 8esearch aper (11): Wednesday, lebruary 19
Croup resenLaLlons (8):
LlecLronlc resenLaLlons SubmlLLed: noon on 1hursday, lebruary 27 vla d2L
Cral resenLaLlons wlll be glven durlng weeks 9-10 (March 3 - March 12)

ln Lhls asslgnmenL, we wlll delve lnLo ma[or susLalnablllLy lssues around Lhe world. Along Lhe
way, lL ls my hope LhaL you wlll learn a good deal noL only abouL Lhe lssue you reporL on, buL
also abouL Lhe reglon you choose and lLs people. ?ou mlghL also learn someLhlng abouL Lhe
follles of llnear Lhlnklng and Lhe lnevlLable lnLerweavlng of envlronmenLal lssues wlLh pollLlcs
and economlcs. ?ou wlll also galn more experlence ln llLeraLure-based research meLhods,
wrlLlng Lechnlcal papers, and group work.

1he flrsL sLep ln any research pro[ecL should be Lo ask yourself a few quesLlons. WhaL ls Lhe
quesLlon you are Lrylng Lo answer and whaL klnd of lnformaLlon do you need Lo answer lL?
Where should you look Lo flnd LhaL lnformaLlon? Llbrarlans aL orLland SLaLe's Mlllar Llbrary
have creaLed a very good 8esearch Survlval " gulde LhaL you can read onllne:

?ou wlll need Lo flnd and read several lndependenL sources of lnformaLlon for Lhls pro[ecL. ?ou
may use sclenLlflc [ournal arLlcles, LexLbooks, daLed and referenced webslLes malnLalned by
professlonal sclenLlsLs and hlsLorlans, as well as popular books grounded ln scholarly research.

A scholarly reference ls one LhaL has a clearly deflned daLe and auLhorshlp, and reporLs on
research performed by Lhe auLhor (prlmary research") or ls a synLhesls, wlLh concluslons, of
research performed by oLhers (secondary research" or a revlew"). Any reference LhaL has
undergone a peer revlew process ls consldered scholarly. Mlllar Llbrary's survlval gulde offers
some good advlce for evaluaLlng references. 1he Wlklpedla enLry for scholarly meLhod ls also
worLh readlng. ?ou need Lo use !" $%!&" '()* &+,($!*$- *%'%*%.+%&/
A popular medla" reference ls everyLhlng else. opular resources are lnLended for a general,
nonspeclallsL audlence and are elLher revlews of research conducLed by oLhers or oplnlon
arLlcles. Lxamples lnclude mosL of Lhe maLerlal avallable on Lhe web, books wrlLLen for a
general audlence (unless Lhey are well sourced, as ls Lhe case for our LexLbook, 1he WorsL Pard
1lme), news magazlnes, and newspapers. Some of Lhls maLerlal can be very useful buL because
lL represenLs elLher oplnlon or ls noL wrlLLen by a speclallsL ln a relevanL fleld, lL ls a less rellable
source of lnformaLlon Lhan scholarly research.

ln Lhls asslgnmenL, we wlll delve lnLo some case sLudles LhaL hlghllghL Lhe lnLerrelaLlonshlps
beLween populaLlon growLh, urbanlzaLlon, cllmaLe change and Lhelr lmpacLs on crlLlcal
resources, parLlcularly waLer. ?ou are Lo parLner up wlLh Lwo oLher sLudenLs and selecL a
general Loplc area of lnLeresL. Some posslble Loplc Lhemes are llsLed aL Lhe end of
Lhls asslgnmenL.

