Hardness and Texture Ws

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So Hard! So Fluffy!

"Hardness" is how hard an object is.

For example, a rock is very hard, while jello
is not very hard. !ou can also describe
somethin" as "soft", such as a "ummy worm!
#he more hard an object is, the more firm it
is. $ soft object is usually easier to break than a hard object.
"#exture" is how an object feels. !ou can touch your desk
and feel that the surface is smooth! %r you can touch a do"
and feel that it is furry! Some other ways to describe
texture are rou"h, prickly, sharp, bumpy, and slimy. &an you
ima"ine what an alli"ator's skin feels like(
Hardness and #exture are both ways of observin" somethin". So if you want
to be a "ood scientist, write down your observations! !ou can write down the
hardness and texture of different objects to practice bein" a "ood scientist!

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