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What did I learn about Excel and Living on My Own

LAC= Life After College LOM=Leftover Money TYE=Total Yearly Expenses
TME= Total Monthly Expenses MI= Monthly Expenses
Part 1: Correct LAC
1. Open your LAC from your drop box.
. Loo! at the "omments in s"hoolloop next to your assignment
#. $ix all the "hanges that % have "ommented on ex"ept for the "lothing "omments
&. %f you don't understand something as! your neighbors( then me if they "annot
). *hen you have finished "orre"ting your LAC( please re+turn it in to the LAC
Final Drop Box

Part 2: EFLECT on t!e "#ill" yo$ !a%e learne& in Excel an& '!at it ta#e" to li%e
on yo$r o'n 'rite ()1* +$llet point" on eac! o, t!e ,ollo'in- .$e"tion"

1. ,ame - things you learned from using a spreadsheet on Ex"el.
o I learned how to calculate without using the calculator.
o I learned how to color the columns but, still having the dividers.
o I learned how to organize my finances.
o I learned how to have different sheets
o I learned not only how to organize finances but to take inventory.
o Color coordinate
o I learned how to use the spreadsheet

. *hat /ere your favorite short "uts you used on ex"el and /hy.
Adding things up in the columns because it saves more time than
mental math and an actual calculator.
#. 0o/ /ill you use ex"el /hen you get older. 1for /hat2
I will use excel to organize my finances and everything else.
&. *hat did you li!e about the "hart /i3ard 1pie "hart2.
The variety of options
). *hat "ategories did you have to eliminate or modify in order to not be in debt.
None of them
4. *hat did you learn about life as an adult( by doing your household expenses
pro5e"t. 1) bullets2
o ife is expensive.
o I!m better off getting a roommate
o I can!t be an impulse shopper
o "aving a budget is one of the smartest things I can do.
What did I learn about Excel and Living on My Own
o I!m going to #hop at a thrift store.
-. *hat did you en5oy about this pro5e"t. 1) bullets2
%t opened up my eyes to reality
% li!ed organi3ing things
% li!ed seeing ho/ mu"h the life % /anted live "ost
% en5oyed the ex"el
% en5oyed "al"ulating my monthly and yearly expenses.
6. *hat /ould you "hange about this pro5e"t. 1) bullets2
The due date
0onestly nothing else.

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