Lach lndlvldual musL Lake a dlsLlncLly dlfferenL parL of Lhe sLory Lo research, Lhese roles need Lo
be clearly esLabllshed and agreed upon before you begln work. Some aspecLs of Lhe lssue LhaL
an lndlvldual may wlsh Lo focus on lnclude culLural hlsLory or hlsLorles, reglonal economlcs, Lhe
rooLs of Lhe speclflc problem, lmpacL of problem ln Lerms of human sufferlng or economlc
developmenL, or acLlons (proposed or belng Laken) Lo address problem. 1he sLraLegy chosen ls
besL deLermlned by conslderlng Lhe naLure of Lhe lssue, lncludlng Lhe number of affecLed
parLles / ecosysLems and poLenLlal soluLlons. lL would be advlsable Lo choose lndlvldual
research areas LhaL can readlly be merged lnLo a unlfled and coherenL sLory. 1hus, lL ls crlLlcal
LhaL each member of your group do some prellmlnary research and dlscuss Lhe lssue as qulckly
as posslble.

Lach lndlvldual wlll wrlLe a research paper, flve Lo Len pages ln lengLh, on a speclflc aspecL of
Lhe group's Lheme.1he lnformaLlon you use ln wrlLlng your Loplc revlew should come from
scholarly sources and Lhose sources should be clLed and referenced uslng AA formaLLlng.
lease use aL leasL slx sources. AL leasL four should be scholarly works and aL leasL Lhree of
Lhese need Lo be peer revlewed [ournal arLlcles. CLher members of your group may use no
more Lhan Lwo of your references. no more Lhan Lwo can be sLrlcLly web based. 1ry noL Lo be
overly rellanL on dlrecL quoLes or paraphraslng of someone's wrlLlng. ?our wrlLlng should
represenL your own LhoughLs on your Loplc, resulLlng from Lhe synLhesls of all you have read.
8emember Lo acknowledge Lhe source anyLlme you menLlon speclflc lnformaLlon and lf you do
paraphrase. Lach group wlll selecL one relaLlvely shorL readlng of general lnLeresL Lo share wlLh
Lhe class.
Lach group wlll prepare a presenLaLlon Lo be glven Lo class and lead a quesLlon and answer
sesslon wlLh Lhe class. lL ls assumed LhaL each group wlll have ~23 Lo 30 mlnuLes, wlLh a
presenLaLlon lengLh of 13 Lo 20 mlnuLes. lL ls expecLed LhaL everyone wlll presenL aspecLs of
Lhelr own research. Lmphasls should, however, be placed on synLheslzlng lndlvldual efforLs Lo
Lell a seamless sLory." lndlvldual grades wlll be deLermlned by how successful you are aL Lhls
and by Lhe overall quallLy, clarlLy and conLenL of your presenLaLlon. ?ou should use Lhe
remalnder of your Llme Lo engage your classmaLes abouL Lhe lssue. ?ou are free Lo use
whaLever sLraLegles you wanL Lo faclllLaLe LhaL engagemenL.
osslble 8esearch 1oplc Areas
1. opulaLlon & resource sLresses ln !akarLa, uelhl, Mexlco ClLy, Manlla or San aulo
2. uammlng & overuse of lndus 8lver ln aklsLan
3. WaLer dlspuLes ln kashmlr, lndla & aklsLan
4. Aqulfer drawdowns ln Canges basln (lndla) or wesLern Mexlco
3. uralnlng of Lhe anLanal weLland on Lhe araguay 8lver, 8razll
6. namlblan dam lmpacLs on Lhe Ckavanga uelLa ln 8oLswana
7. Shrlnklng Lake Chad, nlgerla, nlger, Chad
8. uammlng and loss of specles dlverslLy on Lhe Mekong (Chlna & Cambodla)
9. 1he dralnlng & resLrucLurlng of waLerways ln Lhe klamaLh 8asln (C8 & CA)
10. WaLer prlvaLlzaLlon ln 8ollvla (or Mlchlgan or Cregon)
11. ueforesLaLlon ln Madagascar (or PalLl)
12. uecllne of coral reefs ln 8razll or Pawall
13. uecllne of Luropean flsh sLocks
14. lmpacL of AlberLa Cll 1ar Sands uevelopmenL
13. lmpacLs of human dlsplacemenLs due Lo war ln Syrla or Sudan

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